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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1957, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TUMtS TF HARDWARE WEEK SPE CI!AL S GRASS SHEARS Lawo Grass S< Clothes1 PlUS $2 Pulleys$2 FREE With Purch-ase of 'Apex' LAWN MOWER foronIy- $13.qÇ ~ed :2 lb bag $1.79 Line Stair Treads 9x183 _ 3for99gc ROLPH -MAR IOrono Ontario d Girls' Plaid Slackis, good quality wooli rayon flannel elastic waist, assor- ted plaids~, sizes 3 - 6x years. $2,00 Childrens' Tartan Overails fine combed cotton, sanforized, colour- fast, Dress Gordon MacLaine of Lochbuie and Royal Stewart, sizes 1 to 4 years. Priced.,...... $2.35 Boy's Tartan Shirts, fine combed cotton, sanforized, colour-fast several authentie tartans, sizes 4 to6x years. ........$2.85 size58 to14 ye-ars ....... ,$13-95 DWR llaugh's faded bue Jeans f or forized denim., sizes 3 - 6x years. Priced.....$2.95 Girls' f aded Mlue Jeans, sanfor- f: ized denim, sizes7 to 12 years. Boys' Fargo Pants, madle of surdy material, elasti ast, zilpper fly, sanforized, coo of tan, sizes 3 to, 6x years,. Priced.......$.0 Children's T-Shirts, combed knit cotton, king or short sleeves, var- oi,ý styles and cojors sizes 1 - 6 years. Priced . . ý. .,.75c. to $1.95 Boy's Seersucker Suits,, good quality sanforized, colours of navy with white brown with beige, 3 to ;'5 years. Priced . ý.... ...... ,$2-65 Children's Blazers f or boys or girls made of Engliýsh Milton cleth, white Pearl buttons and braid trim, navy only, 2 - 6x yrs. $3.95 Stretchy socks for boys and girls, 100 pc. nylon, variousclor Priced ...,.., 50e. - 65C. Arrnstrong'es Store Open A Il Day Mesnlay BLTZCAMPAION Iro Raise 1Funcla Fir The ( RCANADIAN INSTITUTE'r FOR THE BLIND 1'rlay Ni1gbt, April 2êth 7:00 pem. to 9:00@O pan teMembers of the Orono Girl Guides and Orono Bo-y Sc<rts wiUi canvass teVillage 'n support of this worthycr -anization-'on Fridry evenin-. Please spotthe-or efforts. iUnder the directorship> of the West Durham finstittute for the Blhikd Sponsored by the Newcastle Lions Club g' L~CAL ~ r UJNITED 1CHU(RCH Oromo Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. J. Kitcen. SUNDA4Y, APRIL 28th ORONO Air Cadet Sunday Annual Church Parade of Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges Sunday School at 10 Servie at 1l LrSKARID Servce and Sunday Szhool at 2 KIRBY Sunday Sochod at 2 Servce at 3 - - ~- ~ ~i~r ~1~rnd'i~rurv tif nut~rii should prompt you to call upon us In timie of sorrow. We stress sim-ple bea.utiful servic&s that prove consohing tQ the bereaved. HARTLEY MeR."DArLO!W SFUNERAL HOME IMr. Ernie Dent attended the C.C.F. Convention in the King Edward Hlotel, Toronto last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MeGee and David of Spragg are visitîing ý\ith Mr. and Mfrs. L. McGee. Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Taylor and famnily, Walketrville, spenit the Eas'ter weekend with Mvr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Mr. and Mrss. Gordon Leamnen, Pauil anti Judy, iMtr. and Mrs. Henry Lea- men, Toronto.spendt the holiday week- men with Mr. and Mrs. Wmi, Learen.i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sniodgrass and son Rochester, 's'pen~t the weekend PIt.h Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar. [Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and Mr. F'rank ÇCc>e, Port Hpe islUtd Mr. andi Mrs. Neiî Porter and Miss Shirle-y Porter on Sunday. Mi-s. C. Topo and Arthur, Mr. Fleche CractidnKendal anid Mr. a iotD'unbar, Port Ilope, itd Mis. Brimacombe recently. th Who wvier epri'wlege1d to hiear ze Easter niusir by th* choir of the; Uiutd Churchl- here,. and the se'-1 nions by t.he Pastor lnoriniyg and eveing en2oy,,,ed a s-pecial treat. f Mrs. W. E. c. Workîmain was hý gue,-St Of Ms .BiaoneSuda y ~Miss Viola Noden visîteti withhe mjother, týtr . 