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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1957, p. 1

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LY' YL20Ne.. 0 I ~i!~ ~5~aJ OMNO, ONT.. APPIL t8th 1957 Subscription $1.50 per year Two Fire Departme-nts Fighit W.C.T.U. MEETING On Tuesday, April l6th the Wolli Blaze At Urono Wood Products en's Christhia Temiperanif-ce Union heïd ther meeting at the homne of the Presidýenit Mrs. Walsh. CIIRcauingEveWS2 The meeting commenreid by the Fir .cusng ver$2,00 damae "4'sinlging of a Hy1mn *Wheni 1aurvey -,roke out in the factory Of LheOron The 1st Orono Wolf Cub Pack tie Wondrous Crosýs". The devotional ~Wood PrG(duLcts on Thurlsday night. fwould like ta say "Thank you" (o al %as given by Mrs. Robt. Allun oo TIhe fire which started in thepckn those whio gave their assistance i"l"Power of fis Resurrectionl" siip- ,?nd shipping room of the facor iakiing our banquet a success. Itr a eete ri alhw16t1 thratnedlxe etie bilingan }Now we are back ta normal aad [duater 7closing with prayer, f,l1)w- o.nly with the Joint effort of the Or- once again going ta wark on tests. Fdb h ign f"baladd tono and Newcasýtle jire departmlents Our meeting op)ened wýv'Lj ithispec- j my Saviour bleed" 'was the blaze brought under ,ontrai. tion followed hy the Grand Howl. led In thebuies minutes and roll bhe lazeuas erstenrcer., caliI were responded ta. Annual ne- Th lz asfytntie hrl We played lave gameis AWho,'s Mis- ports were given-by aIl diffe 'ent de- ilbter ten o'cek 'in t3hD evening ,by Ising" aid "POOr PussY". Bba(Cathy partiments. ~emnp1ayees rwho were workin the ArsrIstokTelt star Cubs On motion by Mrs. Ro~We and Mrs night shif t at the faetory Teprs-Iand Akela <Carolyni Jones) took the Kelly that the Medial otsb.he ~ence of sinoke was observed and on J 2id star Çabs. Pni Maiý W01t. otsbehl iave-stigatinig it was found that thel Our mneeting losed with the Wolf Disýcussion was heldi regarding the iýhippiiug room at the rear of the fac- Cujb Creed (land( Prayer. (eontinued on Page 5) tor-y wasý ablaze. This room iis er-i_______ __________________________ -aed from the main factory hy a door.R po _ r m ari m n N l -Atthe ine of the fire aver $200q ,Worth Of filnishied iaterial inlingj ____________________________ the sbipping reoom rforshilii.iim e ! thel follawî,ng nmorniug, Fia.This ship- e re aeào nient was compALe l s. to thLire. On arrivai at the fire by the O roa C ,t -r ï ' y J n -ýwhich was on lban ta the Vill age'f ~ onM aeMP mJusDaAgnashaa. 'Wile their mewn trucjk wa"s being -01 yJhM.JaeMPS" 11sDunAloas al( paie.. Te ron pmp~ flboed Th(- long-awaited aninouincemient the opposition were, tryinï asg~ ~ snlctrcka~ w~ taaes ettiug JdoundaY, June lOth as Elec- sonie. sinÀîster s'inificanice ilnsofâlr as toas soon as possx jeT-e over-1 tion Day cme on Fniday evenffiig, sucesion dte, government con- ohft f the Orono PFn er had ju.st hti after Parliament coneluded tracts, etc. we're conicernied. Lu hisl bee ompleted on Thursuay after-i the Fifthi Session of t1he 22ra Parlia- usual forn, Mr.