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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Jan 1958, p. 6

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rtiquette. ______ b eIolwita t'et *more grace than yen kneW she - Q. .After 'goinig steady.wvt * nlbd inf your living ar- a boy fr a year, we 1arted. Is1c *rangemnt a pleasant rQ<>m ît i ecessary that 1 return a watch t *for lber, with lber owr ni t 'a1J lie gave to nie fori hit *turc, books andl radio. When nias?.~ you get settIed, invite he1. , A ince this \vas not anl en- >* fiends te drop in often, xad agement gift, it is not niocess"ary * try toi find otlier interests for .~t eunit. * lier te c¶.tivate. After awhile, 1. Q. What is the correcçt way to perbaps you cani find a private eg. address a letter t a frel * aily nearlby who will gfive ~~,A~ whose hsband lasrenl * hrthe littie eare she needs;pasdawy *'nany people <are glad. to add ~"a._.. The sa-ni as always-"3,lrs, -~t hIrncone in this f ashio~.. _ akW lrion." Neither of tlee suggestions is ideal, of course, yet how GRAND SMILES 'Tomra "ýTommiy" teah Marinhugh, 5, Ief tc.nd Q. have been àskzet e pour else a ptrar tal Alan Da atr~4¼,fahto mlMta pi f o the tea at an afternoon afair. e ca o ar a iDaountr ,fah h mlstatpi f o Ain I aise'supposed"to put l and fiance 'lias waited Iong the'jn4b the tn of one-grand eah They're among 10 I.S the sugar, eream or lemion? enougli fora home of his ewnj, children 'selecied cis hciving -ha' most winning smiles ia A. This is not geuerally. doncý ane he dees not want tntae ctional smile .contest. Ecch of the winners 'wî1l rtceive- a inymore, The persoii pours the beyour mother's houteSe $1,00 savings bond and c¶her prizes. The National Press tea tlien' bauds the cup te the- * ~ ogwih heiea ad Photographers Associotion picke.d the 10 frot*i a total of gu-est Who hleps himiseif ta Stake it for gra.nted that things * will work eý ut as lie lee. 2 07.,390 photagraphs submnitted. sugar, creani, or lemon. His stab1iizing, inf' 'uence will Q. My hu--baind pasedawýay soj efl nyour" e more than two years age. Nowý 'homne, and you vwilI probably mly f rienlds telllnme I shýUld flot find that the troubles you an_ be weiring my -wedding ring -~ticipate wifl not mnaterialize. anymnore. Are they correct? zî A. Decidedly net, A widow IG4RSCQIIRTESIES m warlir edding ring for "fler Aue Hrst:- ~life - cioriutil she maris My huslunx and 1 often go out i f~agaiun. w,,ith ailier couples, and the E U ~ U U a Q Just wluat is proper wtheýn other men joke witli their wives, 8 ~ J ~ ~eating a ehicken lg? Is it alt l(Ip tbemi with tlieir coats, and riglit, afi er cuitting off Mnost of sometimes hold~ hands. My bus- the mneat, te pick up the boni- bandi deesn't do th'ese things and in the fingersi order te cbew 1 ama so afrai'd others will think off the re.st of the mneat? hie doesn't love nme; 1 know h e r E UA. At most dinner tables, tlie_ deoes becýause lie is wouçierful inol proper way la to manage a eeter1",ay.z tX trejýC ô k best you can wîtli your kuiife te? He tliiuks se, but asks mie j--1- -la condconled at picnics, audi in te get your opïinion.cetaWe'veuratswbeenu marricd four years, and ba9ve Thi>s, i thought, wauld bDe an aggerated onje bit, The' peopIte erai esauanswbresu two 'chiidren. There isni't auy easy column ta write, Christmnas wvere wonderful. We were inivit- 1apatc 5 norgda otlier worry on my mmnd. and New Year's botli being over, c u e vr el red etr !tebue JHL" for me as well as for, You. Naw were 111ways ou baud ta offreg Q. When wriingw a letter to an itb would bc easy, struaiglit-for- trausportition and their w i v ez acquaintance 'who calts you"rs ~Of course, you.r busband is ward w.itïng with plenftY te tool. over at the lieuse the day Bridg-es,» how do you sig-Il the *littieceureies e dees not write about toc. In that 1I wýas of tbe funeral and i repared a îletigr? * pratice.