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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1957, p. 1

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N sml OE*MNO, ONT., AUGUST lst 1957 - * A *~ ~ subwrtpLm 1 Pf F Orono Back In Hittingr Form Defeat Bowmanville 13-7 The Orone Interrniediate Basebal Chib hit thclr stride l'Teday n -ihan averwheming 13-1 viCtory )ver Swnin.nville in the Orono Park. The'loecalS <uine the nine 4irings of play rang vïp a total i>f iftecen hitm wM*h compare4 with ;«6ýV> , fr Dqw- The OroiiL> CI-ab foi the first fiveý e-nnings played Dean West at second, anie Weat at thir~d andHRanm Boyd short with <ny one error. Iu th- th Carmnan Gorish went in a an Junior West a4t short. I aù'1ronoý conttd thrs5,e r,_s thus giving their litchxing itaff of Keith West and Donx Mallet soie- good support whie(h has heen lacing ini receut games.t Keith West pitched the firsat fiveý -"niIgsr Oon iving up a totalý of cîght hits and two stirike outs. Do.c Mallet coming1 in in the sixth gave up four it and took four strike outsý. Fergusnn took the los eing relieved in the third by Lane. Bowmnanville held the ead after ýheî fir-st 3 to 2 ýbut this was h,.rtlid for Orono add - edtwýr- n the 1eon mnd third, a single in the fourth and, two runs in both the sith.sevnth rame Frm rso Iter, Last Thursdîay Oooand wa- ýville met in Bowmaliville'wf th theý later club eeaigthe loals 7-5.1 The. garoe started in a flurry ivith b)otir teaimescainifur ruasl a piece in treý fire;t inninig. rrrors by Or- onoý laterî' n the gaine carused the 1lm,- fo-ýr Orono and g-ave 3owmnanville the opprtunity of goin ut front. Lane tarted on the mound for Ro'mavile ut vwas eplcdafter gvigUp fourv its and a waUli in the firat. Sellerai was brought i iii the first and rpetiredi tiaOruoboyï. Danz- Malet startedi in a ke niamrem for O)rono aud faced 5<nly four Bowmaan- ville batters with etiItaldn7,igla Kithi Wesit waes then broýught iuto te gaegivn- up-oly threýe hti t uths remailuder Or,no ouýtbl Bwm ý4-1 8 t) T. Botýh tc;amie scored inge cotuners] ïn the third. Shetier for Orono went 1»(l fiet .an a cnl and ,iccred onaa s;tolezn basie and an err,-r. CSýwle wa the ihirG iuthe franie for Bw~? yvi1Ie as he hit a cingleC, wen't t kA - 1 nd on an error bL Da hM -- 3,rdonanerrcr by Hain Rydand homie :onTim Çox's hit. Sien, PeeWees Enter layd.wms Teuiglit Tire Gronau Pes Wee 1Basebaîl te-ai ,bpen-, tirirr lyafseries touight (Tkursday) ir h Or,>n-o Park nibea they face hs Pýeess <roui hs- Co- b Tr raining Th(ool. The winer off tin ses wlavauce bto tht Ontailo O.B.A psdois Cobo)urg iras jueýt cspltda suc- CeýssfuI series agaqinet MpeGrave defeating thei tvo gaines ta aorl. bee-t two out cf tiresgiesman ime for tonÉghtit îc>:15 p.nî. Tire local boys rs-ceived e bye h i- tht st-ries and Virus have n'lot played for corne tnw,: eeke, i}urJIng tireseý seon tire boys luet but otere a n d tiret na otire Poct Hope aire,ý uport tht starsaf u oro, anightî t 6:1, -ron Par WI1LUAÀM SEYMOUJR William Ediva'-)ýd Stymoýur, after a lingerîng î lhess~, pa-ssed a b t i huaimin 0Ouso n WednedayJuly 24ýý 1957. Mr. Seymo~ur iwas 8years f3calge sud a',iember of tVhs Orange ýLodige for ov3r 6,5 years. in 1894 he -marriecd EttiP- MlfY MeLLèa4 and Vhscou>tple, sPenV inet ut heirlives lainOrono. MIr. seylilour was s. guiet 1home Ioigmari., Left Vo ioura hiie bo'aci iFiineral evce nias cuuducted by Rsverend Lon- at Vhs artk>w Funer- aIt Parllauns, ÔOca(>o. tntcrmnýt at Or.