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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1957, p. 3

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EEKLY TIMES TIJRSDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 D ELMONTE ]BRAND PINEAPPLE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICES1% 4 cz33c LIBBY'S FANCY 15 oz. tin PEAS 3 07%for 47c LUSHUS JELLY3fo ROBIN HOOD, ALL PUTRPOSE FLOUR1-7% 49c Good Luck Margarine....-- -.....15 c Kraft Party Snackçs, 4 oz. pkg. 25e Sunspuni Salad Dressing 16 oz. 37e Birdsey'e Strawberries 15 oz. pkg. 43c Birdseye Cut Corn, 12 oz. pkg. 27c. Birdseye Mixed Vegetables Il ounce package .----- CADBIARUY'S INSTANT ' Oualitv Meats S5c fi GCradle4"A" - Oven Ready_12 to 16 lb.aerg lb in ~ urkeys lb 4 c BLUE BO'NNET, yeiiow quik fSvSwift's P'remium - E.uiiy Cooked Skinless - Whioie or haif Short MARGARINE SHPANK NAM$ lb 69c lb plg 34c FuIIy Cooked PIOCN NS lb 49c gSwift's Prenium - Sýmoked PARAMOIJNT Fancy Sockeye COTTAGE ROLL lb 69c Q MË 1ZEWB i Bruakfield 1hê~ 4<JSAUSAGE MEAT]b 45c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 2 rolis33 Q2uality Produce SITNKIST "EASTER EATIN"- LARGE Oranges sizE ONTARIO F.ANCY GRADE NORTHERN Spy Apples PALM GARDEN BRAND SELECT QU.ALITY Tomatcoes This, Store Wil Be- Open T hurs. & Sat. Night Q fi 0Of This Week CAl11 doz 49c 3lb polly 37c cello'tube 29c Tomato Suïcelr stainles:- steel 19)c TASTY GOLDEN S weet Potatoes 2 bsý 19c Your Choce of Popular RAS RSTENDER lyers, Màatinee, Export, Black Ct,et Caporal Le c'tn d200 $2.89 leac.hl5c UCornish' sRed &Whit 1< nd.q Npowqz Eau ULM §lui âd DRONO TINSHO!P1 Tli *endIEuuu em'sIiiitu Il v at the home Of Mrs. Hlatcher F'oster on Wenesdy, April lOth ýwth the_ pron et Mrs. E. Co)uroux presiPlng. The rol cail was auiwered by sug- gest;ions on ho-ýw to e ersuicde tVh&gw- bers to take office. Electioneof ~- fiýcer's for the coming year was coen- I ducted and ?vMis. E. Courpux remnains as prýesidýenit, ;jWls. M. Manders lat vice presidenit and Mrs. Rýeg.Elit as 2nd vice pr.esident. Mrs. Wm. Mer- oeiýt rmains as secretary-treas-uer anid Mrs. Hatc-her Foster as assistant secretary. Mrs. Garland Cathati s District D ircectorv. Gonveners for StandinigGonimittees are to be con- tacted Vo see if they wil take thel same Office for anOthner year as some were notpet at the meeting. Aný amusing poemn enti-tled "The Ladies'i Sewing Cii-cie" was giy-en by Mrs.' Garland Cathcart and a discussion onj current events provedl very nest - img. The ladies brouglit many items for therveln basket, but iV won't have to do muuch travelling as most of the gifts were bought' alter the meeting. Therec was~ a pretty q>== doiiey c-roch'eted by Mrrs. Georgef Mevcer, tw,,o pretty aiprons made byg Mr.G. Çathicart and MI¶es. flatcher Foster, 'somne tatfdge byý Mrs. M'm. _Merce2r, wichýl was b)oighit :and 1 ha-nded out Vo thle klies, etc. A) jumn- bld orýd cont'eszt 1onu 1te -'Mis, f E. -LI'U C roxWaýs (ejoyed