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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Nov 1957, p. 6

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-j we'il get a they expuct each under- e is for the N'Oting 'les, - tlice nyM ~edc, for de- ta Stick to- they bothi -sven years ega rny da 1 married, 1I was 17 Wehad bath been parente who instillcd e thet rmarriag-ewa ast. WVe hadaCIi b ot uble a couple caný firs,,t home burned aftler' aur baby carnie, in't salvage a tig oa ur second baby and died. Then ani lisea-se alttacked ithe .Ci and I 1were very,.thing to- -ht h le camle happy ta bc or diffreces, nzever let thern Aever a day 1 nat teoi cach e, and when- d toa dreedful thec burning aur heerts by. four children, rrid and thc acould be as th kept their rked tagether appinese. God ourse we gat and tIen, but Ad or a quick tI neyer for- or bhc patience and when I Fi'm tryijng fta ctcok it for beloniged ta- s we Qse.1 thet I if a nythuing,,hepp)ened-cito jhimi I would carry on as he I would expect mne to. "YouLr coIlIur iea nd lhas been, euvery -week, the high spot of nmy newspaper; 1 neyer miss it. You cannot know how your cherin-wods to othuer ýreaders haýve brought necurage andi renewed my fith. iBies you al- wýas.--A H1APPY WIFE"ý So often this coDlumn ýlrefiects *grief, qeIfis1-iiess and despair *that I lknow mey icaders will *get a 11ft froni our fine Met *ter. Yeu .end your hiusband * aehad mnore troubles for s uccessive years than mnost *couples coid handie or ioud *even try to. Buit you had suc * faith in eaCh other, 'ýstch un- ~dertanding love and such1 * igh ideels that you took ail *the dliscouragernenits in your *stride and f ond they only * w-eiddcldyou cdoser together in *youir mutual ecceptance of the vow's you mfade. * v isIu every brid!e vwould clip yu letter toda.y and * make it her rule to live by. *She would find ncw stregt tu to inirnize the trouble that iinevîtably cone to us al, qîd * nly counitlher bulessings as ý7 you and your huisbndriihave1 * doue dawn thralugh the years. You bath deserve the l]ove- * ly life you have togethier. You * okdfor it. Isalute yu UJP TO THE BOY "Dear Anne HrttIan fnl yet 16, but I feel a ulo idr. arn in love with a Fboy nin our schaol, but hie daesn't knaw Irn eli[ve. 'He goes steadýy ilth a- oCher girl, and I havecoret the point where 1 despe lher! "I'd do anything in the -%aorld r to rate a date with hIiii-. How can I-BROKEN-HEA'RTED" *Put yourself in thîis gir's *place. Hocw -woulid you feul if *anather girl s5et her cap) for *hlmn? Wouldn't you wonder * wy she doesn't get a boy * ricnd of her owr? Are yau so0tunpopular -that you would, try ta break up at couple wh0 are going cteady? You %au= Sget yourself talked about and laughied et, and you wauld deserve it. *A nice girl do(_esn't as-k a I*boy ta teke her out, ore__ *Caîl. YOu cold, though, gîvTe a tparty athiomne andinvite, * hi-butyou usi invite his girl, friend, toc *As you gowup yau %wIl dicaver that this is stifl a mnan's vworld. We -wonennust wi t untilnmen areattracted t to us befare we maî,ke a mave. *Take it easýy, puýt thiis con- *quest out of your rnind, and keep busy tith other friends. If you have surviveti the troubles ihat atiaek 1m4osi mnarriages, write Anne Hirsi 11ow you titi, anti encourage fother readers to try your pe seriplion. Vour letters w'i d e publisheti as UNi space peu- mils. . ,. Atitïres Aine Hret ai Box 1, 1M3Eighteth StA Newv Toronto, Oui. Modee rn E'iquette ... Q. Doyou think il'mproper for uDne woma nti-askanother