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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1957, p. 7

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Finding Lost DGgs En Hollandt 0 1 t2 ent Igure why tbey plant .~ DiveWith Care Lost dogs in Iiolland are for- lunate creabures. They are sel- tiom lost for very long andwe Mhey are founi they are swifbly m,turned fb bheir owners. J, For their Lgood fortune th. dogs and Ihe1r masters hiave 10 fhank a national voluntary or- ganîzation th.al is 25 years oid tbis year. Holianid possesses many welfare serviçes but 1th. erganization k -onus Stichting AxLnived'i (Animal Loyers' Foum- dation) is perhaps unique. IV prov.ides the humiran iînk ýb- tw.en the owner of a _pet, bhe police, the animal protectioft rsocieties, andd the finder o!i a &tray. 1 found imiut how iît works wàhen I met the, Baron; van Pal- landt in Hilversum, the nto' radfio cit y. He bas been workirg ;.or 1h. Stichting inHivru for a year and hie has foundl 50 mlogs during thýntlime and re- turned tIlim 10their own7iers. The Baron explained tha, a group o! people in Utrechýt 25 years ago decidede that a great decai of unhappiness was caused by the facI that thoughi lost ami- mals weru ofleýn found, theru was no orgaization 10 return, Iliuem te thuir ownlrs. Thieani- mais ,vere brought 10 aprtc tion sociecty>s kenneis nand re- - mained there unluss the owner made constant visits 'Iose if lie could spot lis pet. Sa 0he Stichting Amivedfi camne imt being. Over 'the years fi lias creatud tew branches in nearly al1'h. large cities in Hoiland and il lias ear.ned praise lrom the public and from týhe police. Ils work is espucially imper- Uânt in a country with Il arge city populations but il is milde es- î.ential by the facit that Dutcli law providus several statutes that protect the domestie pet., In Ui. frst place an- animal that bias tayed cannot be kilied unless Il- is sevurely injured, In tbe second,.bthe finder o!f dog must immrediately report hisý fid to the police. Iflihe fails 10! do so ýwith 24 hours lie may lie heaviiy fined. A third statute saweguards the property riglits üf th. owner of e~ stray. if a rtray is given ta a new owner il must be given up -if the original ownier comus !orward t10 daimn Swribes Ian Rodger in The Christian Science' Mlonitor. Sucli regulations mean tha(t there is a great deal o! work 'ta le dore that cannaI bu don. by the ntormîal org-anizationors that exist in oblier counitries. Thuy ereate h. Iieed for the dog- hunters o! t1h. Stitchding AmîveI,. The Baron bold me thal lihe eflen spends a whole day look- ixig for a dog. On less difficulit days he usually starts byte- phoning the police for h. latest reports. When Lie las checked ,%is lisI o! foun-d cdogs il th-- Eist of dogs3 reportudt missing lie 1beginis lii regular rouinds. Thesp rounds include visits la people ,whc have beungin strays that cannot, be traced tri thir owners. Once a montli lie calîs on Ilbeim 10make sure thazjt Ilihe animnali s in good healli. On dsomie eof is cai li e ives advîce a1bout Ilie care and feeding o! pets and lie provides pamphltets anci same mediçines withouot charge. HIelias a car o! bis, own but the Stitching gives hlm a travel allowance and pays for Jais cieri- cal and postal work. But liiitir ne wnd liii labor ar~e given i.reý For liii reward h. liasth zatsfactîin o! piaying a very7, jecssary and fhuman. roi. in Dutch society and there iýs Yno d1oubt th)at lie, like lIeý other members o!' "re StlchIirig Amii- vdl, ithoroughly uenjoys lis -w(rlt. As, a true animral, lover, liede rives as muel pleastire from re- Iuring a monigrel 10 aa mi !boy as lie dous !ram-j rescing Fa pedigree pieinr Ivory Ijunters 0f The Diaimond Pnobablyv basueball's mnost