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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1957, p. 6

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DerAnne lUrst: 1I had heard the ugly tonies about mothiers- kilaw, but . being orphaned early I discoaunted them ail. 1 ,always pictured having a home und pe-ople around that belonged 'ta me. . MVy lhusband and I me', and married while lie was in serývice, and w he ewas siiscliarged w.e moved back hiere lo stay w;ih his maother ilI' we ~fuda place ta ive. 1 was pregnant, and tho0ught il wold bDe granýd to have aur baby born- in lir hans'e, L- cauldn.'t have been more wrn!She lias turned out Éta bea real mratriarcli. 1 do kniow bow, to cook and keep house, but plihe inisists jI do everything lier way ad iU1 Make one iîttie gristake she- says, 'Toc) bad you, liad no home fta learn in. I eant understand wliy my boy m-iarriedyvot!' "It is so hnili.ating I1 don't Jnow ho-w 1longI Can stand it, She makes me feel ilke sucli a f ool! My' dreamrs have turtied )ut ta be nigltiares, anid 1 am so cofsdand rhurt I cai't 'be ,mysef and If spend too mauch tim-e in my bedroomn crying. Whbaltcari 1 IdO? -Inj other Aaysý she is really_ p-iue, and she is crazy aboutth baby...DESPERATE"ý t..-ý Eî-asy, Easy Sew PRINTED PATTERN CacI ý oe >?/4 5' ~"~NESI E4C,59 Our newý PRINTED Patter- thrifty, easy.-sew i Juat ONE >ard 35-inch i ahnic la a-Il:you meed for ecdio! these prety zervlng aprons. Mdake tliem for le.uraelf, bazeer best-sellers! Prited Pattern 4859 inicludes trstyes Misses' Mediumn stîze only. Eech apron: I yardi ý35-jincl. iff-ct n one piece' Prined directions on cadipet- terui part. Eesicr, accur-ýate-. Sund FORTY CENTS (4) i« (stemps cannaI ie buaccepte, mse postal note for safety) for th-is ptea Please priat plein- 1-y SIE NM ADDRE'SS, Send ordker tac ANNE A)AM4S, Box 1, 123 Eighteenti St., Ncw- Týot, (Ont. 1 dû uaderstand your disil- * usýion, but if yau cauld know wliet nmany other daugliters- *ini-law go through yon waould *Consicler yourself a 1 M a s t *lucky. You.r woefl .1stary *haW-lds two brigit spots - yonr ~ malie-ialawloves the baby, *an-d you wvoWt have ta spead tj-the rest u.11yonue ý-witnh ler. * Tbiak of these, take a new, *grip on yanr courage and try *ta understand thîs nider wo- *manio üdemandasa omucli. *She lias -kep)t lauSe for a gen- creatian, her ways are ber own, * ad she is flot gaîng taý changeQ. *Youauimy rnat do the work- the * way she dfoes (ad this she *thinks is stupid) but if yau *will forget yanj're a bright youagste and humble your pride ln a Yé,s-m'm spfinit,1 *yon will make your life or *pleasant. * Her autocratic attitude *makes you rnast unhappy, but *you mnust believe sh-,e does nOt m, mea ta hurt yonr feelings. *She tiiks she is teaching you *the thipgs you onuglit ta knaw, *sa accept lier corrections, *qietly and politely,, and lei * ler see.,yau are doiag youc *best ta please lier, * For your hnsband's sake, 1 *know yon il try; lie must *see -you are nat ýhappy, and *! that probably dist resses him. *Remember that sca long as yau *have lis affection, th',is daýrlingý *babÏy, and tire prospect of aI *home of yaur awa, yaUca *take a deep breaIth andi relax. *iastead of' resentiniglier dam- * nationi, wj- in ler good wl by *seemning grIateful for lier guid- *ac.Pr-acti-e !humility( and * orcommnon sense) and bOy *the timie you leave she and * ou ili be good freas A LOSENG GAME "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 e baynry a yecar ago who was goirîg iinta service, and thongli we liad anly the- one date I sim- ply cannat get hlm off my mind. When ie was hamorre on leave lie dîdn't even cali me, and thaugl 've written hlm -,severai tîmes lie neyer answers!