whàethier she matiJe ihie iress shc A. Uniless you happen to k-na-w foi certain that thiis ,won)an does make corne cf her clothes, it would le better ta avoid ti kind of question. It cauld bc con- struied by crne sensitive saule ass a hlint toward "mtu ok manshi"P." Q. Is a mieniber of Uic b)cre-aved fam~i1y expeciedti t reýeive frientis who are rnakinfg cails of old, , hv MN THE GRAND TRADITON -- Aine Golding, carn-es in inu the hoIIowecý tradition of show bu show in London, England. The brave loss shi. toddles through 'Ihe embcirrassing mome-nt>v evokes symnptoheiic iaughter from some of the 4.CVuk Hlere b a ýIpi-ce of inforinationi whic I contd biswarthwh4iIe, pascsing elong.VW-e hladcarnoe cali- ers a few nigîts ago and the laýdy apolJogized for the appear- ,ance cf 1er h2nds. In places they looked grimcy and rug;in ather places the skin waýs tender and rcd, like new ekinafter a humn lias ieeledi. She said sh had1 had an aijDWfLul tîrneWitl- them -ifar tle last rnonth, blister.s forming and then weeping. "But wîet ceused it?"1Iasked. "Detergents," dse anlsw'ered, "1apparently I an allergic ta d- te-rgents. Th Ic dctor toid !me tb keep my hands out of wate-1' That, as you know, is casier said, then dobne. And thesýe deys 10w, cen anyone- wash witlout dtr gents anyway?" Well, I told lier of two washing powders on the market whicl I knew were not detergents. One sIc knew of, the ohr a naptiha product she Iedn't heard of. The pioor dlear looked awfUl, ]having, icet ýso mudli sleep beceuLse of' the constLant irritationinle hancis. Two dAye leer Partei. andi wvere iiting et a f arm lame-n wher-e tIc dauigîter af the haOuse - a younglraiedwoa - ac inmicery with inflamed cycs and a blochy face. SIc had con-isulted a dco who; sent lierc to a skýinj specialisi. The specialist saidle vesalmast certain lier cnditicrl was tue ta an altergy bramen eddiCIledc ïsrO. or a rate a y grawing fai The FedE Lias plans1 niew deai; Ports; putti level nealre Herc's hboi well, anafraiti of farmini t.. L*,, t., ls ani aprans, motifs. F ta s hl ei timate friendi, the trnymay wish ta sec hinm - this being Ieft, Hilways wiill provewetrn the fi-na'l eutcamie, -we lost or won). Or rather, whiethcr ~ hanging an we could hiave m-ladle more. Atull, s thigsad we have nothing wletever taý prumble about. Doeý it matterc anywy-wt a couple cOf Siut niks cicigaround i ue Spae, however, ta the decision of the family, as no one shaould ixtrudet at such a time. Q. When a frieni phonied re- cetyto ask if fi woiff be al right for her anihler busbanèl to cail on uis a certain Sundatly aIfternooni, 1Iwas foredf to teu hier we wttould flot be at home ai tIha t time. Shoald I cali hier back now andi set a definite time for dheni to corne to visit usý? A. This would surely be ax courteous tinïig to do. Q. Where is tbie proper place for the bridegroaem's mother i. sit ai ithe weddlng breakfast or supper? A. She should be seated at Lthaý riglit of thec brid-le's father. Q. I h1ave noticed people re- eentty iipping thieir soup plates it the dinnr er tble i!) order tr scoop ouit ail the soup. Isn'i this conýisîdereti improper?, scoopi) aill i c tesrup. sn't ii vonsiclered impilroper?' A. No. This is ail rigýht, if one enaccomuplisli it i nicn shoeýs somnetimues Slip to one' sidar and c-ause pressure on the nsep Thscn be prevented by eut- timg two adjacent slits nîear thec top of tongue and,. threed,'îrg thle lace through lithern.- [SSUE 48Ils 5' The New Faiil LDoý(

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