~o'u nig it. tel ut gnt there is pienty te Write ilovely lunch for those who came A. As "M\/ary Bridgesý." * toilg, t t'if bewoldhi, bout -tbo nmuch in fact -- and fron a distance -- froam Toronto Q. Ireently sawv a mian disin *woufld bYOU it aof iilndadds up te la mixture of! and Oshauwa. Artliur came along n l rsauatsnap h11 bvi ae roud n o dmand. joy and sadness, cairn and activi- w~ith Partuei? and daugliter for fingers i order te attract the ~ perha ae. ty. Uuexp.ected - but se it i. the funerai and I camre back attention of the waiter. Isn't this "~hewatentv. .le i, ~case Twýo days before Chistmas be witl tlnkwiag-Kerni wauld eensidered rude? f hduw atteti'veoliehinuf, ec e wr htm sae ewel]akdafe ytA. This la exceedigyii you kýt o s tw hi off.ar r een hd wld tat my sre cr !rfeids with who liewasty- bredl He sliould always wait un- an'd' w and atonïabM- ti ie catceethe waiter's cye, pa~~of~ub's abis. ~an iin ~a tekeem e sens of! sorrew and lbas, wweie e n"-n nclination -el the heýad Your 'i S~ Plces sYoU i à formed of %na~y change but until adver~ndlieiuuxso te warm 'ai &~W s, ad ' xpct ibiat hapeted lbe said there was n ratdnesslout 1-ri w l d tes oe akick.d ha v1I~he bi 'bad, ern- no ointji!~my gingte sc he. -friendliness, whidl w-as aise .Ioeson enweg *e wi'lnl Ww fie lis hcaas eote-ded teintie, aisîrauesr. ,a vac~ation posteard one- bas re- plan d'e lisiwornen are, To, that . egreed asany thori- as emub a'ecayt at eoived? :inhido just what you want arjrangement 'wouid have SpOilt uysnwoenîhoacm A. Merelv by miakiug seurle* * * * .Ct.stmas for tlre aiies. pnanii adbe a fbs mention o! il tbe uext time -yoau Liviing aun eider relative te littie niy leart was ini it wben mtir u lm to ~pt sbi'e your home is tneyer a wvel- tcamne te îas't minute prepara- fi rearka'bl il.fanlonhistpr- corne idea, yet the emnotional tn.Hwer,2wntaild sinlvoina ulo hit ~djustments whicb iintelligent Ptor2 on ukyi mas Day lie hadtre ng- peaple can maake eau pre'vent siow aven Çliristmilas Eve;pack-. mns'e~a tCue e--_ anîticipated diseord. Anne Hirst's cd up a11l the mysterous parceli ieal fwihl0 u!ild practioal ideas wiIi be ueu u hnwu ale ihee Whetlier it îyas the ernviroument Wvrite her at Box 1, 123 car open for the telephione o e edd.tko u i Eighteenth Street, New Teronto, Çîita o~g ~ ~ ri btaltat dyb a Ontrio conscieus af a strange peace ;and _______Klei; there was stili no change. feit that aIl wVould, be well. t About tweo ('clock Bob, Joy and TRUEr ENOUGH lîttie Ross collected Partner and was. Neither le ner 1 have any Th ewvste' crbok e tetukystagltfon1l regrets that lis mother passed 'Che nw vîstoiý' car roke.away as shedid Shehladbeen P dlown ju-,st after2 the eveuing serv- ovn1hepres;adthnw oving and devoted mlother, al- ~, seonr Moniday lie drove 't te qil weut te Daughter's for Christ- wasatv ihuhvr rï 1h locl garge forepair. masdinner. Miy -worrieýs were asatv lhog eyfri "I peoca you g or a lîtesy cprrl ogte sîIi We couid flot ,wish for lber tc, hop Y01,1 4ý a itte esy ed wi h the dinner and wutc ý- ier au.-d perbaps b lie, help1eenditforyo ontepuc, ietl heil-invalid for years. Thc day shez 1l ' ~ tfe ô olin îthe prîcei,"l ientold tbe me- ed our grandsons at play. Four w-as buried was the sa ma day *4iven h i had to seaah ail l 1 aher" ittie boys rung.,ing in age fremn sh and' Klemi were te lavez Inw t came the nswer. -b ,emrontha te four yearas Ibey i come here for the week-enîd. r er o ral ad 'a woxiderful time, 'uoisy and Yo juat rneyer know. e-tcited bill as good as geld.' The dinr ar'efe.-e ,,en ~m. So *hat war our Cbristmras. Thé are or it -thatla es U)sy tlUc happineas o! a famnily gatbieriqg v. ..'urkýey ad'plum pudding. Off -%ith aur children andi grand- ,oursc f1'was aý,fraid both m'ot,,d ch1ildren but back of the pauxie- "i'.' af aillure t Then ecame preseuni z ty and 'u'ncedtainty eofmiiy sister's' t $~ off tihe tee and as usual Santa ifluess. Now .1 amn tle' oly one 'V4~" Il ad been -od 1 evey- ofto our in#d'iate family. - '~ ' 0dV. WC, allil emd to cet Jus, Eather, mother, tlývo s ilsan ' CI.' wbat we- wan1ted" - xe Dtfee. thre brotlhers, al are- gene. t W'egav br am-ette-ad se lJeaves)-.,e vvith strange sense" ' -id At We le t for-borne early' e! loneliness. Now eur 'main ini- ithe eein but instead' o! [eres{ L'n faiiy fe la by followM ".' on sragh hmeBob took us 'ng the growtli and developm.n-enfe

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