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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1957, p. 6

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LN.E....I... "Marriage 5S what I write you about and what we both want inore thanî anythlng elcc. When Weý seec-a couple se happy in their home we are sadi, wishing it were u-s-and wc want as many chu-. dren, as God sees, fit to bles us with." Tbis fron a 16-year-oldt who goee on "The boy is 20, a sophooreil college, and he works afternoons to pay hie tul- tion. We've gone- steady for a .year, and it was not love at iirst sght; rather I grew to love hini ln the tenderest way there Î3 . , . Our parents want us te, wait two- years; but we can't, for feai' we won't be able te resist belonging to each other Plthough it means so rmuch tze start our marriage riîght. "He will get his associate de- grec soon, and has two good jobs open by which weý car )Ïlve cýomfrtably . . , I matured very )oung and look almnost 18, In -gramimer-school days, I learu- ed how tü' budget, cook and z un a household, so those things pxe- sent no problem.. "Don't yeu thlnk w7e are ready; for, the respensibilities of mar-. nage now? We know it I sn't al peaches and creani;ý there'll be troubles greater than we know, Bu.t we can Àilk themn together, 80 togethier -we want te be."ý HOFEFUL GROW Ur ~'This girl does not realiîze St1hat the couples whose wed- *ded I;e s he envies Suffered *the sanie temptatiens she fearsç-, *now. But they werei strong v n ise; they reluseed to soil Stheir love by forbIdden pas- Ssien,. They waited until theli *marriage ceuld be bl1est by *theIr church and their fami- l~ les, and the!r life tegether Sbegan d Lean and eweet, un- e tarnilshed bay any~ blet on the '~These twe do net realize thiat marniagFa requires a char- Se simple, a child can hielp you withi this handcraft! Use the gay Swedish designe fer quickf bazaar itemis - towels, pothocld- enrs, mats; langer article(,s for yotir own homne.i Pattern 566- Charte, directions' fer Swedish weaving 4 differeiit demigns - on auything made of huck. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS.. ns a guift i ight ini ýr Needlc- )ezenis o! 1 wnnt te ig hand- fE27 -95I acter o! the highest ordler, a *faîth in each othcr's funda- *mental goodness, tund the *never-ending practice Of res- t trai1ntý, i f they are afraid to *be togther now, they are cer- tainly not fit ffor the responsi- *bilities of marriage andl parent- e TO "IIOPEFTL,": I1 repeat to *youi my advice toe the thousands '~of other younigsters who have *confessed this' fear. You can *lessen the temprtation ýte do *wrong by speading your dates Sfurther ap&rt and arranging *that they occur in, less allur-~ *ing circumestances. When you *are togther, busy yo--urself with j practical plans for the future; "talk about your fianc e's jobs *andi the- opportunities thcy pre- *sent. Don't be alone together *so regularly; double-date witli Il friends, swing with the crowd *and keep yourselves in active * irculation. ý You speak o! the Godxv-given *chldren youj hope for, yct your *thoughits are dwelling on the '~possibility o! breaking one Of * His most slenin oommand- * ments. Wouid you deserve in- * ýitcent c h i d re n to guide *through lil!e if youl contem- *plate cmn as inescapable? *Love is not ail passion. It isý *only truc love when it brings *out the best in each person. *This, you two are not doing; Syou are too concerned weith *the physical, not enough with *the spiritutal side o!ci'fe. Cul!- *tivate that no1w, so- this lad *wî1llknow he le getting a wifQ, e hù is strong enough t'.b *good, and worthy to be the %mether e! his chlldren. SOLDIER'S BIRTflDAY "Dear Anne 7lrst: 1 have been geing steady with a soldier wha ie now overseas. My l7th birth.