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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1957, p. 8

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OONOW EEK LY TIMES Authetized as Second Clama Mail Poat Of fice Departmnt, Ottawa Pounder. IL A F«rreer Publiaher. R. C. Forr.ster Farm Ponds Che value of farm ponds have for ,sometime been) recognized as an asset to a farti, This fact bas bean fur- ther strengthaned by the action of the Ganaraska River Authorit in gîviug assisace tofarera lvîth th% estah- cug of such ponds-. In a recent report <f te Authort it la 0noted that fariers can recée assistaneto a sut of flfy doliars, la glviug tibia assistancte the Authority, which bas pioneered lun Coneratiu~and whicli bas provided experimentiial basis for ther sýuch AuthLoitie-s ilu the Provine of Onitarl.o, inuat realize the im-portance of frt ponds on tSe fari. Such ponds fonm n rsaoi for the stora;geoif water for future use iu irrigation sud possibly a source Mf wate-r for iveatock, provldiug it, was suitable for tilis purpose. iFurther, if the pond waas suitably locatedi, it could suppiy a sources _)f waera for fire figbtiug su ad mnny other pur-poses-. Faýruers are iu somie casesý establishiug f ar- od or have eslabishýed fart ponds £for the bettermient of their holdig. The assiace front1te anrsk River uhrt sheuldmtbeoeiokd Band Concerts luas t years te pope 'fthe Village ofi Orono andi disct were oftufue d by baudonc rtsluthe Village on particu.lar eveninga. 'This appears to) have vauishad ový,er the yeams sud only on rare o)ccasio)ns do the people h.avete apportunity of enoynth stirring strains of a br-asa baud.L In meore rment yeans the rno baud did on ýccasions play Sunday Concerts lu te Orno Memoril Park but here agan this practice bas died ont. Mauy will remember wben there use to be a baud stand at the r rtb eud of the business section. Rare the baud played r.t.eious concerts and for mnauy years the. stand su use. Finally the sýtanid was i-oved toý the fair grouisds where hilu ntr Years it waston douni as the struc- ture had lived its fulIl life. In~ the late 1930is a portable ý band stand was cor.tructed and could ha pJ.ace-d infrou.,t of the Tws$ HaILll.ere the Orono fand often played Sat- urdny eveniug concerts. With the advent of World WVar 2 tis prograni disappeared. WVe fpel that s Fniday evenig or Saturay evenîug baud program- would ag2a-lu proDvida mueh eutertaiumeunt for The p"ee of the district asudwould cartainly hae an assat ta the Village. The Oronio baud has a fine comýiplirant o(,f muai- cian~sud wh little effot could provîde inter-esting aud vaadonerts. O ver-taxeci Luxury A reoi rt pipa CI aian L*-i'ut te , dealing boy> ac riqng a rami ee a asxu Cepislaa epani ïe lx LM Co la ourea Ka< aS a n csitx la amc nîyawel buy a aiandkee ci, eingaslngash die aie-, LNtes-tke a okcat someu hs . ot n vn an automob ! ý,, ýie. To s _ >art witb , !',i a10pe cntsa spita if wmtsomin vuesp e igt tik=M.hse aiepad b bAnNewsi runswuckYNafon ad sau