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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1957, p. 1

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ES o ORfl'Ný'O, ONT.ý J L LY 4th i195 7. Subw-rîipto ýron o Studen's Attejnd $8OOTBSptOroPe esSiI At No ig CIOSUnîdefeated, Played 8' U nited Nations Seminar Atth ie en ai te uram Teroo e _______________________iil___________ Wees continued on Tuesday, June 25 RA u!clse nphyscaldci o ab ITemyCarletoaý's pitcýhin-g forOon îe 28, Bernice Lunn hel~~;1,d at e sain ie, wýeeaPae n ueoswlsordb h Thecat il bener 15,OO ad ewastHe pitcing staff figured' ,, rhepreened laOna nyan( wni yongo dancub- C w ilMA entail an ceteedpooket in-thegmeatlyin the one-sdedvictory. ute Untef atonnla.tslu,ïBora frmryem e n s f st( O. p- ae aed a gener- s7al meeti ta l i fth gy te er top ain s ~ LI capso ue' el neO cMuiialo f the door. ThiW i l rPoeHoeAl mnobatrsejoyed a tlip îgtn nara M nay uyShai73 .. hs Te covrin oliead hle rudte bases at ieast twice dur- pend t iv oclck aenfo aesfîom . t 9 roam at Bowmanviie Ilgh School ta ing Ùae gamse. On the othr hand Ter- ýpnd i i,, ,ný1ýbe usedsfor indasi iarte McasesryCaeoalodvryfwht ts registLered ad The oaide r c-' e m d scus- Owa asaapproved aC -Cstof $30 owvrddgive Up eightl ks îms t Ba ig. sed ths pojctand rush everybody A reusse or Sapetyvalue as am- eheard a few werord-taYiehere and puesser (oinn. hzed Yta hei,tabue! on the bot The Oono Pe MWes haveno who presded. Th»s f tere is a goodtuicn9out pfhfies waterank in Port Hope drin teo payd atoal f igh g in l a lctre nddN w~i e cosn ad oesetaivs ser tmeuc.These items %butwhhthey-hvewo-alThs ea\es K. A. MKry 4-fmaibg ~op e eîected cemed theGeworks p'grm for the b' to ,ta 'be ayd.'hese w adory at ueen'.M. -2m thj- poettth etig iner oth.gans r(om2aie nteîr d te ua ad he rler i ~siai cpial sriin 1ete euyowies to he pur-PakOnwth atHoe nSat- ted Natin.U h S.Bo raizto.U.todt hsd six for Pt1o 1 epead four I ay, July 6 and Ce othierithBo 'ning Professor John! _________________ Co1nthied page 4) lmanvile on Saturday, Julylth NMeisei of Political andEonnl S'ienlce stressed The iniipa)rtanýt posi- tlun the Uniited Nations has la ain- tniga balance ofpoe through- .Mr. J .Gos riefiy otle h det e ed-dd t six grroups. Each gaup ad elevenrpesta tive coùintieis, AustraliiaC nCa- omibia, Cuba, France,, Iraq, Phiilp. -pine's, srweden, 'Uaited Kinigdom ý"U.i S, A. and the U.S.3.R. Each cut Mtated the views of lts govemomen t on the recet suez coriss.Con.it anu argument aroaeamang apsig n'ations. To casethe teion &f the ouci we were entertained wvith a bo)at t'-ip, swmand picnic. T'hursday mn-ing Dr. A. V.Dog las,, Dean Of Wma mhszdthe E. .CO.ta give, as-'ýsistan-e t'-lnd requi-ing heip.Closedy akin ta U.N.I E.S.C.O. is; the prýohieuni of extending aid tA underdeveloped landsroeAs- sor F. A. Knaox explaýined this crtical; situation ta t-ise gr-afp, an iwecl d ta sIm n I is Ie FALL FAIR DATES Beavrton Sept. 12-14 Belleville -Ag.12-15 Black-stock - Ag.23--24 Bàbcaygeen - Sept. 27-28 campbellford - sept. 2"4-25 Lakefield -Sept. 11-11 KirmontAug.301 Li'ndsay - Sept. 18-21 Madoc - Oct. 1-2 Marmora Aug. 31-Sept. 2 illbrook -jure L12 lNorwoold -Cd 1-14 Orono1 - Sepýt. 6-7 Osihawa,- Aug. 15-17 Peterkborough1 - Aug. 7-10 Picon - S1ept. 16-18s fport Perry Aug 31.