Yes, hee' our final chnce te( take advantýage of amazing beef výaluecs ofeýired during tIhis Tabierite Beef RondUp (Noiw is thle ie e stockup oryour hIlomue f'reezer at hs lowpi cf, i Poterhuse1 Sir iWn Boneess Royund TALEIT EI o BU BAN~Rump Roeasts lbUU T>ýî!,1UT ýlr BVE RA D BEEF TABLERITE SICEO COOKED MEATS B NS iJC FATUESMacaroni &/Cheese, Picklc-& Effetiv Ocober31,Nûvia-Lr 1 t,4 sd 5 WVV ýll)VSBUCISPimento Loaf ichen & ive Lcaf WhiteLe Sùga2.r 5 lb bag 56c 6 0OZ pg nec Applie Juice 48 oz tin 29ce WIHRE25BO Tý,ABLERITE PUTRE PORIK fl AC WHOLE KERNEL C lbL NibetsCorn 14 oz 2 foi- 37ce asg onr tl 7 Sop 10 oz tin 2r25c ~GAJ? i & Vegetables-ý e- 9. Penu~ Bute1i6 o 5 AIONARDEMPORER Q0%uaker 0Oats jastant Ige î41 c CLFRI AECA o a rJie Pastry Flour .oarh7 lb 53ý1C 3Supai t ~rang s doz 4qc Liqui d-Ja.vex. 32 oz26C SO RT O FR Potat0s 5 Rb polly 2»c U Cheesè-&5I ;ices 8 oz pkig 29c CMFEH rm rdodas ~~~~~ ECWIH$00BN S CWITH FREE 2.50BUSBC B i&cutitUs. ig orveushoricake P2CTSWEE à; H STRAWBE-"RRàiE8 15Ecs Pkg 29c CaD FILL7ETS 40 Fthm b 1 Ceife>_s_____cf2_0_2.9 I-l FUEE 2-50 BONU(S BC ?,t'as fotn 2fr5 IIIZSPAG«fiETTI, 15 nc ....2tn2c, 5oh 1 ofA MAXWEL 1OUE CO Ï,"FFE E, 1I l). rpkg.-e zJd zi fi MIU E -C l e offÏ, 73oz. pkg, 2for, 21cÏ kfiff iCViginally $11.95 FmREEBO-NU.SGIOFfT with P 00NU BUKS] O ~ ~ l HI1$ALYG-U NEDmO. Each week a numbher of food products' are seiected as " B RUCK FETUES. hey will lieaaibl in Astores l"mopnigtime 'IhursdaY, uitil closing iitie fil o ;wi1g Ted Y. iubuyteseprodncts >.you a lre given e ne or mre o rtificates w Ichhv preaiium value in -Bilnus Buck-s',« of $.0 i.0or S29.0. 1Be sure yent pick ut) a hanidy "Sa ing WlIeff at youItr Q eGAFood Market, Éthen each tîme Yeu shop )at this stere, slip y011 oir"onusBucks ai o aeiep.J-tkee 1ig GA"Bnu ieks" o ','unil yenu have enlolito (eqIaI. the ,a lu(, indi-'ated for any item 'lin% the PremilmCtaogeAUl premilmis camn le claimned in thlis mlanner. WAT-H OUR WEEKL-Y ADERTISING F0 BONUS$13BUCk FODFEATURES0 i th Heur Decisi.i Cives Cadet Sqdrn. Temperary Lease On Life Lack Of Instriicters BJamed Fer Near Coliapse A probationarýy existence has been1 granted to the O.H.S, squadron, xiunv ber 59,5 of theý Royal Canadian Aird Cadets, it was announced this wýeek,1 ater an em-ergeiicy meeting of threeý of the squadron officers, Fit. Lt. R.ý J. Taggart, F.O. D. H. Staples and 0 . W. W. Watt.i For- more than a month- the airi cade(I(t movement ini Orono has been on the verge of eomLWe'te collaps, beu. cause ,of' a shortage of qualified ii-1 .strýuctor-s. While fouLIr inýstruLCtOrS should bIe on duty each parade, oni two paradeus onfly one was available, and( on three pairades only two were acalAble. Thie tworrilae nlife îSis te resit c f a dýcision- Oby th-, officeirs to uise thýe hel'p of eirboswhr job~~ Ild c uth deie of e ther woîli alive No paade ns cLd thi wkto- prove tence;rtfm orr goes iitnooperatiýoi ontlir-d Noebr7, uare: Fit.Sg,,t. F cai toni, Sgt. William Tambihyn, Sgt. Puter LouekaLACLaurence Shen ALAC- Donald Lycett. - e HI TEEN POSTPONE DAýNCE (From page one) Býning a fred s you know, ail Billy Riddel elldispei that he had a pretty good dance ac(10raw ne teeý lonig aýgo. Wta1 Ial!rngoi1g te do is invite hirn over t,,,,the halla-nid progress. A2% i'ier e stra, Western the-. eeuie of Hli Teens T 1hey wanit other Snt1u1ray ndght. Thîsisj- gonlgt tecest a loit of muoney eacý(h filnie for, ~he rchstr alne.This gioup is the onie 1 "thafpisys iin thTown all eve Siatrda niht.If anybody a al1ia anýy opillions, pleaýSe nattee ectutise. If' you lik;e oye4.:an corne t theo danIce November _M101n.a Party from thle oceta sgi to coafe Thiis meet1ing will beuheid b-ore the dance. So cornýe earily and voîice your ,Finaf 8:3'0 1).11. at ÈtheOddfý e! Iow's Hall. Spe yoi hee Pbiity drector, Jir Gamsbýy Tri-SchoeI Dance Is Pay-Off Fer Exaus Release from toil is to be provîded for the "suffering n'mltitudeý" on Friday eveninig whenl the suet i OH. willl attend ýthe Black.stoýck- M'ýillbhrookflriono Ti iSclhool DlYane.e at The Daince, a follow-up of the, Tri- Sch!ool1 Track and Fie.ldtVeet, is t,'he brincil f'f tb.e BaksokPrÙL ciaMr. G. PýaisIey, and his students,. who1 w'ill play host on thiis ocso. Abus lhas;beprnchaurteed bî Ly the O0, H.S Stdens'CouncîI and it is ex- pecte thati il be pýatroildZed t-- The 1tîf ufr sr ofw il(- itu.ents re-, 1n ai gïadgois this yThs tst, to aiprnswt nsttaeto (1fliinfitrrrr tif zshoul1d prompt you oca1pr us lu itimne of e~rw .e prove ousoln-0tothe revd FUNEKAL vHoME ~F- IIWT'1, TRIS T PRS)TOSAT. Shlows at 630& 8 Orono) Omt. plien IIS2 r i'T-IE BOIERizs 1RzC1 " WihRchard Conte Ii 1 /lbnald Reagan MONDAY TO VWED<IA; S HOWAT 6.45 &K-."),W) f Blig Unie--Managmet omntc omdy IBit . I 111 Paf ainme" tDeris Day sud Cast of the Stfage Show f .~.' y s- Plumi g -aern gj TYItWý MA. 3-224 WE Q$LlLL THE BEST AND SERVICE THIE REST auc- une- mina ýk 9r