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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Nov 1957, p. 7

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in such a time of less immu ýa bis rn putniks. eti-to 311yecir dent, This th and lb epa rime nI They Live WeII And Eat WeII These Present-Day "Pioneers" 1y H.R E. CA1,V ER T ert concludes the Story of fisit Io Lynu Lake, tule new ig cojmunify in the far ec single mine employees rn relatively ssnall, sezi- te rooms 'n company bunk- ,s. The boa--rding house s, served by caterers Select- yShierritt Gordon, are sub- uli anid carefully pianned ve the men variety. Steward olece Of :hlocks, ,, ius el and sînce operation ýordion ap- man Pe, irent thlat ýs the men ýffect. frce Maina- bviol.s an its nunity, and Winnipeg, and 1th1-e lii.t sho(ýwn below proved quite interesting: 1Wlnirnipceg Lynn Lak Retail REeau lieinz Baby Food ..........3/9 /31 Soda biscuits l'........3 .357 Javex 32-o........3 39 Oatmeal non prerniumo 3'sý.3i .39 Nabob Coffee. -- 1.07 1.5 D.,ug Rooçi, Dr. Baliard 2/27 .16 Aylrner iPeacheFs I-oz. siiced choiece............21 .29 Paciflic Mlilk -... .......2/'33 2,/3E5 Purex r'ouet lissue ... 2/25 2/27 'ride Glant..........81 .U Cauirpbell Tomnato Soup. 2/27 M1 iiizVinegar 33-oz... ....4 .39 Johnaon's Paste Wax l'a , .59 .59 Veal abousider roasta......65 .59 Steaks - ail types............85 .79 Bologna............35 .25 Back bacon 1,1's lat gr. 67 .63 TomIato Juice, Libby's itinso Giant............. .81 .85 Draft -- Glant.........81 .83 Tomnatoe-Aylmer Chce .28 .31 Sbredded Wheat ........... 2/39 .23 Veal leg rost ...........983 8 Pork ùHocis - ............ 27 .31 Rice-long grain 2-lb. -.3 ,.45 Sait tubes ......... .......... 14 M1 Soda, 2-Ib............5 .63 Cigarettes ..................20 3.20- Butter ................... ... -- 62 .65 To the beSt 0f my bility1Ia 1 s checked the aver.age wage lui Canada asa whole aga.inst the average wage at L-nnLae and obv.iously rot having a ce ss- to the company figures f eould enly guess, but or- even a fair1y rcugh guess it vwas very apparent that, if the gentie read--er would like to impr ove his fiancial1 position he should hit for, Lynn La ke, M54 lui. 3, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEýADING SCHOOL Great opportunity Lean airdressing Pesant , dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of siuccessfil MaIrvel Graduates. Amier(ca' Greatest Systern lllustrated catalogue Free, Wiite or Cail MARVEL HAIRDRES$NG SCHOOLS 358 13oor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Rigst. W.> Harilftonl 72 IRideau, Street, Ottawa POPULAR PIANO METHOD TEN EASY tESSONS PLAT bhit parade western music. 1e, ginnera quickly taught notes. Write (o3 free samiple. STEARBNER SOH'ýOOL 0F MUSIC 4112 Sonerset W., Ottawa 4, On-tario' $3. FREE $3. fOR seiling only 20 of our beauitiful New "Day Glow" reýligiouss mottos, at 4tý each: These fluorescent colours aýre visible 4 Urnes as far as ordlinary coi- ours. Wiil niot fade or tarrnab, Tbey seli like "bot c akes." Write for 20 to- day. We will tutyou, aleLa Greetînrg Carda, Dept. W, 1407 Bisho-p St.,Mote. OPPORTIJNITES MEN and WOMEN POSITIONS with union wages, pension awvait young mien trained as Telègra;- pbers and Asistant Agents. We secure job. Very practical future. Train at boirne with, Self-Teacbing machine wve boan you. Speedhand ABC sbortbrand traina for Stenographer in 10 weeks at homne. Wlb our 56 years experience, resuits are assured. Eree foldr it her course. Cassagi Systemns, 7 Superioir Ave., Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONIHAUGH 1& eC o ri p s n y Patent AttornieyS> Etabîisbied 1890. 600 UTJniveraity Ave., Toronto. Patents ail countriýes. PE-RSONAL $1,00 TRIAL oirer. Twenty-dîve deluxe personal requiremients. t.atest cata- logue icue.ThcýerMeico Agency, Box 22, Termàinal "Q" Toronto, Ont. sWIlNE THEI Landrace Fig business is good with us, Why? Because we only îiport and breed Top Quality aniimais, Our oad cus;torners came back for new blood linqes and our new cuýLstomers corne to *us because tbey have heard frorn their frienda nd iIghbours that we have only top quality Landrace, Offerlng weanlings, four mnonths old, six month oîd sows and bocars, guaranteed his pig sows one of the best ways to gt started in the Landrace Swine busi- niess), Serviceable Boars, iiinsediate de- llyery. Catalogue. Hlealtb of herd iun- Éder supervision of Ontario Veterinary, College Farmi Service, Certificate sup- piied by them ib at berd i. fee ofail comimunicable diseases. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARTIO ROYAL JELLY! MIRACLE food of Queen Bees evail. able in5" mdiogram capsules. -world medïical authorities recomsnend human use: "to combat Hlts of old age" - "Acfi.ally stimnulates sexuel Vigor"- indispensiabile in treatment of cancer!" "'Alleviates mental and physical fa. iguel" "lsuduces fertilityl" "Reilive. r1ates aIt organs of the bodly!" NOT A MEO'ICINSI A NATURAL PROOUCT 0F NATURE! *11,00 30 day supply. NATURAL BEE PROOUCTS CO. Box 465 Doulas, Arizona, U.S.A. MEXICAN HANO-MADE GlFTSL FRIENOS and Iovedi ones will thrlll te tihe oy of receiving these original treasures. Artistlc Hand Macle BIRD FEATHER PICTURESI Large picture of Paradis. ird feslhioned from REAL dlazzling, colourful, brillient feathers. Glass mounted in HAND CARVED CEDAR FRAME. 10" x 2V' - $4.50; 11" X 28" - $5.95; Tray $5.95. (3 eny style, only G.e) Ot extras for your- self, birthclays, veddings. Shipped for you enywhere f rom Mexico. M1EXICAN ARTS 365 Donovan, Sudbury, ontarlo. gay& orcss ant ;,seciuur ISSUE 48 - MÏ7 MINK $25M9 BRED FEMALES FOR APRIL DELIVERY Pnok: Domiesie Mik,$1G tIARRY SAXTON'S MINK RANCHt Bemnus PoInt, NY SPIRITUAL STRFNGTH FOR TODAY (Thomas Nlo & Sons) $2 ai your baokutaré or cip *nd mail to the authar Rev. R, Barclay Wacrren 105 Eglinton Ave., E., Tnronto 12, Ont, Enclosed is $2 for 1 copy zaf spiritual Strength For Today, SLEEP £ TO NIH AND RELIEVE NERVOISIESI directions la 'u sofe way to indue sleep or qiet the nterv.st when terne.- SEDICIN 0-$4t

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