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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1957, p. 7

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=CC= ,Roug£-hly spe-ainig, tOti o!d the oHl consurned in Westerný Europe cornes either through the Suez Canal or by fhe pipeline týjrough Syria from fthe Mosuli ,ýe1ds in Iraq. It would be a grossexgr- tion to say fhaf MaIscow today controls the flow of that oul upon which ail WVestern Europe de. penids heavily bol' for its econ- omnic wvelfare and for ifsmi- tary operatiOnis. 'But if is niot an eagrto to Say that Moscow'7s 'current operat ions throughout fthe Mijd- die East bear thne exýtern1al car- riarks of a fairly con8stent and fairly wel! advanced reach for the handlie Which could turu off, the flow of that oul. This does nof mean thaf in rsvenf cof a major war the armed2 forces of the West wouldq be broughf fo a standlst iii by laclk Df ou. Under iùodern mliîtary con0ditions if is almosf certain that Middle East cou would bJe !un- iziable to either sýide anyWay. The West wOuld ýÏalrnosf cerf aïnly have fo depend an Western Hem- Isphere aoil regard-cless of wvhad happ)ened in the Middle 'East îin the meantime. ILfcdoes mean that if flic trend is trnchecked the tine wi1 corne, and fairly sooni perhaps, whenr a large part alf the daily surply o!f Europe's oil ,vîlbe- available * orly by graceý of Mascow. One o)f the visible_ consequences could be an end f0 the Brifish and Dut ch Oil.dispensing business, a major Su)pport of fli c-economries of bath of thas--e countries. There a rc ar r disturbing evertones fa ai! l thafis goinig onj ,n the 'Middle East. Lasf Week a Soviet cruiser anýd destroyer Passed thraugh the English Channel. They ran black- cd iouf af night -- a curious busi- ness. They w.ere checked bDy radar,. They passed fhrough theStas cf Gibraltar info the Meiter- ranean. This ieek another Sov 'iet eruiser - destroyer tearn made the sarne blacked-ouf vo-yage. Since the suez crisis of Iast aiuumn ïabout 80 ahiploads ïeý Soviet arns and ammrunition have- arrived- in Egypt and a similar r imer o! shiploads in Syria. 0f course the arrns shipped to Egypt and Syria arýe largely obsolete. And a f e w Soviet oeuisers, destroyers and submar- Îmes are no match for fhe UnitEd States Sixth Fleet. Still, we are dealing with a double Soviet operation wvhich looks increasingly unpleasarit. There is thle fact of extensive S3oviet, influence in both Egypt arid Syria. There is the twin fact cdf this revival of Soviýet rkaval activity in the Medite- ixanean. Add f0' this a third factor, probably the rnost dangerous of ail. President, Nasser of Elgypt has launched what arnounts f0 a popular and fairly powerful revolutionary movemrent. if lias Mitfle more philosophic content * thRri the movernent starfed by Feron in Argenfinia. RIDE 'FM, COWGIRI. I - Jocky Miisko reolly doesn't expect her little car to buck-but she 's prepare4 for it in lier westerrn out- fit. This buckaroo cycle car does 18 mj.p.h« otid gels 60 miles, per gallon. It costs $400. f0 gei. under Way. To people whoj Pivd uitouched by the French R-Zeval0' ution, socialism,co un lism-, and ' fascism, if has no-velfy and appeal. If could swveep far and fastif if ever started spreadi- For the mnovementL, at', least, Moscow is rdn and explaiting this movernent Wich lias ifs baseI in Egypt. If lias spread ta Syriaý. Theimeiaeprobleca nfron;t- ing Western dipiomiats is flot how fo reverse what