5. Le. Ls.A. A Crwlegave a very en- ghrcingrepot o the location anid Mieatrondioin wr o-ucno ie Oalks Traiing Camip.1 J¶ucted b imbers o Sthe 'ok 1in f h i, U Ted uchCamp isaot W.A. Mr. S. 4. Hil,-ar [lite les- 2miefom ars Ontario on the' sonMrs.W. . Heon gve brif ~iandRÂ~x Da ing heperiod fromi -At the end of the day Mrs~. notanrîoloaiev, rto gohinw QeatPleo lWe ry of Kedron gave the .Shathrlpul ve tei nt aee tive report of the courtesy commniittee. thle ot ,her nmemier of that commnittee Second higli price, ~,O. a waýs Mrs. G. G!laspeç,Il ,of Zion. Thne reached ùwkee in this sale am<dM incah member o th BookinW.A i-vjedcase, on very young animaIls.'W. 1 thaee ore e,, Mis. E . ni Mrv.MlioOna'o ai h' uire for thre ,nneanonth'bUIl Coi hod thm Annal meeting in tueérLoud atlshpladLoar rk churh. hei initaion as ordllyof ~hoatsv1ý, GeorItILea, d aRucmi acni te. ,'arcsol t e i m at u ll a îf,'È 37c 49c 29c Uaramount Fancy Pink SaIm9,n Heinz Baby Foods tn$ 1.11 Dr Ballard'. Champion Dog Food Face-elle Tissu s ý2 ply Green Box W1EitY RCE, eiils ,Penu Dli BETiTY RCe R SOLOtDegh Cak. eljM s 3 for $1 Margarn Fresh Produce ,Select Canada, good vwinter keepera flild jFlavourfn No. i 'Pfotatoes 50 lb bag $1,29 ' Select Bananas irm Ripe 2 Ibs 35c' No. i Parsnips . 24 oz cello bag 19ec Extra Fanc y acuum coled large ý I a g rn b 5 c C.Iery lare stalks I13c ooMraie 2l 5 A% DynYamic Vegetableý Sweet Potatoes 3 lb 1'9c îGood Luck Margari er32c Black Diamond, white or CoiIOured Cheese 8 oz stick 39c Kraft, Dinner 2' pkgs 33c Quality Meats EXTRA PEIA 'ug BEEF LIVER lb 35c F, eslt lamt Roasts bal! or ~wbol* lb 47e Ftosh Pork Shoulders picule Portion lb 39e Meaty Pork Rocks Hriallowe -en Candy lb 22e INTRODUCING GUARANTEED Mr. adM rs. ?,. oyd of To>ron. to hrotighit IMs. lVlcKay fo)r a it to -c M.oyMerer and Davidand stydfor thIe weed Mrs Vnnatoanid so,,n CclvswitedýI wiS herdaahte, rs. Pcey mo ii o inangi. iVir andMrs Bl ,eTAlxaneru tave tesii Torconto for a eek pWictures of Mui-skokc,, eneion FaI]15 anid the Ekibiion, whiich Rev. Wh1yte p LÉ on the secLeeinwere very muc11 ,njoy2d. L.ast SundayrronrgRv ht týou'k for hi text "The ýWor,,Ld is vaiL ing" at he A--nnlvers3ry ric and bold, his curgain tha e Ghurch chi eadee w atesKevi-H. O. Ilenawsth prahrnt anlthtans Fails nd fLeiily ORONO--TNSO S'heet Meta] Work Warm Air lleating Air Canditioning Plumbing Fixtures Pipe and IFittings Cutting and Threading Fire Extinguishers Selkirk Chimneys B-R Paints and Varnishes R. E.] LOGAN, Prop. ROYAL THEATI DOWMANVILL' FRIDAY and SATURýD.AY -- NOVEMB] 'Laut of the Bad b I "lTEre Gr,,at DIamo...d Robbery1 Comedy - Red Skecltorn Lastcompote how8:30 MONDAY to THURSDAY --NOVEMBER 4/t<7 Adýults 375t, Studeamts soc Children 25C Western, iColor Hallowe' en any mran can be a giant... -one' Sh s V STEVENS 143 SICK aENEDOCT4 C ,ornish's RED & ORONO - mONT ,qïsENrEo niY WARNFR DROS ýN 9 TRN LIZAE îUDSON f j