unden- piaid operativ"es are ils "ivory hunIers" - ilsots - wlio huaI'(,the hushes from e arly sp)ring untfil laIe fa!' in the hope o! !lushing some ruai, talent. Il is -a pro ession whicb bras been likuned Lto huying oilstock by mail, witl irte saving grace that il neudn'l coît 1h. scout any money. However, miy mient o! len ceaies with the samre abrupînis witb wbicli a base- bail] can laie ilsul! in Yankee Staiîumn's laI. aflurnioon sbadows, and th. hou-,; are long and anduoius, Maniy o! ibe gamcs5'z mosb suc- ces-sful scouts hýave-,huen formner big- l-ague players, alîhougli not ail have been so personally lail- entud. Perliapi îlie twa best known ln recent years have beun Paui] Kirîdleli of! lb. New York Yainkcees and Wisb, Egan o! De- trait. K.'irîcleilialways gave th.eim- pression o!heing h.eirdbt ti.ng bulsinessmanr, intent on) land- in g lis uarry aI any price. lis -No. 1 find was LuGebrig, Egan was -the more fatlierly type, al- thougli bu tjocknýw 1h. value o! the dollar. His chie! dlaim .,ta fame was Hai Newhouser, a st.rang-a-rm-ed soutbpaw wha won, More Iban 200 gamecs wbule w-\,r in- a Tiger uni! arm. KiIcliell and Egan may nol have been 1th. two bust scouts o! aIl lime, but if they werun't Iluy are so close la natingIbat disincionlIaiIlieru are few basebaîl mren Laround wbo xill argue the point. Nlearl-y _20 years ago the 13as- SIGN 0F AGE - Ifý the sight cf an aon,, grindeýr and bis pur- fcrmnpg monkey I's fcmliair ta yeu, ycu2re getting on, in yeaxrs. Palul ViýpAa nd "Baby Dcii" make ltheir lvigby camuïs;ng peclestrians in Kansais City; Mo. They're camong the Iast of ta fas-vnisin lgion of sie- waolk entertainers once femqlir da the Amnercan scene, LIliorI, devotion National I on Red Sox sent îts former gen- eral marager, Eddie Collins, la îeWest Coasî be scout a prom- isinig in filder, As far a s is known, il was Ibe only planned scouting trip Collins evermau Whuile Eddie lwas lher bis Itrained basebSl eye caug4 siglit o! a gangiing ou!iielder vwlio swung a bat wjib rare eubhority. Collins recommendudIth Ibte Red Sox but flot on thIe in- fleider, Bobb3\ Doerr, but aise the oulfield.er, Ted. Williams, Un- doubtediy, il was one of lb. mqýt profýWble scamuting trips o!fai Hlowever, tbey don't alil turn out Iliat way. Ed Rumilli once talked about a scout wboviil ed Frank Lawî ence Pa !ew yeairs ago, wliun tIbat gentlemnan was ow-ner o! lb. Portsmoutbi, Vir- ginia, club o! île Piedmont A souîhipaw was pitdinrg for Porîsm-outh ipIa a!ernoon ancd doing a whalu af a job. Lawrunce offured tb make a deal mwith bthe scout for tb. youngstur, but tb. 'Vory hunIer decided 1he boy was boa imaIL, Lawrencuen efdireecd bis at- tention ta, tb. club's second base- maIi, wbo was h, ýaving a greagt day botI at bat and in ILhe fieid. Il -'as thie same story - toc Smali. The f'oliowinýg year Lawrenc, sold bis second basemâan lalb.e Macon, club foi $500 and he laler gaI $2,500 from the St. Louis Cardintals for 1h. pitdhier. You mnay recai liTe names - Eddie Stanky and Harry (tlie Cal) Ted MGeamuhraed big league scout, probabiy was as mnucli rsponsible for 1h.e Brookiyn Dodgurs winning tb. 1941 National League pe-,nnant as any o! Luao Duroclier's reguT- ar.Th'ree o! thec Dodgurs key players - oulfie1lder Pee Reisur, sliorItlop Peu Weu Reesu, and -pitcher Wv.hitIow Wyat - were th.eresul o! ibre suparale scouting trips by McGrew. Without scouts, thuru probab- ly wouldn't bu any bail players. And w;îthout players thuru wouid bu no basebai] -- aI ieast rual tle way we kowil today. May- be thaI's anoesmiiiai but boiled down il, makes sens-.. The Scouî's lot is not an easy onu. LuI onu big fish get aw,ýay iand lie's lookîng, for a Jdb. Dis-, îc'_over a Vic -Rasch)i and 1h. club wviii expect you ta