li, as happened in Syria, but how ta keep if4 froro There is no Visible, available mneans for irevc-(rsîing theevntsin Syria. Thje Sixtli Fleet can't go fa the rescue of a Pregident Ku- watl(yWh doesn't ask ta, be rees- cued. Syria is self-susta.ining in food(,sfuffs. Soviet arms crould, in theary, bep kept ouf, by a block- ade, but a blockadi s an, acf o! war, and United States policy is currently, and heavîlIy, restrained by Wasinrgtonr's awn insîstence orf l year thàat force must not be ernplayed In 'the Middls ,East. The im-mediate problem i s how, fa preven.,t wh-at is happening in Syria from sýpreading tf0 the otl'er Arab stafes. The idea of a "4quaranfine" is flot for the pur. pose of sfamnping ouf what haï hFappened in Syria. If is to pre.- vent Wliat liappenred in SyÎr nrom spreading i o Jordan, Le- banon, Iraq, aPid Saudi Arabia. The West is defi'nitely on the defenisive in the Middle East. It is defendig a cl-uster- of Arab kingdçomis of no, too modemra vinfage againstfï, popu.lar ,:revo- lutionary movementich Mos- cOW is abetting with arms, agents, and a show aof sea powver in the Mediterranean. Even a successful quarantine leaves fwo-fhirds of Europe's ou suýpply flowirig through Egypf and Syria, the txvo Arab countries where Soviet activity is higliest and, soviet cûmontheflc nost ad-, vanced. Deer .Moose Huniting Season Open Seasonis For Moose 1.Narth oi Lake Superior, and in Chapleau and Goagarn Districts, except for other -zones listed, October 1-December 24. 2. Lake of th~eVW7oods ,:are-a, and reg, -io0n souf'h co!fSioux Loolkoutl, October 15-October 31 a nd Novemnber 26'-Decemboer 24, for residents o!Of n-tarioù anly. .Areas o! Saulf Ste, Mýlarie, Sudbury, a;nd Swastika - Mýathjesion - Timimins, open, to residents anîd !non-residenzrt frorn October '15 ta November 15an taý residen.ets only frorn Novern- ber 16 fa, Deceimber 24. 4. North Bay -- Tenmami - October 19 f October 31 and NaEcvemiber 26 ta, December 7, for residlents only. 5. Eastern! portion o! Raýiny Rivýer Dîstricf, Octoùber 15 tf0 October 31, for residentsony Areas 6 to '13 Are Fur Deer Huniting 6. Nrýïth o!fli'c nrhmm C.N.R. uine October 1i f0 No- vember 25. 7. North o' Lake Superior and from Knora to flie Que-bec, border, October 15 f0 Novemrý- ber 25. 8. Rainy River District, Oc- tober 22 f0 Novemnber 25, 9. Sault Sfe. Marie ta No)rth Baqy, nortli of French Ri-ver, No;cvemrber I ta November 25. 10, Mgýlnitoul.in, regular sea-_ soNôvernber 1I5-.Novern'ber 25. Bow anid arrow,, only, 0ctober 19'0Navember 14. 1h Parry Sounxd,Haiuon HsigFrontenac and Ren.. f-rew area, sauf h of North Bay and Mattawa, November 4 '10 November 16. 12. Leeds, Grenville and Canýeton East of the Rideau River, November 4 fo Novemr- ber 7, shotgunls only. 13. Carleton Counfy vwest of flic Rideau River, Novemnber 4 to November 9. o.. a g for youir watres, wn fouud ,in uip to 5 colour OF dent'ial i Sales, 38- roUta free :oufl- îrray J. WANTED AGENTS, matture ,men and vwomien of highast iutegrlty, to sell Caxiada's best and miost popular lnivestment, the new Canada Savings Bonds, Series 112 - the ones that neyer change in price, soon ',o be offered at highest initereat rate in over 25 yèears. Evrne youung aud old, is a prospect f'or f rom S50 'to max. of $10,000 e ac,,h. Wrhheiuterestiug and construoct- ive work and good commission esr-- inga to real workers who produce. Cami- pslgir Oct. 3, Nov. 15, but preparation. sh-ould start now. Every assistance