- Howe la:shed ut at men of Caada Nw, hethosé wýho by 1inueudo soaght ta de- whleels will start ta turn faster anid stroy is goad nlame and broughtb out A . eal was placed ta ecslefs as local and national pOîitical the fac ha mrnany' yeara ibe hll who quilçly irespouidedi under the- Mu-îpaýrties speedi up thei- activitiesl in e adpries usinessty gavera tua1 Aid Agreemient and the effort ofpeprto for the big day. ,etadpiaebsns îlaj t departinents extiniýishedife Considerable Legislation Coincluded nynesucessfully attackintg bis ne- 1 ~patatian as an honest man. The de- STbiee lines of hose~ were laid, Duriing Fina Week bate 'becanxe especially heated ia the amIwer liurd lVe hebu1din lie final -week clea-ned up consid- fina- hours of the session aidi un- frein bath side sud also fought frain erable legistiation including the bas- doubtedly, will be useýd for..paiitical inid.pital insurtance hiLl. Several Votes propagauida during the fortheoirtg I>anage t.o the building consistedi were niecessanr befare this bill re- lecion. e)f the shhipping roomi at the rear, ceived final approval bceicaueoppot Expect About 9,200,000 Whic ~wa totall desroy~,. ostsitian parties,wanted the gcverumlentEgieToVe al~ wns a' ' bou)-ta ogo further in sharng the cost with Tis elionib Vo itted ~ cetîe ýýiiow ndabuttw-tirsthe 1roviace, although. already the Tiseeciol i i *1 pýced ta did net cave in bat iV la deeme-d an- is e nnutda u t -d igible Vo vote; The enuimeration-, donce c5af e. ilt a o 20 ilos in the uri-ban areas by represent ati ves Naw, al t a inecessaryv befone the of thetw leadinig political partie, Mý,inor damnage ta equipilnt did ex- Plan'is launched is for one more pro- pdi h ua ra yel 3ehowee h mjrt'wsoî vinca ta indicate its approval. When aninthruaaesbyoeer- scerched by the heat. -The greatest final lreadiing was heldi up for a day snaieapitdo e~mna or s intheCorimon, ilan oflistion froi the leading politici party, loss ia machiueny was Vo au electran- o ol h omn7mu fu will commalce on Monday, April 22nd.t le miachine uaed Vo ca-ne glfue and i beiieved Heaath Miistar Martin had I fi ra oteueaoshv this there is thouight Vo bacansider- aimat ah v agemendt with that aiar ea, melpt ed nde raohve *ç,b1e dainage. This machine is the anly esntilsxhpoic n a o-Iaraybe eetaadapae ~o~eef ts indla Cnad. Têrewasing toaianounce the fact when third byhaRtaigOfcr ~3eocoaideabu damge o faisedireading was int'raduced. Howeven, ap-1IEetotWl e als0 cnsierbledanagetofiilshd parently aur beliefs vwere net accur- i Record Numrtber of Candidates ~4eis.aVe. WiVth ýny kiud of iack, the plan I Information indicatea that the Li-b- Aferk week-end ceanup a portion 1 hould came luto effect ln Ontario lI enals ~wil mn candidates in al! 265 ,cd te plant was back la operation on ~January, 1959 'andi should pro e ats and tihe Conservatives pro 'bably lWouday -maining but it la understood roal beau ta maany who have suffered wil la the saine. The 00F lis nig thal t iyl ha ometime bef,1-e fulltrýemenidau.s financial loas because Of for- 200 candidates andi the Social operations can again nresaine. lna. Credit party. which la hboping ta move _ Opposition 'Make Supreaie Effort 1into Eastbern Cana,,da, plans for about The Orono Wood Froducts has, Overl oCr ikse 50) or mare candidates. Ia 1953, theree the yearsninanufactured moulded uî ,ToCrat Isuswere 896 candidates la the fieldi for woods aiqd last year extended thifr Duringl the last davs, Opposition rpperatioi~s into modern furniture anid forces made an ail out effurtabrn were filling many orders ýin this jUnMe. out election issues suc aes te tragie death of Amnbassador Norman and thel  ý the. time of the fire 27 were conne<tin between Rt. Hon. C. D.