- day wae a few, months ego, but not knowlng about it he djd net get mie anythinig. "Hie own birthday comnes soonx, and I don.'t kiiow whether te send hlm sorn(ithing, or ijuet card. Whnat do you suggEst? 111 think yeu are doing a wen- derful job for us youngsters, and for mny part I thank yGu." WONDERING" *Send the soldier a birthday 'l card kby airmnail. It may arrive *late, se write a pretty note on. *Say yeu 'have just learned *about hlm anniversary and the *card may not get there in Stime; therefore, you want hlmr *te knciw you are thinking o! Shhù and looking forward tG onte timne you twro can celebrate' *bi'rthdnys together. ~'This will bc a gracious ges-, "~ture, and the more welcome *because it is unexpected. There ie no substit ute for b- ing good; Ui l as simPle as that. Don't~ set the stage for temnpta- ion, and iIf it cornes irun away frein it . , . In any heuir ni itr#ouble, ask Anne Hîirst for cour- age and the strength te de rlght. Write hier at Boxc 1, 123 Elb- teenth St., New Toronto, Ont. LOW BRIDGE-This straw ,,chel- ipeau isn't recommended for a night at the theater but its lue! the thing for the beach at Nassau where pretty Ariene Kieta is qvoiding overexposure The rays of the sun at the Bri-' ish resort colony rnust"b-pr-etty streng. AMBUL.ANCE CKIASING, ANYONE? - This tiny ambulance mnakes yo thhnk some circus mridgets might have been in an accident. Actujally, il is one of a numiber of miniature vehicles that took part in ci recent traffic contest for Itolian high school students, held in St. Peýur's Square, Rome. Cvevrý-.dotir\-eP. Ctowrýke 1 ami sitting eut oni our bnck patio. A welcome breeze le blow-~ ing roinsare sluging fri the tnee-tops, a sure 3ign of nain. Net mo-re thlani fifty feet fronig our baclc deor %a kilîdeer le net- IDg. We are net surprised as ever since -we camne kilîdeeýr have been very bPusy on ourlwn and ltbey are 3,o tame. Have yeu ever seen a kildeer's net-that le if you eau caîl what we sec a neet? In a slight hollow in the grass the maother bird bas laid fouir speckled eggs --big eggp, considering the 'size of the bird. Ne attempt bas been made te lime the nest. Rif!l just a hard, dry hollew on a rough piece e! iawn. We weuld neyer have known it was there except that the meother and finther bird came and chased Partrier away whent he wns mowlng the grass, There are very f ew cats lu this neigb- beurhood se we are hoping the nest will be left undisturbed. Other specieet ofwild life around here arc a family of icotterr talle, a couple o! grass snakes-and mnosquitees. Whenx we are water- lng the plants we think there- are plenty but cempared withl the fanm we know they are- net over-abundant. Any time we drop in a.t the f arnto, look areund the meosquitees greet us in swarm-s. They get a, good meal wihile we are there but what dlo they live or, 1 wonder whcn there are ne people nreund? Quite apant froni the recuit e! the Federal Election (!) last week was quite intercsting -- i the places we went and the people we met. One visit was -near here, te n home wrhene they kep wThite rabbits, chinchil- las and a dog ike Rusty. Sorma o! the, chinchillas are worth $500 a picce. Levely litttle thinge- with fur like chiffon- velvet. Appnrently thcy are easy te feed and keep lean-niuch lese work than rabbits. But ima- gine ene of those wce thingeý being worth as much as inan-y a highly bred regictcred cew! Tt doesn't semr reasonable but there it is. And think what it would mean te bece one. As fer the rabbits - 1 have alwnys had a3 sneaklng fancy fer rabbits se I think Partner was quite relie-vcd when weý came-, -away wlthout any, There was a ncw litter toe - little whitec, bits o! fluf! with beady pink eyes 50 I imagine 1 rimlht have bought a 'Pair' hnd we wanted theni. Tt is rcally iather fatal te- show oue's interest ini doixies- ticnted llvcstock. 