-~ -I~,- 4~-r~- -~ ~-,- -~ j? ORE~NO DONALD DIJCK SweetenedOMange Juice RI.EESWEET Lieinon Jaice WELCIFS Crape Juice 48 oz tin 29C 4for 37c 24 oz bottie 3 for $10. Pineapple &Grapefruit Juice 3 for $i.00 RosealeTomate Juice IBYSHAIWAIA'N Pinieapiple Juice TREESý'WEET Grapefruit Juice 48 oz tin 33c 48o tn31c f 3M4 TREESýW EET- Bleaded Juice 48 oz tin 35c nKITCHN CO rn mye1 AI Brown Beans T oilet Tissue SweetGherkinrs 2 2Isoz 33e 4fer 47c 16 oz jar 33c QJuality Méats Fresh Produce WVIFT PREMIU1M - Sto,ýre Pakge I KST-LAGLSZ Fréï-nks 2 lbs 79C Lemnons doz 39c WSýIFT MIK-E FRE 7 EAL UYSETSÏN KLS T Size113 Front FRelis l 9 rne, doz 49c Cottage Roils lb 79e Watermelon ea 99 c Pork&TukyLf43 Lemona-de Juice 2 t is %33e 4--, 5J Cornis) ~ .~ ,. - bu's Red & W6te 0ia, >at~rÀe KENDAL NEWS unear sorn! te hear Mr. Rude exander èin aBccwmanvminleHospct.f again and hope he wul soomalbe ?cig beutm,. hear of theipssinig ofMi.Ge Kiby on Wednesday, JuIy 24t,-,, and , extend the-jr ,sîic.ere symjpathy touf Mrs. Khiby, Whoset the early p-ait of her life in Knaj M is-s Mary Taylor of Toiro)nto spent ' the we&kend with )ýMr. 1nd Mrs. Biake Ale-xatider, t ,mr. and Mrs. Wm-, Boyp ofTor Ôntonisied[M.Rerit HoladOn M, r. andMrs. WilinrdRo- heyoi Osaaare vstigfor a we vt Mrs. L. Thorne and Mrs, Av wr dsoofToront,O AtKen-Gar-Hiifs Can-rp th--,s weukm, aeMary Klgor, Aa Wke-ly-, MgrsAha aad Anta Tlolesý, B iý >arbar-1 KuePita andJneMrretDan DogNelles, Sherryl îandLida f Smith, Ktiy unmhm edi Silvetora, B ni Mlis, Clair Sa>n- fi JoDnr-y aad Mau-,reen arrk, n A.nnraper, arbra te Nrgat,17 ~un ce K ger,uoanneVarty, Sin- aneGeoHryTriArlT Mr, nd rs.Everi-tt Hall 'the fomris 'abrteof rsHtce foser v d'r.ad MmE'q IClar I.Ch~id's fleath at 7:10 pis. on Joly 20 t'Mm Why~es haen, earewnlvllle, b stra~liti~ a te senut of nac- er a o ielaaoffcîiis LeuD. t par s Austinoro rir Mrmbfersofte jrythere: Glenho,- e D-ewlro cre Peepesd Me y prie HolidayNotice FI OA L TRHE ATR' nE DO WMAN VILLE THURS. - FRI. - SAT, - AUGUST 1 - 2 - 2 -Matinee Satnrday 2 p.M, ~'AMIJ IN GOOD SHAPE DOCTîOR?" For a jyu u4plifi. this is i ulst what the- fATIF TO1,CDISNEYLÂND>, USA" Clr Two pee Shows at 7 and 9 :25 P.M, SIJNDAY MIID-NI'TE - Augý. 41th Oxuily "T he Mati Who Turned Te Stonie". Aduitaý 'Zombles 02 Mora Tau' LAS*JAMES MASO~4 * p ~L' ~S r H E A T R r Lates Wo d ewsandCoulrShr Feat e Sa sat 7 - Last opee hw91 WED.' - THURS. - August 7 - 8 J- -1 71 I 4- JCiC "Johnny r - - Jigor ll Tst42%cPergal.-tincde 8OIOL-i4iyour -cenv.euece ji uai quaatitke.av , alhe at the statieu OO-01 Kv.umlag andu.4 Sumayu 6oz tin 20 oz ti~ I i i o- I I i IT 9