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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1957, p. 9

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Torn Sklrt Set New Fash ion A beatiful dark-skinned girl with an expressive piquant face 'iada lovely figure stood wait- Iig to make her finst appear- ance at aona of the smnartest clubs in Paris, She wore ber best gown, a tight-fitting cre-. ntion of wbite satin. She was about to gc on wheni thse pro)prietor rushed inito thie .1g You can't go on tiRe tliati" he exclaimed excitedly. "lIt would be a disgrace! Youi are a gorgeons woman wth a .ieavenly body. Show -a litie As lie spoRke, he ripped both skies of her drass from floor to hip. Franitically trying to cover, she then went on stage to sing Mn her warm, hauntinig voice end dance hier lively numbers. The audience applauded wiid- ly and next m-ou ning the niewýs- Papers acclajmed a new sm1' who had set a daring fashion ïîith ber slt-to-the-hiP cress! Eartha Kitt hzd come a, lonîg, long way fromi the littia piece cf land with its sîckly crcps farmed by her parents ii South Carolina, wh(ýee he was born. Because in 11928, the year their daughter was born, the liid suddenly yielded an abunIdant barvest. Her parents, said, "We will caîl her Eartha, to thank tise earth for our fine ecrop:." But the improvement in the family fonrtunes was short-iived. By the timne she was six, Eartha Kitt had lost boh ber parents and was brought tsup by an aunt i New York. As a very smaill chld she learnied to Liva with her dreains, to escape from her dreary sutr- rouindings iinto a world of fantasy. "Just, wait and see, I'm going to be a famous sing-er ~anâ dIancerý, some day and l'Il travel ail over theic world," Earîha xised to tel ber schoolmates. Shie left school at fifteen and wvent ta work in a factory, put- tingi long hours sewing arm-,y Umiforms to pay fQr piano les- sons. Hler fir-st break came just before ber sixteenth bintbhday, when a friand introduced her tio Katherine D)unha, the famnous 'Miss Dunham vwas se imnress- ed with thue girI's supple boody nnd talent for pantomnime and im.prýovis.ation that, despite ber $oCtal lack 0f training, she in- ylited ber to join the troupe. Wban the tjime camne fo r theçý troupe f0 returmi to New York eromn Paris, Eacrfha Kitt made Ierdcion She asked Miss »Dunham fe, release ber fromn lier cwntracf, nmove-d into aiît-. tIc h7otel and started out on her own. If was in ber first singing engagemient that sheý appeared in fthe fam-ous slit-to-. the-hip go-wn. She went on to appear in Turkey, Greece an& Egypt and fabulons gifts poured into b..er dressintg-room, inicludîng pre- clous jewvels, thie deeds to a pal- ace ir, Egypt, a string of aie-. )pants ,and an outsize diamrond fromn a prince. She returnedI them ail, reg5ýretfily -- "I -didn't want to take a chance 0f wind- Jxsg up in some Sultan's haremý," gise sighs. Sinca then she bas proved harsaîf a top-flight actress of stage, screen and TV, a fabul- ously succassful racordling star, constanfly in demand by th e worids' leading igLht clubs The story-book dreamis of the littIe Negro girl in South Caro- lina have comne fruc. N o W, niak-ing her first starring a--p-. pearamice on the screen, she will soon be sean in tbe bighly dra- mnatie tole Of a poiitieal(y-. minded Afnlcan's wife in the picture Plbout racli equaIýIy, Accused-.'"