Uatchwar o tish ClM in, ha bans ta .paSa pviplal saes tau o threein dollarsto 49 l arlo lu ue cre tl8 ssesed T l/fan10,îer" ks, Lut i aiiebt l-c b f Lroîaa-e r e r r -e. r r r -e i. r e r r r r r r r e- r r ORONO WEEKLY TI-NES TIRDY iJLir tl, 95 OLSSFIpSECTION acolbus rutes for BoAn e port Hope, CiiOrnoan-d Mllro year routes ina-ybe see at R.R. Teniders o 3be i.luhe hands W. B. Ryno C,'8 ntre Strept, Bo-), Mruanv11ifle, n(n July 27th, me ri-oiw- est or. any tender nlot ncs ariy C- cepted.ac Letter te the Edt«f Coimued Local Organizatiens The EIdjitor Oronýio Weekly T-imeýs OrnOntarlo DerSir' Your July 4th i Ssue care a's to-ry Iby Miss ShiDley Vagg regardimng te parýttcipation of OQILS. StudenitS ini Uhe United Nations' Seminar at Queen's University. Miss Vagg wn quite 'expicit and your cOverage wTas, as usual, rmost geneious. One imperS- tant point, however, was oilittedi; oudaPpIreCiate tChe use of your COjl- Luimns to make a publicsaennt Althouigh thie attendance o;f the 0.11.5. girls was negotiated thro3ugh LiUe Ic uro or-ice, tiieir trip wouIdja '- ý1 , ),1 ' have been imposaribe but for 1,1pe cash îýmdne 2 iig jyeýtiles donations of three Orono Fa~ulW .Moffait organizations. A f ifty dollar fýee was n required to cuver accomod(,,atio, mealýs excursions, speakers' exýpenses, tc. Di ED fdingi, the three day visit at thne i- versity. The Masonic LodgeteOd1 AVI ,LuiseE ehA le fews' Loge, and the Heathe,. r e- BwaîieMemorial spta o 5 ekahs respoinded immiediately toFniay b > 1 P.157 L iseEliza- ou;,r requesýt for assistance, sud the beth Glan l1je, beoe wf f the grswere thus enaibled to share, wvith late Geo Gl'ille, Orono, at. ohrOntalo studjeuts, .nepei g 3 --e'rs' ence whieh we believe, is of ine-stim- BetdtearAlow Funeral aWe value in- adolescent dvlpsn.Home, Or no. Ereservie wasý heýld on ,July lSth ýat, 2 p.m.ý But the ecommýiuniýv iity iddess -IneretfrooCemetery. these organizations i ui S1Gt news ilu the Orono disticet; their names m'ay AMICTION SALE b- added to those oýf the NewcastlIe Linthe Ca na1d an Legii, n"FomSod iu esof interested indivinl.I -bas been our experiencc diuriug thel The nesgdha revdlu psýst two years that a keen e1 s a uti aino ere klig in the schools, their activities, snd Lts15,16, Brç)lenr Front, Clarke thIeir needs p)revails st ail tir-ne.s l-ow 1ip miles east of ecstle, ClarkèTwnhp This la indeed a J n the Lske, Shor-e Ra.To,)seli by heal1thy aItmOsýphevre. Both students Publie Auction I t 630P.m. lith sdfaculty enjoy its henefitIs. Nothi- e ing o)n WedneadaLY, July 24, thie hng, in fact, more c-learly distin- followiug vaýlua,ïbe iveatock, tractor gui;shes a com.murntiity -as porsiemc iey ae efurnIiture etc. tihan its, provision for ita youthi, to-i~rgsee.Jre os iku morrow 5 4 aults.Thaksto he sud a 7rtificially bre; 1 registere erosdty of Masous, Oddfellows, and GanrIse 1ow, feh; 12 fates; Reàbekahs, Orono ()again qualifies for Hoîsen cow,fresh.i; 2oftei 2co the ompimen. IduI Augus't 4; 5 Durham cows with Yours veizy tru [y, calvea! at