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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jun 1957, p. 6

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1 , i~ nirrstands ndskiosthat ha- ionana'haloves But she is self- ha years bearndownU.r.ý hnany a man f els that )ny protection a;gainst, te sanascafl.ce is being Syojung people, pref an- ,h opposite sex. Ha la [ed tat the'r vary iity can somnehaw n e- bis fadinzg strength, mgc aloneg the sunny ýapple ede- doiiýy , with apples to0! hlet-hand- ta dlisplay!; bat direc- 16 -x 27 inchas -in --xDtentý tflé passing iavorita cihair, hïcTis wife conceru about what their éends are sayîin, sha will *remnember that her husband la *not the anly off ender whorp *they have sean. They stili, *lave her and respec-t her, and -'she can ha assured she has *their unspoken ;ympathy, STOPS DATING OTHER.S "Dear Anne Hirst: For over three yaars 1 went with a youang man. Then we- had a quarraIL.11 started seaing som-eone aise, but it didn't wonk, I founid I stili loved Ithe first boy . ý.. We tried ta reconcille, though fie hadi bean dating aniothar girl. -Now we sea-ý jeach other occasionallIy anid ha swears he lovres me-but ha stll ates her. "I've come to the point wihena I just can't see anylody aise. My heart goesa ater him, s50 I cannot enjoy b1eing with an.. ather boy. Arn I wasting rmy trne ii usaleas hope'? Or do yaui thik chawviilcame kack? OLI1VE * How caii pradict what titis * boy will do? Ifhla'ýves you * as ha recently claimed. ha * wouid flo have~ tite for'-any- ùn an ase. So long 4asha doas, *you had hatter realizcaha la *not serious about yau, S tart seini fther vounff cane deef tae otter her, you wasting aner: if- ne roes 1lhe will gi-ve up xi; if h~e still sees 511 know youàac .r tinte aven. ne- dt ot home feeling oursalf. Get out iitt g, rl and boy you wil! find 11f titan i', seems ta- dDay. * *'y . Anne Herst is your uinseeni friand, standing by to guide you tl'ough 1f e's perpiex.- ing prob1enms. You can be sure of lier wisdom and hier symapathy, and site never be.- trays a confidenice. Addres*s lier at Box 1, 123 Eightç,eenth St., New Toronto, Ont. arto Rosseffinm. of on Inditin fte mother of iii. Reports of e lbeeri denied ýnali berseif, Irid Bergman, CONVERTIBLE - Fromn crew cut ta long tresses, normally a two-'year job, can now ,vb. accomiplished 'ini a split seconid. Yolande Tornait, dmnta the Iatest teen.age fad-pany.. taii wigs4. made of natuci hair. Rangig i ength frai-n. 14 inches to 16 inchas, the hairpiaces are priced frai-n $25 to $45, and are Made by atchirig hairs, oneo or twoata a lime, toaa piae c feItk. P. RtlRM We begin ta feel as if we belong, here naw, We have aur nante on the mi-o and a naine plate on aur front lawnvi. Nat on-ly that but a reprasenta- tive of the "Walcomae Wagon" cama calling yesterday. -Ever heard of the Welcome Wagýon? I had only a dim idea cf what it Ymnant but inow that I kno-w more about it 1 think it lsa wonderf-ul set up. Not because of what is given away but because it giea newcamaers a feeling af recognitior. Farnm folkk may nat know what 1 amn talking about so I'd hatten ha mare eyplicit. It la a practice that la steadily gaining ground in Ontario, Ap- paranitly trade-peaple in the- neareat business section agrea ta contrîbute towards the "'Walcome Wagoin,» whidt mneans that a. raprasantativa calîs upon ahl -iewcomers ta taedistrict, bninig- lng with thent courtasy carda fron those. who wlsh ta, contni- bute and stating ta hat axtent. The carda have on themr the namire of 'the sponsar and ask the nawcomer "ta presen.t this card so ve wa my have