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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1957, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY HIm T E EN'S ODDFELLPW'S HAL SATURD ÀY NI H T ADMITTACE With Mem ers iip 2-5 ,;WXithout Me brship 50c~ Lunch Seréd kee of Charge Everybody Welcome over 15 YÊr MJusic Suipplled by the Oronou Orch1-estra Group U rco o hamfber of commerceé 0r(ano .Munl'9"e!aI ruI1dIng eBrochure 0f O 'onog fil *New Me-mbers ipFe *EIeton 0 Offcr Everyone Welcone -Corne On Tirne ORONO Time To Paint And Save COSTLY REPAIRS There Is A RW PAIN Fli-Teens luvite Everyone To Saturday Night Danc proved that they pare interested i macgthe dnesa ues.Eej cutivs have net beenelte or c!hosý- The 1 e at yet but tbey wiIl be on St- as as urday nigbt.ne eq the nppr ht was deded to have teis, rs euiy dac hsSatu day,,n-ght-. Cmmi-lai sÀ tee 3r rwn] up at aniother met childrern irg on0- edy at Dojreen Wht' to be pl boseplnswee ade to.makethis firtdm aget nzSsurcessjhhWU Tis pr-ove whathey can do. Hloweverthe you neu DO NOT have t o hv a 0e1e- fthe ýSpfothdne on Satuirday ngltawa y f meinbeshps will be adcavtd or 25ev tes persns ltbut emberships wlbe ph-rdSO. efnbe.rsîhips nont FSL yet avialbwvrtbey il be i tbe nro ftue.Mer erhis ,,, ie $L10Dpr pemrn an can be purchais- Florer ed ofrom a-yor the executive. Ther eery S' j.3 one lmtato - i-hseth ,g nd ni se O that s tha tbeper'son ust e1 îa ea-orover. Mr. Chuck Huon bas and afl o ,ee t our dnces and mus,ýccamne in moil te suppled by our locOal pera age of4 urchased which m111 take o veýrwhe the orch str areting. Tbe -c iittees want everybo,' at tYs f f"tdnc osee if it kis0nî mfyu are 79 and you eaa dance on't squae danýe an.da 7Meynhope tat eeoy in tow- will5~0 upSatudayto îvetheý encouraement frbth ei ex ane an er nthe lunch Pcomm!ittceî,do' pop" etc. as luc sbin er=ed free o0 goo] gr f Anig PIay Eqipmenti At Or on. Park Oroo Mmoral ark Board taldat th(- Orono pak-om eipm whlv wll eetwith- oý(-val of, the youniger set. This pnt consists of j uinor swing's id~Fur-t r foi! thve yrouna nis asai d JDOx hieh hbas yet l!ac-ed at i'bepak er uipmi-ent wic s foi- ne u t bs enplaced inorth Lm'mngtakandwllb 'rmany interrut-ptions frorn ide an eteçsportia1g ac- 'LORENCE FOWLER ceLuellâ'a wleïdf54.-ÉLîb- iho wseaddwt epc ~'~"~~ivl1e 1freigh't For Every Purpos îperer eFos, enThmso Iore u V Lnes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. MPfoNrubeadtbHo tndnTwiltmg of- W.A. GoleloM7iister t0fAgl,&'it olti rees phfe11816 Orono, Ont. olute Mýor. .Brv et thB A~,sciaîon 1( at be orne o f Mr- "ade fte i one s, od ndMes Hol Wi , Kedronon HoTo);- an-C omhers of-, The<ot~"edyee g -i non 0 01 *f,-voîBueu fOta~, in île 1 1 m p. o 71 ii1A S:eOIc ts giai ý prk g irlate~ oa 14.Thegam wa hed up for somre timewhie t e plaea atd h pe i ly ~Ch-'nan ot' tuheb tn f tieksne-ialîý ew f Chamerollee c Il,.O.inbte ase Vo be played. Fue O i ~ .cetspe gi Ty'o. ssstng~ ayors rs t'he tp ftem ib(eei-i Fordby ascoreofy4 te8oae er ad Pesdn f h hm er tseda fthe vicsundj ýjtor w a 'o F or- Deiver Pho e itis epectci tat aspecal s ald ralîidc for seven-n ste win the -M-NO IS67 atr.onHthe OR,4,obg els camettoothat INUNO1567-.