* à*miployed: at the Orono Wood Pro- Hoiwe and Al-o;ma Steel. Mr. iowe Aucts. was named executor of the estate of Ti*llsrOnbum-rg 5eMovesJOn Win Combines Series 4-2 TIillonburg~ on Thursday and, Sat-! and absentees. Maxie Yourýth wa s -urdlay af ]est week set the pace to side-tracked through injury as was wii the semni-final series from thie Raye West. Dykstra was also absent ~Bow-maiviilk-Orono Combines. Prior f roni the line-up. This caused~ uc te Thursc1ay the serles atood at a tie2,r.'hfin of the tean which proved iiwo gaies aplece. However with thei vulnerable to the Tillsorkburg ttrac-k. Thursday and Saturday wins Ti!-ison- bang -%asA able tta tke the series 4-2. The Saturd«y ig-ht gaie in Bow- manvie ýdreýw ?a capaclity crowd The Thuisday gaine was a route wvhich w'as enteirtained w\ith i som1-"e for th(- Tlllsonburg Pan Drieds with go)od hce.Agini Yourth was de a 7-2 edg-e. This gaie was played l ii ed through njr and the effective- Tilsnhrgand saw Land strig esofRy West was reduced like- weithl a nunliber of goals and assists. îsThiis gaime went 4-2 for thie Pan Des.ThtW o oravik-rn Yhe twonimbine goals wèe ýby et ol eeb Da n ulo et froiteuu.Ti s cauLsed muc11 h BCs hre-u eeiigthe v.Edwarids. lFor this game týhe raetnme fpnlis the BOCUS were plaued ith njresg iaai on anum1 erof hs i sonhur tookopporundty 0ThOughW ForTh Wek ctxiisothCmbnsam ton a~ elesa eii~ported ttea1sa 0 speiall '11iLsoniibrg will now play GLeorge- o~oo~ t rmo~oo~o/ own for the Ontario chiampinship). ai arties. The final session ai Panhiamient laatad 71 sittinig days mai-in ita stant lat Jan. 8ti. Party standings at dissolution: Libeaas, 168; ConservaVives, 50; 00F, 22; Social Gredit, 15; Iudaipen- dents, 3; vacant, 7; otai, 265'. - Sineere Thanks For Many Kindnes"ss As bia wlll bé the final coumuna it wlll ha my privilaga Vo write 'beftctï elecxtlon day, may I express my sin- cane appreciatian Vo te neavapapers which havé puiblabed it Vencitweak. 1 do hope if, bas provedi ai intarest ta subscr'ibers hroughiout Durhant and bas- kept themi iformied af the actir- [itias o aialiiant. My sineare thianka go Va Vio)se wito bave a,,ritten lattera ,concarn)ingil this_ columan or have bnaaght their probleinls o MY attenl- tion thro,-ughout thae as four yaars. Urge Every citizen To Taka Aý1itActiVa F art In conclusion, may I adlitonialize hyý anýgjig eveny citizen ai titis finle coun- try t-akaiiauactiva intereSbtilu the campaiu wich lies abead.cLTis la aUr' djem--ocratic way aiOfrasin ar- .selvs andCouli, aur awnl ai- f airs. iatavarylur politicl e;es i uge y' a-eJaid (sm-a' yu time fjor uLSe by tintpoitci aît foratin cosey s yu wîi e al vote an eetcldy peopia of tiscotiuîY nten nîuy kndesss.IV bas b2eau agreait pln-n o hav-e servad ya-ur itr ests as hast I couldi. EDITH MAY SHERWIN iSpring Session HeId In N4ew n Miss Edith May Sherwin, a Unlited C' 1 eChunch deaconass, for many yearsj in'C