find a baîbury- mate, preferabiy somneone lJike Yogi Berna, 1 go along with hlm]. Great FIocks 0f Flying Jewels Deep in the great caves a!f Triniclad, higli up among 1h-l. moanlng pines o! Hait, and now 'againher, butw-,eun 1th. coid ma~ngroves and thelesa a!"mud, IV., have !ounld ou-rselves inl Places Iiat wrustnangel'y un- ruai, unearllily, an'd apart, as -I they vwere oan arother pia-nel. Sucli olher-worJdly places need not bu grim and for.bidding; they may bu places o!f absoiuîu- ly pure, soft beauîy. This she'l bank by 1h. sua was On. o! Ly!ni-g Ier, unýrder bhe Cvun- ing sun wiîh îlte fres i mellow winds puffling aI our facesý, -,W coui.ld no-t belâve il possible tbèÀLï there Céould )3e aniy o1iéIp- pie in the world, oi, tat a town of even thie size of Para maribo wvas less than -se en ity -il e s aw,%ay. Prom being a n a ustere and 1lifeless btof 4nànrôOVe- haunted mud eac.ii n ' -endIess, stretcli of muddy sea, th e place had become 'a distant paradise. How car i 1say thiE of aul area tbat is c-ntireIly covered vwith nhudand niang-roves? I will bl ybu, but first let mne make sure oýon(- thing:, do you know a bird calied the red ibis?! 'It is esse tial1describe this Iovely creature before I bry to give you any ipesofo!the coast of Surinam thlat evening, because the mud flats as far a,3s thie eye co)uld reacli in any di-. rection wIlere covered %vi th counîless multitudes o!f these birds. They are long-leggedl îwaýding birds ith the charac- teristic dw-ure i f 1he ibises.. The entire plumnage is, riglit enough, red rallier thanl green, blue or yellow, but iniil are ntingled1 ail the salmon- pinks, roseate reds and brilliant flames tha1t any, artist could imna- Under the wvaVrm ligÏlit of the evening , SUn these natuIral jewels came saffing across the rich blue sky in uinnding, flocks, laniding among thecir brelliren on the muLd, With themn camre great fights o f snow-white egrets, bea.ting the air with laboured diffîculty, Ïtheir thin black legs trailing behind themr. Every now and Ilium bevies o! brown bitte-rns or bigtblue hurons wouid corne out of the two utIle creeks like fiights of arrows.., As the suni sank iower, there came a raucouIs screeching., mîniIed wîvit h insolent cries, shrieks, w-,husties, dat calis and ail tbe other uproar Ihal oniy parrots cao producu. By tens, by hundre-ds; they camne along the coast, bioüttimgiý out the sky, fil.. ing the ,ir wîtlh thir ellîn-g, and driving the w,ýhceing ul tures a nda hovering lsig enlsfar L'up imb the higb.er air. Wfhat rmakes parrots ,3such friendly creatures? I beclieve there are two aniswers to this question: flrst, because thiey are nieyer ashamYed of prociaiming themizelves, and, secondly, bu- cause tliey aïways fly in pairs, the little husband anýiif beatîng along wng tip10wing- Af 1er tea we slroiied round ta the uittle creek, that backed o)Ul sheil spit. Heore the settin1g sun nmde anran,,ge mirror or the stili water as ilt wistedl among bliowing ýwaves of vivid green mangroves. Above, flight after ffight of flamig ibisiesý and snow'y egrets and biue lierons1 ke-pt passing. - Prom "Carrili- beain Treasurtie," bLy Ian T, San- derson. RADIO TRANSMITTER PILL Pii 10 swaiiow before ion,,g maPy cotaiýn -a reBio-transmit- ter and a àbalcli of Instruments benealli he sugar coating, sýtafes The Finiancial Post. Such a pilI has been developed by scientisîs in Sweden. If trsmrits datý.1a on th. temrperature and pressure insidle the patient's stomach. "I alwilys go to theSes f ancy dress balls as Napole(-on," saîd ]a yOu'ng my.an to his friend aI a dance. "I like ta keep miy hand on my waiieb." YOUR WAY 'TO BIGGER PAY The lob you want and the salery YOU 1long for can be y.Ior if Y'OUPreparef ge no.A wtenve buaniesa train- log for a definite career goal - rela. tlveiy short BE VOUR OWN BOS!