ý "I arnri eally Ldesperate, . Iknow ýb)dy else will ever miove -,me asq lie did Cen you lielp mre wi7n hirnI I arn nearly 16. BETTINA" * I knaw it is liard ta believe thjat ane's love far 2a boy is hapeless; one cannot accept going onwi11 nthimc, for i lias became au)r dream oif hep- *piniess. Yet soaner or later thisý *happens ta aearly ?every irl. i* Finýally, we have ta admîti * that lie is just nat interested * l us, and sudclenly we realize * thetif wekeep 'on pursuiag *hi ne.lie ill onfly thînk us *cheap, and aleugI behinId 0aur *back. D ea aad laseî. * Yan will stop rmaurniag rhlm j if you date tlie bays at homne; *ani-L1 expect you have turned *down 'several wlio Ihave asked3 * atke yau ont. Dntrefuse *again. Yau -wont believe it *today, but if you' sta,trt dtingý *tliem' and sceem ta enjo*y it, the * day willcamern e a 0lthat %wili *be tule - and then yauVil] * wonder wbyi 0you spent sa * many y eveaings wish- *ing for a lad who doesn't *know yau're alive. Ifyou siffer in-lew troubles, rý,reember thlat c-ommon sense, humilit'y adcuryCombine taovecm te.Annie irst can help.ý and lier sympathy and gudnce are yours f"or the ask- ing. Wyrite hier at Box 1, 123 Eighiteenith St., Ne-w Toront,, Ont. in te "ostge ue"departmnrtbut nevertheless rt-d to his Trenton, N.J., home. The laftter has a stamp kdy ccance!led by the Trenton Post Office, but its an n radh,!ig stam.p, r-ather than a governiment issue. have a rèdemption value., but ot with oUncle Sm NOTHINO SACRED-Seems even the world of pipa' smoking isn't imited ta men any mo-,re. These ladies joined the puffinci at the World Champion Pipe Smoking Contes! at Lake Placid. However, ta man--Harold R, Soden-won the contest by keep- Ing his pipe going 70 minutes an~d 15 seconds. IN GE . RM e~i~totr~eP. CÎ..ôke Surprise! We have mu,,shroomrs grawing on aur front lewa! The first lot wýe regarded wîthi grave snspicio-w.ere the-y or wvere they nat, true mushroomis? W@ looked tleimover verycarefly memembering al we kniew or adread about mushirioom-er sus taad-stool,ý,s. We decidled these wiere tlice dible variety i picked tim, cooked thiem, and dished them Up for supper vith fried bacon.,Partaer looked At his plate and at the Irst moutlifnl exclaimned -"Wll ere goes - but I'rn glad tliere's a doctar on the sre! Since then wu have liad severel hetaches ,Naw wer aegiviag tliem awy-to the djoctor's wîfe, fia less. She seem"s taj know lier msrom.It seerýs fny so far as we are awa,-,re, ours is the only lot that lias spewnied musthroom)s. And at, thte farm wýe hli dth-em on aur fronit. lawn too. Anyweya-, w e ar:e stîili alive ta teli the. tale. Ho-- eveî, it is't a risIk I would sug- gest ayoetekî--ng withont first, liand kaowiedge 0f the differ- eneb ( eeeItoedistools n mciusilrooams - aad- certa-iiy I wauildn't lie the anc ta advlse yen on whiCh la iat Well,àitlooks -as if the dafl'y rounid is foilowving its uýsuel pat- ta.From rna mst kitchiens cornes thie ameli of pickles, preFserves, jams arc].jellies, And in the or- dJ-ardIs apples, perandplm hang ripe for the 1pickI-ing. Rosy ccd apples mnake a pretty pic- turc as thiey bang frorn tIc ben&d ing bouglis; crabapples looking like '!colau'rful minhiatures of Snow,,s -and Watis every few,- ralis a ptea:tiaIl jar of jelly ta serve w -ith a succulent roaïst ai beef. Corne tathink ofý it, if "an, eppie a day keeps t&e doctor away" thereslioud be enougli appces aronnd ta put aiu the dac- tors ONt of bus-inesýs. But aies, sometimiestattheory worksl reese pples ust lie pickcd and ever.y year there