u ei s E 'd g A o c ig eHospital, Bowmnanville an March 6,J inpon health frseveral years. Uie onis-eDid l . ~197, n br 7thyea. Se hd een[lntedCeulis 1o Bild Ued ColuilCinbeAdmnistton. Mfiss Sherwin was bora in Rose- Addition f), Conty Honme Building was accuipied for tihe finat 1 ie'nTuesday nmorung'when the haeath, Sept. 17, 1887, the daughbter aofWarden and Council (-,fNanthumber.. I- Williamn E. audi Jane Sherwiu. She land and Dunhamin apened their spring dwent out ta Winnipeg as a yug girl The United Cointias of Nrh -seSssion. audi worked until a few years aga as barland and Dunhain decided at the a deacouess in the All People's Mis-. session lu Cobourg Apnil il1t bulld1 Frautiag fHigbway Na. 2 at tile sian ia that ciVy. About 15 yeans egoana addition Vo the preseut home f'or ,westerly appreach ta the Vwnof Go-. fs ha retunnedi to Ontario and took up the agad in Cobourg.l bourg Vhe new structure bas been permanent residencee in Orono whvere colalted and offices of the Urnîted e brothen Robent E. Sherwia sur- The buailding 'will cost approximt.'iGauluties' have beau mroved lu. dvives lien. aby $400 000. 0f this the Ontario De- ' Sha was a imembe aofte tLnited partrn eut af Welfare wllcontnibute i Gounicillors %were luintheir places b8 y Church in Onono. Iu leisure hoeurs she $2'00,000- eno-dlock, wheu Warden Lloy4 enjoed nscand aewitig. Hooton wsuh'rdta the dilas hb The builiag wil proCo for th Clark Ken Syxins. The Fueral service was held on Thurs- e Tfha builwlllpoienfts he(' Wandeu drnsdtacounci! and~ dhl ac ,a h Marris Fanierai cr fhsia e ainsadsaid thismmaabe occsion vwas oeue Chapel, Bowmianville, with Rev. Wil- went,1 elcetptetb, a okdfrýadnii tïai Shaven of Royal York United ipated for. more th-an thni!ee yeýars. lHe Chuirch, Tarante a nd Rev. John -Kit- f exuness;ed bis gratif'ication ilu ieiýng chea aof Oroina conducting the sanvieec. Chanrles Johaston, R,-eve aiCo- the fîrst wardan Vo preside in, the new Mr. Sha1ve1r la t'he son ai the founldar bourg ad ha"ia of the camnitte, biling eH added tha:t this wais not of All Peopbe5s Mission, Wnjpgread the necamnmeadation at the ses- ,pcn eamoisfrta aein auld spake ofhl a the work dore 11lan on th'at date. the officilai opening, th,,eewihl be thara by Miss Shierwvi ns. Georg-e in June. Ha exp)resed bis apprecia.. Caýrsan of orano presided at the or- pr a be dpedwt:" a in tot the builing cammtiittea fan the gan. 1otbdbo dpe ih I adexcellenlt job that hadi bpeaucarr4ed beau sug-gested that the noa(kds eutadt !dIsmo frh ui Friends and relatives atteýnded the bridges prog-rammile is going Va reacbl. and olrk .$imehlfofortbela ui- funerali onr ono, liailton, Toron- $,0,0.That isa sainthat should te dt hexng effrton eafiathe beeudin- to, Oshawa and Rosenth. Among be handled very carefully. Can this ,santhércinotebiln. thie maa-y benutiful floral tributes eoth mlmntdwtotfr. The Rev. E. 'Hewsoni, of Mibok were thosa ai the WJ~. eX . lOrnoother cansideratiait? pranouncedi the blessiug on the riew Unitedl Chanci aad the W.C.T.U. of building, aftan wlilex Mayar t11ugla Orno -Warden Hootoin shid: "I ca't sea Maylbee of Canmpbellord, and i mmed- w'here we can. do al! af it titis yean. laVe pasV wardeu axprassad bis pIea.