PRICES 'BOOSTER "' FOOD FEAT17RES 'REE $2.50 "BOOSTER" TAPES Tins135c Butter 16 oz 35c 2 pkgs 35c i BOO-,STER TAPE 16 oz 65c 48-oz. Tin .. . . . . ... .25c 15-oz. Tins 2 Tins for ý. .... 29e 15-oz. Tins 2 tins f or 29c. P.KG. 0F 90 .. ....99C. 28-oz. Tins ~2 tins 35c. l53ci SOOKE OGLA E C -P Cudney Choice 20 oz tin 2,9c BISCUITS, Peek Frean, .......8S ounce package . 25c. PIE CRUST MIX, Monarch ....... 18 ounce package 29c. MARSIIMALLOWS, Kr9ft Minature .. 101/2 oz. pky. '29c. ONEW CROP, CALIFORNIA, VALENCIA Sunkist Sized z Oranges l13'8 7 OFLAVOURfu\, ED CUBAN PIEPLS... ....25c. f 13FRESH PULLED, SWEET AIND TENDER BUNCH CARROTS...... large bunhs 2fr2c SFOR A qPPING TEME SALAD LETTUCE ...... .large heads ......... 2 for 35c.f H3 OT HOISE GROWN, LONG GREEN SLICERSI CtTCUMBERS ... ...... large sie.... 2 for 35c. WIi?'H FR-,EE S2.50 "BONUS BOOSTER"' TAPÉ KRAFT DELUXE CANA/IAN CHIEESE SLUCES, .............35e KATCRACKER RE CIIEESE, mild 8~ oz 35c, nied 37c. old 39e. F>L TTERMILK O(R SWEET-MILK, PILLSBURY BiSCUITS....... .package of 10 . 19e lm 1cetH! %-11TUBE 0F 8 IGA 6-ozTims SPAGHIETTI........ is31c, £LBOWS 16-oz.Pkg. M e OFF REG.PAU E - SOAIP FLAKES IMAL LE .......... giant 65e. la OFF REG. PRICh - MAPLE LEAF lunez. Tîn DTRE S Lquid ..ý...»........ 36w. ~ll .- -w-- MvcMackeri-Ott Nuptials 8ited states are thle foiýirmer iss Un 'I honor ue, it ) eagtow,-p3f Ai Otof Calgary and Georýige iby -a tiny mtching- bolero; m,ýîte Ujohnson MoMaýlckin of LtbigDeloreýs, biemiwore a snla 1 who wýere united in mrraeon AI)- gowni in pea'h. Fe'cathered headdtresaý r il 6, i9ý7 iat Fifth Av-enue, United wt net gloves, eomplemnented tei 1Church. Rev. I{arr-y Meadowsofcgns and thiey carried bouquets c f, Sated tedubern ie o the white carnations. 1daugliter of Mr. and MUrs. Alex Ott of AMfred Nymian of Calgary was4' g oMedicine Hat and the son of Mr. and mnan, and ushiering the guests weýre, IUtrs. Ralpl MeMackiii of Kendal,f Don Van Wert and Bert Oster. The 'Ontario. Iwedding miusic -was played byMs. 13 The bride, escorted to the altar by Jack Armstrong with "Because3L," h ler father, chose a floor length gown ,sung by soloist, Bonnie Bagshaw, (Jar- o3 f white net, over taffeta featuring ing the signing of the register. Oa long tor-so waistline with bouffant For her daug-hters wedding XYtý. 1skirt and portraying a lace sabrina- Ott chose a tan dress with boierou Sneck and lily point sleeves. H-er coniplimiented with avocado and tani finger tip illusion -veil mnisted fromn accessories, and a yellow rose corsag-e, a tulle sweetheart headdress encrust-i The groom s nmotiier whotrv1e Sed with sequins. The bride carried a'fromn Ontario to attend the wedding lovely bouquet of pink roses. chose a black nyIon acetate dress wîth. S The 'hride's sisters iolt ai (oeantiancd sn Page 5) gma ~ rayMay I Ua'et j Oran. Tow im Rall 8:30 p.M. sharp To Select A Cand-tate For DURHAMIDN If At The Federal Beàion, Jue loth Donakd C. MacDonald C sarC.CF.Leader EVERYBODY WELCOME - REFRESHMENT-S Auspices Durhamn CCF Ri.Ing Aseociation g 13 lM nday T o Wednesd ýy - S-tartixg at Duak "Your TV Faoies ul-ie Lifelike Color Lcille BaJI and Desi Arnlaz lu the- Comedyi of a Marriage Made in Heaven "FOREVER, D ARL.- 1ING" Selected Short Subjetsi,. Includeing C t l',Thursday and Frýiay - AiTeliclrS w W,ýith Stewart Granger W -ith ne(lr1 and Ava Ga r(lnera d a Roth~ 1 )ADULTS 65c . '2 CARS ANI) CILDRE', FREE TO~ MAOS g 2 4) o= DO Qf--=o oý OC=OC=:Do OC=DOC--