-- Wif e: "suppose we Wives e"My th.ory là, tmre bol Cie- phant 9M wadering areun4d down therel" rElevato'rs Get Independent Pounding the pavementg of New York, repowrters mieet up with ail sorts of situations, news breaks, off-baat stories, humi-an ;nterest. davelopments, and sur-" prises. In this city of skyscrapar, popu- lation anld vertical travel, this reporter ran ito a partîculanly complex aËffdir whereby an Fie-. vator wýas run-ning him instead of being mun. It was in the briglit, shiny. and new Socony-M0obil Building-45 stories high, and one of the lar-. est office building-s to rise ln New York City in a quarter of a century, 1 had business th;-re and went into the lobby. From then on, t was an alec- tronic, push-button world. Here w,Àas a, "bank"' of 32 operatorlass levators silantly arrîving and taking off-uxiaided by humani hand.L Thay handla wîth ease 8,000 wý,orkars plus thousands 0f' vTisïtons avery day. Tharc, are only four, lobby attendants whare in the "old day-s" 50 or more oparators a-nd starters would ba n(eedd. How; comne these alevatuns know so muLchl William H. Brunis, hecad of eng-ineering re-. search at the Otîs EIevator Com- pany, had the answers, rmainly becauseý he has been with this f irm for over '0 years, and the fîrmr is- now celebratmng its first century of business. We wevnt aboard one of the $100.000 "cabs" and wheni it was ýo.rractly loaded, the alectronic, bri"went to wonk and we look off, Passengers piessed their floors,, doors opened at the right places and closed at the right tim-e. it went up and down at the bidding of passengers, but propanly operaiting with- a super- jor sense of independence. The eleva tors througbh automa- tic dispatchers, c1ocks, and 20th- century gadgets, adjust to peak loads of morning, noon, nigbt, and the "c-offee btreak." They -know about Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and do not mo,1ve, until they are "told." If the building emptias or fuils at amn odd hour, they adjust for thi- grouyps of elavators rush tto the rescue of the burdened section. By the same token, unless they worl, they quit. If someone stands in the door- way the doons will try to close- for some seconds, but are so po- lite they will flot interfere withi th-e passengens, Then R warning buzzer W111 sound, If this is't efetvthe deoos willl gently move in and nudge the pers=~ into "'et's-getý-îo'ne"oewyo tile Other. My next stop was the new sky-j seraper -at711 Third Avenlue ,where, ln a beautiifully abstract, mosaic - decorated l1ob.by, stood John J. Somers, elevator service engïineer for Westinghouse. He took mne to the roof anea of theý building tosee the el.,ectroic brain in operationr." Here in an orderly panel-jungle ofeecrn lc equipment, the automatic traf- fie pattern control systemwas instantly weighing each change in pa-ssenger loaci, couonting the Drive With Care SIIOOTING STAR - Andy Grif- fith i% one of the brighter stars zoomninq across the Hollywood sky these days. He's the star of "A Face in the Crowd," whïch followed his Broadway success ir> "No Time for Sergeaints." North Carolino, where Andy owns a farm, îs stili homne ta the jctor asnd his wife~, Barbara-, cails in both uip and down direc- tions, couni-.ting by-passes and stops, and even mneasuring time, writes Harry C. Kenney in The Chriýstiân Science Monitor. The supervisory control center panel ceonstanitly selected th,, proper pattern to meet the de- mands of the -moment. It scan- ned, counted, mneasured, checkýd and corrected al the opiera'tions during a peak time xvhen hun-. dreds of passengers wanted ini or out of the bulding, Both Otis and Westinghouse a.lso supply elevýtors with an automnatie voice. This is an audilo system ithiat transmnit, nmessages, automatically to passengers. The voice canr announce floor numbers, names of tenants, de-. scribe merchandise in depar t-. ment stores, or dispense speciald inforfrtation in hotels or build- ingswer transients compose a large percentage of the passen-. gers. Basically, thie voice was designed to assist thùe passengers ini normial operati ons and to rec- assure and inform in the avent of an. emergancy, In addition, the elevators have intercomnmun- ication with the starter. Varions studies have shown that in New York City more pas-. sengers are- going Up and down. than