- m Pailbearers ware Messrs. Chas. Wae have'eu7 sean baîf the noads yet. uare et being presernt and gave mueh. Armystrong, Geo1ge- Carson, Williamu oi eo inain il b rdtt h pca uligÏomt Riddeii, Binnie Shenirwin,Edwin Lit Sne seonnedt s wiepoht reditVo iesrpcîal i 1 of ve Tk midi~~~~ Tode hri. ntretbrought up fin June. Tii epr e-teune-ehf nsip o- J. T and heoore her\ i. Inermnt commenda but the ,vork isu't always Browýn, Reeve ai Clarkte Toiwnship.' was -in Orona Cema'lter'y- doue. Ther(ý's a recomaendation lu - 0 thera tint ývas titane lest year. Gone's Reeva Brown repliad in bis speech Couflty To1d To Lnnding was i hast year. IV et it cniderd Van honaun ta VP Rad i,, alepend, upon whather we have te bave served la that capacity and nui~ money or net. -'mare are sevaral ne- Viaukeci bis comniiiittea for their spleu- commnendatians te be bnougbt'in yet." did support and ce-opanatian. He a s. -The. roads reporýt Ynl.eo4that. tea he es y gs»V{f ofptet lfriqg iCommiinissioni had an interview witih Reeve Rickard: I was mast wondui- and svay coante nldn cogratiated the wnarden o Higbwas DepatinentMinistr Jas in a ny concillors know about in Vte fii'at to preside. Referning to' Allen and A. W. Goadfelowý eaniy uittis programma. Why should ze tecah adta a eta Vihe ý7e'ar. AVttat interview Vie Higli- have five mils? Thé Rond Comiaus- i îsey ta their bde sý sps ways Minister had suggestad that te sian bas overapent every year. tVry csibe bte det a i t as ags- eoun<txes increase thein rond 111M rata muiiicipaiities hava struck thein Vax ment ai the Unitedi ~nos a$~ tira or ritrea miilis andi suggestedVtbatrates, many aifViain hava their Vax 000,0. O tecost ai Vie building if tbey didn'V inecase if they could ppr 00. Oetig esoudsr aaI t0bpasîsIssthiorý expct o hlp i'()In1,h'deartiený, akesur \V do-l' 90n'e riebalf miii, or about 4a cents par year- Reave Rend Budd, ai Port Hope,l milîs." i; each jababitaut, Wlth increaainz nsked: "WhaV la Vie nl rate?-1greowth hu population and )assessme> Chairinu Robins repiied: 111t is four Wardeni Hoeoton: Il The idea was t o Pe predictad that this ntall sunm migit but it mn ati four and a balf in 1956 geV the highways help. AIi.an said sink aveu loaver before Vao long. sa Vint an incerease Va five WOuld noV unleas we naise aur rates we wouldn't -MyrJD.Bi!eo o)ug The xepant uggested tet th iigVaay heip main hlm. Tiereffore if MyrJ .Brep~Chug Thereprt ug9stý'dtha t'e mliwe didn'V maise aur noad ratas 2 or 3 was invitadi Vo nddres te couineil rata fer rends ha nalaed frein four ta mlilîs (111-n using bis words aow) aIVe 'ad declared [his Vo ha a unlique and five par cent. wevuldn'1t geV any helip. I think that very important day in the ie ai thé. ha mnucitdifferant." - was Vie theughtin lathe cmites<aitc.It marks V'be end ai(a Reaa aretRikar, ania V nmd. If it is thJe wish ai tibia ceuncil and the beghining ai anotheir. Ha t gre'tcd the severence f-mm tiheai. t taek issue niter the Commissioan e-J (atneio page 3) said thea new buildinilg is aeu baatyand ha vsipes wvay iV is finisited. Ha addad haVé R-0 could enjoy iV bettar if ha di.dIn't knlsW W.A. Report $64.00 Net te a t a ari.Ter éa sentimental value ' toaced thVe 01à F rodm Tea And Cook Sale buidn,- i > adbt eip zsnîp betaveen te toavu and teL cour.