~ 0no) Cenlet rl-. Oronlo Fair Prize List Publisheci Invite Everyone- To Exhi'bitE" Ra% Do Tobeu.Cr Werld 01t G.d Durhramn CountY tVobaýco greers oudwelcom orn r o skower of rein ig-ht non. Old-timers say tiret t<>laeco le a erop tiiet neede Vo suf- fer Vo be aiey goodi. In spite of tirat tirey <sel Vhir. le Vhsetiue of tVire year et niricihrnain wauld do tire crop ýa wonld of goo),d. Tirat gose, for tirs 40 per cenit af ~, 'p~D urham-farmers who irrîgate their taa S enbis ies crops. This is a higinhly eiQPensive Po cesand ca'ls forr muhlab r{ow- fZMe orono and weom antams 1ers .wo-uld prefer to let mature do Èh> aréba f;in'ý ut their serieIs for thet irrigation for them. In spite of the PPO uni g need fogr rm goessay the n)f) C0wxtièentry aitd further jn the ,ORB.. o a good oneý. A' play4$>wls. 'rwogaines eben oehave beg1xn toppLg the piýy(ýainýt,ýuuJ2c gainescerise anid the -,Ytnt s j bed at oe gainea- Siccessft FosJtbe layed iiWeleone titis 8t- 1h.T e ai"e of the ec swn Onr Friday, Jly 26th the H-i-Te-ens W om Mid.ay nlg'ltt by a Club hebi ano)te-r su*cEýssful danc- inâck r of t7-10. Tiis vlctory was W4,1 thp r'oO eo' al A frc\,» e l.ày in tht ýth-rd ihen t hey n;aa n'brtrndotta ; l~frst btdo i vn '1 eugasltd wehope to sees more at the next danvce1 five z J frw the hrli-ng Or Wayne] 43àiýly. t hýhn thîs W;,itepitch-1 and eighth. Rwrnitle scorl'I Thegaine W13 derided iïn the iz Mn. If asarn Bd ovethelukydnIu cDo eLyeett and lu th thir sud ingIs lu he eith «uith with Vwo )unearned rime for PiewheTo alvl aieu m r od&an we-rýthe beit hittenfo and irtith. Bwmnle "ilS resulted from a 1 Wr'CItai. ,. ad'sBrwn(the j (»oso.Wayne Bailey Pike-d up <'iv. walk given by Keith West, one ,errora lin Lbrac ntepao walkîsin <y ies Vobat. by Ram Bcyd and two by Jhiior ~pîdsopinsbeautiful roiund dane- ng. music. Mr. Ja4k Barre <rorn Bow- The second gaine o)f the crse- as Dadisôn was, the bet for Bcowman- Weït. This gave Bowmnanville their manvifle .etrUMMed sore populari played iv Oion,.jWedne(sday niagbt K lly it a o u n -a d a sn le. i 3ic1c4a-i Jdi r e. t ba h ongs ou hie qutar a d sang to .- I w ith the lo a l a undivg out a Kell colestdi doule îd asinle. .ah 00heiend Juniý_ or Wý et oth ovpai hieplaying. Pteneand t8-9 Arin. Donnie Lytett wasthes wn- battd .00 thegaie fr th bet ru*i.e-really dici -.ake an appear- pîteh-r wiý t'Iýsrisu' For the mot part Orono wývaS in a1 rooaVerages. an_ hittng mud wth eithWestgoig ______________________ and Sang two of their bit song,I 2 <uing2 Cm an Cwth rihsh .ft 1. Th)nlt 411.he r sk held the lelad unV'il the Rox~nl~ctrcametp wctha 2 f r3 Pert