sideways, And in talkling with Mr, Bruns and Mi'. Somners, interesting facets sparkled out. For instance-, 35 to 10 newi office buildings are sproutingý about the city and they will have the lat-. est ini operatorless elevators and electrie stairwa.ys. Right now there are 35,000 pas- sege eevators of ail kinds in N17wý York City. They rise and descend 130,000 miles every day", which is the equivalent of fiva times around the globe. -This mnileage is enoug-h to make a trip to the moon in two days. The Empire State and Chryslir Bidnscarry about 32,000,000C passengers a year. And at the- 65-storied RCA Buiilding, the 40 elevators thare have travaled a total of 6,C50,0,00 miles In 25 years. They average 266,0000 miles a year. "Gigup?'" Going ow? "ýPress the button, please!'" SIGNS 0F THE TIMES-Cofomnbia is epending millions for new hî,ghways - and taking sýteps ta forewarn reckless driver-s. Two spectctors study this grim remindcer on thea much-iraveled rouëe between Bogota and Girardof. 4 tells ifs awn story-punctuctted b>' the accidents that kilîed 80 persons on the road. Thievlsh Tricks It suddenly occurred fo a love-. ly young French bride at bier wadding reception necentiy thaf the large numben of well1-ti-.do young men present might bc par- suaded to subseribe to a partic-. ularly deserving chairity ini which she waàs înterested. She surprised hanr bridegroomi as tbey sat fogièthen atth lunchi- eon table by suddenly taking off ana of bar silR gartars and hold- ing it alof f. "I'm going to auction this, for my favourite cb-arity," she ani- nounced. "What offers, pleasa?" Offers camne thick an-d fasf from the maie gusets. Then twelve of fhem hlad a shock as they reachad for their wallets. They disecov- ered that tbey had vanished. They hiad been stoi-en, it was later revealed, by a professionai crook wbo bad managed to gêf himseif engaged as anl extra waiter for the wedding feast. He ,,as tracked down and jailed. Thieves ara claver at seizing opportunities and some- will mn gýrat isks to ha on the spot at the right moment. Other crooks are constantly thin-king up new ways 0f relieving thair victimns' 0f valuables. Wbiat 'the police of Pretoria, South Africa, callad "nigbt fish- ing" was pracfised by a gang thare recently. Wlbile bousehold-. ers wvere asleep %vith their ~n dows )Opc-, thesa "'fishermen" crept about outside with long poles with hooks on the end. Be-. fora the thieves were fbinally- rounded up by tha police, the~y had successfully "fishied" cloth- ing, bltankets and anything aise that chanced to ha lying around from the bednooms. When anothar crook was an- restedi in New Jersey last year for staaling from car parking m etars, ha boastad that ha hîad gone to the trouble of first tak- ing a correspondance course in key-mnaking and had devised two Reys to open ail the city's me-. Peolle living -in a Surrey town often rang up a local taXi-man wben tbey were goîng on holli- day, for- ha badgreat reputation for punctuality and good servce. "Taxi te the station, sir?" he'd reply over the 'phone, "Certain- ly. What timie?" His customers. always caught their trains and were well satis-. fiad. . - ,at thie baginnling of their holiday. But twenlty men and women wvho hi1'ed this particular taxi had, their bouises broken nto wvhile they were away. The taxi-. manl was eventually caught and s;pent five years in jail. Recenit statistics s'how that on anl average every year a bouLse îs bu.rgiedJ in avary other street mn avery town in Bitain. And police say that, despita the uit- mnost vigilance con.thein part, cnÎimînials tend to ha morce auda- clous today than tbey were yeans ag1o. BHecausa a thief 1was regularly stealing bis gasolina recentiy, a motorist set uip a cýamera and tnip wire. Next time the thief called ha took the camrera and ignored the petrol! Another impudcent crook called at a