-sept. Port Hop-e- Aug. 30-31 RZOseneath -Sept. 27-28 UntdNations. The eveaiaýg session eaded With a film n R.M Thle Semî,nar concluded wihth Mýodel eeaiAsnrl.Eauch eri lie fa tbe Seinar eprsned lthe gavrsuentof n ssinei c<iUntry. were peet Contro;versial isue lad debatabie questions oprue fo twb eoutosiv o Asm .The Gavo, netsofsaecrniepe- entd teirviews an the Suez cris or th annn fnclrwao re-ordsaný Ud Our onMu:j.ýsicais ili suppiy the musie for the da1Cni Duri r, the, year eh, ahv Public School Pj ISQuadwiHienltrIn tse Plne unaUn- trophy. Tihis ben0onftdteO- oY aya , wIli s eek t'isýe Ontarlo Oronoû, Kirby, Cowanvillei ORONO pUli -C SCHOOL, GoGrd( DPROMOTIONS Liida Anlie-rs, H-onours; Rager Bario-w, Dougl--as Barrabaîl, Termy, (SîiletanHaous;RamaGlav?1 Hoar;Gail Hanse, June Huron, Roliert Lewis, Lamrry Mlier Hono-uns; ToryMtchlArienteNeai, Ileatiser Honaurs; Ca-role To,jý, To) Grade 8- Sheila Barmabali, HansBsga, Wayne owenVicýki Ctteýr,Mr GneCmaig Hindi, ,Nell HoePatsy, Jonles, MrlnMjr uan a HionouJean anblnJud-ith Tr 'i->y n, Margery Ty-ýri eLiHms Camai To Gradeý Il- David Dent; Elaine Farrea;tsr; Glenn may;AnaHtto (an) -Oiav Kitchea;, Barbhara Mlitch!ell; Val- erieMailer;Bryon Myles; Janice Ruthe--ford (Fo.); Gr Simpson (Hon)ý, Marilyn abyn (o. Ceoen Tolmbi. Lamry Adlamis, Anise Araott, Bianýi Boyd. Riilly Caldwell, ShirleY D-anlop, Kare FaanSusýan Goode, Pamnela HadBria Horon, Jupie Jones, ArtsurKilatrekFaoc Lewis, Donl- ald MeKeazie, ari Mecer, Klon( Wiso, onldPres-otýt, Johnl Rab,- ison, Emee Ahi Catherie Sparyl Margaret Taggart, Douglas Taylor, Beveey Tenant, Donald '-odd, Alani rieliclous bufft d oer a cered MM-woroetie-r an sujectof sinteNO.s14 taualaswi as ahav e aardooe %o rae7- sPOOIOSo .S O 4 Ia tise evening Mm. Cmplieliof tie togetier andraturatathéerhomes aeMr departinent of Exemnal Affais di-Iand scisoos furtiser enichedla tisen Je2nnCfer Coer, Bannie; Convier, isefioighv en~oo eussed canade's inaelntonhip with tie koldg1ftieUiedNton. Dnn;Hpereeli;HHughes, Teoisnghvbe Pmts Waye;Ro-eo poRssil; lShamnon, Grade 1 ta -S usait rBauil(11), Shiley Tenea, FancSliJ ennette Meart'ensýe (H). Gamy. J neb WkiiGrade 2 ta maril ansin 1(H1) TiChnists0e Malians((H) Mr, nd rs.Clar n:e urly adn erh-. Blarahaîl,Bob,. oGrae 3 as4 - B(Hoani BaI (Hn ~.eIebate Silver Jina isiege H, eryTm H., lanAne ., hi, Ter- Grade 4 ta 5 - Chiristina ïMaar- Mmr. and:1Mns. CaoneBuney wr saywiljyu apies r; (Groon, Cascy; EHiton. Gay; H., tense (1H), Doug las Hau H), Ross -campletelytakeas'ty urpriseaonsnts HeronAlan; Hooery, Manie; Kennedy, Wnna(Hl), Hnelsh (H), Mer- Uday ovnaJune 29th wisen aven Your home ls insrowas been a place Rli;HMKnî,In Ncsl~,,gaeWisn -ana hundned firds e ig'isours and "Meetrindsacould eapect a %wara Faye; Taggart, Troy; TyrreiiLynda; Gae5 t - masieVanelle relativs nangyed a part l tlerand Coun,-teos hoelalit, You have VaggJudy; Wiae roe;H, HJmsWlo ,Cs ls honour et Newtonville Hall, an tise '!ways sonqiksmnhiadWliSaa.bergen. ocasion of their 25t2 Weddiag Anai- o esiionse tauny,-eau jin tise cmmn G rade 6 tua_7 -WyeLwy(H vouary. ity.,Gr,- Cathne Wilso (H), Frmank Ga. Lyrda ovn(ns)àhmlCa oga(R), David Htsnod Han:- Mr. Gardon Mairtia a mse of Tissppy ocso ie sao;Catismyn Hoey (Hmls.); Wan adMLininî. meoones.WhileDois Marin pay- cane ameet witisyeaucas