are a f ew broken lianes as a resuit. A rot- te~brandli gives w ayIe ldderj is carelocssiy piacedec or someane loses l is or lier balance ...and 50o a doctor is catlle sed o( being kept away. Be, caref ni, foiRa, lcIelew usaeebtan ary. M-y, where lias heaume gonie ta? IHere w are, inta feul Already . . . evenîngs clasiag &a danomiing later and later, Exiiinover, chilîdrenà back ta school, fali fairs la the affinig, gardenrs getting somewhe13t rag- ged ad goidearod bloamiag cverywherc. And liowitslo- iaàg! Tnworked f arm fields, op- tianed acrues endlc vacantI lots, ail are a goldecn gloaw\ with thris pretty but troublesome wcd One wouid neyer imageiine a weed inspector ecxisted aînywlic in the p'ovince. ndyet -,wc kaiow t'here are sncb -inspectons -1 beýieve there la ac.e-appoint- cd fl or aimoat cvery rural muni- cility. He keeps a watcliful cye on f armner' ficdds. lIf any fIid lhas an ovraudaceo vwiid cerr,-ot, CI-micary or any othler naxiaus w.eed, the inspýctar bas the anthiority ta order thapt field ta lie cnt. If thle farmter fails ta camnplyý then lie is in for a lot of trouýble and ex,-pense It is a- gned the ruies and regtîlaýtioaIs governing weed conitrai are ta lis interes-t. WleIliand goad. But how c-an cuittiag his field benec- fit a farmer if t'e land next ta him lias been sold -ta ' reai estatespcltran allowed ta becomne over-run wtiMore weeds thieni yo'd find on anf averagýe far'm in twenty yas It just doesn't make senise. if weeds arie allowed ta go un- checke-d an vacanit leind. theni municipalities mgi just as-' l dispense witli wVeed iset altaethe(andsavýe the taxý-- payers that mîucli moaey. An alternatiýve is ta makile weed contrai campuilsory-for specu- letors a.s wl as legitimate f ar- mnera. TUndoubtledlyý that would be the better wa-,y-and wonld certainly lie lailed witjay jO)ýby the unhe-ippy victima 0, f liay fever. W-Aell, we had ail thne f amily here last aîght. At suca tirnes we are glad -we did-,n't settIe for a smaIl bouse -w nail the gzandchildren are here the hanse we have isn't a3 bit to big. They Lîke pleaty of roam nta rae3MI aronaid, Eddlie laoked as -if lie liad been through the wars. ies- ter on his chia, a scratched clieek and a brised and swol- leu eye -- from thesperete accidents, ail af a mi-nor na'ture. Ross waiisplayiag his f7irst taoth but we's f er too sleepy ta care., Dave was feeling very grwnp-on% the eve o f li s firat day et ranrsery achool. Yes, we were eltogether la our new homne but lai thonght ive were beck et Ginger Faýrm. Bob le brouglit aloag somne ex- > cellenrt flm Utarelu ioff ,On lis projector. The arrn scenes Bly JERRY BENNETT NEA Staff Correspondent Waisiagnton - Drnig industry? execu1tives chope ta know b n ext spring whethecr or flot they should have- paid more attenion ta t ,heir sales experts befare ta- ing La m uilti-million dollar gamî- bic on the nýew Asiatý'ic FlcO vaccinle. Already the six vaccine mak- ing firmis have bet an, estimated 20 ta 30 million dollars in their drive ta0 have 85 million shots ready hy Jan. 1. They made týhis ex-pensýive Wager against the opinion of their marketing rtesearci staffs hopr-edicted the niew Vaccine would neyer seil, a dirug indulls- try spokesman reveals. Theee- perts based their opinion on salesrds which sh-owed f lu vaccine was niot a poiplarý item (n the drug mjarket. At' thatý timOe littie was wAidely Lcnaw, i about the strongchne of Asiatic F ln camipletely swveep- ing th-e Country. The spokesman says t'rat, the comm-and dcisiôn ta riskmilion f dollars is the, hardest task the industry has faced sa far in the rouind-tlie- dlock vaccine mîass production Publc