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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1957, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIllES TIJRSDA1, APRIL 25th, 19,57. W BroprlBgisE I îCi tU ùh Grtario Departent1 finiger weeder in tihe destruction of Pre-emnergent deffeniical control 3m i F s i g n e ess M n W,4h hebein1n <' n a epdre-ed iten tweedpaftrq crp suclh as cera or soybeans, Onlylers tW the soul surface before the Wit ýh- egin',,ý o spin iny b dvidd ntotw pats- cl-thle top one or two incee o oi edsa crop emerge from the r frWt' o m n th ie ¶iiand pre- ceùmeal tral c n d us ftrte ieneof "althedsandlcto feeia edkl ~p ri e v gýthw stocre lf, trladeeia.C1ua ôtoshouki be worked so that no more ground. The chemnical le applied when e o tn e v -bWr*,e be erere rom te sileswhih s a odenate.odcothe Dfthe crop is sown or Meoreit sgws!Catches 'S nn o w n a sst r tthe y e" P r e v e nton -ihe s eAopt h aa rhw ,a sL au u a lnd-ret e -vna tth o u s ant e g r u no.T h i soet h d i to Weed Control" because weeds are Apî'iL brings ithe simeit run and of fish fromn the water, the.re'l1 ikl ,i Ï& destroyed before they staa't to com- once again, nature begins i cycle or be millions oft fish left. & 4te witih the crop for plant food axýd repr-oduction wýhich evidently cannoti hi i~u na C un y P og es iv C nse va iv (l noisture. b. stopped once it bas begun. Even Ti year the smiel't hunt w D u ha - 6u ty Pr gr ssve Co se va iv Pre-ernergent treatments give pro- though thousands cf Ontairio fishet,- een morensve for by achne mlise of weed control mun several rmon, both sport and commercial, ,vill, jin fisheries regulations no licence ssaý (-continiiued on pa~ge 3) rqirdfor dip nets up ta six feet ýn Assoiatin ___________________ dirneter by residents. Last yea&r ft cost 91 for dip nets o,- over three fi _ ___ ____ ___ ___* Fora 3U-foot seine t~he dollar liceane- is still rcquired by residents. F F I I fia a relatively .e e i a - major fishing events, and nues&ne Newcastle Community Hall i - At S.15 p.M. I FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH f SPEAKERS -t Joian DIEFENBAKER Progressive Conàevative Leadler I Coming t'O Orono Friday, May 3 rd cansada'% Mhrsier 01 Agri- culture, Mt. non. J. G. Gardîner, wIlMake ie pa4rmrtsIn urliam mwhen lie WiliOutline the Gpev- trumeent's Agriciea Ut. HeOi, J. G-. Gardiner Jo 1hn M. James Liserai Candidate for Durharn will alsop address the metetinig. EVERYONE WELCOME Durhamn Liberal Ass6eiation. mi "You'II like it everi berter 'when you buy il AGENERAL MOTORS VALUE You "aa nec i% a mighty imipreeýsix e car. But ,wait. mian's eyes. Biît iait 'tii voi fe(!el 'r nl when al Wlait 'tii yen feel wbat- il messie te own Ibis fintt hatiei bl cmfwr ad re-punsc avre n-stý no of ail OMdemebiles. dillAnwaIýttch hoIIotie lady ýin %1our .life tksto Sure, it'. sensatinalin th Iïa loron--here's th, Odrnblsclebrated lfa4hioni, (ldmhue' x. rici tde bigistr kin of eegance thut imakem an, us-y. OLdaoulc'ssrhuem en w of ptl%. I10 r %c at- s'sheart beat a littie fastes-. But wa1l jt ti ~ mn' acig d i b nu.ste our pride. Jelthe.pride when il alwflawl graoe and glamnour bcomtire part üof-y-ur 1wey of(J> hfe! ,Sure, ite sepetacular on 4dmnsrtoadie Lre tise famous big..oar ride, thse flahing Rocket postïer tsst brings a siudde" joyful liglit to aliy Give in tei lia t urge. M p fketseimpýortan)t rmove tip te Oldsý. la u like lt uow-but juet wait 'tii you mtart living wtitlit . . . It', easier te arrang"e thanl V6u tind. Cosse oin l, price ithe finest of A Oldsmnobileel COU RTUOE I -SeeI!aSte quite uniderstand whsy. , fish miake their slpawnînig ruas at night. t is usaLlý,jy cold, inevitabl> Wet, and moat peo)pie, after onegod fee-d oft the, littie