-~ - - W~L Events - A CA OsMN OLy 12bour in a Very arMnuDout tjnce* a moments th n e ve al»tiutt of wqf.t. YOU CANPRer NT71 ESFEV ... DO N10T wi.*gya qlu NO SOKIN S#GS A VMLABLE FREE0OH U 2LEST. NÂME A TELEP14OME T. ikèt&Sa 1StovBe 2W Uowmon A Gib Witby ' -32 Rn@td à. emy 3 W. W.& P.%es« Frt p.ny 4 R. H. Ne on Columuas ro 624M2 Johrt E. n4s t4.wmrekt l iag -2591i H. 'Et. 4we ZePb&1'e rAouth NeUlF. mr t oe121 Ken Pre i* Moe 346 Gee#.N.Vc. Wh, Y )W 837 Aff, T. Whitg 81ubridge S SEv4ro WhiI wmonile . MArkt?827 onE. Wfïqh .thooly '24R4 - 23RIt TH-ER 'S A MALE LEAF ENT NEAR YOM, THIS OVRTIS T SH SED AS A, PUBLIC 18-. VICE T14 TIR 000 F'1APMING EVERYWHERE MÂPLE L FIItE INSUItÂNCE cM COLUMIUS, ONT, Sons spent Sunrtaly wth Mr. and Mas. Dona, Staples. Mrs. j. E,.ihrsiie r n Mi1o avid and Stephenl, -Lefro01. Ma-s. Hislop was the former J;aneu Mowat f of Toronto. A numbý'er of Orono laiattenidel theu Prov i li oenition of the W. C.T.TJ. on Tuesday evendng in Simi- cee St. United Churci, Ohaaand enjoyed a splendid adrs given by Rev. GoronHneTrto TPhe O1rono Band is to take part 'n the 5ffiialopeling o>f thene o- ties M'-icýipa! Building r-eecnitly o pe-ted in Cobourg. T'hebul4gi s1tate along Hgta o 2 at the west of the Town. Anunmber of people frin th]e dis- tict atte-ided the Mjjjbrook Fair on0 IW~dnsdi~and reporta finle show»ing Perc Vi i n s~~ssul onsrvaivedanIce rctloft'he ILnrv -v-Seholol of canidae kDora~nrii-iin1the(, he Harvey School of Dancinig in accnte1ctonOpioiteth sccss fBomnvile tudy ngt fuicanid~te ~ ~ieCene~vfv le~- iCogrtulations to Dore en 1DeM*ý,ooy der Jhn ieenake. ndMr. WatrNannina o thei LetLter to the Editor Sees Conservatives Ini Alliance Edior OrnoTirnes Sir:- Aitomobile Accidentis an analysis of the eslection prb- Icrersîimg Insijrance Rates OPm 0 eis Imuch tokalk onthe Heectin WIhpe and trust th, edr h cniuto of the spi-aaing of the parties concened wîllrealize cost of autoniobile accidenits dluring that 8Wchmaprocedure is not in the the first four nths oA this year The Star suggests that the Cnev- rr enany OntarlomotorAts. aveParty'"s best ineret-oujd be, anohe elctonquic/wdth the Tele- The indepeadent Automolle ]In- ram almost iniaaeet Can, this surnce Conferenlce, followinlg a surI.. ¶Ph Lieras ea hagonunilde.. feated o n -a ivote omf conifidence. They wold be in the akwar position of inlcreases will go into effeeýt on Juiy At the saine tune, officiais said the tayig to f« ormagoerninent against increnaSsswa nny amd thie mOIl of the people. Oni an eetiondrvs with ac-cidient records and this3 co ., recuit in aothrop heaviýy yo.uig' udr-4dmie Accident- '11e'arct. Tistimu of Conservai, %trt y Pds%$en~ d jIbe gir- tiv es. (men paefereatial treitint. In iddÏii se tivsty anto agoe- mnent. If the ou raie go tu theTe ol eiaad e h oLdý u± cntay te Lberals woubldhave the No1 change 'Il rates for private pais- aataeof askilag for. their retan lsengercar aao bsns on th: usio fp onil uroe scontemnplated. Goei it. The,(y rnigiht be abe te do it. Bu ihe fths assh best Insurance offCicIs said that the jinterests; of the e!ectorýate_ woulid flot eost of accidents in th e firs-,t few be served becnuse proises to block months oC 1957 had been the highest Výotes would hav« tLo be mnade 1ever -_- up fromn 10 te 15 percent. Thle remjainling alternative should Tehdbýn ute be obvious A working alliace rnust Th statio hdberfuhe be maide eft the formier opposition i coinplicated they said, by the taet grouips. The Conservatives s hould bue that unider the presenit ratiing sy->tei givein a cac to foin a Govermunet f t ,he inSUrance comipaies are payîng without tiesýý or conIceýssions te the tdyshge osso rmlm Lberais. 