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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1957, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 'TE ORON TINHOPChurch Makes Prt I To Kit lime To Paint And Save OTeayvngof thbisýweep C OS"TLY REPAIRS aSrwerwP - I~ arenanc atthe social1. The ThreI A ln fteCuc.Teewsafi dian1 fllo ing te c ia a s'hot- pro- evenin giam was elwith ýMr. R. E. L'ogan . actng s cairan.Mesda1,mes A. A. Fi*'th Drunmun, G~ig~ Carun ud J A.meetir Riabyý provIýied the gatherijng \\ith Rýon E t'vo dIgThtfulmsia nmbes For Every Purpose ~A ikh a hncie gav anJ t, ap)proprate address e Rt E ..> RiI in ap-precIiatýion or the work, carie nd ?hon E., Poilout by the, Kitchnens duing their stay-a-,-ý 1116Orono, Ont. ine Výillaige. The Rev, John Kchnfor th ~vsthn prsntdwith a Cheýque isla fromn the offriciai 'board( of thýe cýhurch. the du - ___________________________________________ Mr, A A.Dru mon , -, beaf gara of thie ladiies of the chutrch, readi( an s a adrsmadientdMs Kitchen wajs a wt a i ea Serývice. Mrs. H. E. Pen ai Mill'on hen alle 01 OLav andî pre- noi of thee chuch wit th moln of had ash oit 1, 8 a I I 1 e foi inonoav, JlV 15[fl j' .lini the course of isrcin pna h o iAddress 5th Th orewilicue wm ia ming iltutosalong withl wateirAmst P.CHPMAN Reoresentative of Waâtdr Tower Society e0 SUNi3 OM ïLY 7 Exhibition ANDr Toronto, Ont. êi FerN 1Ie7 -.r- SL A NEW ERA *TJRSDAY, 3ULY 4th, 1~l57, esentatio ns tchen Family Aud Pencil Set resenfed T. Rev. Kitcheml e-Iast genteral mIeeting uitil Sep- r of Branch 178 A fbe Cann. Leg-ion w\as held on Thursda ng at the LegýinHaull,Qe Powmantýville. The peiet i 1presided Minutes of the lasti ig aere read by the seetary epresideut on behaîf of the, oars prested an engraved peul Pecil set to Rev. Johin KitChen,' lias been Padre of Branch 1781 ýe pýast five years. Mr KitchJeni iving Ono on Jul i o tkup' Jities of a new' pastorate in Nia- Faîls. GeOrge Humhage wo 25-year miember of thie Legion, Iý'so presented with an engraved ind penc-il set. Mr. Hu-Lmphi-age is g to St. Caitharinies to takle up nce tee y is stain foritheLs!immin isg vwýil e on odaJlylt enciig at 1230oon. 'The fhouirs istrctins illbe stfollýow ng rainday when it bui 3 i uihow mniiy whltakepar rtduct"inlg the couurse ofint c wiil be(MssGail Cooer wth as,,sistance from Mj isaMayAn 5tUon 'g Lutd ents per gai 'colts per gai Phone MIA. RA. 5-114,( We lsosupply Aiitoniatic and Conti.- nous Business Ft>rms Ontario Departmneit of Hlgliways The Hfighwvay Iniprovement Act PUBLIC NOTICE IS 1EIREBY1 GIVEN that pursuaný,tat the Hiighwaoy Improvemenut ,Art, 1957, anAiaon will be maý.de by the Department of High- ways toa the Ontaro Municipal Board for the approvad of the closing of the folloing roads in.,the Towniship of Darlington, Couuty of Dur-ham, in the T.owshipi of Clarke, County of Durham, and in the Village of Nýecastl, Coýunty of Durham, that iuitersect or ru into thecotoedccs highwxays kuow n as Highway No. 115 'and 1.Part of the Town Line hletween the Townsips of Darlington an'd Clarke, c!rüssing Highw,\ay,, No. J115, Higloway Nq. 401 and the Canadian National Railway. '2. Plart of the oad Ai(lownebeîenlots 34 and 35, cou.. cessiom 1, Township of Clarke, c2rosseing Highw.ay No. 401 and thé-eoandian NtonlRaiway. v. Part of thuRoadAllowan e heteen lots 30 sud 31, conces- sion 1. Tow ,hip f Clrke, crossing Highway NO. 401. 