ivýi, Tht win rie',- and 4Prudenetê culdn't sig -ifbttinof tht th4ird wkên orono )drove re od m J h S ole 3 f r as rgite pa fr port Ho n la he she wanted to ,-a yT!ry wsre, in six ri e- to ha infront 64. H"tan" flue"t inning wýhsn alil tkrecounters]sort-o! ptit-out he*aiqe nobody wan-Ba,,;gaa< ffibh atriple 3-tn'E t1tse two and singles went t0 Do)n Msrcr, cn i t j,8 ,band. G:ilmerw-,ent o'n a, walk.. I sroreà ih h. fourth, Vo plut roau a- Dean West, Roýbbie Robinâ(o, Eli With VLesse tw-o men on ba-ses Lowry bead 7-5. in the fi<th Wloetjesd Boyd and Douig Siinpsun. Fuyther tu wallu-.ped out hie om run wich Lucky stf elimination sudl statue hs ecoir at 7 al. their httn- Oronc found it rather sordthre ruas. A fourth wsdaneo& were enjoyeti by vrnet Lasyr to steal bases ani nume3rous ordl tesvet3he vaePizscer iei those 1o wc>n. WýLh six f urthpr rime in Vihe-sixthd runersadancd~lu ucha annr ingld r shed on n eer b ýve-Orono wa-i well lufront of Wloe .a9r1o11or(a-hmeplate,. Ram Boyd at short. A dl lcu lnch wae e rved 11 itkp o lthe wu ý-1rie cring u e, D n on allt itced ht<frt furtht lufinch comi.nittes. Wfat'Cb htiisPap- ti ! h evnhfr Welcnero à@ RIe For P.rt Hope Don Mth Wes t ced nforlief ndj, orfor k e hsnext dance o o we ecaee Vs Inedee Wet aMa i eantens'11, n erfr htpDonne Lyc(itaiRs Put ~fSS l h&Ceflj inaingsfor Orono gïvlng UP four kits kl. twi b hl)(.ud ,Au-Ta lrware the nmuet ucce2ssful three gave u IP onlya ing- ý leit. ee;4 t Ote tth Odfllw> al. y eohing first bae Chr"VesOronol was hs winîing pthr.JmGmfyi A home rirebY Lowsry of Portcrw ipe on WesdaS1y nigit puthie Mllett eredfor roFno in the Srd on't of the celair iioti cinn afterittinga dul, nn0 sc sL~~tn~d~s ~ coulnteL vo r<by b:~ ParntsAttend Closing ed h"nOroro aniVsc-lrpsi n ahirreo ay strple tioýn. port Hop hvig Iaedre RayeWest ctoppeÉd eson e htianSCerer Prog'" ' am gamnes arèoeitve r O)ýM Cronoa. w t 2 for, 2 ami Don Mrcrfoioe 4-Y-I~ I.j m v ro îli Pot op dfete ono 4-2i wtha 2fr4rcr._______________ irud hirty parents atteaded Vhs amli II les, ute V- ua Oirono Cubs To Spend Week x'ci p y Rcetinporeaicoe wsr etertaineý,d bythrcilde ropu ar am "Saînac wo rsene paekts, w onandip1ayft ami Ena âd A t V WI-o0Lso.)pantîcipaed i umru n Irr nga ndiay adtte ers urîe dy wnueh pride Ttattenda nce durnag hs past lporunýity of view,,ing it. O display cd D L7iig àa .sWil cr '210ie -eLeLLdtflJCfl qtLutU. VLt more than ,000Sco)utcam"pera eaci 2,summer. Toh) t eVsuiilge rty te absorb tirhe bnfi5o ttgreat' Groupe from Toii %, est Hili, BErampto, Sreil, Scaroro aadJ Or«on ot Vu mentin Osoawa Scouts acir 'bysan dunîng Siuisier Vacation, nea.,ke use -of hs fciite ara( The 3wineiingi pool je rot onity ued by these chirlren but aiea by1 Young rimnebers uf cýornie Oshawaf groups 1nt connsr-cted iir ch3outngi or Scoutlng activites, Time Wcildren ai- &) make- frequst isit Vutht ,Samac pool, Siters and )~ler ff hmsreguler canîpens elso make use off tht pool faiUt1ies o a digres C-rowd:s offteni 4WOll as 1gb etq40 mth'ir-wek overall volumres l reacir se3 200 on