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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Apr 1957, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ,uthorized as Secoýnd Clwsa Mail. Pqst Office Department, Ottawa Fojnuder. R, A. Fo;rreste-r Publisher. R. C. Forre2ter KEEP OUUi STIPEETS CLEAN Spinig lias bJossomed f r'tilh and home ow lis ave c(aught the 'er of sprin'g cleanup a-nii lawns riow look neat and tid-y throughout t eVillage. Recent]y thie M street of tOvoe Villa ge'received its 'lial scrublbing and the w4wole Village leaves a good tidy and neat ~nprssin fr is inbaitantp -)nd for viiter. to the Village. Thbýs brings to mmdthe %,ppearance, of the Main Street List Sarw1hen it was hardly a credit to trie VMilge. Wrappin.gs andI other riîs at times litterted the bu,ýir.esis gscti<yn andI on winciy tInys it ~most vnpesat battlinp doust and fyigpaper. it is to be hoped that citizoýns and bsnsmnCo-oper-ate tie ~erto keep the buLsiness sýction of Lown as cdean ant' neat apossibl FUR STORAQE CANDA' FIESTCOLD STO)RAG"E VAULTS Plme1110H.C. BEý-iNSON Park St. orono AND CUOATS MAiiDE TO ODE OEONO WEEKLY TIMEBl THUTRýSIlAY, APRIL 25th, 19.57. 1Yrolessional Ihrectory A. F. McKEINZTE, M.D. PHYBICIÂN and SURGEON Office Heure: 2:00 tot. 400 ».; *50 to 8.10 F.M Sundalà anLd Wednesdays byr appoiutment ouly PHONE 1471 - ORONC DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON cvterillaiy, medielus, biclogtcule and lhustruments ethlcally dispensed. IGIRL'S SOFTBALL MEETiNG A meeting of the Oro no - Girl s Soft- OLASSUFIED SECTION bail teamr will ho held oýn Monday, April 29th at the home oéf Mrs. Brce COMING EYENT Tennant ut 8:30 p.m. A P"tLuc Spper will be held in AIl, thos inte-rested ar'e ask'ed to tat6pm attend,. Ail u1kiforlm sare Vo i be turnied Aut 0.Ciirn3c - inthi blthe next week. a-C50.Cide35c C COMIG EENTPAPER COLL1ECTIOýN 'Duiiham County J'unirr Far-mers' TeOrn o cuswl ole aninual "At Home" will be he.-d in paper on StrdyAp-ril 2'?th. -Every Slina Hall on Friday,tMay Srd, a dîed,:) t ied and p ced a e "rh 9;009 p,.m. Pottor's Danceland Biand. Drs optioinal. Lunch sevc. jpick-u-p on th 27th o' Jkplri1 b-c ý2 50 iper couple.a- TENERSDE1R CONSTRUJCTION Poluce Cilage of orckno Tenders or te Constuctinof Sid'ewalks, in the Village of Oro"o w#illbercie 'by thieuneigd on or before n.oon of May 15, 1957. One mother- of e en ri'iit brillanit cnr.Wl h ne id Il c li i1816f.n- FOR SALEý Ragtefor sale> e oniin $.0.Phoýne 8--,Ooo - WlANTED TO RUY '2 squarecs of red bed rsatd sid- in.bîack liied a-c A,ýpply Rolph Hrxa rn Tendr qu ta LansVo h maide by j sq. ydl. cv'rcio~wth hicnesolf FOR SAI lE 4 rhsan'd mixf 5onf grave-ito i OeFid1Co ~ cernent. Conraco os)pvalnc pl r.Lfn al pi' one a-p DIED TliOMPSON-At M'Nemorial Hoaspita-l, Rornnvile~ n Friday', ýril 19th, 19.57, Ainvlia fllewett Bradley Thosnp- son, age Q,7 years. Wif e of the lete, .1ohn Thomipson. Mrs. Tho'mpson rested at the Mor- ris F'uneýral Chapel, Bowmianville. erïewas held in Orono United i'hon Monday, Ap-il 22 at 2 ,'k. Intenmrent MolCrea's Cerne- tery.ap CARD 0F TIfANKS Mrm John Armistrong and George wihto thank ail ()f their kinid frienids tind neuiglibours for theiir many ki-nd exprssinsf mpdy and conidol- ence during thei-r recent bereavenient. to fr al I - 1IFOé! SALIC taind frm th undrsiged.O'n-room size011 Spare Heater, I Secretary, Leroy Hamilton,pon Orono Police Village of Orcono. 