1nýere need net be coali- ieedup te 18 rnontfhs ago wheni tien but a working, agreemient. Con- .ot eemc es.Teatmbl cessions would have to be ie ade byinurance industry suffered substan- thee ompsîton ropsThy have'jMIa operating losses in 1956 due te al chatnce t esaeaentp l isiig accineait Costs. TheConeraties jThe nwratLe incýýeases were iaitend- The ncectivs must f neces- ed, insurance spekermnf saidt te Op.y emen if they had a cicar mai.jor... bring pvemiunis miore irealistically in Qt, prove that yt has a poliy and Hmne with the ri-sig costs et accidenits poregram that is be teur than thleC Libe.alsý. The Libej ais %ould ewelfInsura.ýnce prerinim are based on advîScu te accept tale i-oie ofI oppesi- tien utii it has a nqw leader a nd estazblishiled a new bo d y of[ men1thIa t is Cabinet, materil. The parties whbo assist thie Con-. servaives can ennance their reiputa- tibal and people et Canlada canl have tiýhe b)est ila ovmn, during the neXt few years. Spleaiknsig as -a lay.- ma ad outside part.y poIlîtis thlis Ils wncsLould and ILieve viiinappenl. j W:ag uû .:Uii a you set youai owa rates" sysïtem, thley saýid. "WVhen tb cost and nuinher et accidenlts ice se, semust insur- ance rateýs. Wie. a(-ccident costs go lownl, inlsurance rat-,ie toilow suit." said. "As heaJ oet the banik, Prîvate breerUISe con3suit me wiregard 1 te. Jiperting cattie," E.~ ~ :et ;agms for the imipoat ef 47,250ý,0ù00 worth of Canadian seed hi ie Laud Un hand te mieet Dr. Pimentel were Dr1. Cý. D.Grahmin, Deputy Miasteret1 Agrýiiculture for Ontario; W. P.. Wat- f We are plowng tce ou inay bontarieLivcstok ominissonr lba ntute land te make oua agri- . i Cioîns, Secre(Ltary o e h ll micultr strongas La sateguard for tnCeinFiinAssociation et Canada, fturc' n, D~Enriqe Pient etA d a grup e rreodfaada C~ace, Vnczu~atoldi reporters at -1atenn 1M-conairPAî. Dr. Pîmntel is pres- kie.t e th Agicut ank ot Ven- Di. Pmentýel xIii bu visiting maniy ezula wer mins1,aIe bcîngde ettheiîg h ors etci uCn fiota oÂ. i rn hîueresied n study, 1da. Before starting this touh ing for the Vnaea 0eneî,wspeeîe iha pair oet.trnc Lite essi~litesoe ilpaiglagny"moll tth litinwad J nambers o cattie trm Canada,"heo, i yG .Ceos i i aiuto the ithen m ii vy, inOr- ono Commuai y Pa , Wednesday, Junie 19t11at :O Orono B and in A cord(ial initatHjàisextendedto eeyn.Bring ylur o-vicniýiic basket compilete. lit thice evet of Jgain Pi jie will be hiel in the agic l a uildliin,. ORONO *SUnjday e7 ning next, at 7.30 Les- kard Chuij Anniversary. Guest reICMber: Rev. Mel Fisher-,, BA., of Pewýcastle. SVecial nusic l-,- the aste ju' rChoir under thieïir lea4erMr. oiran Williami-s. The egea ionithly imeeting o- th-e Evenlinlg uxiliary will be el Thursdy, Jun 2f), at 8:15 ..i the Sunday Sc o01 IAudito ;uniofrh Wonlo Uniýted hurcli . Werry, Ne icstle ývjklbe tl speaker.Con and bring a riena TelINSHOPÎ e V igor U Co.. Steve Ô 2lcets Pt FI 111 r' cÂa L er aIj iergalJ BENEFIT AUCTION I FrIday, June 2lst O ilono Municipal Building Preesto e ,used by ft Orono AthietieAssociation for spOnso)riaig sports rgaîi children of Onr-no and Community DONA N F URNIUREDISHES, ANTIQUES, Etc. wiIl be appreciated anid collected on TYhursday, June Zth Yen must have something in your cellar or, attic IlThose wijshing te deinate -- Cail Mrs. -Margot Samuel, Phone 11710, Time To Paint And Save COSTLY REPAIRS There IsA Bu & He PAINT For Fvery Purpose R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Ph... 11816 ormeo, Oui. s I>OAis ' VWE A 1 Umd, - C r o, W" «»ý pba"- w1el