.W1~o W~LY i I Errr n lecrialWiring Coud Have Fired Twp. Barn An 11-r1-1.iiiiiný:g could A vï111e le- 1eevd îa l Joît when he s:uited Ïin the tuasby fire of a,1, m' odern, -1I1touiched thle tap of thie water tank. OlreToxtrsip barn ad aso theIRelzn someltinWg was wrong he los ofa hrdoF pureiiredose rced to cuLt the miiain switch and Catilo 1cb(1- wa1a rtd n te ga fundtht thie switch was load- fM ofJ. T rwn aualî,'wthpwr.Wtrpip,5s in the bari '1'esdy ornng he GealdBrwn oe warni fothls t"ýcharge of 230 on eturAn tothebai fond hatvols.Anilecrcal contactor was the atecpps wre-arr n c1 a nd iýj1, t w fund that the chageofelctcit. t asdeel- pie ilniuierm aobjects were a votag of 30 olts wihWas s-ufficiin o4re ae pipe The source of the trouble was found froninteni4sive hat. The urutwas befolre anyiïvgreat damage 'nas done. ulso criedinto thre staunche(ns in This priu'r nn the wiring wicte e are tid ut fortbun- for- the cloverleauf initersection was aly the caittie were out on asur nearinig coiiletion and was hooked ýt the ,1,time. IUP tb the s1ource 'in front of Brown'§s hi,o. !, a;)ppears that through an eri- Mr. Gerald Brown on retdurndngi: to crr in Lthe wirinig durrentwabin hebarn for wateu l~rte srae fede e te eutral linint i)o the P Il-îgD onNo. 25 (Clark-e 1),ua:1orrsigLt 1 t 12n u e ntfj ont of Twiihpte rear of thle Se, ondl,( Cones~ o ollng tatonat Communîty Habll, Newtonvile. Polhnig D s nNo.26(lre2 ua:Cnpiigo Los13 te 6 ocusvefem fotof Towntshîi, te the rear ef SecndCocesio, naise Ls iots 17 te 26iicluiveite ot Halfof he hir ConesuonPolingStationý at WlliMc- Pollng lvisua o. 27 (Clarkýe 3) Rrua:Coringf Lot ~ t 3 icl~jefrom fronit ef Twn oi fMdef ~ . IirdContssio ase 1ots17 te ncui inthe 1North HaWll of heThîn onesionnn!te Suh al fth ourth Con1- N , N awcastle. jjj(j 1Divion'ý Not8(lre4 'rCnprsna Lotsi te 16 inclusý1 üive, ni he S ixth'ncesionand te1 n aiL Ke9nd-ZaUI PoliagDivsio No 29(Clarke 5 url6o)rsigo Lots 317 te 0 ci5) iint heNorthIlf of the uSixth Cn amd theNorth all oftifth Cncession ajnd ýthe Vlla o onoNrhogen tet Ollig taionNo. s2 - an 9 - tMon5 All, Orono., 1ý ~Sk~d Ao g- 1 3' N,31(,ïk ) ual omrsigo The ;ýregniaïr meetinig 0f tIe o- m-en'Ir M\issFioýnary Socity asheld on Tniesdcay, June 4th in the Suinday School aluditorium. The meigop- ened with quiet mscby Mrs-. A. A Mos, Staples taek tre Wrhi Service xlhich bega-,n vith tIre hî 'ymu 'Oh Lord, Thou. art nty God and King' and one verse of "Oh cou-Id I spealç the ntatchless werth." TIre sct'pture ireading -,as taken Iront Ephesians 0chapter, verse 1 te 10 and chapter 3, 14,te 21. The thense, "No't yonr own doingýý"whri Paul speak.a of the ,wneflpiowerorf God was very ablytko by Mis. Stapl, who clos- od tIre wirship service with the hymnn "Breathe on me breath af Ced." Thre Study Book le charge of group lefur, -çvs taken by Mrs. IR. Allen and 1Mrs, R. lancock who spoke- on Chrisftian Educetion lin emoaand China andgae us se very .IintoL'est- ing iniformatcion. Mrs Hnicckaise spoke I 4tIre we,-rk "Take ue tao ie y ' 'nas snng and( tre ofîerinîg tkn Mes Drmmotiread tIre stoy a a Doctor ,iw(o thre Iis untiring e2f- forts e bal he sia, 'utde tIre fer,- eýgui people r-eaize somet1hing of the lov fa God for ail miankind. SIre s said thtil Christians toe Iewrh of tIre cammst par1ticipate in mis-l sion wýork wich is te be Ionnd both at hante and abr-oad. Snpply Secr-etary, Mes. Weodl, r- por'tI ed thaIt coUr alocation l ftwe nill~shad býJeau senIt m in nd Cuiy akIn'owedgedi by Miss.Pag.Mes. A Drý:nîo!And adashort articlefrm DominionBoar, aise