eveningt. ehaiirman. QUALITY Ou20c 0< O ý c >0Z , >o Il7c gallon ugpine ShemEe ablie relations, eh ippeli Mrs.liar ùpresson. It 'sas meived tli )lit+es. Pnwnr irie about4 nine o'ciock Ffrîd< ymos ng csusing a triajffie tic-up, ;mll ex- ensive damages te botis veicles,. Tise transport, diven by R. J. Kins- 11an1 of iiboo,'sscsr ibuk ern. Foreetftise impact to.-sscd coin la Il drecions hItinig tralff*iec(acis way nld car s wei e ne] up on the hh-1 z ray unitil tise road coulid be ciesrcd. Driver ef tise car 'sas fenyJarn- s ýon of Guci'pis. Neithierdriver 'sas Police of Bowmanvi lie detacismenit >pp inveetigated. The transport is owned hyBuhn a Transport Go. of -Milbrook. o0- 'om" WThile Asked T0 <edce Childîcu To 57 per gallon EE DELIVEILY Osb-awa RA. 5011o9 par tmleil caca miionta.- DIlES IN RING Professionail 'sestier Gordon UC-1 ýKinlcy droppedi dead Saturdlay n'ightl drnga bout 'sihLen 3Mentana atl tisae Youngsto'sn Amoxry. lie appar- eaitiy eufferad ua isart atitk imea Carr Mr.Whbite 'wste bas bailas many- as .12(; clildren living at lier fimi home, daims she had noimency te psy fýnac and dloes net intcnd redlue- îing tise' lnmbar. She addled tisai ifý is l ised out in Ontarie, 'then eheh' 'si have to go eisewiCre,anadt tisat a miseionary isad aýppealed to ber to estahuisfisa smda homein nd(ia.; Mrs. Whitc said bier ten aiduitas sistanltscold epoaudune the terms ef the Adt. Tise Raîdug 4ie!t to 'siicl Mr S. W1hitc refere stip- The Bwnanvîlle Canadian Club, heid an interesting meeting in Tria- ity Unlited Churchei recentl2 TJhe \vic'- peietNeli Porter, pr-esided and an exceptlinally1 large nmber of miembers was nresýen-t. Reeve ifrd ('arruhera nd D. R. Morr'ison) were, tis leaders of a singsong tIti was nouch eùnjoyed. Col. Gordenng il,,-thaý orn f'pl tCobornig Coliegiate, ini- t~dcdthe special speaker, lbars N y.M.Naogy le ovea oninber or thffe te:& eh stn staf of Goourg Coller- giaiteaind<ws formerly a teacher at the BuaetMilita)rv A'cademy la Hungry rom1952 until the famýous pa(triotie revoit la 195:6 against the Commnuniste for fise liberation of Hungary. Mv. Ngy gae an loquenit anoe ,moing, ad1dreeýs on theiunaia revolution afgaineot Red doiaon and on its cruel attermiathltMany et' hie own udents took part. aad scores of theno, alomg with t.houisandb eof others died ini the aqttem"pt tLIea their. country he sait- ne described the valiant figlit Of thse young mien, sud told that tise geqaer prt of thsepopu1acé ralliedI to their support. Enthusiasun and hPepq spr-eadrady afLer tise outtrealt and for a tinie it looked as if success; woýuld bete iesat Th-enthroqxg9h tbis tic acher-y of tise Cemmnunists tise va- volt was put dqWni. -r lie fait that thle sacli ocf H-ugar'y hy the Rade tattelowed was not on- ly uWmsceay but voas an set ofhid revenige. Rifrcmnsoftropa and itrtilleiîy in orÇanmberiswr p.oured into tise ceuift&y by tise USýSR anod a'vaslsughter bégaîn. It 'a cruel snd bLoodmbystyM. Nagy sahh. and a concentrated attenapt to 'sipe eut eveî,y ,vestige of tise hope of fiee utaestiatneuènacicOpereon ea domn. boalid ie cape or mre han H1e sas amp) Mrs. Wita haus creintule se inssl tieheaeýise b Aer many case wthte Ž- ppedietAdiw taep apatinient ferovidig ts -Hugal'y canl poray cae for hmls cîda. ens.Les' Sha coniowlineed tewo tcail fcdm n for seven holceus Obih"wdrh)arltn anada yeas go. Ts u'vsr nesd<!i iisrgr it bac ýa kei isYMs hesrsclts hie belieUf1 384ov* up TU ITESI ev r'u0ld od w %ith new ýt srug off udeone rne cab initeriefs ire plenty of aled Safetx MUSCLE . - NEW STYL) to cul udvtl nevuhcoe h ralet' Vs I Red otit oy fecares t orltincj cies. work-whiýpping fwrs 8 cnd j PICKUP BOXES UP TO 9 FEEJ NLNT.Tk I your choice of 78", 98" or 18 pickup I boxes. Pacis offers afulwdhgikgt ip fleet * tailgcate, more Joad space (ne inteoard wbfeei- ýW Cofl- houinge), 1ow Ieading heiisi Tser'sextra astrengtb for long life ny/1and j and greaiterlo0ad pr- u tection. extra- rough , ýwcabs I t cern- HAARDW'OOD FI.OORS, )f ot'her FLIJSIITYPE 5KW STIS. Sùps - -~'Stilrd(7y picku1p floors ai s'ys- i clet esnd are entuce fre- e rigisi ithsrdwood. Skiýd tripe, re- I ceseed nearly flusi utise hardweod,-5bsorb rmucýi of 'scar frem loade,-, give platform 'Elonger life, facilitateeidn of cargo. GT 558C mGMOLS Service Guorantees Comfort wi*th Economyl Alil this for a' '0W annuol maintenance charge plus the cost of the oil you use. Net only is it the f ines! kind of beaing service, butdbe rmost qlcrv nomical1 and satisfoictoiy. Phono Us Now For Details For Your Ho us. Fuel & Lumbe imite BOWMANVLLPE Pi%'bone 14814 Qi'