weli, ercer; Brenda Mitchell; Ross MIr-Grade 7 ta 8 -BiH Raid (H), ed tisa Weddhig Marcis, ennariandmene ad acguainnce, We ask you ris;Dane Rogenson (HrsÀ Garon Gade 8 t, 9 -Cathenine Lowcry Wliis Far,attendantsof tMun- taDcrép tiese gîs as a nnidnSmsa(e.;Bmyan Tamiyn; l(H),MeTrriiGwaiani. fine yens ago escaneti O~s ané f the espectand god wlshsnof Rbin Tagnrt;TaryiTonan-t; M ary I nL Htlon heinniete '(-{havence ta chairs iaced la frWnt yur fiends and ncighliours. EllesiTolmie; BialTod; Dawsn havepisedivti Hnors1f folile- ofi a tbsdratdathCad 7hes~ iey er tsnVmeone w1he ne Pedby an (R>tiGey havée een recoin- theetimsvddngcae imade 1b:,tis-lveoe owCrlgitlmp o- 1oGad, enel Teaciser:InAL M. lo groom'ssiom Pearl and bleautifli,'y fao beCstoptahie, cmper ani otisenBiMnatt; Jha BarraI;Bo Dalo deomte i civrand piaobyhic-ft.Crirence ndOlive tsaaked Bs (i.;,;ar on Dent; Coleen sister 1Hazel anel Vild oa. tsirfreesl fwwl hsisFyn aa ilint(r.;Susan- wordc. Gliban; John Gmndy(C on.;T eioyCOANILESCOLEPR Daneen Moran ad Kennetiso1-;aG Witty-V1,1 -Cn 1 iAnned a rose Co)rsage and acrain Wiefini eelisoig Hry etHnn aily Hinon Gra e II-II-amaieHicks bou-toalnier on their àaunt and L uce ihsonts ud ndgon r Hn. ei ,ney ihr or tpe ipaMr ed A hotprgrmfotal WO tiese w ntidaOncing foiiowed tY hao;ShrnSimpson; Japk Toi- son. mirns:tIe mcl plyedbyNann n acea ouglSWakee; Fmaser Wl. Grade V--VI -Lea o E Mpooy, ddwsrmmndHllsgwrt (n);Kaheen Werner, Boa- ny agenar. Oliv d Careae: esueLClysdnle.A Avey lunch p ilsnrdeV ePueD nis t. Denn Oveandenaart mies It i tis ngetdeiafpeasue irs csmvdending anonner fieadly To Grad II- GaeIVPaotda Ese tisat weuthider WrCt-igs t oiiunty gntihsnin. aonAli Ha.;Swan CM- n- BrtéedAmdyMWneaaarqos honour yu n y o ýUL1i et r nss eepeetf-i Lno.to;DrtsyDna;Jh ra: ipoTmyPmin. happy mwl i -ti o o.a.Bamn uN- c~IPr oesusan istonr(Han,); Jýon Hoey;Gndei-1-Jh1inpoBb Asbt r'yuLe la ï,L tîog",ieOoond iiiy a uhs Pu oe;Mmae y cs mc eUi As th1odayýs trnlao yeas n s ei-t1ir breiers und iestesta inner isMyles;icky Neý,ai;Ls'eTnnn;Nan-nna iro' et cerelý hope life w lcsocs10-o1Sna eeig.IBhToussie; Monly 1% nte1.rMs. T hepe sa Mrt', 90 Children Takiing Part In Athletic Park Pro21 The Onana,"Athlétc ecrat onl Tuesday, manngwthn next féaw dav3. By Shi Begining hlasi untii rda Jurî and SilyVag-,, Iligh School et einrforitu tioeld an the llnvrstât Kin Thie Semlinar o' avhien thc, studer wýere ass,,ignied roç After dinnen W( frroin M. Dunlop wvas faYliowed lby- cuissian led hy 3Mr patment of H-ist, e NIMlKirdy icus future of the Unit Wedniesdav ma-ino The IJnited Coýunties of Nrhm iena d dDraimvdone stop osrta theubuilding of a winglo tise'I prsn oefrthe Aged an, ý The Councli endorsee tise prop.ees camitte'sreport whic:h was suli. mitte liy~haimanof tise cmite Rneee LarlesJhso fCbug The pnopmse lneon buiig or wngl wil.; bel 10 feet Uby-80 feet aad wiilie,) of'taoe cattuto ta tie wwt of tUne osent huig and con- nected ta it by an entrny.n The aiýddition wiii pra-vidîe space for cainfor enal ad hsptl id patientsz. Týhe cos-t wi'll ie sh aemi with tis Dpatmntof Welaon a - 5basis aadwill not ecedtse suni of 40,00.It i3s more nt ta'lie cil wVas laIýd by h carmn Architeet comuants Raeve Josoulpasedaud cMAco. peoftise pýeiim!iaarypln for tise prpsdbuLiling and lled on E. Barmn.ttof Banettsad Reideran- expiain