1 have alrendy. be-en offercd a kitten and been premiscd a canary. A bird wý,ould be soomcthing niew u our houai At; the mnoment wc dn' want aniything at ah to tic Us dewn. Wc are te busy îdoing soiea o th,?, things together we have ai- wayc wanted te, but never c0uid, because, as Pnrtncr usced te snY "h.e was tied tel the cOw-s' tail»' Last Fridny we spent the daY' oin a f arm near Sheîburne.ý We, wvere almost in tîme for break- fast! The wcther was grand whjen we left here but north of Orangeville we dreve threughi heavy rain. We thought it wae comring as the lovely Calçdon hilîs w er e ShroUded li mist. Pnrtnier managed tô milk, thret cews before wxe camne home and found b? .hAdn't forgotten the art. The ce)ws w ere registered Jerseys -- and the calvca like lîttie fawxis - wlthout any spots et ceourse. Dunîng the dlay the. skies c.lared and we were, able te feaskelur -eyes on the lovely scenery. But then the humldity closed in and the drive horne was -net toe pleasant, We get bacik soion after eigh-t, meeting a con- Fsiderable ameunt ef traIffle head- lng north, presumably to sum- mer cettages, which 1 hope they found less ,tifling than our bouse when we got back. With unsettled weather ln the offing we left the 'place chut up and the curtains drawn. Iltotok a while te cool the place as there wasn't a breath ef air anywhere. Suddenly, it le sumnmer. Another lntcrestlng event was a W.I. meeting at a lovely fanm homne net far froni Ginger Farmn. fit was a striking example et what, can, be doue with old f-ar houses if ene is prepared te spend the mouiey. Much the sanie coùld haveý, been donc at our place. W& knew it but whaât ,would have been the use with the new hlghway nlght at the front door? Se wee have gone modern instead and have al- ready discovered that modemn enveniences, can be vcry in- cenveulent. At Ginger Farin weý had an eid,-fash.loned reil-eçige bathtub -- easy teo get out et by g.-abbing the edges. Hlere we have n full-length strearn- llned,: affair which Partnier J1nde,ý is r.eAt the saf est thing fer arthri- tic joints. The first thing 1 dld was te buy na uction rubber bath. mat but even that isn't the an- swer. What he needs leseme- thing te bang on ta o te isef himself up. There Is n bilg tnp, of course, but how can one be suethe tnp weld't corne away frorn the wall? Has anyone nny suggestions te, offer? Seemeiste me this is something that mighlt be takyen up by Good Heuse- keeping or a Welf are- Agcncýy. There ie no doubt about it, -treamr--llned bathtuibs are a mýenace te elderly or partially lsnbled persens, irrespective e! age. Tee, often broken bo ne s have been the recuit o! sippiýng lxi the bathtub. $oebody ïte the reectie, pTease- A genteroes tipper at a re-SOnt hotel r oundl a -uew waiter serving hlm at, breakfast ena onig and s&id: Wer' my regular WaIter, th-at Jboy icalledLwV Th-e new waiter, repflied, "ýOr- ry, sîr, Lew woýn't.b. serviràg yeou any more,.,I won you li a crap gaie engt Lost And Found! A pretty London girl wvas s1iocked recently to- discover that she had Io,-' her \valuable engaýg.ii.nent ring from her fin- ger. Sheifelt sure she hadi drop- pecd it on the bus oni the way to her C'.ice, but inquiry at thle lost property office proved fruitless The girl was desperate with anxiety: she was due tLo be mrarried in a few weeks' time, ,and what would her fiance say? Hle was a i t-tnmpered 'iu)ng mian and miglit even cal] off the wedding A ,week later the girl was rid- ing- to work-again on a bus. A womnan sittîng next to her sud- den]fy leaned forward an' 'Ick- cd up a rings-lt was the issing ring! The girl was overjoye-, luckily her fiance hadn't no- ticed its absence. .Seemingly impossible tig happen more frcquently than you'd imnagine.1 A Warsaw houscmnaid acci- dentally dropped her bag in the river and gave it up for lost. She was particularly an-noyed because it contained her ticket for a lottery. A week ,ater an angler-( hook- ed the bag. He found the girl's aàddres-s and rcstored it to her wondcring., why she was so wild-' Iy excited over shabboy purse. S'ne told hlm her ticket had w'on $6,000 být she coldfot dlaim unless she- produc,Žd the counterfoiL. She got the $6,000 and gave the angler $1,500. The pair fel'i in love and we re mar- ried six monthls later. A Kent farmer was lucky, toc, w7hen, strc"ing acrose hbis f arni he saw a funeral passing along thje roadway n.,ear-b)y. He stop- ped ~and took off h.