~-OeHAA RA 5.1* ct ed e accvmmdatthe Feature .Orono is curn' in second ~ ~2~ntpeoleWbo wllatendth jplaqce n be league of the thre e teame1ý A Pan -274-5 sowig te oronsoI of rondIs proposed to h-e ~'dma besen t theficeor the Clerk of th-Tbn- î of intnat HnnTp-toni, at the office of the Olerk of the T shpof ke, at Orýono, at the office of th Lerk, of tbhVae ofNe. l,at Newaste, nLit tbý office of thIle Departmient of Ig. s nRoon 2('27, East Bok alaetBicns ootdu- regla ofice bours, up Vo .Augulst 6tbi, 1957. DATED atI Tolro, Oitaiiu, tbk 2--,8th day of Junje, 195)7. JADSN. AI LAN Minserof HIghvc And IâCE_ gularante-es year round Our CAR VETH MOTORS Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontarii o Ontari. Departunent of Rlghways The Highway Iinprovemenl Act PUBa LIC a gNOT1 ICE IS HEEYGIVEN that pursuant to the Hlighway Improvement Act, 1957, an Aýpplîca n wvill be mnadie by the Department of Righ- ways te( the Ontariooi umicipal Board -for the app ova f the closing of the fliwngreaës in tbe Townýship of Darlington, County eof Durhama, in the Tovx bip of Clarke, Couinty of Duirha-n-, and in thre Viji1age of Neîwcastl OCounty of Durham-, tbat initersect or ruan intu the (controlled-accel igh'wýays known as Higýhyway No. 115 ai-d llighwvýay No. 401. 1. Part of the Tow,,n Line between the Townships of Daýrljingtoà and Carecr-ossing Higbwny No. i15,; Highway No, 40" the Canlailin National IRailwaýy.» 2.. Part of tA Rond Aillowance between lots 34 3.5, con-. cession 1,owsi of Clarke, crocssin ig- No. -401 and th(, Caniadi n National Railwny. 3. Part of t e RPoad lloac between iile 3- 0 antd 31, conces- siýon LT1 , nship of (larke, crossin'g hwnay N.41 5 Part ,of awinSreet, Village -Nesle, unopened. ,.Pat"f C4_rchSteet ilae Newat( 7.Partof ssy treet, Vill eofNec-st-le, unopene. 8. Pairt of nto t"et i g, of Nwate 9. Prt of averStrt, alage of Ntmwastle, iunopened. 10 atof 'etSreolig f Niecastle, unopened. IL Paýrt of Ar, t-r ,t t, Villagr of Neweastlc, unopeneci. 12. Par,,t of the Ro 7tAiPowvance between- lots 2ý4 and 25, concession !, Twshpofriee 13. Par-t of the Ra llwne between lots 2 andi 23, econcession 1. Towinshîp of Clnrcke. 1. Part of the Roacl Allowannc ee n lots 20and 21, concession ý. Yat or thie jotjfAj'ownceetween lots 18 and 19, concession 1,Townsýhip) of Clar'kP. t. Part of thie Rond (!Ailownncebeen lots 14 andi 15, concessin ,Toýwasip of (Clirke, iunoplened. 7. Patof the Rond aIongý_ the lite'betWeen lots 13 and 14, cn ceson 1,Townii r of Calke,et oW used. h Paîtof th RoadAllownce beween ots 12 anid 1,cn"s PatOSf'the Road Alwnebte lots 10 and lt1 one1io Partof '~ ~od lloancebeteenlots 6, and 7, concessiîon 1, Tosns~oof('n<enot mv'h used.l 1t Hll Nwcsteont e hda of uut 1957, AT TUlE -m am i eard. ngP rcliigthttor aii ilb ijrosl feted byi WITII Thie Ln ur sScto ftleDparmn o 1b )R BEF'ORE TUE _ý22rd (DA y 0F UL, 95.Thie ha go dais wll akeplajce uhtimre and i pla:e -smybe sub- anItly ixd ythe sald Boird]. I i I L I l TMSHOP . ýl

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