Halhservice \warn- inàgs that an epideic %vas I-- m iost a certainty, were largelyý ý-esponisible, for the great fiai- ancial decisioin. The men-ace -a h ealth ýcOupied wïihPHIS beliefs that Asiatic Flu would receive inongIli publicity ta mapke pea- pic, want the vaccine sette prodcICtion wheels i imotion, the dïrnLg cmpany ,officiai explains. H e says retur s from11 w,hole-' îsalers show large quant11ities eD 1the accneare eigbouglit at" presenE. He explains, thonli,1 thiat this is noa gnarantiee that the firmns vwill maike a profit. Any unuisd cdoses van be re- tundfor credit. auatrr co ul1d bce forced ta tîa keac large shipmients of the medicine if the epidemic doesn't strî"ke or dloes't caver as mnuch ofth conuntryv as is expected. One expert obslerverdfnt- Iy believes the dcrug apne will o iii the red o the vac- cine rod)uctioýn progirm. Thec iadustry s po k esmn isayS: "Chances are Chat pole will be ~uffiichty iztrestd inpro- tcing themiselves sa that thc drug mnanufacturers wi'll m-ake maaey in the long rn"But e add cs that it isstl a tass-np wliether the final tabulation will shiow a profit or7 loss. Scientists, technriciaas and of- fice3maagers have had ta) leaveý f; inancial orries taothe top execui veS. Since t-he ail-aut produion drvive star7ted early this summer, tliey've been too,ù busy ta be bothered withmoy natters. Ia lesthan tIwoamontis they brougilht on a- feeling of nostalgii -chuldrena nacd dogs pl1ay in1g around together. Tippy- dear, faithfui Tippy, in one puctture?; Rnsty and Uiobbie in anotherý. Pictures af the house and f arm b uil d1.n gs- andc the back lane with iasa-ake-rail fenice. We fol1loweý;ýd the picturies clo-sely - remiemhening, just remembering -and reaiizing as neyer boeftare what we had given, up, kaoýw- îag tha t ladcash ( can neyer comenstefor %what lias been irretieva l st. However we havoar nmemaries - many, many lappy emorikes. îth tliem e musft now, be coutent. have trndoutmoetatre million doses for ýdisrbto They have increased productionI Io theý extent that thecy now ex- pect to top their alid Feb. i -goal of 60 million shots by 215 million mare. Andf thecy think they can make this extra spl a month early. Until the Crash programr rolled .intoopalition, thie manufac- turers had only been) geared to praduce about two million shats a year of thie old-type flu vac- cinep. To meet the new Asian vaccine quota, more workers had to be hired or switched from, other duties to vaccine w o rký. It is estimated that tlhe num- ber of people involved in Asian vcieproduction numbers in the thousan(ds. In, addition, oompanies had te carjy on extensive remodeling programs to provide more space for týhe muishrooinig operatin. .And production ot antibiatics had ta be stepped up ta pro- vide suffticient protection againatÎ pnjeumjjoniaý whicb easilly strikeu, fIn vîctims. Make Your Own Meay a ra a is. been tas formeid with aiew slip cavera. You cen do it, too,, by foilawinig !,Ur illnstrated directions. IDstructiOný 560: Stcp-býy-step direcetions for slip cavera fo venied chairýs, sofa. It'ýs tirifty end so satiusfectary! 'Send THIRTY -FIVE CENTSý (stamps cannot lie accepted, useË postai note for safety) ta Laurali Whiecicr, Box 1, 1293 EighteeneA S, New Toiata Ont. Print pla4n!ly FATTERN NTV9MB EE> your NAMVE and 'ADDRESS. Two FREE, Patteras as a gf ta, arreadrs--priated n:, igIldi l aur 1957 Laura Whccler Needile- creft Book. Dozenis a! other de- s'igna yauýj,'ll want taordres fasc-ineting hawr for your.- sel1f, youc home, gifts, bazaar itemls. Send 25 cents for your CP.j)y o! this book toýdeY

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