7. .- 7<. r.- 47,7 4 - - r ORON&WEEKLY TIMESTKURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1957~ 2 .7. - floor w el,~arry,-the imýachiner'such us the 'grinder and rouler and -will 6t (continiued from p)age 5) q* the 'wNvrk area. for the mI~s'The zýee o' p,,epared feeds.$ Aecess- for- basement-,i1 hely os ayu loaiding- and unfloading 5es unliimnited. the mnobors and give, add e ,storage. The i1 >hc is on thé,weten Thle macehinery, motors andequip- etmtyoftebl g.cnit of mýent will al be new and modérrn ex- f.ve cenent s'ilos, each -nieisuiing-. 12 cepting the grindier whîch_ was pur- feet i d'meter an~d ~hry7i feet chase dlast year- Ail other machinery in heîght. Each si! o7W'Il hlil' around nrow. in use in1 the old mili will be- left 3M00 busýhels of gr-'ainý. The no,5f for ýt its present location. Themixer is Ythe ml aiso cvr~e the sii6)s4 The a new type horizontal> mixer andi wili 1. Ulistapproxi niately 40 by 80 with 1ha placed in the, main-,f'.oo r of the two stoýr'es and a lbser-nent. The -top !niii extending into the basement. ,SUrywill accoi-odate bxrs-for. Pl'&.- The newmfill wl rvd aýu- paredl feed an.d, gra'n e "~td frona faster seiý ice wviùh minýmum of la- Congratulations to the 4~4 » "'7. .7 .74'. 4>7 ~7. .4- 4.4 -7 4 4-,, DuhmFaîmfers' County Co- operaive '7 4. '.7.. 774 and-"Bes<3t Wishes for "Co6ftin uedPr)sperit-Y bour costs..I -It is -expected that fui] operatvîon j wilI begin la the newiil sometiniej in the month of February. A ëssage-Frein The Co. op-,President, The year 19-57 will be a memnorable ,,ne in the history of the Durham Fariers'- ,County ,Co- erativ1s. It marks the']building 'of -our new Miii and Store "Warehouse. This building staýnds as a'sybol of ýexpansion1 andi faith, by the farmers -Dura County fan the' Go-bperative movement. Your ne-v%-Mill and Store Ware. house isequtippedi Vo meet you rever >y7 need . The m-ost modern equipmenit'bas' been installed -ii the rmili for 4effici-, ency. of ser-o ce and, quality of,pfo-_ duct. It lhas been my pleasure to have had à. part in thle planning of y our a Co-opFeed Miiand Store War- icu,,e as-a memiber- of the Board of Lirectors -for the past seven years and ypur, President for the -past wo- years. Y uoard of Direétors--and Miýanager have s pent inany h~ in- 47.77777.747r747.' 7 v77 -, 4-DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE Bruce .Taylor, President John Stone" the planning of the ne-'; mill to hest serve the- ieeds of-,b]oth memibers and custom-ers., We, feel, our contraçtors have builÈ>a- buildingNwhih the pé ople of Durham County can be proud of. ,-Official Opening Programme 7.00 p m .--Music by The Or-ono Bandi Lý--Tur of the iMil and Warehouse 8.,00 p.M.-Official Opening- -O Canada< -Offýicial WeýlcQie by the .President -lHEan-dinig týe ke-y irom Mr. *Campbell' of the -Campbell r Gonsuction Go., to --Qreisdent, Mr, John Stone - -Maage, Mr. Ernie spry .9:00 p.-.-Free Lunch ~9:30 p.m.-Free Draw 10:00 'pm.-Dance to FrowsOr- chestra -New Location:-J-..unctionof Hiighway 115 and Northuný.berland-Durhaim De- Velopment Roadi No. 1. BEGINS SERVICE 47 ..Mletropolitan -Tor'onto liospitals, [l'ast week btgani free blood- transfu- 1 sion service which wàIlcontinue' as ilâiig as' the city's citizens donate !f,500 to 2,000, pi nts of lb1o'lI1we ekly. Untîl now .patientg hbad'7to Pay $5a pint for blookio" replace each Çpint with two >pints. Ncw there 'willl -Ibe only a $5 charge. Mhat -yOu will contÎnue2 to- .patronize your Co-operative the sanie ' a you hiave in the -past. -Whether yyu'are -a mernber or not,- you> are aLways wl corne to corne and 106k - àroi.d andi do business at the Co-op. You will, ai- ways tnd our staff.r 1e ady and will- ing to serve you. lan closing 1 would like to welr-corne everybody Voour officiai op ego Friday evening, January 24ffh, 1958 at 7 p.m.,We hope Vo have a good night of entertadnmeflt for ail. ri 7Best j'RUCiÇING Gravel,1 Best ,Wishéi s. 47 DU] coi Orono Pollce2 Orono-Cl