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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1957, p. 2

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oWkained in ii theit is, ho.( timne at 'as humidity. Mf they co)uld be gathered to£.ýether ýand, for that niatter, througihQut ~h inone place tihe njumber, of different,, world. How,ýever, i reeent yearas kInds S'f cheese being manufactured1 sometbWng new has been added to th,- în Canada Pt present would surpr-ýise eheese scene in Canada and any con-, even thocose to the business. Uri preh-ensive selection, as wlll be madIe unitil .comparative]y recent tinries during the ,ctober Cheese 'Festival cheddar was the one Canaian cheese will contain miany types kçnown onfly Widely known throughout the counitry to new Ganadians. For Low Cost Heating Luxury THEHA LCO%;0 DUAL FURINACE FULLY AUT@MATIC OIL DRNINO or OAS also burns C.a l or 'Word NO AD1JUS',TMýENTS NECESSARY Plus AIR CONDItIONING, CONTACT HARVE"ýY PARTNER FOR FREE ESTIMATES TYRONE Phone MA. 3-Z240 PLIJMBING .-HATN a taste foi, tfeir native cheeses tihat is mainly why *we are coming knOw new naines in cheese. . .nan like Edai, Bra, Tilsit, Provolonee lîterally dozei)s of others. In ma~ cases the foreign type ciheeses auppe, ing in Canada are being- matIe aniali quarters by people wýho aref ing a local ethnic demand for aC tain type of cheese. The larger che maniuSacturersaiaso caiter to, the ta of the new Canadian so far as it practical to do so. When the market or a g-iven cheese islarge enough, needless to say the larger mian-ufac- turera will not overlook the coppor-ý tunity. In spite of the fact that there are hundreds of differenit cheese namets there are cornparativEýly few bis'iç types. Though mnany have tried it la difficult if not impossible to classify the different cheeses satisfactoi.ly Jn groupa. Most çhee'se is natural tIheese. That is, it is made d-Iirectly from milk (or whey in a few instances) as op- pèsedl to "process" cheese whvich Îis made f rom a blend of natural chees-ý es. Naturjal cheese is matIe hy coagu- lating or curdling mui-lk, stirring and for teiupý In spite of d.ozens of variations thêre are only about 18 distinct types1 of natural cheese, any of which are typical of those made in Canada: BrCli amembert, CheddIar, Cottage, Creain Edam, Gouda, Ha-nt, Lini- burger, Neufehatel, Parmnesan, Pro- volone, R(Ymiano, Roquefort, Sapsago, which is matIe in the United Sates but rarefly in Canada, *Such a grouping, though infoinia-i btive. is imnper.fext and inconmplete. Cheese can alsQ be classified as very hard (grating), hard, semi-soft or -,sioft; and as ripened by bacteria, byl moitI, by surfaice-or-ganismas or y a, (combination of these, or as unripenled. Over the centuries that cheese has beeni made, modifications or, changea sin one or more steps in tihe cheese 7making proeess have been responsible ifor the deve]opment of different kinds of cheese. These changes were iîttie understood and difficuit to dpicte because scientific kniowledige of ba4c- teriology and chemiistry were iacking. As a resliit, cheese making wvas re- g'arded as an art with the closely guarded secr,,ets of ma-ýking handed Bowma avilie Hospital Sets New Room Rates A meetfinig of the hoard of direc-ý tors of the Memnorial1 Hospital, Bow-ý manville was held recently. The chair-j man, Harry V. Crydernian, presided. Others present were: Ray J. Dilling, 1secretary--treasurer; Ileeve Sidniey Little, Harry Jose, Reeve of New- catMrs. Louise WV. Dippeli, rS. Bruce Mutto'n, Mlrs. W. Bradenl Dr. E. D1. HuIbhardi, Dr. G. E. Mann , a llobbs, Glenholmne Hughes, and lStan- ley- H. Wilkinis, AArministrator of the; Mmorlal Hos'-pital. ANflOUNCJNC THE OPENlINCi 0f An Addition To TOmS'REýADwY TO WEAÀR Ami DRYGOODS DEPARTMENiT Prices Effective Froua October 3rd te lSth FREE GIFT L DIES NYLON S FREE With Eacli $1 0-00 Puitchase BLANKETS, 1KING-COT and IBEX'70x90ý, Spedc'».......$.9 BLANKETS, Rayon,. and Nylon, Pastel colours, Satin 1) cunad, 72', 84... ............5.75 LAD Il -1ANDBA GS, Leather, assortcd. clofs....3. S 5.5 0 BT TOWELS, EXTRA, '20xN40, Pastel colours, pair -for...$15 TEA TOWELS,t¶inen, each for.....................c KITCHEN TOWVELS, 20x40, pair....... ........ .........1. 6 LINED) JEA-%NS WITHu SHIRT to match, to 6 years. Set ......$-1.25 SECIAL BOYS' SET, ]PLAID SIIIRT and CORDUROY PANTS Siz'es 2-4-6 years, Set for ........ -..........$~~ WINTFR CLQTNING AND FOOTWEAR FOR ALL TI-IE FAMILY PLEASE CALL AND LOOK H. J. TO'MS Nmewcast!e Ph»ome 2,451 It lwas decided that a suredharge of 1.0per day shouldl be madIe for Patients residing outside of the mnuni- lipalities which contribute to the.sup- port of the hospital. This xii,!l bem effective Oct. 1 for patients entering the hospital on or. after thatate The discount of 50 cents for cash a- loe oresidents Of the contribut- inig districts is to be diýsconjtinued. Eight cents per mile isý to be paid to euployees amd offi!er-s of the ho0s- pital who are directed to use thjeir own car"s01 onospital businesswhc tak-es theni out of towin. The prhaeof afl, uain a chne andadittinmahn. a awthC-orized afier a too~ivsi gatin jemade of Ies andmoes ~was ponte ot taL thim sed bythiseqpenwolpa kor il uacoprîinysor ie fhese acins ijl be esnjî when t h e'Go)v e ri timeniit ImuranIce Plncornes into effeet, and &so if,_ tae oi()tal is to becomleacrdîd Any emerge ,,y cadis o ebr of tme staif who are on1 ca1l rebLe cnarg ed to the patient. Aug us fbilîs o apoxma)t SOu oi-the ene a acounL, and ~1uuto ibe paid fi orm tne speciialac count were auitilorized. ReturIns fIl $,200 wer*,ereceived to dJate froim the Womnenl's Hoa3pital Aux- îulary canvasa; to carr'y on the work of the auiarMra. Dippell report- et. She explained th.at this total wijl b'e inicreatSed Wnlen the comploete re-i trsfroml oubsde centres in the dis- riçt are Ie!eîved. Ih was Stated thaýt the pipingant t jtne1hasbeen laid beljwen theahod ptiand the nursýes' residencean the hoadihg con lioused wvhon t quird. Qitea bit of ctain p has yet t adn whe e th'e trench had decil cutto pour te erenî tUnneL. The matee o having a door made 11w conett ' - yroomlan](1thei Labraorywa\ dicuc, Uand referl- ýd to, îhc pre y co ote e xith pou er to act. To'p soil isbe addeUd and bso Mn woeds cied frorn the southeast orýner of thIe groundls. Some ýstuImpa rem)adn an,: w fiibe rmvd The oor tdietr agreed this work îîas ~ th ipoe lcappeairanco of 'Éhe grounds. <he à(aiy room rates- now charged at the hsia are as foîlowNs: Ward, $7.OO; Semi-private, 110,00; Private, $1I2.00 andI $111Ai)0 sith batfrroorn fac- ilitiec TJhe nursery charge is $4100 per day and if the baby stays after mother goos home it is $500 per day. Th~e rate for specýial nurses is $-101 for an eight hour s'iift. This rate hias nioting to do with the H-os-pital but îs business of the Registered Nurses Associaîn and tihe nurses thlen- sel\ves. The hospital niakes nio charge fo+ boarding spec-ial nurs,-es as the\y buyý their oWý,nn meas at the hospital cafe- ter-ia whiich is ope-rated at cost. doiwn f rom father to son. Since 1900 r-api-'.d 1yy inreasing- Scienticfic 'knowýýledge has resulted in abetter understanding of the bac- te riology and cihemnistry involved in making of cheese and the many vari- aon This ît has become possible to eont.rol more precisely eaeh step in the Ymaking process and to manufac- -ture a unifo-m . product. In, fact, cheesemaking has become a iscience r~ather than as art.. Main(ly for this rýeason (Canadian consumners are no'w enjoying more andI btter cheese than ever before, andI at least paitially ex- plains why the per capitaý consu-rrption' over the past 10 years has moved up- ward at a steady rate.1 Sheet Metal Work Warm Air Heating Air Conditionîng Plunibing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threading Fire Extinguishers Selkirk Chimneys B-11 Paints and Varnishes L Ph.. R. E. LOGAN, Pr.p. OIL FIRED lV/INTER AIR CONDITIONER ROLPH HARDWARE Orono Ont.* - hoe243 un~d examine a fkw of t4. features, some exclusive; -Maut have maode FIHND LA y/ýflue choike of tàousaaS'since 1860: * 4.tt rac ti -e baked enamnel casing that its into any color schemie,- fully sealed with solid steel bottomi, to kecep basemnent dust from circulat- ing throughout the house. * The extra heating surface antid lon g ire travel of the wraparound radiator design of heat exchianger that keceps fuel costs to a minimumn. * The Copper Bearing Steel that resists corrosion, insuring longer life. * Combustion Chamiber of special alloy metal that responds quickly and absorbs flanie noise - for v hisper-quitt,. troublc-free operatlion. Inoa F 1 N ID LAY, and er'-,y the frs, the fines? in mcderm AUTOMýtAT --FfEAIt;NG! il, TINSHOP %Êwoe& R 0 N 0

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