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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Apr 1957, p. 5

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ORONO WEILY lIMES THUIISDAY, APRIL 18, 1957 'genes' al the tie and it was de-i Danc ~ oEni ermcîded that boiys would be 1requirýed toiCLNW 10. Gibbys and 5h ron, Uunbartonl. wear decent trouserýs and' a fLy.VC L1 Mr. and Ms Jack Leishimnofý athdançe Thursday.a -CU 11i1lington pentL a few days wiVh Mr. CouncilTo Give RilcordS ageod shirts.Tayo teo Coi]nmittbees mwere noýmite4i at apad rs Cus. TalrarUn Ms . J. Tamnblyn and attended' tïemeeting also. The first > miteemo ing- n their newboe eelyte funer-al of -Mrs. Clarence Mýtchell,i By Norman Rickaby ____ ace nip or Jo Amn Rutherford, Su prhaedfom th-e state of the late Pi)rt 1ope. Th, Orno igh-Shoo Stdens'Foster and Norah Wood was to de- Mis. Fý. Cofwan OoTl has o ken school da7tn Y nteeie nwc h r- sMra cKevy orn The Orono Public Scliool Teachers will be held tVhs Thur-sday nighft atl ,cr d fi- eb ivnaa i hMr it' uhrPr oeadaVeddterglar nmonthly Teach- 8o'clock. At a shiort meeting on Tues- dWc n o htrao.Mr. aind MWrs. Alfred Elitiottt Wiilow- ers' ýmeeting at Port Hope on1 Monday da~y it was decided that a danjCe wivth' The second C 0 à, wih eu i aewere weekend visitera fth rs. aftemnooni prizes for some of the dancen ,oudTyrrel and Donald Lycett ws toFrd rmacomis.beA. sel ndfini jf be held in. the new Public School looik into the- cos-u of obtaining a il e id i me Poxl.O m".Prizes; of uscd records will be Ifor the Cuclsrecerdings. r.nndMthe . W Rckay, n1drs A A.Ru si an wfamlybefr given to some of the dancers, fori -----nnd Mrs. Jack Rickaoy, Toronto, vis- motherweek Giend t visitwth er aichievements, to be announced at the, 1ited ojn Saturday with Mr. andMr>i' mo her M is Goreliat BrS bfr time.i SALE NOTICE Carl Billngs and' Mr. and Mrs. Eber joizing brhsiad ait at Ste. Sone~fth grl pesni eprssd The household effects of the latel uc.Mairie. On Saturday she was pre- J ieo h irspeeteprse oc.Sented M-tih a CUP and :sauLCer from týile tired cd seeing âno-t of the boys wear Mis. Jamnes Dickson wlll be held onl Ms d rhiMreeadEreigAx~i sa5a1 e up slightily. They said that they wereStrdyApi 27th at 1:30i p.m. atasaýj-iP e U7'ed of eeing mnost otf the boys n-eair- hber late residenc ~Terry visîlted on <Tuesday wi!th Mrs. mliader, of lie, assoeýiaji wihta loMr. and 'Mrs. Anson Langiey andi famiiîiY have mnoved into thie 1hame of Mtr, and Mr. Wm. Hoey. C-OMI11NG EVENT >Kisrby Unied C urhS unay School is presenting a spec al Easter Se-rviceý 'saaai'c nd eLne"at7:45' p.mn. on Sunciay, Apiil -21. your attendance.ac DIYFARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street: Toronto I GetReady PFor Easter DRESSES-Newv Spring styles, of polished cottons, linens, crepes and a Jiost of noveity materials, coors. Sies921/2- Price $13.95< - $29.50. BLOUSES-JIow pretty eanu blou- ses be? As pretty as the collection' yuIl see at Armstrong's. Beauifully detailed or tailored preferences. MNtany are wrinkle resistant --- wash easily-- some need littie or- nojfron- Jng at aIll Size 12-108 Price $3.25-$8.95 SKIRTS--of fine ight weighit wooI in pastel shades, dyed to match Glenayr "Kitten" sweaters. Size 12- 16. Price $950 - $17,50. -Glenayr "Kittei," SWEATE~RS- Have a look at oui' new f uit-f ashioned Kitten Sweaters. The same wonder- fut Pettal Orlon you've corne to love but a new crop of styles and pastel colors. And remtember, you can wash shrinking or stretching. Price- Short sleeved Pullovers $6.95 Cardigans $8.95. HATS-Choose your new E aster Bonnet from a fine icollection of piî"bxeýý, tambourine,ý cloches aind ,sailors designed with only one aim- to make you look your best- A good variety of colors. Price $3.95-$10.95 (4LOVES-The finishing touch for yuur new E aster oufit - a uew look ,for a favorite *suit or coat. Nylon and sueded rayon in a wide assortrnent of fancy designs. Colours pink, tur- quoise, blue, lbeige, green, white navy and black. Price 89e - $2.95 BEAD NECKLETS and EAR- RINGS- Summer whites or pastel colours. Colourful neekiets to wear with pretty blouses and dresses, ,. In- teresting matchmaker selection' off earrings in either popular buttoii or dainty feniinine cluster styles. Price each 95c, Store Open AIl Day MOiDday Return Your KPINK ENVEflLOPE EASTER SEAL CAMPAJGN TO H ELP~ C RI1P PLE D O H1LD RE N The Bowmanville Rotary ClJub BOWMÀN VILLE OTAO AnOaa nwsastovel- the Osh- Bankof ommece ad heell robbed a, r wa-s terýmed, mnofficýial. Later the1 newsý bullet'.n 1was coirre -ted as 011Y ai