o k olte SiolforiLea(lers ýte Ire hld il) Augut. I wasagreti t10rod 'alpic- Thie meet'ing .,coedwtonvrs oftIretheme sang anI tIeMizpaný Monday V oting ~Day EMlPR ESS (0F ENGLANDU: Thie Canian Pacif ic'snw 25,500-ton i"Entprýess ef EngýIlnd" rails past Qebec City vwtih ne of the ancientf capital's cest laimonsý lanidmarkýs, thle Ciateau Fronteniac otiin the ýbackgrnnmd. Thr herle d linerconietdber imaýie vyaige from Liverpool teo MontreailreetyCosucd with its sister sithre "nprs l Britaini", at a comined Cot I 35O0,00.the"pe sof Eniglandis ue i, of theleiist modern ships aflôatRand la comleolyai-cediiond.Thre Entpless of Brtaiingland, Scoltland and Frýance wiài make a otale41 cails at Monâtreal duirinýg thie sao adpoieacnmd~i for more t.han 75i00tUveler. he "Emprýess ofEgln" wt ser>vice( speed of 21 knôts, has sapfor 15c irs class patsseng-er-s andC 900i touirist. A VOTE FOR EN T s S, IACREDIT la a Vote for the--followïing Refô'rms:. 109fl per month ension fornor Ciiizens, immre-diate Government Graýnts for Tobacco Warehouising and Tranfsfera-Pble Superannuation Btenefits Wfrich Would Open Em-. ploymirent Doors to the Wage Earner Over 4/0. J~o-iteest rate, long-term 1oans for farmers, businessmen and indstralworkers. An intelligent farmi progriam to end "duminping" and surpluses. EVERY Canadian family to hiave a ch-ance to ownt a home by government-sponsûred, low-,down pýfymenit, Iong-terni boans. Utmost ilospital and Mledical Protection forall,as is done pres ently in Aiberta anid Britishi Cloumbia. Reforjin of the Senate into An Instrumient for Action instead of Elimination of "tight noney" Îimediately. Eliminaion of Incomne Tax i lowver wage earning brackets and ad reduction up to 3'0 per cent across the board, Trs at h acoplshd y za Prog-rant of Debt ýiarid Tlax Reduction comb3ined with a Fîiianci'al ol dsgndte Secure additionalreveus for the Provinceýs from Cani- ada's atualResurcs o Cend tunprïncipled xlitto by outsiders. Thtis la beiug dun NOi i Bitih Clobian and %Abertn .Let'S m111 itCanda ide! (Prie Xknisor S. Laren say tha 25cent ofeery tlx dllar goes te payîug inteestchares L0N~et ur ntioal dbt ithot pying a dont on thle totail!) A) voefrToms 1is a vote foGr ycju r own interesta U.rono W in Uver W etcorne Brownr fart and %vas being carried throtiugh the bai-n on the water pipe, te eth4ornmetal articlesý in use la th- Dnie Lycett Secures 14 SOS.-ban ______ Tis feed.,back of electricity througIr the grlouaid or lientral Elne coffld have Tl'ire Orone, BantamBa1seba-il teant pr-ove1 the hea-,vy hiter forOeo resulted in much dam1age ati with a ameup wt a thrillin1g Victeroj'Vverth a -sO1id hit hall1 that reached the possiblity of a great less in thie prize týe Bnitilis onfenýe at tIre bettom of tIre park flor a herd oI pnrebr-ed iloisteis owned by he ecn tBatnsoWeinesd 101,0home mn.With thils Peter aise lan-1Mr. J. T. Brown who is pre-sentiy ceefai-g.at tire ocal i teiam n- clu ded a triple. Wayne Bailey ht a attenîng a Holstein Convention la the score,1a1 8-7. Donnie Lycett, drvtIreUnien Stado iling pitcher camne up \wîth ia ste1rg1ul 'h oneLyetdivngUitdSae gammi foi hi tem ates by stiik;ingeu osigls on1t Itret îmr.Donis hcrwd pntaIconitio], s'peed, cuirves and Otnoplye sun bi except 1for- diroips, The losing pi.tcher wa,-s Samn- a mufl in the fouirth when thiey allowo' IIakil.1t~sTabln oo rp heiedtheeWecateplyes e ee Pi'ý1 P a cnic Maloin Mcenze saetd te bilFor J-uli the, first En1ing at 'nlc is teailgain tnsot1 i ng WVednesday nighlt at ü Ï <"~ maesfoloed etr 'artn e eOrono ParkVV '. M Y e et