tiue situaton,ý Mm. amnet sad:,Tbý splaIn lias proached tise propose-e buildng we sw weeacu!d lace itta tisenantis sots, we st Cindest of tise p e- net buiiý*ng-,. But itse>ms ,ta lie -,Inett phpleit i se west.Tiisisj ecu o'f tise Julf tise paet ats naris dt he nv ihiitoflndt tise =entO Itseeni SlisA udNAC- tise west la onder ta presen a pYaa- "Mac ýny ifi" homes are ig mn le netheryen r I iIl ie bore,. an enty tha will au, m i .try. "Wýe hv mme ,entr-ecut saine2 or3 lw war. T f-t. thea wu! bu cei¾. ut it A sesie-Pd v take cume 0' 'il ~mentl ce __ O the poto u"ao iHIe tne Ikippw ~~~ta ~ ~ _I sa tsI ire aehc tas th en cia-'ed: "We are pnying $37 Tie chaitena,ChIeUn, aJohn ,. theseaentsla ndputhinl lepartinent o of efaon wSipar ap. pmoxmatey $8,00 a yamCorwnr a wa yea.r adtoAdotis heDe. vivdeFr dopio Reeve Rn lgel, Pr oe meîe o h paetiscointe saidOurrepot i tha weadot tise pln o ari edradpo~ vie oda98hd ni. TWoO0 The Teengesof theVlaea- te eof pann n raiig Un'der th1sperisonof Mis, Mar- putther smme prgra ino a. IvinLunn the chUidtn have heen du~ tian~ ~ poiecig wth ayacigvde nathwee age groups, y to pryon Saturday eveining of last 6 to 8; h ta 12. Eahgroup havec theïr treelk. Tris program çai>o incldes own actiis under their ownslead- sporting activites a e Orno Prkl .TeuieaapcLoue ever evnin alng itha pssile amnng t'te Orana CMuiipal Buildng an leav ingagro'up ferthe fesv~fi crfs ak nCase- ofminthe ctiv7iti2S for tedywil be heid in the u- Thnpenîng of the suninier pro.. cplBUildig mkhng, lposiletê gram ruas a dou~ceheMdin tdemicarrIy Outthbe progmam, ram or shine,ý ardtorum f the OrnoMunicipal Buildng las, Saturday eveing.The Miss MarilynCAbbedick1isin dace ruas arranged nd promnoted chargeo 'f the 3 to 5 ear' age gro;upIl )eybyLtis younger -setaf een-wihsi stance Ky Donn aanniE=- ages wa bveorganize a Teenage Couvier, Patsy onsandJn eo. organization underthe AdhiecAss- Thiis group hic-h nmesthiry-fiVe aciatian a ravdesuitabl'o-e sumnnier wllplay ,gaýmes sc as 'bo,,ano actvites. This group of te-aesBridge", ansongs and ake purt have eced a president. Wayne Baul- inrafts of vaiou ïnturýe an-giag ey, a secresary-treasuer, C',,n iie froýn 1,inge-r paii,ting ta latcie Tyrrel, programi orgaizers, MWarln I 'Gaha andNoran Rckaby.The 6 tA 8 gogroup is headed hy ard NoIla Ru anM iss Joan A IM eda ndm here again Muasic for the dance was pro-videdI a wiîde progr,-am of gamnes and cr-afta thraugh the use of recordsaand'ail have been arranged te intereet the repo)rt a my-ost enjoyahie and ,SuceSalchildren., Aastante à the group CEll fui vrng Anyone tendi@g te h by Margeiry Tyrreil. Aroqins dance which is ta be hi everýy other tw&enty-five are enrollidil the gop SaudyevýenIingmust be a meulher The-' aider group, 9 ta 12 years, of te oganzatin fr w imem- take, part in vo1leyýrbaIl, tennis, so>ft- bership cards are iss-ued frthei-Iod- bil n t1rg"st rud~I est fee of twenty-five cents. A charge their three hours af recreationl eaCeh ofte cents pertee-ae is levied morng at the Park. Soule twer.ty. eight are at presenit enrolied in the'- (Gontfnued on pâge 6,ïrou, heAded by Gail Cooper and assîsteid by Sosie Major. Cou.ntie.s Plan 98 ed Exten- Sion Foir fHomye Fore AgWEd Young Teefi-Agers liol FUS' LIDancing Party~ VOL a N&? 1

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