ýs MEN or wme, aivwork your owni hours, and Make prfitîs Up to 500% slngexclusive hiouseware products and applianices. No conpetition, fnot avai[able hi stores, and tbeyj are a necessity în every home. Write ai once for free colour catalogue, shlow. lng ret ail prices plus confidiential wbolesale price list. MurraIy SaI2es, 382S.LawreiCe Blv,, Mnra ARICLES Fr-01-SAI NYLON LACES, 36 yds. 1.O.Ribb)on, 1,500 yds, $1.00. Beautiful taffetized, -¾.Postpaid. Scbaiefer, 264, Drumn- mondville, Que. G ABY CWICKS In-Cross fori ary, xtaeggs. Broliers -order ahead il possible- Tel us what you neced, get list, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., HamîIlton. EGPG PRODUCERS, try our Âmies La Cross PuIllets. WVe are selling thlese ai redluced pçrices now, We also reuom- mend for maxùimumir egg produtioIn, Tweddle Lay More Series T-100, T-111, T-l20, T-l30. Also Shaver WKhite Leg- horn, Wairrn Rhode Island Red, Wbiie Leghýorn, X Rhode Islanid Red, Clfr mia Grey X White Leghorn. We av ail poptuar diui purpose breeds, broU-. er breeds, turkey pouits. Catalogueý. TWEDDLE CHIOR HATCHERIES LTD. FERGIUS ONTARIO _FARM MACHINERY FOR SL INEW lldmay Threshers, used, thresh- ers, grain thirowers, Patent straw cut. ters and shredders, fits ail maltes of threshiers, your grain and straw put In the barn at leas cosit, 85 years of pro. duction. Get our prices and termns de- Ilierd aybeein Ontario. Lobsinger Bros., ildmiay GRAIN AUGERS Save abour %with sa 4-incb SIUPER SCOOPER. Basi c lengtb )Il fi. wiftb5-fi.' -10-fi, extensions to rmake 16 fit.or 21 fi. or longer. For further information write or phone Lorne A. Dowý,nhaM, Box 168, Woýodstock, Ont. Phoan, Lennox 7-6773. FOR SALE GENERAL Store -for sale, $15,000. Souih. emn Ontario Village. Brick, Corner Loi. Busieýss in operation. Owner reiiring. Ternis. ox 161, 123 Elgbteentbý Street. New Torento, Ont, MODEPUN GENERAL STORE and homye. Thrifty busiiness, paved igbway, Ilydro, telephone, Bus Services, Schooi DPown Payment $4,00. Sacrïicin-g owing tu nealih codition. Apply E. Buckley, MAECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB W!hile you drive for oniy $8.00, For cars -- trucks - ractors, etc. Un. conditionialiy guaranteed. Effýctive for 1fe of car. Motaloy saves yov, money. Motaloy Sales Co., 34 Wesi Street, Goderich, Ontviroc elr nure clnvïted. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATiC PAINS *R NEURITIS SHOIULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNR'S DRUG STORE 335 11, O ttawèi $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANIISE the tormieni of dry eczema irasles and vweepln& akin tobles. Post's Eczemia Salve wlll not disap- point you. Itching, scaling and burn. ling ecemeia; acIne, rlnigwo)rm, pimples and foot eczema wlvll respond readily to the stainiessa dorleas oliment reI gardless of how stubl-.borrn or hopeles ihey seemi. Sent Post Free onr? ecelpt M PrIce PRICE s3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2665 st. Clair Avenue ,East TORONTO OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARIN big mnoney. Sales background sstiL Exceptional earnIngs ýpos- sible 10 qutified men or vomnen. No invesimient, Wirite your qualifications fully for free details. Ace Distribu- iing Service, WVasbiburni, Mlinois, EARN mnore ! Bookkeeping,Saean shlp, Shortband, TFypewriting, etc. Les- sons 50e, AsIc for free circular No. 3 Canadien Correspondence Courses. 