Londlan bouse and caimly remnarked to the dacorator who M73S painting the open front doo)r: "Il suppose the~ job wiil soon ha finished, ah'?" Then -ha went to the top of the bouse where ha pocketed $750 wortb of jew.eilery. which ha fou-nd in the woman owner's bedroom. As 'haeburnied downstairs, be encoùntered her coming frürm a ground-floor roomr. "I'm sorry,i but 1 sceem to have got. into thie wrong bou,,se," ha remarked ad raising bis bat, went out tbroughli the stili-open front door, niodding genially to the unsuspec!ting dec- orator. In Denver, Colorado, a mant feli asleep rce(ntly wbile ýwatch- ing a TV prog-ramme in bis-. C--'LASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTEO BE YOUR OWN BossI MEN or women, can work your o hours, and make pr nt p to 500n% seliing exclusive, hourseware products mDd appIiances. No competition, not avallable in stores, and th-ey are a necessity In every home. Write et once for free colouir catalogue, show. Ing rotai! prices plus confidential whole- sale price 11-t. Murray Sales, 3821, St. Lawrence Blvd., Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE GUMSET Eiastlc Roof Coating, wlil not Crac-k or Blister, 45 Galion Barrels, $1.3,5 gallon. Customer Pays Freight. Guvnset Roof ing Products, Neustadt, Ont. ~PC1L!i ,000 Busineý-ss note-sand, 500 envelopes wth your letterhead and Iretuirn, $12.25. 'Other prices on request. Deluxe Stamp Works, Box 46, Auburn, Neb-aska. BABY CI4ICKS What's your 'Uine' In chlcks? If you -go Ini for eggs, we've egg-lUnes, including, -Aines Y,--Cross, Or meat - we have breeds and crosses. Or both-we haveý dual purpose chicks. Ask Bray Hatirh- er.120 John N., HaMiltn. 'UNE chlcks cost less, cost less to feed, easier ta raise and corne into prodtc- tion whien eggs are, a good price. Be surife and buy the right breedi for mnaximumi egg production, These birds weigh leas, est leis and lay more, Our new 1957 Catalogue tel1s you all about thorm. Also special broiler and dual pur- pose breedi. Turkey Poulti. Catalogue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUTS ONTARIO FARM MACHISERY FOR SALE NEW IIOLLAND N4o, 80 wlre tie Balor with engine, used very ittle, perfect, conidition, Hydraformatic bale tension control. New price $3,000 - Qur, bar- gain price $1,395. WiIl pay for itself this ycar . L.Nswkcn. Arkona, Ontarlo, (No. 7 Hli9hway). FOR Soi1 Improvemnent, fishing bait, garbage disposaI, rais, earthwojrms, In- struction booklet 35c. Circular free, El. bon Humus Wormns, Box 207, Ingersoll, Ontario. SbENATOR Dunilop, Harvest Rinig Straw. berry Plants, $2 - 100, $12 .-J1,000. Mervyn Brusso, Southamapton, Ontario' FOR SALE ONE hundred acres, buse and barn, 401 by 46', water ila stable, implemnent shed, And quantity of timber. Good suger bush. Apply to: Frori C. Noil, Burks Falls, Ont, USED parts for Massey-Harrls 82, Oliver 70, Dr. C. Case 10-20-15-30 International Tractors. Don-Perris, Burgessville, Ont. WTS EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS AFTER TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RI4EU- MATIC PAINS AND NE1RITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, 0f tawâ $1.25 Express prepald POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANTS!!q.tise toirmenit of dry eczemna rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post',, Ec7rma Salve %Jli not disap- p oint you. Iclg scaling and burn- ing eczemna; actie, rinigwormy, plimp'les and foot eczemia vwll respond really to tire stainlesa odorless oilntmeýnt re. gardiesi of hiow stubborn, or hopeîess they seem.