bt aye3. higli s-r La progame by'S taff mahr raecnos fig'irte and anuxibto a nte. ecue ami artificia-l resp)ir - Ev er y Sdymorn1i ng Souts Ona l hel I. hs GunilCiapeýL . Attndaceiras been pl t uary en- 60 aad 100. Ho)ly Comm.r(union le cle- brated every othier Suaday durlinlg he une mnis Thieconengiweek-endbtsu1 aa ani h Orono C ub Iak) iru annual weeki,-end visit Vo Canmp Sari se. Tlhs o cal boys will leave on Fn- Iday éevening Vlo enrjoy the outiug et t hs camp, returnîlng S u nda y, Tlie rermaindtjýr of< Vhs Cubs go tilere <ton- ing weekerid. Cu~b Leader Carolyrn Jesis aýupen-vicîi tirs ntrp. dus " Votoidys aendsicirnese. on- even fifty-Vires cuilîdren atswere"d roll cal on clo)siag day. Races ws3re hld for h differeýnt cassard t1hese included suci r racct as so)ck aindwhebrw ,cs A ig ,-PongVorantaehd in tiw casseýs and tht wlnners nere Hans 3Bosgraaf <for Vh lergou and Brndab Low1ýery foýr tirs yunge cirjlîdren and thse aet atcptd la hs tere lsgged race Ruas eet and -IanMKez was une vwining tsmwith a-L-nther victry g t o Bobi*e Beet and 'John Grosa. wupleacing eskits nere pressnted ors, by Terry Grahiain, Hans BueBogimaf and Larry Miller, hs other by Mich- a-el Fagan, fan IMcKei et~d Grant ysuo. Mîarilyn Oêheikeg of af o 5 yer-old;3, did anumben of action songe s die~"Ten 1LitleIdis" plants aiready. 3ýikeri-,g or (cuttitng off auxillary shoots once t1ic plants are tpe sbld ai.tain ai f-W weeck's turne. Sumce farmers are a gigneextra aboi' c)VLn eadss fo p-riing the crop. Total latbor fonce empt-oyed on Dur- hase and Ncodhumbernlasý>s 90 tcbac- en, <atrm3eeee43 ,3,0 at the heigbt of ht easu~The wcr-k le nýot foGr wealînsthcugh.. A team of 15 mnuet pick enougli toba.c inlua day to MII a kiln. A dsix-d.j y ccle js t3ed A, kiln le <1used one day and left t»c cure fo>r îiK days> then eraie td ù thetbsc stored in bar'ns. The pro- cee l ropea-tedi until prfnihg i3 fl- With thpe mailing of tàe Orono Pail- Fair Prize Liasts this week thereIwik be moýre definite 'thougýhts of tha, nual eýxhibitio)n beiïg'held in (Jc&- theyea-r On Frïiay and ci 1~y~ Setnhr6th and 7th. The --puiblishing of the pnize lieti- to furnish exlihitors wifrx the, hm dreds o01class 3Open in wbhi,,f h trq may exhibit. The ex-,hlilt3 of ~prcdtuce, livestock, poultry, c~c~ and baking, týedleiwork, flower ae chiidreni's waork is ail imnporta'.W bî the 7suecess cf th,- fair. Withmu tf, little would attraÀ-t the tiou4n*ý ieho annually pass thraugli ýtuhe r-. styles ffl Fair Day'. Th&'ýDurhxam Centrài A,-ricultrýà' Society welcornes everyo-iatu exblÀ«béI in the fair ami in some sectionsýnem- aihitonf arne eiico-uraigead to thcir handieraft wiýth special or increaa3ed fpDrizes. Til- i ~socf the d s-ýmicc i 4u 1> 0ý the~ prize hsit.