1RIC6 a-c eh DrhlrngLetter To The Editor g , 'lOroestOt. paver-etcwhich the rural school And uittesiu~ or ate Wels o loer ostApr. 1Sth, 19l7 ehildren, have bought for Vheselves b~sis, 4,00perfoo and~>»D~~;i- in i the proceeds of concerts Ma-y I bnsk$4,0 pr fot nd . MY 1hav ýýace n yur ape fo ,ýy tis-hilrenwill take good care pr,,p1y te Mmfr. E. WYesthieuser onx the of anything the>y have helped to earn. ýNch Wilinported froni United States. ' ç mnsof tungraided country seols Bt"aycmeayg"sem o New Well~arnL hvs. graded caros be their attitude with suppiietI adI Fas evr.Guarantee all work. Frein V/2 te 6 inch hOle. I was a pupil, in an ungraded vantages. (Witness the wanton de- uch(ýoo; during myý teacher,'s b'raininJg structiOn Of new -wash room facili- 1>1 e'nard W ell uJnits iat Peterboroughý11 Noirm1ai schooml I had ties in Orono sho. P NEEMPIRE 6-34451_ 29 MNcGILL ST., bevto esosad pats I do flot know. the condition of ail fl eacing ls n agrýadý_jJ classes- rural sehools in Clarke tow.ýnship but TORONTO, ONT.and in ungrnded roual schools; I have -li wouîd seem poor economyatth ,y'ears teaiching experienc,.e i.n un- rsn r fhg otsi u p-gaded rural sçhools and have acted preetedo ihcssi u as ~np4 t che inNewliskeard chool boards were ao build the sug- ~O t"O~C~->ar ICYichmod h1 grde clsss e ,e twoL)four-roosuied suhools in I ~~esk rixp reclasessù ,-ategic 'rntres, trsgot0 1 ý e ý fonoI> tow'nc'hilp. 1quesiidith~ ae mt 1 I <an ei-.phtiealy state that un- that 'there is enough mioney raised gr-adedl rural school are not necesu OrDn3 uFS h 4And 11ntCi oarýily ceddstv, coded or isolated.rgtnwt innete.Ihl cl1 te the con1trary, facta and figures which are said te 13 Ms. W~theser ays ntI quoeh availaýble wllbe pub1ished. MJ"t' imple ahmetic that eaich 1 amn inclined Vo d (ouit that 110 rade ha, only mwoith of the child could have core than a =i80ee Aj_ ý"N' CFil "d IRAIffMinute ride te chool. The bus ride lisowti Rail, Oronoa he atg Town Hal, OronoLo' us consýdiertwo, classroomns Of but if the bus gets stailod ln a wînter Il or ppils eiih, oýnegadd the: blizzard the 'Wajt at the gaetmY b 77o ther ungraded rith five pupils Qnon andI unpleasant. aa 26th1r-o Np rt OTfl ea)-n the 1einght coradrcs.t UI During a fiffeen minute dwee- I ihcoswthteelkn Rou d a i s uar Da cin - oca Muinient esseon la the grad d classroorm fbat that where pupis are given a Muýi ew!h pupi gets one-fortieth of thn iet col xesvegmailsaerio e give toem ucOsary Funr l! eahe'sateuihe o~ypupî)l exorcises. Doctors 'will tell you that Numrou Luky nizs t beDra' ~etsopportunity te dreamn, the slow walking laj the ideali exercise - and puarmus ïwky îChes l bc Icavi pupil gets ieýft heindiý, the exýtra it sfre I -briht upi gasp th pontof the Y7ours truly, l~ c ococ o~c~ oYO~0DOccZ~ ~ OOt~O~ rsca roÀ1,,thn~he 'bcmsMm-. j. S. Eddyvean. b -redl nnd s:eeks bis own diversions. ________________________________________________1__ h 'tahrin t ngraded school0 would shorten %hesurne development ~ p ce M7l'esson ter fîve minutes but durin that bref timn each ofthe Mie1d" pu1Jilse he grad wou'd behnl1 DhdDgAbte LO iclosuely atent ihe dee wod> C'-ýera el-D iyCHlng May e £st,0 Sta' Ime kefo n dreai ng, the slowp- o e~eigyu rsn nithclaer pu i ould be kFlpt Cntact fio Jdard Milktu 21 ceýnts perqquat Tàhs price - haa eligtetace xli J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n craeo ni& tls e44ae hog he sLubjet m ttorVothe othor piis crasd +;,l'clutl 'nTh DePýt. of Educatioi1 doe o, V Prmone 1rl2 Orono o u e f Study are sent o all as- Foundationis andI Septic Taiiks COS~ ~ peraLi np.and ave t oesetsofrstan ards. he sam G edar Dale Dairy t~hp holinpeàor s just as ikely ' pur.,orsaaial (S ca a ar "loweýý-r the(bom"in tho ungraded rix'.