The Annual M.». To al] fully re cards, let Dr.1 GGART .Cotinued from pi iu1 LA~ -stanldard Of stated that no adv-ance policy was LrL o , eanv to the question. The answer, be feit, was to seili what we grow or 1lot go The Maritime r ce<~s, lie sai weedellghted with their treatle"'1 and were ionablae to use i-nney,. made available ta themi, ta de-velop the i r own natur#l r suCe.An ere ,vas nmenioned the Beechwood project. The 1 oss jbilitYý of the South Saskaitche- waa damn would go a long way to help) t'his Province. iIn Speal<Thg of umnmploaYmeflt he saId theiy were consejous of the pro-1 lemls but nt tUne time were not too0 wo-(rrie(I. The govenmeflt is endea- yoD rn tahelp by ma ing djust- merts in the llnemploymieflt InsUr- aneAct1)by-releasing to the Unlm- ploy-ed more Of their Own mney. IMon'iey which haýd been- paid iintù tihe fund (Iby -thewrks h sev. ! il, ,iw a uget, lie said O~~ono Gerry an< say a s ýs to al e Canadiani ýpent o yott. purpse . are RLIFE, lber of the as e pr 'PH. RI.: Oe4 dleaiiso, are Limited ----------