fo-ot; 3 va aie;2 1Here- W. Wv. VWa tt ford cows with calves at foot; 3 Dur- Pr;incipa'l fham Heiers due iu the fai]; 8 Dur- The Oro.no)ih oo-he ndHrford eeer sd Heifer1s 112 ers 8Drhmand Hereford- st-eers ind beifers 1yar LocalLedges (Conitinued from ,iPage 1 leltatr~eaa en nw Coi s. he g s dde greîîy t~ MDeeing15 dc tacto drll eai tW oclctibuo u teprae Go hteTrsir ah fro Vitoi ak at 1:30 p,an ue ml; rube dwgn it sheltrs; col îouss; Rnfre Maish ilibClaesnc Wiso, 400 als ogmied ay -vistres f the LBAfrom n tajo dat r.Cm ontno ae-FnlyOa oksoe alsec )Y 50 at î ]H:30 p.m4 Mayor J. A. ewa'trGoedn Fra- Jackraid n, ctOne. audience. thmjvonile lodge-s. Conisrepresenitd were eer JA i bomough East, Nort humnberl>anc Fas- AAtd Isu tiings, Duvham, Haliburton. Victor'ia y sund Ontar-o. jpb ý\ I 12 @v.m. Fag and buintiug decorated dw- V.aaIm 8~ t tonPeteirborough streets asud lViC- pem Im F@rou.. veawde CALL US FOR E&STIMÂTES HARRZY E. LYCEIT phone 33 R 12 ORONO - ONT. 4-19 F rtE MA ESf'RVICE THJE RE8T Orono Electric CONTACIORSFOR FAIM and HOUBSE WIRING Fr" Pestimatee. Prof eninal Diroetory A.F eKENIJE, 1W; - 10T. Iu pâ.;li t. 0.0 p.m ,fmwe. »mdo wd*o TmAIT ue «GWe WANTED TO RENT. Wan-ted tc e rS" rjt rmail funisbed aatûetn in liprivate hQnme, near school. Appply Oro)no Tim . b Clare oni M obton.Imunt9, 4sritez the we :ig"d I mgM oa, WA' i)e .HÏto-"M'n.harb-ec icanks an!doamociati n for set. kindeqs ~if &ýmrpathýv h-autifui lo"a1 triutes redr' fnrm eti-rips n nik11- bours diiripn, ou eevn t :n t*he d e qthi)i'i f e r"fe ýand ii her. Everett andH rd apleton 'and Mr.s. Paitersoni. T rush ro thAnkjhl" ret ' ae "s aul unj ~~~frcr ýýtÉ-, efyls, I+,nf-ý" omoe.~ mu. 'Thi coma fil nd irtter Yevar a Muskat u Coa. N eling. Ira11AS ENTERuE Sec l /r, 19 W. Pet er St., GE-NER-AL WEL.ýIING (Arc aod Gag) Orrin-ental ron aligMower Maâ.. ropaired and sa ee.Plvw u&aree pointiDg aud bard .xaig LESKARD WELDING Php. tri(),oi. FermrlyC,&iýen'a WeldUin ad NOUit UPT Bsvuc Alu mto! gWEnit Pb...ILL 8-3m lltUYlUW7UUOsn 8Vuoe losurance Service E very da.:s f Isr sae à represe-ited ta ew office. The follow- ing are some of the main 1-overages w. ean offer: Asteuokis, Lit, Aeidffl aad beu.....Platie GaLiamutr' P MT OWIGAGE LOANS Leroy Hainillt orco. ont, Ph..ton STAFFORD BO 'Monmental Works ph... Whitby 553i 818»wdg@st. P, WIitby PfflNE-QIALrTPY IMONMENTS AZND LM LEzu foea tgaIums,. tag Jiama et 70mw lavodew* IWastm upsudre.And wwub twga bsInk te 'du gv* Po a.6. egîm 02 PSrt H opa otaue Pngraving, Glja D~ ieetad lecoumw1âm IEAlk TyHATE FOR SALE h.gtoe* o&~ta ummo.2 mmd Aui..Ld APIANESAi8 ' !1 y M, 4-LLJSUil"4 #~mp !d iduaruîSl~k t. sUlE.. Aet$.a a. ~'.w%êUëS ' I~ LawtmC. Nam, l£ awtTwoeMd so»wo pbmm Bamstere Notary hâleî 8Tompoaaces t, BbWuaiatlh JACKIREID ÂAuc«tI. drad Ydsl openfai.im am Cmmuk m. fer hum am Pb~ eSr là TE.D JACKSON Am.gOs.oemdrabw £~ Amoihe mo*u Om*ué m hh4m Wu âdj A, LIFE INSURANRE pm»" Ph; , msamuag Ph1 *OmWa m MW Adul moe . LYCEITI InmE oum

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