-O=oo- J ORNO, NTARO PHNE 1R9 chool as in theý graded class if the OEOO,0_ ,TR1) RO 1P9 pujpils' progres is noV up Vo standard . _________________________________________________ edngsportsequipment, record 1 Against Fire Loss? VIGOR 011 Ca. Ltd.v Between Orono and Newcastle' on Rlighway No. 3 Vigo Stadar Gaslin 39% c per gal - tax m Vigor lligh Test 42'%c per gallon - tax încu9I- STOVE OIL-f'ot torconvenience in tn A-il quatitfies a'vallable at the Station O~ ~ ~uSunday j 'J 'J g p v Only ii Protection your covel placemnent g _ C-ARD 0F THIANKS With heartfet aM«preciatio Iish o iexpress -m1y sicer tanks to irny rciýen(s, nihor ndrltvsfor il her lnd es dr~r v recent linees.Aylsou.sMeKeaie and the îursng saff f Bomanvie Memor- ai iospial.a-p - i.Chas.Cooper. 24 HOUR EXPERT SERVICE Aiprsgante Phoae M MA.R3 TïELEVI'SiON SERVICE CMO. Bowmtavile.Ontarîo fiamniltoos Insurance Service Every dlass of Insur- ance is represented in Our office. Tlhe follow- ,mg ar-e some of the main coverages we ran AutmobleLif, Acidntand ScnsPlaýte Glass, , Liabi!ty, FieBurglary, HospltalhaU Livestock, Bolier, Wind, Palio. Hall, Fideiity Bonds etc. ORONO PHONE 1R16, FIRST MORTOAGE LOANS Leroy IHamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER 'S~ ~ I j »oece»oeceoq,.,,e..e.eoe t . AND E EAESTROUGIIIN CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES Ï, HARRYE. LYCETT.j j Phone33R 12 ORONO -0ONT. j Eavstrougliing FREE ESTIMATES iHarvey Partnei ~TYR0NE M. 3420 PHONE 10616 ORONO, ONT. LawrenceC.MsnBk Barriser and Solitûr BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ph on C£- OffceMA3-488 HmeMA 3-653à JO H REANB.A Barrister, Notary Public 33 Terîcperance St, Bowmanvlle Phone MA 3-3292 IJACK REID Orono'. Liceri.-. Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize iFan and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates SPhone, 5 r 18 -Oroue TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuater Coufdljeta Auction Sales of ail sie and at reasonabie rates CoiRmmunicate wlth hMm autfue iferry, ontaflo, or see bis Clerk. A. E. Morton, at Oronoý, for date.' LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plns; Edw-ationtai Pule. Protection and Savingm Piaustfe ECidren and Aduits; Mortg4ge lu. snrance Plans8. F. E. LYCETT O~ono, Ont. Pho ne 11714 STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUAIfY, MO0NUM EN-TS AND AAR KERS Ltus ereet a kandsome, dia. Inified monument over the Test- hig pWl-pee f your IOVEd mm@a. le's net expehaive. AndM s tiselast tiribute wui givof yon endelos ,corafort. The RUTTER GP lN"" COMPAI Phono Turner 5-5219 PJO. Box #2 Port 11ope, Omtarlo Orona Electrie Monuneïts,Gravemarkers% - PHO-NE 129 Engraving, Goldleafing CONTRÂCTORS FOR drc m aecnmmha FARMI and HOUSE M RAL ESTATE FOR SALE I - eU-.. . urftnce cail givTe Yom Free Estimates Mmae uiApri. againat oa. Check ,I age for adequate re- '..A LS&i vau.APPLIANCE SALES .M AL S N N t.F. PORTE(R Prompt and Guaranteed Repars ~Bee s Ph. 12516 ho ail kinds of Electricai Equlpmen&< Ph«ie 26 mU,0 j. Res. 1252 ai1ppinc. TwG blocks %orth of Traffle -Ligli QJ= c = l=>lý - u cl ' .f~, . VtT Hfv'M wet - -wr' - "- - i. w 1. I s'- 3 t MMRMM

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