1.Noden. Mrs. Siih, Hiornpayiie, is vis!'ting ýhe-r iother, AMrs .D.Mes IMr. amd Ms in Liaton andi dauigl-ter, 'hotvisitd Mr ad ?Ars. G. M. Linton Mn and I&rs. R. E. Loganited wihrelatives iJn TweedonSc1y Ii Master Paul at [iaJudyv Le- men are en i teirEteva- tl'on wit.h the'r grandpai.),renits, Mr. anid MUrs. W-m, Leamen. f Miss Ali-ta CutteUl spent trie week- jend withi Mr. and Mrs. Hen.ry Junkeàr t M.W. G. McCuIloo'h returneti I hom Morday c.f tà.hiis eek afterl spending tthe wiýnter ifa Florida. Easter vi*sitons"- with ýM17. and Mr.. tLeë,roy Hiamilton wvere the(ir faiiilY, M1r. anjd Mrm. Norman Fisher a'nd Éhreeoiidren fesGulelphl. Minjr. J.E. RÀchards ,,Vi'sited MT. J. j A.Sheppard and daugiter Ms Vefina ShpadBunington, Mr. andi Mrs. uenvid Mac aand famniiy, Niag,- ar'a Fa"is N.Y. IN AMEMORiAmi MARTI'ýN-LInloving mmoyof our idear s.n1ant boiar Neil E. Martin \,iho pased1 away sdlenly April L'5, Though his sieis 1-0nUef0r(ver, Stùl we have so many inieninîs 0f -ihe onle 'eloveu i mucil. I1115memlory 18 ouikeepsake With iwhicýh we'I1 neyer Part; God hais h;,i fa is kecqing, We have hilm in our huarts. Sadfly mnissedi an(] always remnem- Ibered by father, niother, brothers and Miss Ednià Goode, bride-to)-be was honoured wiith a msei tueu howv- er last Friday, avenîng at the hom e ,of Mrs2. Keitîh Wood. Co-hostesses were M.rs. KihWo)od and Mrs. Gor--f don Lowery. About thirty friends andi rel- atives were presenit whieqn Edna wasý- taken cobmpletelyT by surpirise. ' A deligh'tful lunch was srvdby I the hostesýses to com )'P!ete an enjsoy- ableevnig at the close of wvhich Etina expresse.d fier thaniks for the! mnany Iovely giftsshe ha" receivei.' Hew un 1,.. FIrema3l 'v, VORTEX RIRNIER 'e;ave f OrdinlîrLey gun-type ail burners E ecldos. the fiaine in a pit- E wastinqg iuch of the bheat. boan Pirenan'ý money-savýing Vortcx oil burner blankets every inch of heating surface with rich radiant beat, E giving you substantial fuel savinga, CON VERT TOUR OLD FURNACI OR BOILER, OR INSTALL A SELF-FIRED UNIT Why psy for heat you're flot gotting? An L-an Ffreman Vort.ex cen b.w inst-aled in yaur preent furiacu or bo0ler gn juet a few hours--and th=n watch your fuel buis go down, homow coimîaer go up. Complote selft.fired Vortcx im-ita are avalable to, Bjclusive lem Firemian auto- matic contrais. Phonoet wrýitiis weok sbure, for 2. FR EH suvey S Orrn FieanVLîmbuL tdq BUlbS for Plaing. ,Amazing New Bulb-s fromi Cape of Goodi Hope, Africa, idwr, Star of Afric-.a, Blazing Stretc. Make 'b'e au[tifuý l eut flowers in the faitl dig thiemv up ' l ite folloWingspng Package- contaiinirng, 5 bulbs for......4e May-tlirn Soiu, es1ecllyprepared for- pIlanits mwit dielicate root svst'-rins, Afri*cm, Violets etc. 1'X2 pint bag fLor....................... 19c. Gladiolà Bu-lbs, imported ' colors of PU, ple, Pink, red orange and violet. Each 5c, 12 f or 59c, IClothes Pins -with in or pla'n .. bo of, 16 for 25ic Moth Cr-ystals, evaporate freely, releasing a plea- sant odlor also ideal for, vacuum ener1-b. tin 49ýc Moth Balis and Moth Crystals .1 poyidboxs2 IJeans, Ladies Cino Sanforized, colors khaki, faded blue or Carribean blu,,e, size 12 to 20. P-air $2ý9S iLadies' Spor-tee Blouses, novelty wo ien, assorted colors, sizes 14 to 20. Each.............9Î3 Cotton Training Patntis witünly, s-izes 2, 4 and 6. Pair for 15c.............. 5 for 69ej Running Shoes, ail sizes, priced . pair 75c. to $1.79 Lustre Cream Sharnpo, 'HoIlywýood favourite giant 7 ounce bottIe for.............12 Special -- Str-awber-1i es, Culverhouse, 45 p.c- sugar syr-up, 15 ounce tins for.........2- Molasses, Aunt Dinalh, 15 oz. bote, ainig .15e. ûKuOO5c, T7$1L00SIORFZE Open Friday evenings intîi ';' ýVclock for your couveine phone 1187 R'renlnge Frl4ay & Satwrduj W.odneeday opemiAn LmDa 'MM cM Ms -MM Ms Orono, Ont. Phone 1182 J n 'M. 'M. -M- Ms Ms t 'M Ms 'MM MM. Ml 'M.. '-M "M ~.. Ms Ms M-M M-M 'M s Ms Ms' 'MM --MM - "M M-M M-M 'Ml '-Ml 'M. ~ Ms ~ Ms Ms N -Ms M-s 'MM Ms Ms 'Ml 'MM -'M 'MM Ms I.' Ms Ms MN Ms Ms s "MM M-s 'MMM Ms M-MM "M -~ "Ms "-MM MM, Ms N Ms "-'M M-M Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms -s Ms MM.. Ms .5' "M Ms s Ms Ms N 'MM M-.. ~Ms N Ms 'MM MMM ---, i là i

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