ADA" S NEST COFFEES rhe King And 1" Musical Hit Cornes To Royal, Bowmanville Red & ýWhite Silver Lâb.j ' lb 45c Aunt Mary's Rlend Red Label Early Riser Blend Au nt Mary ,s Y ellow 'Label f amily pack, SRed & White Instant Coffe lb 89e, lb 83c lb 73c 3 lb bag.$2.431 .5 oz jar 99eý BEST FOOD BUYS BLUE BONNET YELLO'W QUICK W MHITE SWAN Margarine 2 Ibs 59c Toilet Tissue 4 for 47c QUAKER LIBBY'S EMSTYLE Muf fets 2 pkgs 31Ic Corn 15ýoz 2 for 29c G et Yours To-day Fresh Produce 15 Canada No. Oine Smnall5pud o> a C.o0king ,dOniens I9C U Newv Crop, Prernium Qualit>, Flor'ida Grapefruit 5 fer 27c V-gicla Golden sweet Potatoes 3lbs 19e co mpletely automatic Save You MO0N EY Q uaIi'ty Meats ~ UR!HRY ESR O SWI1FT PPREMIUM TNEGON ~ o E& CHICKENS FREGLEAWYCNTS 2to3lba lb4lc Everyone Wins a Iovely Prize. . Nobody Ioses! wh le o h l 4 cwITH.4z 10MA Tic TRANSISION, iITEWMIL TIRES, HiATER, GAS, LICEC SWIFT'S RINDLESS EVERSEET lxee SIDE BACONFLPTC in you1fP SurTe1 ch11% 7nQo *aorieshd sealed Ib pkg .79c ________________________ EVERYONE entering SWWTS PRE ORKBROQK9)FIE7LD *hi$ Contest re.çive Skiùnless Sausagea creamy, long lasting Tan gee Lips tkk- Ib pkg 49c Sbhop Witk Confidence At I scored six of their Vwelve i-uns ôIff two Orono errors twlowlkarndl three single 'hits *and a trile belt.j The tide of the g-ane was turned in! this frame after the locals haýving a one run edge at the zend of five in- nîngs of play. Reith West pitclhed for- Oronc, intol the eig.hth inning when Junîor West wvas broughit into relief. Another four! runS were seored in this innings toi give Durham the, ,win. Junýior West headed the Oronio hit-I ters with three hits ini bis five tripsi to the plate. Dean West folloywed wvith ai three for six record and Keith West two for five. Singl-le clouts wenit tO, Ronnie Wýest, Carman Gornish andý Charles Armstron.g. Charles batted a five h-unidred recorid. Durhani'took the lead in the firstý when they scoredÙo runis to Oronio's one. Ron West scored for the locals wifth the RB! goinug to Jun'ior West on1 a double. In the fifth staniza Orono sýcored three ruas b>' Don Uercer, Dean and Ron West. This came off After five years3 of unprecedented popularity on the stage, Rodgers and Hanesejl "The King and Il' corner, to the screen in Cb~emaScope 55 and elor by De Luxe as the côstliest mnusical production in Twen- tieth Century-Fox histor>'. Deborah Kerr and Yu! Brynner co-star in the titie rotes of the Dârr>yl F. Zanuck presentation ççith Rita Moreno head- inlg the large supportingl cast. The picture la the second of idhe company's6 pictures in the new Giin aScope 56 process and duplicates the prodical beaut>' of "Carousel", another Rod- gers and Hamm-erstein musical, whichi lavish musical -play in its extic ori- ental setting will have its local pre- m iiere at the Royal Treatre on Motn-, day. The story of the Victoriani Eng-lishi governess, 'who travelled al the way from bLondon to Siami to bring West- ern -ways to the househiold of Kinrýg Mongkut (81- b8) as a chiarm ail its Ôwn and the warmi, roman.tic sýcore and the idiiomatic lyrics Rod- gers and Hanimerstein comiposed mnakes it, truly, a miusical mraster- hitsý by Ron and Junior West long hitting a double foliowed by a like with two Durhami errors and a cW akhtt i rte en cor tth to Dean West, eid of ilhe sixth stýood 8-5 frDra in the e (ighth uhmad]dfu --ot";f unOsr th e &furthr conts tobrintheir totalto aerJuniorWest ent to fPMU on a, Track And Field YCmners loDoug araa Graham, Terry Ca lmon, JunrGir >ls HihJum-RaGaile Kathy oînt~w e rotenouh too n ake aboutfiften ot. The Orono re- --r er'eonthe iewith the excptio of, Don 'Mercer-, who it ia underst- cd, ntLenlda to hang up bis skates- th-i ya.Only two- nev faces wereou for the initial workout. Wththne s of Meilcer and -Dykaýtra onl defence tihe CombI"inles are going w o have toi seek new materi lto strnthen thi section oze sud Deborah Kerr in the roTe of"r. Anna", created b>' the late Gertrude Lawrence on the stage, and Yul Bry- nner, as the iniperious King-, were in- deed ha'ppy choices for thie titie roTes, The rapport betw,ý;eeni them is delight- fuI anitd the goings on in the plc with the King's wives and large broodf of captivating- children g'ives the pic- ture a common denomninator that alI- can understand and enjo>'. Miss* Keirr is lovely to, behold and she ,,ive-s % perfectly poised perlormance. Need- less to say Mr. Bry-nner is perfect lu a role that he had played 1,500 times on the stage. Re is haughty and hum- ble ïwith equal faciljty, giving thiis matchless story just the right bahance Rita Morenio as "Tu'ptimI" heads a splendidf supporting cast, which eni- ulates the super{b performance of the îmisis seeing "Theýý King an1.1' Betwem en ad Néea4te oS H gw'"y No. 3 Viger standard Gasolime %éCper gaIl tax mvc Viger Higk T'est 4z/,0c per gallon - ta I included OT4EQL-.i y.u~r c.uvmeince iRnlquaamtý#,,Îv lâmwe at thsStation Opeo% Eveaiags and Sua4ays -.41-