PURE Peanut Butter 7 DELICIOUS FLAVOUS - RED & WHITE jelly Powders S'U PR1"ENE PURE BlckPepper BIRDS EYE Mixed Fruits BIRDS EYE FRENCH Green Beans 10Ooz pkg~ D.BALLARD's Champion DougFood Sadwich Spread SOUTHERN CROSS Tuna Flakes ORONO o-round anid -with greater ip with a betteri endance ceaident It was rported at the meeting thati he1957 edition of the Black an- Xhite Show held in conjunction wit.h the Qaono Fair was the best which -las ever been hjeld and -was a won- J -rfulshw- of the breed. The, president reported that theï ,'t!xpeted a ecanup progr~am for- the' The inte of increasing- insurance -as laidoveruntil the fiirstdiets me etin1g. Mr. A. E M.Norton rported on the delgates meetfing in Lindsay and saidý that the dates of September 5 and 61 h ad been set aside for the Orono Pair for bhis year. A discussion followed on ways andJI mneans Vo improve the 0Orono Fair this1 year and amoeng mientioned items wasj ords To nrrànn c A i-t-ioonp-issed at the mneeting iý bhave a comittee set to prc a.a Merry-Go-.Round for the fair. This e sulted frorei the disappoint illenil of last year wýhen ino ridesz turned up at the Orono f air. This year the fair will conduct only the Qat Field Crop competition. Las year they held both a corna and onat competition.. MNrs, -M J Tamblyn wýIS appcYinted Chairm-an of the the-ne--' 1 ainiment conimittee. Donald Staptes was appointed to have a play enterecd in the Dramiatie cootest from ýthue 1RED & AMc lm Save Io£ of 65 49c Save 3c. 4 rulis 49c STOKELY'S FANCY Niblets Corn 1,4 oz 3 for 49c STOKELY'S FANCY Apple Sauce I15 oz 3 for 49c LYNN VALLEY GREEN PEAS, .5 - 15-oz. TINS -... - ....49C. KING'S CHOICE TOMATOES, 2 - 28-oz. TINS -- - ........ ...... 49 CARLETON CHOICE DESSERT PEA.RS,, 3 - 20-oz. TINS.49 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables SWEE, JUICY, NATURE'S PEPPER-UPPER GRAPEFRUIT FROM FLORIDA fôr29 g g g g g g g g, g g g g g go Mr.t- E. Dent approý l ng nd suggested tI al eamp site in theJ accomnmodate Ôerig --uch a means they w ûoll-ject some revenue1 ïBetter 'washroom ,fac needed fpi, such a sel' wals feit that thý'ee we ed on the giounds.ý il presenting th-e financilal st'at ment it was pointed euIt lhat a ba' ance existed oýf $1.86. Th~e gate Ir cipts for tihe 19567 fair was uP 01" $200in omp.rion ith tihe 1956 fzi The regular- meetinýg of the Local Asoiain of GirlI Guides and Blrownies was held Wedlnesday even- Si at the home of -Mis. Ross 'Gilbart, lDistrictComsinr There we i e f inie ladies present. HIlE miutes of la-stmetn were read the secretary, Gladys Gaas'by and ,tedt. Treaisuirer, Ethel Tyrrell, daiinual finianeial statement. £discussion on whether- the Guides Býrownies should hold a"C ke folliowed and aill elt it wo(uld be finiancîally advisable. twas decided tha-t collection for .. memibers at their Meetings be ents. erle Gilhart wel'coined Alice Cob- içc as a new L. A. memnber, Ruth in is also *a new miemiber but %vas lle Vo be present. Tt was also de- ,i to get on-e more m ember for rs. G. M. Linton wiho bas been dnted Area Bulletin