tha.plea- sure of rm-akin.,g youn acquain- tance aànd you will rcei-ýve a gift with Our complîmaitta." In this district 'lhe local newspapc-r promises a thrae-m-onths' su1b- scriptlon; a garage, a dollar off any purchasa or service; another garage offers a free car wshor lubrication; ana drugstore secnt along. a box of bond-aida; a fio)riast shop a gay littie potted plant;, anathar gar-age à map of tle township (mnoat usaful). Otiharnmarchants ware satîsfied to sand a card asking you ta cali and ré-ceive a, gif t. At firat sig1ht that did nat appeâ-,l ta us to veILl As 1 said taý our lady-coller no oine feels like walklng into a storeý, presenting ia cairdand asking for the pirmisad g-ift; She ogreeçl but, explainaed t h a tý tradas-peapie are especially anix- loua that newcomrers at eaost pre- senty'their carda as tala sthe only wvay the sponsors have of knowing whathani their cffer of servi ce la raaching the p)eopie.> If, is, of, £urý funoiri of a- literture . , a c of elmefrom fol&ers front the M Brandit of the D Highvwa-yi - and fi the Funerai Home and Amnbu- lance service and ana f'rontthe nearast circulating llbrary. The officiai hostasa hocalled upon us was a friendly, helpfu'l, aasy-ta-know sort of persan. 1 amn afnaid if sha stayed every- where as long as she stayed lier. site wouldn't gat in mary calis during the day. But 1we sa-emred ta have s0 much inl coinmon. And thaer. oý cuse, Partner carne &long with a numbar of quas- tions. Altogether aur visitai, was vary itelpful and lef t us wlth1 the imipression that the Walcomne Wagon was an excellant innova- tion that trades-peaple should flot hesitate to sponsor. And if It saems halpful ta us what would ït mnean ta newcomers fra-m an- êDther country? in aur case wa knawý this la- cality pnetty well - that la why wae sattled hare, We like the feeling of stil! baing in the counitry and yet wiýthln easy diçs- tance of transportation ta and fromn Toronto, But of course titis la aur first axper.ience- with the, business s3eçtion and as we mare or less intend ta "sitop at hiome"- we are vary glad ta know when and liere goads and services9 are avouiable. Weý still like aur littie village store and hava ta, intention of maklng waaklf trips, to a reently opened s5hopping9 plaza, which I believe ila the ileareat big shoppin~g centra ta'v -tiis district We are stil! finàing Pienty tai do arýouiid here Someorie aslsed Us if we ware a retired caUPÏle Well. that was Oui' intenilon but somnetimes I1 ode!One d1ay la-st week Partuaic-' went Upj ta the f am ihJohniny and bogtback soniea hardwVood planks tbat he hadi beeni saving. for future use. I don't knaw what ha intendas dolnig with t h e- but cartainiy good- dry lard- wood la worth keeping on. hand. Another dlay I1 want down tac Oakvilla and vlsitad %with Joy and our grandson. Rosa, waa ýon, bis best behaviaur, Joy had saine sïhoppîing taýý do so site-vvrapped Ross up in bis blanket and laid hlmr in the bottom eof the shop- ing cart. Another shaopper look-' ed q1atrmand x1ie-el aiow I've sean evanything, A sh,,opping tant as a baby-buggy!»' Rosa thought 'à wýAs just &al rlght. Thnough the. wira, walls hae Could see in every direction. ISSVE 24 - MMeè ln Stateroom A Fathier becam'e enamored of alligators. Hie founci themr friend- ly littie fellows, and our 1house was soon overrun by therrp. He hrought the first two home that first Evaergiades trip and -ýlmnost ,-et haimrself arrested for his pains, Tliey waere in burlap bags in the stateroom witli Mother and Father. One of thern, par- haps the~ jollier andl more play- fui one, grt out of lais bag and was fouxnd by the porter