ý Sont poit Fret-,on Recelpt of Prîce' èRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue Easî TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOME BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn ardesn Pleasant dignifled profession; good wages. Thouisanlds 0fsuccesiful1 Marvel Graduoates. America's Greatest Systens Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Cail MARVEL 11AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358; Bloor St. W,, Toronto B1ranches: 441 (ing St. W., Hamýilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa B'L A CKIfE A DS Don't squeeuze Blackhesýds and leave uigly scars - dissolve them wîth PEROXINE POWDElI. simple -Safe - Sue. Cleanses thse pores dleep drown, gving youir ekin vitality and chaAt yout Druiggist. Resuits guiaranteed. Price PEROXINE PWE OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BARN MI.-Fr! Book.keýeping,, 3aes&e qhlp, Shorthand, Tpwllg t.Ls iions 'Oc, Ask for free circular No. '4. Carladian Correspondence Co)urses, Ile Zay Streetý, Toronto- MODERN Coffee Table with vinyl tilb to!Made in a Jiffy, with our plant, Sed25e,. Franquil Sales, 920 DÉmé BuildJng, Detroîit 26, Michigan. SAVE MONEY on furnIture f or youwr home. Our location means a savi)ng tv you. We '3hip ail classes of housefx' nishingsa dM Vcçlary applances aïe- where ini Ontarlo., Authorlzed KROEK. LER dealer. lnquiry lnvlted. Robe Fur.. sutuýre Co., New Hsmburg, Ont, TEACHERS WANTED ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL MALE COMMENCING salary $4145 with ann-uej Increments of $275 per annumý to maxI.. umn $5535 Plus $100 per annum fo$' each special certiicate uised and sn1: addition $300 for 13.A. Degree, Mo d em- 4-roomi school, progressivt Northerni Ontario town. House available at reasonable rental, Duties cmec Sept. Applicant exoecled organizean direct school athletics and teach gradem 5 and 6. Give f uli personal particulart and name of prsent Inspector. Public School Board, Box 69, Smoothr Rock Falls, Ont. PATENTS FETHERSTONEAUGH & Company, Patent Attorneys, EstabIshed 1890, 600 University Ave.. Toronto. Patents ail ceuntries. PERSONAL $L.00 TRIAL offer, Twenty-llve deluxe-,, fersnýrequirenients. Lateit catv,. o e rcludeti. The M4edico Agency. B3ox- 22, Termiïnal "Q" Toonitc, Ot PET STOCK BUDGIES WANTED MIGHEST cash prices pald for any quantity, sex, age; colour of healthy birds. Free shlPPing boxes supplied. transportation paid. 'Write, giving f oh garticulars to Viobizi(Canada) LIited, t. Thomas, Ontario. SWINE IF you want top quality Landraùce from Imported stock we have some of (he best that money wiil buy. Weanling, four month old sows and boars, guar- anteed ln pig sows. Catalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM, iI.R. No. 3, HOLLAND CENTRE, ONT, THESE four lmported boars head our outstanding imported Landrace herd at the present turne. Chartweli Viking 3rd (our Churchill Boar). Eremnit, Erot, Tapper. In addition to these blood lLnes, w.e bave other inported sows,. bred ta outstanding boars In Scotland, offsprlng of ail for sale. Weanllngs, four mionth old, six month old sows and boa,,n guaranteed In plg- sows, serviceablt boiars, Iro:ns the best Èmported biood Uines. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARMý FERGUS ONTARI ISSUIE 23 -1957 SLEEP AND RELIE lENEVUIS -SEDICiN ta1bïets taken occording te direcions h 4 e sfe WC,/ b induco sleep or quie theli nerves when tense. SEDCIt4~ $1009-$4.95 BACKACNE May beWgarnilnq Biachache Ès olten tcaused b? lazy kdney action. When kxdney3 ýei oui o; ordeï, tecesas scida md wastes remnam n ît)se estemn. Thon backache. disturbed rest or that tired-ouî and heavy-heaided feeling May, soon tollew That'. the aime te tek. Dodd's Kidaiey Pis. Dodd's siuiuate tb. kidneys to normal action. Then you feel botter -sleep better-work boetter, Get Dodd'î Kidney Pilla nopw. .5 OUT AT SECOND - Yankee shîmistop Gi] McDougald f ires the bail to first in an unsuccessful ettempt te complet. a double play after forcing Chicaga's slidieg Jim Riveraat at second *,n the sixth inning of a Game i NMew York,. 4

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