false alarm ~-An aiarmi, hoýwever, was turned in. from the Orono Branuh throu-gth a set- np 'tc the Orono Te-lph-one swoitch- boaird. When the s3ignal was received, at the Telephione office the Provincial Police were notified and quiekly r'ush- Jed to the Bfank. The talarni in the bank haid been accidletaly seLofrf bv a mnibhr gof J Ite stff ad ths afull round oa£ activîty resulted. EarIe Brown Appointed Assisstamît Rep. For Hran J. Ea-4e Brown, son of Mr.anud Irah7. James Brown of Nioslhais Wbeu appoiu'ted as assistant agiu-f I ural repie uatve for D=rha flýaPnty. Mr. Bi-own1i who was chamn- pion livesboek showman at the Col- ljege Royal at the Ontaro gri u- Jtural College lasft ionth, isla, uner Jgradjuate of that college, andi will be, employed a- sis tn to E. A. Sumi- mers in Mhs office in Bowmianv-,ille for tLhe summner mionths. With Enster exams over the-re was a grood turaout oýf Gid Guides at their feg-ular wekymeetLingl Tues- day uveing. IThe meetinîg openeod, as uual, with inspection. Thie gu'ides then went te their patrol corners te do patrel Work. JoAnu Rutherford tnughit the Guides how te square lash. An Best led in ISandra Mercer, MWarilyn and Susan IMajor- and Patsy Joues g-ave a short lay about the Union Jack. Thne meeitng c1.sed with ErlaYer' Taps. W.C.T.U. Couurty Convention te be held ln Ai- bert S.United hrcOhaao ïMay 1st. Oronio Union were lefIt re- sIponsible fo'r norniug devotionis taken by Ms R. Alai and Mis;. Carson. r.H.WalJsh r'-ad thrieà xcln resolutions vw-hich she had previeusty prepared te be presentited te the re- sltoscomtiittee at the conventionj The e ),et'.ing closed by repeatingl bihe -"Lord's Prayer" lu unisn Good Friday UNITED CH URCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. J. Kitchen Service at il ocloek Orono. BASTER SERVICES OYRONO: Suniday Srhool at 10> Service at 11 SERX ICE 0F !MUS i?" LE5ARDChu c Sevice and Suné- day S-hoo1 at 2 IIRBY- Sunday Schocy1la preseat- ing a spec'iêl Eater Service "Crossesj and Fine Linen" a.t 7:45 p.m.' I I f $ ~tir ~I1uîîIii~rurr iif nttwr~ - ~ shoüuld prompt you to cali uapon us in tim-e ofsorw We str-ess simýiple- beautiful serivices that poeconisolinig to the b,.eeaved. HARTLY H. ARL0 Phone 1187 FUNERAL HOME Orono, Ont. Phone 1182 04 - ~ Hcw un IronFie VORTEX BURNMER Ordinary gun-type oil burner M I ~ E S enclose the. flame in a pit-, wasting much of the heat. Iron PirDG ET money-saving Vortex oil burner baket evry BU GE inch of heating surface with rich radiant lient, i R MS givsng you substantial fuel savings. CON VERT YOUR OLO FURNACE OR DILER, OR INSTALL A SELF-FIRED UNIT Why pay for heat yout're not getting? An iron Fireman Vortex can be instaIIed la your present furnace or boiler ln just a few hours-and then watck your fuel bUis go down, home cornrt go up. Complet. self-fired Vortex units are available toc. Exclusive loün Fireiman auto-. matic contrli. Phonem rwi4 îtus week sure, for a 1'REE survey. Orono Eue! and 7LUnhL td O rone - Phone 14816 ~ s -4 -4 -4 Evenigs Friday & Saturdai W.sudnesday Open Ail Dae Armstro ng s -Easter Gif J+ Suggestion Lady Bethi Nylon ilose, sheer, stretch, fulfsh ioned, sizes A, B and C. Pair for ......... $1.29 Nylon HoseLadyv Beth, dress sheer, 15 denier, Sizes 81 2 to 111, Ipair- 8cHj Nylon lose, Lady Beth, longer wear, sizes A, 1B t-win threads, stretc ow N and C. Pair....$1.49 MnsSotSitCo-t, lon sleeves, two-way Colarattactvepatterns; size S., M., L. . $2.9S BysSport Shits lngsleeves, attreace', patterns" sizeCs 8 to 16. Each......... $1.49 Men's Al-'Nylon Socks, StEretch, okate, One size, pair for ...................... 79e. Jeans, Misses, Chino Drill, Jvy League, ard legs, Beit loops,,colelurs sandstonie orCarba. ble.Szes 12 to 18. Pair. ...... Tablecloth, flowýered cotton, colors gr--eeni, redi, yellow, grey on white bakrU&Gurae washable. Sizes abý:out 48 s x 418 ims. Each .. 5c Raincoa-)ts, li, colorýs red and green. Size 6 to 12 yeèars. Special redtuced price ............$1.49 As. Store will be close(, all day Fiday, m-2 iil.vemai'n OIpen Sa'tuîd Cay even,ing for 'oui- coniveieiice. Op, Friday evcniings unjilIM o0 'eiocki for your couvenuence la 4- N -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 44 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -'4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 --4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 '4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 N N -4 N -4 '--4 --4 -4 -4 -4 -4 ~~1 -4 -4 -4 -4 '1 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -i -4 -4

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