of- fered. Write John Grahan and Co. Ltd., 8j5 Sparks St., Ottawa 4, tLoday. ARTICLES FOR SALE REMINGTON PORïT A B LETPE WRITERS $1i down, $1 xeekly, E.N.CT.S.A., Box 263, Red Rock, Ont. PLASTIC foam (flexible)seatna nwhobby mater!al. Low lu price, easy to womk wlth. Stamtis buisy little bus' ness in yeur own homre wltb - demeru- stration Kit $1.00, multipýle project Kit $5.75, Extra sheets of foatm 13 > 12" 25e~ each, 40 a 12" 65c, 40 x 72- e2.00, white, pluk, blue, gre, yellow,, green, violet, rose, oranrge. Kiddem Mantîfac- turing, De't. F, 138 DanIfomt» Ave.. FIRE PROTECTION PRESTO PrIRE EXTINGUîSHER UjSES scieu-ce's new mniracle chemîlcal Chlonrobromomretha, UTp to sixtimeýs more effective, For bornes, farins, stores, facýtorles, cars, boats, etc. To use simply tumu upside down sund tumu valve, Mýidget : $5.95; DoubleCact: $8.95; 1 lb, $13,95: Quart:. 34.50Lw cotrefilas. MERLITE FURE -ALARMS fSe is"fîes just seconds after they stan . surd howls a ailil, cocntinu- oýua wýamngbîasat. Avold tadgedy at homne, fammn, work. Ouly 5$7.95 (les flasshlight batteries). Cashn, or $2 d- posit wvit-h balance sud ahirppng charges collect. Satisfacýtion assured. Order today thmouugb Baumlian Plnting, El. mima, Ontaý,rlo. SLIP COVERS ro fit moat cetmxls his davenos, etc. Petilmdin large selecý- tion of colours sudc patterns. Lowv coat. Lesa tuani/s the price of ecoveing.1 Write for frce samiples sud pictures. Castie Househlold Sales. 2517 Y(-nge St-,. Toroiîto. CANADA'S GREATEST SHOOTER'S BARGAINS RILS& AMMUNITION Mannlicher 7.35 <30Cal.) dambiýnes, Repeaîters, 6 shot cllip broit action. Gond conidition $15.95, Like New., witb, singLI & cealn od, 1995 Deluxe Sportara, WIVnchestema & Reminigtonr 6 shot Mag. 30.06 Cal.,er fect $32,50 Remnington l7MM single s'hot, Hi-powver Rifles. Good $10.95. AMMUNITION 7.35 l 18 rds .151.95 - 90 rds. $750 7Mm - 20 rdaý, 51 95 -100 rda. 57.50 8MM -2f) rda. 1L95 --100 rds. '57.50 ,303 -20) rds. 1,5-100 rda. $7.!n 30.08 20 rda. 51.95 - 100 rda. 57.50 C.O.D. ALBION ARMS, Box 628 PETERPOROUGH, Ontarlo BOOKS CANADIAINS can order new sund re- newal subacriptions to every mgzn published inp the U.S., ail f romt one ad. dreas! We are agents for every U.S. publiaber. Send 30 coin (rio stamps!) foir catalog a, over 200 U.S. aazns RelIable Sales Co., 1698 Brydi-en Ifird. Columbuati, 0hio, U.S'.A. BABY CHICKS READY PRINT.Clasalfied. FAIýL puilleta? We have a wide choice> Stated f00. Aiso have 'Aynes In-Cross (extra eggs, lowovehead). Order fal cockere-ls now. Aak BRAY HATCHERY, 120 John N., H4amiltonl. A4 LATING heu bas only one purpose to convemi feed lnto eggs, on _as itle feed as possible into asuanyeg as possible. Our speclal egg breeds do this for y1!. We off am the follow- lng: Kinxber' K-137, Warren Rhbo de Island Red, Rbode Island lRed X White Leghiomn. Califomnla Grey X White Leghorn. Aiso Dual Pi.wpose Breeda, Broiler Breeda. Tumkey Poulfs, Cata- logue. rWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. F ERG(,,U S ONTARIO SO'ME facta about Kimberchiks K-137. 1, Excepioaally heavy laiug, produic- iug large size eggs ea.rly, 2. Especially good egg quality lncluding a firr albumen. 