- The 'wide range, O'carticlc- axeý anim~a w'hieW lnay hi e slwýwn at hitt fair ýprovidre openinggfq* eor to exhiibit. The oc < of havîn~g moret exhibiL4ts tils y(iý' eth <air and prizÈ lists ara, Part as an exldibitor ar.d t33sectml Akillini.your handicrafL .Ther(e i-t4 challenge' waiting fOýr you at as3 an xiir s s s s s s. s dau 7eraf r graaz of urono osalme -ce bridie out ûqutsof yieblw and' bwn nmq Wiiltiam-i Franik Thajer, son of Mn. amid Mrs. Fra-nlç.Tblejtr, Oshawa Mr% Horacs Thajer wethe tt Rav. Basil Lonig conducted tihe ser- aaaÀ uhrswr ib vic againsit a baskground cf pink aiNra rat mi wit gbldopiThe bride, given Tr brides' iother worýe bine iiimaniaeby lher <tech'ose a ovrtaffeta w h nhite nes flo e gtk wn of ivhïte net over The groo)m's mnobhen, wore a bInje tiàm, saRtin in tirh rnesye . rfia- &Wesamwithwhete accemesoiL gertip veil of tulle ilusion was held h4,adcrge fylorss Mies Rita BDoegriaasister off theNoterOuao.r brde as maid)ff hono)UfrV'rwanng a'l wiAtz leagth gows of shnimp net oven I On returiing thsy NP] roies i s. s. s s s N s s s s s. s s. s s N s s. 55 5. -s s s s. Trans-'Canada Pipe LUne 1To Pasa Just South 0f Oron papller laltes sud paper nmachscovr ed asaoaiwt a mode21 ircus.be's.?rFati adth Girls ha led taleîe prt ij heVhsPro- WYork on Vthe Uniîted Couaties sec- t55 Pr oeaiCbugs - grm dunin thtsuftirmer had un Va oftir TaîsýPaaaPipseliehe aid311down linii-Spsnen~r displny colourfat belits imade oeut af nurtirofBwîan i le epctsd Vo coinýpany, whýiebh ias ireen p cardbl-oand nulk ottle caps. Tre 'bo"Y,'t uge 5 Hwn.W. F -el aaa<rVsat1 en~~~ dilspiaye ingtc games., projc -t manager for Duttoý, ii, (liayis pectA V average 900 <est a CUy. BLrus. of Tulsa, Okahmlhecn Pefect attendance awards were tracos, reports. An adivanre party Trans-{Canada Pi lîeines- depoetae4" presented o Sisar, Goode, Johaniel is engaged lanVie preliminary wr plan, profile and book off eeed.O2 Rokinson, David suïd RniisFoc)ces-lof crleacitll' thes glht off wythe proposed locatio)n of thtep er, Terry Boyd, Linda and Douit M'ernk adiis<n a ttppln from Lot 21 ln WhsAUS. ý IMiLaren, Raye Wet, Aune asud Su- Concession in Lý nies,,fof Whitby T-rvnshiP t> eau Tfinitua, Darlens West, Cheryi ne o rotrno I to Y11 ilstow 'Pipe Lot 1, Concesion 3Sinla ope Tmm Coatiram, Sharon Alhlliu AYDury ~ ns- rmOrn o igto.Tesh-ip aÉthVie Eas;t Duham R bp, Bia'Boyd, Terry Grehanr, Sol , Okiahomia ConstructionCo. of DalaOfie aPorF-UHoipe. Tire lins ral- H-init, Keti HroBrentda FO5r exas, lll lay Vhe section front Ton- aorbh of UIghwvay 2 <bwn-~ aaBuz7y Mercer. This group of noV rn adhv led e general diraeclion off Vhs TasNz cliildrean nere neîver absxenit rnon neer up hWillamsqRa& hve ae anWiby Dttnena iiOil Pipeline laid down com rnew, laVe during ths--fou weksVhaVthe 'lireBrc aeosùda fieaga. It arDpesse 3Gots iii tht prograrû, wae in. operation. l uoI wîi rlih iecnr ocsinof Hoe1 owsiipt ,lý Of their opeatiuneoraot I2-nidaee. Tirs progýjram wnas 3epuosnerd ell ote ~ by tht Oroon Amateur AthIeVtie ns Aot 0norkers 'wl .b2e sm-I Thtpipeline pa-aes juet aU h~ sèciatind mi dr Vhe capabe guidi- plo yed f hic-,ir80 per cent nul be Orcoo heree> h nu cro,,a4'àe §<yjý sucs of Mrsi. M. Ls1n teanîgged lu tir(dstictnhe hswrk t srty of Mr. HrôdDean. : Jane Bosgraaf» Wed To ---------- ut im

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