WEINKRS and bêth 0 WKINER ROLLS fer FRYING Or ROASTING49 p} uMt U CRiken Acr ozed'lb 59C Eotona wift Preadun, by the pie.. Sb 31c0t FROZEN FOOIS 'Dc 40 FATHOM hî Fish Sicks 8 oz 3 for 9Î1 c CA -NOE9omc pkg5 PICTSWEET WVELCH FROZEN FisFe Grape Juice 6 oz 2 for 39c W'ITH FREE .50 BONU SBOOSTER TAPEg . "BONUS BOOSTER" FOOJD FEATURES WIHFE ,.0BOOSTER TAPEg Cigarettes popu!ar bîamds 200's $2.q9 ICA Potats. Chips 14 oz jikg 59.c <i i i i i I 4 i I f I ~1 I i i i i i i o i o ç Le gFN HOl(NEY PO,-," STOKLEY'S PEAS, 2 15 oz Tins 31c PRxEM Loncheon geai 12 oz tin 45c Aylmer Catsup 11 oz 2 for 25c sGA PUiS DEPOSIT, Ginger Aie 2 large btls 35c RlOYAL CGUEST SILICED IGA Bread 24 oz ýloaf 17e HELLMAN'S mayronnaise 1 oz 45c -AMBRO SWýEET Cucumber Chips 16 oz 25c ASSO0RTE» FLAVOPURS Ko.l Aid drink mixes 5 for 29c LIFORNIA BARTLETT; 'EARS 6 s'ize 165's 25C Lpricets 14 lIJ<s $2.29 pi bei 19c EC'Y FRESH F1LAVOTR - S UNKIST 0 ranges large size 138's doz 35c Il Gql-pi,(RdWN - FRESH DuGc ew Potatoes 10 lb bag 29cg ADWODF AKs FRýEsH, Vactuum Cooled DMASH tCRSPY 2 large heads 23cg 'antaloupe jumbo size each 19c THI IfRl32.50 BOuNUS OOSERTAPL 1 IM 'Two Plaques Unveiled At Qld Fort Henry, Kingston estin cereony ook place at Fort Rer nKinigston on --Moday after- nocin, Jul-y 2 2 ,co.-mencing aIý 3 p.mn. This -involve-d the univeilinig of two hitrclplaquts, onleco eoa- ing Fort %Rnry itself and the second hýonouring-Sir Richard Boniyasi mens er-estat!ined in Font 1Henry. Poshy bec-ause Of! its ovo~ sýtrength, the forti-ss was eyer it-- tacked. ' owv à. itwas used as a prison on va-rious ocasi nrd sev- er-ai "patn-iots" captured duimg the1 l Rebellion of ý1837 made a diraiiaatic ecýape froju here in August, 1838. The Honourab1e WiHiam M. Nicklt, The old fort was restoreýd duri-ng Q.C., Ontario's Ministei± of Planning the 1920's and has been run as anQ and iDevelipmaen*tt un,,di1ed one of (historicail museuin since 19a8. the pLaývs. The Fort's unifiormed guard put* on a d4splay of IlIth cen- tur-y drilli nling the firng of Dhe Sir RichardBnncste adstn camion, and music -was supplied b guished and capable officer of tue the Fort ulery Band. RLoyal Egnes served during the: War of' 18112 in the Bitsh occupationi of Maille. HAe camie to U;pper and These two plaques are ereoted by Mn 18%2 and comipleted the coastrusc- the Archaeolo0aal and historic Sites tion of Fort Henry. He was knightedý Boaýrdocf Onltario which funictons un- for his services during the Rbli~ der the Department of Travel and of 1837-38 A1fter aý tour of duty lu- Publicity, headed by the Hlonourable Newfoundimn,.»e retured to ng~ Bryan L. Cathcart. The chairan of so hrduing the Oregon criai -hnBar is Mr. . H. Crnso ofi of 1816, ho ereced Fort Frederic M dland and it inludes soAe of 1he1and the marllo towers. Bonlnycastl provnces mst istinIgIiSheÏisto- r1 e eel bookadealing Wih =-n jan ad roaeloiss.The Boar d tempor-ary Canladian Elee and hîstory, î pe to rt soine fifty imla Somne of these, such as ~Cnd n plaqauesAtsMes of historic ieresttheCndi ',pphd in Londxn, through. I1Otarlo duringthis Year.'1846,. are o-f c'onsideraitý vahue tc hlistorians. FotMictin w rbilt drigthe-----O War of 1812 on Point Henry. The lat- ter had beeni namied aft EHeny Hanm- Formeér Orue Boy Join Liet. ioviiiiý f Quebec 1782-85,H1owever, itwas ne ut Ie, Mwat, Houorel At OakyiIIe lihtthe present redoubt was ut Téis was dn as para of a general wiI$10.0Bm dockyard at the south of the Ride"ui Mr- Johin B. Mjowat, o formerý res- Canal The advanced battery and Mdent of Orono, uas recently piecred' cmnmiario stores were added lnuwtih other former- mayors off Oak- >rear of the redoubt in 1841--12. ville h were planinng for the Oaîk- Kingston xas the miost iinipontant be 99 thîis Septenibér was mryayor oe' niilitary centre in the province dur- Oakville froni 1930 to 1932. Mr. Mow- îng much of the l9th ceutury. Front at wýas presented with a sI0O0'f bond 1812 to 1891 de-taýhmienr,sfronen many -'t this occasion. famious Brîtisih and Canaiýdianriiegi-. SEE' R. E. LO-XAN Plismbing-Keating. SHEET NMETAL [WITH 5OUOIN For th-e L I NSULATEE Ï/4 ~CHI M NEY Insi.all it yourself in 3 hours! Cornes complete . . . needs no bricks. morta. foun4dation. Supported at roof and floors. Non-çorros've stainless steel flue with alurn. inium outside.,casing. Fils 1. 2 and 3 storey homes. Customn-built: approvedi by recog. nized research organiztilons and heatingi authorities. The Selkirk Chininey saves heat. saves money, cand eliminates fire hazard! De- veloped and manufactured ini Canada and proven for 20 yecirs! Mode by SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LT. 826 WALL. ST. - WINNIPEG, MAN. ill (ýiiittir l t tr! 1 to cafl uponI ýw. We âtreua wervkceo that LOW Orom Ont. 9 Pli...1187 MIDWAY ~di~J DR' IVE IN NENqT MON. TO WDEÇ WED.&THJS O Th «ret Nay Coiied ;hos at 6:15 &9:00O eAil ICA FA-%NCY 15 onetins Apple Sauce 2 for 31 c Kleenex 2 kIZS 39c i5houId prompt you us in trne of s4orroý simple beautiful s4 prove eonsoling to the HIARTLKY R. ?A]R FUNIERAL HOM1E