fish, arenet toc la- a g ourment's deiight. The sinelt was a igarîine or gakt water fish in the first place. It îg SURl takein, ofe courte, in sait wtr. But le becam e (tab!ished ia fresýh. vvater lakes along the eas8t coast o7 INorth ArmeýJca. Michigarn offici»ILt,. accirding to records of the Depari t meut c f Lands and F'arests, plaazte& some of the fish. ia C-rystal Iakç,,ear Lake Michi*gzn. They escaped iygtai Lake- Michigan) - and that wvas-te start sf eet ruas, smelt carnivali,, s ne îLtfries and ig-1h onk f al k'ind,, In the Great Lakes and tiuaiL food for ine-wly Çdroduced salmon..- The ,,orig*inal idea ,vas toWoi. None one can s---.y ,witb athrt thatI the s.ineit f on the eggs orbI frry of other fish and tGhus thireaten-v large game or commercial v-,arietie&. Nec c an anyonie say aýuthoritatively that nattur(e herseIf wil! take cire of the stain It is a facti that a few jyearsL ago, after simeit had nraet tremendously. a udden 4ýÏfepidWnl ,viped themj out by the illIions. Sinr-ec tethley'vc tes-ne bacek. Very large ruas oft sMeIt 4occuïr ine pr-actIcaIly ail the ,IremIflow,, int,% the Great Lakes.- la the Pa2ýra Sudand,~ other districts they arC holdina numrber aoiiand lakesï- nd it is,- feit th&t le it only a nuaMUe âof isne until maniy tributary ýwa'wrsm have a population. TMt leworth nattligthat the ýne1tP eats planikton and somne f isl,'" D- partinnenit biologista report. "thre~ is noa procif tht-t it hias actualiy af'- fected valuable gamne fish, and lt fjai actually an im-portanit item in rthe fo&ofsome lake trout populations-, The snmeit has a more direct value,, 4. providuî- sport and food ducing thse- spring spawning ruan." Po)iints and beaches of thse tGreat.ý Lakes, washed by stirong crot, appear to favour itie spawning ag- gregation col! meit and large cfteCbear are taken in these aeais, In aomef tricta, the duration on the bpach a less tissu a week .and it isn"'t >wi whe'eher the rush to very shallou-l inshore waters is controllbed by Some factor or factors of theeviomn or whether it le the resutt of rnon niovemneats of tise fi-Sh. 'The maies3 appear in, the zspa,,x,,ir4, arens fh'st, miliing around for some"I.( time before the-females appear. A'. tise timne of spawniag, ithe fis;h do ni, appear to feed but at other tim-es feed heavily on the principalfod availabie. lan*miuý- ummer -nd fal. the flah are found lin deep, cooi;er - waters of the lakes where àhEy - llarid to fa l enrie commcia Iutilization has been he1d ba -k e- qual1it*y are avaîla-ble for oiya h4 period of the 4-,p,,wniing rua. There is fl s'ail! eqirddurr îr the rua. Tise eqjui-pmerxt rmay tlCc'!a mnoatnthia fiomanolpail te 'k dip net.. Along the streamisrung into 1the Grea ae - t'e 'ishe"e !lznply congregate with their ~'.ple- Inmntes, Dmany sada wist-deep ii, -wate-r inawhat they rgadas the motstrnteg9ic potins hen it'.e mnatter ot d:-ad<hu. dm-a diç> until wntsare stsfe.Theýrei ýofthtie littie fils,,hwiich, it l lie no Itimton' theseme't; mnnTfisher-- men catch hurdredes, even thouàanýdi- ampeUi like cýucu!nber. Th(,se et is siender and si-verY,. andL bas strong teetis. Scales are ree i-ly shed, There's ceonsidera-ble vtt*- ation in size wltis average length la Canadia.n waters tisey mnay reach Il; Incises. i weight tisey go in ouîices. Man-1Y cOmmercial fisiserinen, geeing set a, tisey corne ixito tise dock-Sgus at t and, hand oýut about 12 fies "a Lepuund" They're no)t fur eut 1 thje rougis calculation. The fish are expeýcted to e aa- MW mot r'-ntariiy la Lake Jr4e and- heaiul"rua" will be on. ItV, fsi P.C. Candidate Fo The Publie is cordially r Durham JOH'N DIEFENBAKER invited te Attend This Meeting 1>OPTV0 WAHVI LLE R0'OY W. NIGMOLS

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