Editor, gajve er-y interesVing an-)d ixiform-ative by al- e- r-A not L. A cide app, Lk1, on ie worck assc. It waVs nIfoved that aiGuVsn bilils be paid. Merle Gilbart reportedi spier( suits on the advertisementr ing Girl Guidle nfrs An evenirg metngisbeiin, ned for an Enro>!iient and Fly ýceremnon*y eofGirlidesand nies to be hield, in the Unit(d' Sun-diay School Auditorium on ary 25ith, when parents will vited. The L.A. aredto loo the lunch andc talke up silver col to diefray Veex4penses. iA very speciÎal evenring is tGbe plann-ed for soime tî ie inr-Ma r c hleir four Girl Guides from in fe Ornoa -Pack will r-ceie their Gold Gard. OlCur District Commissioner comment-~ ed on hs sayîn'g that tins was reafl- somnething very extraordïnary fiýr 4 girl-s fromi one pack Vo receive thefr i-gold cord at one timie. ui t 1 VI 'c V( ORONO TINSHOF Sheet Metal Work Warm Air I-leating Air Conditioning Plumbing Fixtures - Pipe and Fittings Cutting, and Threading Fire, Extinguishers Selki-rk Chimneys B-RF Paints and Varnishes RE. LOGAN, Pro p. ~I - - 0"»I ont January Features Coffee Mugs, heat proof, can be used for all bot drinks. Golors blue, white or green 18Sc., 2 for Rain Beauties keep your feet dry, avoid colda, col clear r chacoal, sizes 4 to 10. Pair for $1.49,$ Bubble Bath Saits, orient perfumes, Lavender, Pinie, Apple Blossom-, etc... 16 unce bag Combs, Fam-ily fleaecontains 12 a Arteds pricedi at .... ... Special Lowrtey s Bridge Mi re Y2ir lb. Ï'30C.,1 Iniside frosted Light Buls, quaanteed againsi manufacturing defeéi, 60 watt only 17e 6 fi Cui Control a Factor, medium or fine texture ... ý................. Print 36 inch %wide wvashfact colors, assorted terns and colors. 31 )'2 yard ends.......... ýSuper Value -- Ladies' first quality Nylon Ho, full f ashtoned, 15 Denier pair for, 57c 2 pali Special Limi-itedl -- Qua ity Ti stripe. Giant size- 31 inc~h' SAVE TIME ORONO 5c.ý TO $1, VOPEN FRIDAY EVI 2 for 49c 7 for 49c 2 for 49c 15 oz pkg 49c 2 for 49c 3 for 49c~ 4 for 49c 16*..ar 3 for 49c LIBBY'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL, 2- 15-az. TINS......... 49e GIRANULATED SUGAR, 5 LB. BAG ..-..............-.1.....,... 49c SWEET TREAT PINEAPPLE, 2 - 20-oz. TINS-...... -......... 49e QUALITY BRANDED BEEF QUALITY MEATS SWIFT'S PRETMIUM 1S-MOKED. COOKED - READY TO EAý'T Pork& Shlds. lb 45c BONELESS LEG 0F SKIN AND EXCESS FAT REM~OVED Pork Roasts lb 69c BONELESS EXTRA LEAN Stewing ÈBeef lb 49c SWIFT'S PREMIIUMN SLICED 6-oz. Celle Bag I Cooked He",aam 43c ,SWIPT'S LUNCHJ By The Piec.v Dum-tch; Salami lb 59le' Co'hRNISH'S Red C Whlte Food Market meeting. M RED TAG A.L E BEST BUY! THEF ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR Save 6e. Five Roses Flour 7 lb bag 49c BEST BU-Y! DEEP BRQWVN Save 'f. Libby's Beans 1 5 oz 3 for 49c 9oz tum B EST BUY RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE Tea 'Bags carton INTRAKE WHITE CROSS Toilet Tissue 4ozecan 5 Mý'cINTOSII or SPY - IrLAVORi PACKED APPLES 3 lb polly 35c FRESH W ASIED SPINACH 2 Z'c ello pkgs 29e Lunclh was served and the -Uliu,