2Excelleni, liahilty and go realat- aceto disea"se. Many different crosses were tested before golng into volume produiction 0f the K-137. Tt was aise tested on many commercial egg farmas under typical farn conditions.,Althougb the traïght iniber leghoru bas long had a repu- tation for top e-gg prrduction, Kim- bers fiud that IÇ137 a.verage 8 to 10 eggs more par bird. For catalogýue sud ifulI detaila write Tweddile Chicti Hlatcheirias Limiited, Fergua, Ontario or Scott Poultry Fanm, Seafontli, Ontarlo. LQOMESTIC HELP WIANTEU -'DOMý'ESTIC belp requireçl. Good home. Live lu. 3 children. $20 a week. Write givina fu111 particulars sud efernces to: Mns. W . S. Martin, 9 Aîmstrorig St., Brampton, Ontan1-io."' RELIABLE hoirsekeeper %wantad to came for crippled. bachalor In modemr bora. ,State wagea. Refereuces requin- ed. William Prosser, R.R. 1, M1iltoni, Ontario, FOR;ALE L A R GE1 Store bh we0 cmbuâton Hydmo, Post Office, Gas. Good busînea*. Reaison - retlmring. Sec- A. C. Gufppy Redb4idge, Outario; iiigbway 63(; ff'era, accepted t., Octobef 15. a a a FOR SALE WLNGshQp' fully equipped. Write: Cowell Brothers, Wardsville, ntaÈlo. G 1FT and statlonerlr shop, Stratfrd 100,000 visitors aïttend the Festiýval, wionderful for couple to haindle, good lease, priced krigh)t. ý9&Wellington St., Stratford, Oqnt. FARMS FRSALE BEEF or Dairy Yarm ith atrativ settlng close to theroýad. ullprice t 15,000 w'ith $8.000 down. 1 ile fromX thriving timrn of f-lanover. 15q0 acres with nu, acres 01 top conition deep aylatiliable, free froin stonOýý 20 Aceres Bush. .10 Acres Swamp. 9 room bïrick home. Furnaýce heated. Batliroom. Modemi kitchei, living ron, with hrwo flooýrs. L. a r g e bank barnl 80' x 60' with 'L730' 'x 40'Silo, Drlving shed 25' x 40M Triple Detker Eenl House wîth 3,000i capaci'ty. Ilydro and water throu,,ghott This Is a ta eific bargain for onp, of ithe bestfam inthis ,amea. -CONTACT - John L. Oirsteir, and Comp,)ny, Roaltors, %261 -lOth St., Hanover, Ont, EANmre keepingSa1 esmn - shlip, Shorthasnd, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 50r, Aský for freeý circular No, 33, CanadienCori pode c ourses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MECHANICAL >ARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While ,you drive for only $8.00,. For cars -- truckýs-- tractors, etc. Un. conidltioýnally guaranteed. Effective foer lire of car, Mdotaloy saves 3iot' money. Mtaloy Sales Co., 34 Ws Street, Goderich, Ontario. Dealer Inquiriesý lnvited. MEOCAL ITF'S IPRAT-Every aufïferer .1f Rheut;mic Pa orNeuriis should try 335 Eîlin taw POST'5 ECZEMA SALVE BAýNISII the torment o f dry eczema rashes and weeping askb troublles. Pot' czema Salve will not dlisappoint you. 1tchîng, scaling and burning ecze- mna; acnrinor, piniples and foot eczrma wlll respond read.ly to the stainless odorless olntm-ient regardless of bwstubborn or hopeless they seemn. Sent post Free "on Receipt f P e pRiÇE $,00PER -JAR POST'S REMEDIE-S 2865 St, Clair Avenue East OPPORTUNITIES FOR MENK AND WOM1EN BE INDEPENDENT 'BE YOUR OWN BOSS HIa v efiniancla)lIndepenideice and fthe àseculýrty o0f yur own businýess, . witb Fno FULL OR PART TIME ueeetÉe yeer Gwn w Vholesale namie band buýsines;s, wthGut overhead or inlventory. Seil' famous brands 0f tap- pliances, cookware, silverwame, house- wares, tools, jew'elmy. dishies, etc. hi- cluding such famous brand rnames as Wmî. Rogers, Onelda, International Sl ver. o oBenrus, Drm %e V ar- ing, 9Roto-Brcoil, Cory, Courtshlp Da miondsansd dozens of others, Only re- ali prices shown In catalogue, your dealer coats given in a separate wvhole- sale price Rat. Send for free cata1oguêc- aud com1plete eais CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTING CO. 130e EGLINTON AVE. W., TORONTO Best Looking F7o r '5 8 