anid after the meetinig ciosýed by thie sing;ii,, of f lunch and njoeda sca ie Mr11. nd Ms Wm: Mrcrhaxe re f tuined home 1 jromý Flo1ida wher,ýe they' spen:t thie wiuter mnh and a-reý looing quite well anid brown1. Vst ling w t Vem on ISuilday were -M. and( rs Vanice le and f amiiily ofr Leskard. Davýid Rouughley and Fred Ander- 1 son stayed over might with their anid Mas Wifred L"', ~ yaîsDon-. nie anid DMrs. Edith i ýguoca jj -Osh- t aýWa visitefd wthte1ii iav and ýFred and Ro.ss Gay'\lneLechum l Grant Tamo4nin <j11, fl rn-,oundav. î Phone 11816 Oronoe, Onit. ROYAL THEATRE DO WMAN VILLMEj THU RS. - SAT-.- APRIL 18 - 20 Matinc *eliay and Stra -2pm prese rits3 EGAN Last Cempiete S'how 9 p.m. OMG1~O WE Mvrs. L. Thornie is flot reelig'...SU..TADT ~ + 21 well Lhese d'ays %we are sorry to ksay. SUN. MID-IT APR- J 1 , 1:1 She suff!ers qit a bit of pain when trying 'to miore,. We hope as Othie -' r e c n e u , weafhc'r gets \wa. ner she wili be fée1- 1h ; m ng', betr.- Adit - Suiperse,'ope Friendsjn iKenidal M1v. rn "or Cimia OutAise hear of tepassin-gofM, m Teb- "FrCrmIr u Loud" (3 StOo1ges ) hie at theý home of bis brother Ceeu o in Or-ono recenitiy after ai long i'lineýss o lielivd ithhi brthr i Knda oMON. and TUTES.- APRIL 22 23 until his la.st iliness. Swmpathy of the conîmutmy-, is extended to his o fanm1i 1y. Rev. Fisher of Newc!astie pece the seiirmo at KndlUnitd Church 2o on~ Sundý ay morninig last and Com -[ munion wis adi(iinisteiedi. Mrs. West- hieuser was the organist. gdri -ok lg4dlt IRIHNCIH Official Opening 0f confies Last Cemplete Showy 9:10 Biidiiig Expected June 19 ~ -Ese oda2p Special Matinee, Ese I dy-2 - m Reeve J. Brown, Clark-e Township, disclosedl that the new ocfficiai open-' â th - %, z r ing of thie new couinties' buiild1ing, ak fihen Cobourg, -wi take pince in Jun 'M "paIal o h 19h, ttesecond, Adventure, starring JohniDrl day sess§ion of Counities' Counceil. aioSot ndCren ~Mr. B3ro-wn declared: "We are thinking of having several hfigh rank- f WED. - TIIURS.- APRIL 24- 25 ing government officiais here. W e haven't the facilities inside for a f large crowd anid me thought that the f EDWADL ALPERSOI HuNiTz HALL Ju.ne date would be best, aithiough it n wryBoys r is not officiai." I U Garnet Rick d Deputy-Reeve of il Darintonsad:"The Reeve of Co-~ bour-g and I have been3 thinking about,1 the same thing, maybe wve shoulidn't, a but isn't the election iia June?" 13Last Comlplete Show 8 :25 f Mr. Brown repliied: "We hIope the -:- -=--1e_- c 'c Il _e - bttiJe will be ail over by thea and t" the smoke clleared arway." 8-WIRE WOVEN EARM FENCEQ Buy CANADA CEIMENT I 51.25a Ro ~ S .25 ag Deflvered Q5E US FOR ALL YOUR BUD~G ~ I Q olIph Hardware OronO 1493- f N r N N s N., N N N N N * N N FOOD VALUES I 1 Rý NOW la The Time For NTERIOR DECORATING We can supply your needs wîth 3RANDRAMMHENDERSON Paints and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop.

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