crawl- ing into a lower larth. Mother an'd Father were placidly aat- irig their dinner in the dÎing car when the train seerned ta go beserk. Therýe ware cries of fright, orders and count.erorders given in -frantic shouts, and a general scurrying between the Cars. Fatlier wlenit baqk to inves- tigate the cause of. the uproar. " Why, this i t t i e fallow woudn't h ur t R fly," he-~said soothingly, lifting the alligator out of the berth and holdfing it alof t for admiration,."Thare's not a fniendiiýer creature in the jun-gle," he addad superfluously, and ta an audience that was iascinated but n ot appeased. The conductor arrived at this mnoment ta state that either the alligators would leave the train or the allîgalïors would leave tha train in campany vwith the pas- sengýers in Stateroomn A, iniean- ing Mother and Father. "You cani put them Iinthie baggagec car," off ered Fathar. "No!" shôuated the conductor. Father drew the conductor aside and worked oni hlm withl reasan. Thcy had paid their f'are and were entitled ta ride; they had off ened to put thefir pets in the baggage car, as was re- quired by riiroad regula ' ions; they wauld be fonced ta bring thex mattan ta the attention of the ntianag-emént and penhapa the- Interstate Commierce Comm-.jis- sion îf they were daprived of their rïghts as passengers. Fa- ther didn't say he was A. J. Drexel Biddle, but peopla> who travelled in a stataroom withi alligators wera obviously cf su.- perior class. Fathan clinched the deal with a ten-dollar note slip- ped into the conductor's hand. He had a toug-her timîe with the porter. "Who ks golng tp maka up the beds in the stateroom riarte that worthy, adding îimediate- Father solacad hlm with a five-doliar bill, and Mother made the beds for the rest of the journey. Our feelings at home -were mixad. We wene proud of belng the finst priavte allig-ator awn- ers in Philadaiphia but were aware that socially the dlistinc-. tion was dubiou-s. - Froin "My Philadaîpia Father." ')y Cr- ~delia Drexel Biddle, as toid ta Kyle Crichto. Modern Etiquette by Roberta Lee Q. If a wornan la belng Mar- ried for the second time, would it b. proper for hier marni daufflter to announce thie mar- rnage? A. No. The imarriage should be announced in the naine or the woman and her husband, Q. 1% i proper for a guest to express a cholce of food when the host or hostess requests ik? A. Certainly. When requested, it is much more proper ta state a preference than to say, *'It doesn't matter." or "Anythýiig at ail." 11f y-Cut, SewI 4855 ONE SlZE Our iewest Printed Pattaru- JIFFY-CUT! Paper pattern i3 21l ona place: just pin ta fabrie, eut camplate apron at oncet Each of thasa pretty littia styles ktakes juat ONE yard 35-inch fabrlc! Printed Pattern .4855 inc]udes; ail thrae stylas: isses> Medium Sivza only. Eacit apron takes à yard 35-Lncli fabnic. Appliqua transfer Jiifr-Cut patternt Ls aasiast le cut arid sew. Ail patlten-n parts ara prlnted on ONE tissue piecek Sett4 FORTY CENTS (4û<> (stamrps cannot ba accepted; use postal note for safaty) .1oythiz pattern. Pleasa print plainly SIZE, NA-ME, ADDESS and STYLE NUM-BER. Send ordar ta ANNE ADAMS Box Il, 123 Eigittaenth St., New Toronta,, Ont. INOR&D DENIES RIFT RUMORS - tI Paris, actress lngrid Borg, mtan, who goye up. her home, htr family and lier corder '10 marry hallan fMm dieocfor Rob.erte ossetlinî, scoffed ut re- porits thct h. plonned t. divorce lier ond -wed the wife of un Indîc>n film dIrectôor. lngrtd 'und Rostallini are ihown hors wIth #hei.r twin driughters, lngrid and licibe,in Sinnta Marinel-

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