Presented Jo Anne Ruthe]rfordý the guidles for, this tr A gol"d cord ceemnywa(hld forý Miss Mary Fopund ac ,ua har the 0Oýroo G>irl Guides. on Friday er- an adwlomdMs rak i. endn ~wen oth uida, otherîs jisional CampDirector and!alohr nd fi;e nrisattei'P ded.The 1ceremony;attend1(1ing was held in he Sun4ay Scool aud- torium of [theOroUntdCrh.TeGdCodaspenedt This waalso"thefinl meetIin oriJAneutrfrbyM Fak w'ATCH& cLOC EPYR Wle are at present repýIr ig Wths Clocks, Jwler aiR>rson Ligter in Our homee until such Imeas our newI storei orono is opc-1ed. Apartment located above store, Ma% Srt5orono. W ahAnsdCICIck CIinIc and ~ ~ ~ ~ J sh-ogauae 0Aune o inigthis award saigsewa prn epri-es-e n t ito te her.Thi s a wadis bihe ighest hn 'ra. ud eauf ars ndis aco-i d ie e MOAL NEWS ifrlidayween visiters with Mr. an rpi eoyHml nwreM' SMys. Noin iFisher a L wo Mrs.FraYknvitud ai] present te blane of. Thegilsaed vrfo th cee to igeon lae thelast Sun.. dlay in Jul t" t pndady-ihte MI.. and rs iRbe Cooper andi ., -) sPbalance ofy the weeth glus atthe lareamp where thee fanily of Loalnme speuing ca v. ilI beý gluides fomail ovr tW erid opl ee' idasin Ooowt Piao olo wregiven uy DlaneL ci - tvs. bert, Judy Tamblyn and Marily Cobldik.Agift wýas gve 't.Ano M. nlMs.Nel oreran iss, Au, y nlns OhwspnCh l3et or elng hegudesdnigth weked ith ML.and Mrsc JakmBail yer.Mr. ac Wt'on a ererLodo ._ý M on11of a eup antl ace.len h weedUlt mrs I wCal_,,,Bir.liingsï [mioine, xpaiedte theunompanY MAr. and iMr. d GrahamMiariee the~~~~ ~ eqiee o inigte"i nd Terry and Mrs.unE. Grahan isit.. but ~ 5 dosnthv epass al tceMrit O test-s 1requr ed for au odcod on Mr. Millon Blui Bwnan4ej AlliaMaulsie raha andCeune Mr. Thmpso andArtrt edl Tyrel ecÀvd heui run-crdanwu . llOttsuaar Pot op wecreet iitr wt ter ut BotuiÀe eoiaco tl 'r5x~re fg cioed w~ 6'~ gine Mis Fionie ulTooov- iBA B -alErvile1sent he Lekmi rriced t<or Î ua-,get i n T. aeWs 0 Playtex" win-eParty Pants PqeBont0-t ea sfr )0-1 Coe adsnsRde for babi"es,exuistenl ma11- lý%ie wtcottn lni t~ak fai Tn fBroî ot aor Qquisette, sa-tuddand ý-rffed, Sieil-1.olusbuwihidM'JvCprofPraidN. hne wthsot waterprool, plastic. wietiwiewt le tim ('ttndd1h1Copreoin onSun1 Couvniet sap-on styîe. olour,(- rîce at...............Q Ms un'm inaadLui white, Sizes smll, 1Mec u an , ige o Bllvil ad rs ibso llf i'- 1 igh1t as a cloud, he ii uale elwand 1pink adwieche. Wle'adfmlsetSna fi-ahsin seconds, dries fin a flash1. Mblle and wh,1ite chieck. Pýie $1. -$1.6C115 1withM. nd )Mrs. Ca.V opr n Priced at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ î2 9B abies'T o w-\ el Sets, on-, large bath f m i r oi a i g i t n U ~~~towel, size 36"x36"with head l cove" ttersmmrctae Dryper ant - n moi~è and onie washi cloth, plain and, fancy r.Jh Kce a druder for Luse Only W'it wht'qhbu ti.9e-195 gr aî heeMxKthN wï ï] ap1,y ex fti haw ay dryper ,pa) ex- tnmilý, ' hteake up be ri i.W c ,, is ute aA sst n yr in LnysLseUie cellent for travelling or ~hoIîday "smnd" Baby BMlnkts, bouind Chrhattciy'egodiss tim-e P-riced at ....... .....$1.7-9 wt-rynsai.1ie36x0 i__o h1cîmaiygowt te' g wh~~~~~~_iVjjten, yellow anid gree'n. $3.95 oMse aln rhnJa I f3 "Plytex"Terry Bibs - plastic backýI- linCoieTrlIateRth- e,), ed ahbterry cIl> li, exclusive Babv's Nylon Dresses in Iwhite, ford andMriy Mjrofte r seered sg mînt -an dye11ow. .' hd dem protects shoulders pink, d,$, $4.5 to-o. FReýo1mmended for 16 mon1ths to Baby's Nyl01 on SSsize 4- C2 n V.anirs W . loriMs .73 years. Priced.......79c- pink, wite, ye,îfow or blue ....5e t ~îr ti:and M 1r. FredBeintt Il ~ ~ ~ ~ Sto~~~ re O pe-n f mly ulp, clld on find n VrIday & ~~~~~~~A DRY eitvsi rn nWdedy Opci Ai ~ F LIIWLI PAA ~ O M.da fltis eek i Mv andMesFran MaKayehav 1600ameLwiIl. b s sme lice Offic],es-usý*Ing pto motrcylesand radlar- a wý,atchful ee-,-2on O0-tario imer. They aim teo proteetc ig pubic, by eiicouragi'ng euce to the highway la-ws. n safety and that of your ,refui whenever you drive. within the law and avoîk' rnience, as wvell as possibIle ;eCution. Lt will be a more ieasant summer if you do, GENttRAL'S DEPARTMENT 0 ONTARIO Hiomi A. Keiso Roberts, Attorney Genergl 5wee focedthe New(aste Lions Club johodter aanual car' in thýe New ýv- astfe M emo,1 ) ia1la in lk. A tte jce A thés annuel affair dropped, ltonesdeblu due to the sormy and ua tenclub il n1stod shoî Jumbo. B each Towels, outstanding aic~,bi jumbo ize 3x60 lcs. Each for . .$5 Bathng (Capis, the capitoleiesof' bathiing caps 59c Ru nn-ing Shoes, Canivas with rubber soles. Priced fromn..... .... . .ý.....75c. ta $1.79