- 'me mnnVly nmeeting of thé % Wo f5 attheavs Gospel: If any tni wi l1 a el a'ne-amnosy mian's Associat inwa iad on 'murs-1 comlea aiter m otm-aeup b i MurrW. N. IlorofaiPart ope, day aftarnoo -n, Apni-1 -11i la ia un ieç sandi feow ime, saying His sacri- saidt day School roain, 'with the president, ffice on te Crýo&s sbauld gavera te witijt Mna. Kitchen presidiag. The mieetinglattitude we 4ake oward avery cross lated apened vahhthVie IW.A. themne sang wve are called on Vo bsar and Vint Vite fan ke andi mao Te Secreicery readi te good ave could do lu aur Wonaa's orniglu mintes oaie V ite M nci ting and dVe arganizations could noV ha estininý ted LMaya:1 Treasuran gave bar report, $64.73 avas ievcryinmiher pnned "selfpartAi made et aur Tean an-d Home Coaking Sacrifice." Frayer and te singing of ha Vi( Sale ln Fehruary. 'Che Cor. Secs ne- hymn 360 "Take uxp thy Cross" was cun parted sanding 10 iianda Vo te ick fallowed hy Ensten r de hov y anýdt b and bercnavedi a ur char-ch and ne XMs.Ktchen. 'rusent eivad a raply frmi M m ser nnd 1Mns C iailiy. T\wanty-Cive do-lleias ghiven . arsan sang ain appropriate rsî ta 01ar-Local Red Cross and ss.00 Vo- sala Vo acc"llimpany thof ituls. OCI avard a imembbrslhip linte United Hm -10 "hedy i esurcto Nations. - wMs suug Vo cloe te Dvoioal Mya iis.Kitch-en andti Mrs. Billings avare Mr.. J. Tambjý, lnSuecretit Acfo apipointed d'eegte's ta Via Annual 11Fr.indship and Christ-ian-Searsi MeýetLing of Vt WA xeb'erytabe ad chnge oifte pragi'am wh'c held in Nawcastle (Dchar on Titas- Prs specialy arranged for tie sbi t- diq, ApAil2M. Wa are honoarati in s memben s ai aur caugraioxi Stedet,-. aurjj W.A. iOrono tA have as onaaie econd Ih ldispresent andgaVe oue' moabacive nmemiiers the Fresi acodil nvtaton V oncae e A den, ai the Oshe\va rsyeyWA oîtti asbeSi nie re lion tic past Vwa yeazs, Ors. 3M .i~Semur Va the iront and aiter ex- fin 1? ~ ~ ý,î tmln i xiih esidiSngut Vie pesig a be Vihaitýs and apýpre- Pnd i".wcati metin at Y iAhped c )ton fia embrsfor hlir an eMs 9tit l MladescafOur charchi ail a-neux tedt a ige1. îtbers anmi givehau iîgs~iepnsne irasolo Mrs. aviia'LU ii'Membrhipceifatdo Cie suppori "ite nse.at Ms aa pe tda Liire Word bai ie Devotionni andi gave Meqmbershî pin. Mes. Seymour huiik- The thogilpnook~g Este mesag cd keldes and expresseth ie pleas- and 2 takin as hr th eSli SacriCe reithad been fan b er ta work for avas s Sic based ber rexnarks on less 4 ite W.A. under Vie duirent presi- graup tint ha avas gieatly impraestsédi the neav building and tirangneu- J. T. Brown anti his cammii-ittée tcping their coats so close Vo tNe ai budget.Ha ereeLi dto%'ea )r J. D. Buruet speak Sadly Of ng f rou the SI d building. Ha said ougit ha shouid ha proudti th ies hdasttld doauin Cobourg ulît suc a fine str"uure.uV nom ts eificieucey, lie said, and shýoald lt incuttiag fdown Vie Vax. ens Whoa spoke included tea rl o, Ponttypool], John Paýyue, and hy offciaIs. film, Evngelsin iluift :ton Vo ail iet, To t!e more eu . nE\ art lu Own rmdneai o "IV i:s no Secret wavItLýat Goact 27 visitavae reýporjlted. Lun&ýj served by Mns. Tambl,ýyn and lier 1and a sociaul Viin.e einoyed. fi FE i

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