120 Bay Street, Toronrto. SE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAk'S LFADING $CHOOL Gre,,t Opporitunl-ity Learn llairdressing Pleasant llgnificGd profession; good( wages. Tbouaands of suiccessful Marvel Graduaies. flilustrated Catalog Fre WVrite or Caîl MARVEL 1HAIIIDRIESSI7NG SCHOO0eLS 358 loor St. W, Teorontio Branches: e4 King St. W.., Hamiltonl 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GIREASES, PAINTS A-NID Colloldal Graphite Additives. D'ealers wanted to sellIo1 Farmiers, Fleet Owners and Service Staions. Write Warco Grease & OU11 Lltued. Toronto 3. Ont. HO1W CAN i? Q.low can i1 make a good substitute for whipped ereaM?, A. Add a sliced banan)a t the PatentAtoay4 sallhd 1890i, ieed preventive. Mýail 4 hairs qfor ie.- roýscopy, 47 yeýars, experieýcnce. Pll charge ol 10.Dr. Conlamn, 1006 Beech, Cisco,, Texas. 'DO YOU have wo rieroblenfis? Let us belp you! Information ceonfidentiaL Personllattention gvneach client, MûcBride, Boýx 4262, Phioeixy, Arizonai 1.0 RILoffe.,r. wentjy-flve deltixe personai requirimentS. Lat(esi cala. logueinclded.Th, e(edco eny Box 22,, Termùinal "Q" Toronto, Ont. SWIlNE WOULD YOUikWe 10 have pigs averageý 70 ),bS. at 8 Weep.s, verage 175 Ibs. ai 110 ays M.E. Beard of Frankfort, Indiania had these resulis eon a luer: sired by iaboar purchased from us, Fer- gus Ne Plus Ultraý 55. Landrace are tops forý bacon and Fergus Landrace Swine Farm Ia the top breeding farm Ini Canada. Weanlingtj, four onrtb ojl, si-x xonth aid sows and b)oars, guiaran. týeed in pig eows, serviceable bo-ars For huîmediae dellvery, Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWVINE FARM"l FERGUS ONTARIO REPEAT ORDERS aýre a sure sigo ibat our customers are satisfied. We h aves recelved airemendouis number of re. peat orders for our high qutaity 1Land. race Swine, ail from ipre stock. Weanling, fouir month old sows and, boars, guaranteed In pig sowvs, service. able boars. Catalogue. TONRJ!A STOCK FR R.E, NO. 3 , HOLLAND CENTRE, ONTAIO HAWE lu-NCTI7ON, mAlgomaCnta RalaOniarjo. reýquires 2teachers, maIe or female., Principal U0 teach Grades 6, 7 and 8. Mi. a1ary $2,U00, Teachler for Grades 3, 4 sud 5. Min. salary 42,6M. A pleas-ant railway coni- munity 164 miles nortil> ofSauli Ste. Marie. Apply 10 Mrs. Ed. M1evedi, Secretary ,llawl Junýcîion, Onitarlo, Please state ag,e eiecqujalîfi. cations' and any spLecial nterests. ISSUE 32 4 957 To ReIieve Tortuing ITCH 0F ECZIEM ry This Easy Waly Tonight .Stop in-3ai your druggisat and aslIc fra salorgiýnakl botle o OOESEMERÂALD O1L. Apply Iiberally ai a bed.t'ime and gel real relief 'n doubie.quicIclieNi mal5,ter ,viiat you may haýve iried, there'a notbtLhng quite lîkeEMER- A1LU GIL. sixpn u3ead sold ai ildrugtres, SLEEP AND RELIEVE NERVOIISMES8 direwctions hsa safe way ïto induce sIep onr quiet 1h. nerves when tene. THEY'RE SAFE when you build with a ERECTS IN 2 HOURS LASTS A LIFETIME c îiasitS a i;se s Steel Clu r a lt , in ri tr e -pioulacidpDr uof Niml urys miln ncs ûalry plefabricsleila oectfosu ereci fasi wttuI pecial it0s Cuis cosh s wt al lujels Shipped cirmplele. u nderwriieru aind CMIC apornved l e foi -free Isider- Products 'imited r- SND FOR F055 F155 rcHTE EDS I -DRS-------------- ----------- 'OWN--------------------- WEEKLY EDITOR fIONORED-Horace V. W.lc-ls Jr., riglh of the Gliniton, T.nn,., Ccurier-News, ruceives the 19f P. Loyejoy A'weard,,for Coura.ge in Journalism. Wells, ci cf the Supreme Court's school integration ru.ling ini despite thut from ,xtr.mnists, was cIted for "r.al"istic te týhe principles cf laiw and order" eti the annuel Conference of Weeklýy Newspapur Eiditcrs. N s N N N 'N N N NY N N N N N s N N N N N. N. N N N N N N N N N NY N N N N N N N N NY N N. N N N N 4~N NY N N N N NY N N. N N N -'s NY NY NY NY -i 'i N N N N N N NY N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N NY s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY NY N NY N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N

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