ZTnerson, 7V ROYALTY LINE The PORT-O-RAMA 5- WA Y POR TA DLE Emierson Port-O-Rama offers you 14P or1"TV, radio wàtl plirooack under pillow speaker J r hospital use ani-d persoida listening. Eldorado and Impe'hI Series fleauttiftilly-styled pace-settans for '58 * briug you iflew styliug, neal wide-iauge screen, lnewvStepped-uip performan-lrceý.. "best-laain.g>" TV for '58. Chloose franli 2l", 2l',ud 17" Causale andTalModeýla - pilus 21"P TV-hon-RaioCombination. Best Listeing For '58 '-- Youll ffiud Qeay hgidhyfaturaý iu the four great Emnerson Hi- Fi Mocdl for '58, Top en-gineering, with adaca tyling psud craftsm-auship mnake Emenson the sho pceof xny Radia..'s wide le. ý,world of enter. RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED \ 'e In grêàt 7,1 Trenton Ave- ot. ~se. T5rw Jt2VoîL sets,, SEE îTiltj>11W ROYALTY 1>5ATYJ MESNDALR>0 ~, ; N N N N N N N OPPORTUNITES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MEIM and fish in beeutiful Gui f .1 Mexico, Shuffle-boardl. Mae reserva-ýý fions earlye write: Fller's Apts',, 73 Sf-eod St., N., IndianRok Bect BEAHAIRDeRE-SS JOIN CANADA's LEADINO SCHOOL. G'reat Opportunity Learn Ridesn Pleasant, dignlfied Profession; go,)û wages. Thousanda of successfuýI MavlGraduate-s, Amnericas Greatesft Systern IhIustr'ated Catalogue Fe Write or Cal MWARVEL IIAIRDEDESSINO CHOL 35,8,Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 44l Klng ýSt.W., Hmlo 7ý2 Rideauý Street, ttawaý BRICKS C-omplete plans and instructions miake your ownY BrickMuds prodwucers, Send $2 for your pulq tdy an-Juatn PRman Brik ,'ý P.O. Box 4Ï27. Montreal, Quebec. PATENTS FIITERSONHUGH& Compa»y, Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. ,00 Unyivemsity Ave., Tomonto. Patents al! countries. 51.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five delux. personal reuiremnenta. Latestcta logue iuncluded. The Medico Agenýcy.« Box 22, Terminal ""TrotOnt. IN4 a ltter received fm'om eser Canada, one of our customners wries, 'In ouir neighbourhood, Fru as dra-ice Swljne are recognlzed as Can- dla's test and ibis isa my reason f1 wantlng C ýo SO uch." Tontoo wiI say the samne ifyou purchase Fergus Landrace Swine. We have thlm argest and one of the beat lmportedhed 2in Canada. Weaninigs, four m-onth old, slx month ofld sows and boars, guar- anteed lu plg sows, serviceable boars, ail fro'm ulpoted stock for m dat delivery. Catalogue, FERGUJS LANDRACE SINE f'ARM' FE R GU(JSONTARIO imported stGclç and from large litters, 'buy ToaLaudraceJuat weaued g Uitter Df 15 out of 16 farrowed, Pricei ranaeImmnediate delivery, VWean. igfour montlb old sqws and boars, gu1aranteed in plg sows,sevcae boa3rs. çatalogue. TONRA STOCK FARM R.R. No. 3 HoLland Centre, nt ed; m-othiproo;f. Forty yecams' experI. ence. W Omsby, Route 2, Oïia, Qnet, OLD Canadian used Stamcps, Colne, Bnk ç,BLis what - have ycu? Retteýr, 124 IsabQlla, Trronto, Ont. BACKACHE May beWarninq Backaiche i. olten cauàed b<y lezy kidey ati0n. Wban kidneyz geï eut i Morder, teyceas scidâ eadmi wates emoiej in t eyete.. Then bcah.disbs7rb.d sea * o ihattired-euî sd heavy-heaedfeeing may seen loI0w ha'st lme lW Ua4 Doâd's Kidney Pille. Oodd's 2stmirnte îhe kiîdneyX t»nr'mal action. Then youk béel better-sep Fte-work befttes, Get Dodd'g Kidney Pilla nw. 5% N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N s N N 'N N N N s N. N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N 5. N N

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