4. purtcfnewcnaseStreet, illagre of Newcastle, unopened. 5Y Paof cBaldwn Street, Village,( of Newcastlle, unopened. 6. Put Lfcu ch i s eetViVlae O o Neaste. 7. 1Part o,, assey Simee, illgeof Ne-wcastle, unopened. '.iPat of WatoStieet, Vlaeof Nwate m. partof eaver Streat, Village OF Newcastîe, unopened. l0 a prt of Alert SreVillage of Newc-astl,uoend 1Y Part of Arthur StetWiage of Neuicastle, unopencd. 12.part of the Roadi AWowanebetwenos 24 and 25.coue sion 1, To wnshi p of Caikep. 1.Par't of t'ne Roaid Alwacbetwýeen lots 22 and 23', con cession - 1, Twshpof laike. 14.part of theRad Allocwne betdveen lots 20 and ~,cneso 1, T0ownship ofrke 15 rto teRo;ad Awnehewe os 1 nlconcesion 16. Partouof heRoýad Allowance hetween lots 14 and 15, nesn 1, Township of Clarke, unopened. 17.Part of thenRoad along the In, between lots 13 and 14, con- cson1,.owshpOf Crefot now used. 18lapa r ote Rond Allomwcehetîven lots 12 an-d 13, conession- 19. Par of th e RodAloac hetween lots 10 and il, concesion 20. Palto1 e~ Âoace heween lots 6 and 7, concession 1, Tonsr f Cjia e. 'not much nsed. 21.Par o ha os~~AJowarebetween lots 4 and 5', concession 22. Part or tWuR Alowae, hetween lots 2 and 3, concession-1, SuchApplcaton wll e herd y the saoid Board at the Coin- m'uniy Hal. Nwrasle, n he 6th dY of Augusýt, i1957, AT THE cOR0 1:0O'CLOCK 4 INRiE PFOREN<OON, atwhich ti'c aind plceal persons cýliaiming to be interested or affected maya- tend aind i-a heard. Byodrof the saîd il rdaul nersons Olvictng Y nte said closiags orpclaiming that their laud mi% be injuriously afWeced ST the said asig uMt PILEPRTU OR F SUIT OBEC TIONS OR CLAMS itha the Ontalo Mu'nic'ipal Board, 1415Qun StetWesýt, Toronito, rfrrn to Pile Numar . .~61.7, AýND WITH TheoLand surveys Section of t-he Departmient of Hrigri- asParlamentBidns ootAtiin Mr. J. E. aksn ON OR BEFCIRE THE 204d DAY)FJLY 1957. The 1hearing of sh daims iHl tke plae at such urne and place as Diay ha sub- sequently fixaed hy tHaesaid Bad A Plan P-204s hwoing the prtions of roas nprsed ta be rloed ay haseen at te ofie of the lerk of thé owshpof Dl ing-ton atHmIpllltoS, at dhe offie or the Cler of dhe TonshWp of Clairke, atilOrîonoý, a tha ofice of the eclàr of the Village of New.. caleai wcs le, and at1thaoffice of tha epatetofHih. ways lu ooni2627 Eat Blck, àrli ruat Bild:ings,Trotd- DATED u a mronoOntariathis WSh day of Jane, 157. JAMES N.i4T W w-rn---- - *00~.~~~ rvcguarantees yeur round ngplesr Our CARVETH OTORS lPhione 3251 Newcastle, Ontario "40f0n.p eo~e s <noe...a - *1 I fi j $1 ~1 i Il -f 11

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