- hat, As h& did se the carth coll1apsed li frontcof 1him, leaving a crater foýrty--five feet deep. "That fujneral saved my life," he sa!,,. "If I'd not aepdfùr it l'ci have fllnte the îbotton of the crater and beenî burled alive!" A young anan waswhistfing ecerifully as h4 Cleaned wln- do ï a e lzy elght Qon t)1 thity-e-vnthfloor of A sixty- store y New ,,York bidigSud-. denlyhi foot slipped and h. fell Mdng.A-ha hl-urtled to the street. h. struck a balcony without býurting hi.Lmself and t'ten continued to plunige te what seemed certain death - when a chance ina milion sav- ed hlm. Miraculously hie landed on a truc' trier which was passing b2lo-w, loaded with rubber mnat- trcsses, Bounding f rom fthe manqttresseýs, he rolled intà the roadwa,7y, shaken but uninjuredi. Amnazing atonies often lie be- hixid the phrase "Lo-st and founid." A Sussex grocer was trying to pulil a wire through a cheese te cýut it wheni he came up against somnething hard. It was a sil 'ver watchi. By wýhat strange misce ce the watch got there will neyer be known, but jis owne-r's initiais wvere on 1t aind 'hecwas tracedJ A North London butcher lost a bicycle a few years ago. With two millionï bicycles in Londonr, i he chances of finding his seemn- ed remote, but once more the "imnpossible" happened. A year later hie recognized his bicycle as it was being rid- den inte street near his shop. 14,e 1kn-w it was his by his dog's C6lar whichlhe -had placedl around the hub in plac- the theti orthodo-x strap. The apparenti, impossible in connectioni with the laws of chaýnce often produces surprise&. At Mvonte Carlo two players once worn over.. $45,000 by red turning up tweive times inl uc-' T'he chances against such a sequence are almost incalcu- lable, yýet it has actually hap- pened more than once, for twe lucky gamblers once gave a "ired dinner" at a London hotel 'to celebrate their' winnings où an exactly similar sequence. MODERN ETIQUETTE by RobertaLee Q. Is it correct to pour 'grav7 from a gravy pitcher, or ým"a one use a gravy ladie? A. Either way is correct. Q. 'When havlng a plece et silver for a baby marked wltb t nly one initial, -sbould it be the. first or the Iast? -A. The first. Sew-Thrifty 'I"Mr 10-n8 PRINTED PATTERN Just. TWO main patterni parïa plus facinge -- what could bm casieýr te sew thian this PRINTFD Patterur We know this cool suaà- mner drees just couldni't be moip !iateingthseshenth - Aihu lunes are pure magie for your fIgure! Printed Pattern 4609: Misstt Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 'le requires i yards 39-inch f abrie.. Printeidîdrections on each pat-. tern part. Enciert, faster, acciur- ate. Send FORTY CENTS (Staràpu canuot be acccpted, use pestai note for safcty) for this pattern. ,Please print plainly S IZXU NAME, ADDRESS, X T Y L X NUMBER. Send order te ANNE ADAMS Box 1, j2ý Eîghteen'th St., Nmiw Toronto, 0On. CAMPAIGNS TO "FORGIVE GIRARD" - At Kagoharoi-, Jcapan., Fukuii Shimiîtzu, a member of ain ultra-nalionalistic youth party that has launched a "Forg ive Girard" compaign, shows ene of his pOestere to Karu "'Condy" Sueyamc, Sweethecrt of U.S. Arrny Speciaiit 3/C Wlliamn Girard, who li accused of accidentally killing a japapese woman,

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