0aOuLNo WEEKLI THURSDAY, NMARH th Co-operative Commonwealth Federation Nomiînation Convention fo urham .to ý held in the TowalHall, «roue Frlday, Mrarç 7,8s p.. ISpeakers: PROFESSdP GORGE G'RUBE Hlead of Classies Department Trinty College, i Toronmto' and othcrs i PUBLIC CORDIALLYi' NVITED AYLMIEItFANCY Tomato Bseans Juice 48 oz- wu ri > th Pork CATELLI'S Macaroi « Spaghetti 28 oz -5c 20O ounce tins 2 for 33c Sfor 31C 2 for 29c SAylmer Fancy Tomato juice 'Aunt Mary's Daily Freshll Bread, Niational Tea Bags econoi Golden Hour Assorted Fruit Bal] 20 "o Oromo Ciambr Cinuitte (Fromn page 1) Vo be torn down. The second trend was the ronstrul- tion of a new buijlding aind here MrA Ganiey pointed out that the contrac- tors who- had been eontacted had put a 'prie oCf $U,000 Vo put up a building' the siane size as the present dam.. aged one. A larger bluild4ng would eost proportLionately more. The only grant available was a 25 percen t grant fori'omiLnuity Centres with a miax;imumi paymeaiLt of $5,000. Tlhe cost' of thýe trusses themns'elvýes was quoted at $17,4 O and itt was poinite-d ouit thalt lafof thie mletal mas Inot uisesable. WVheilnmoreifomtinisotan ed thie Arcrua oceyi'ed o ho,ýid a pliblic metin Voformnulate plans for (ither ,the rsorto ofhe BETTY CROCRER LAYER Cake Mixes ROSE BRAND pok "Ili Pickles 20 oz 2 for 63c 32' MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 1 DELMONTE Catsup oz btl 2-f jor 31 c 24 oz loaf 17e 'rPy 50 pack 45c, ls pkg 29c %t FRESIT SHANKLESS picnic style f reshï lean f resh, meaty freshb, meaty f- oFk Shoulders Pork Butt Roast Butt Pork ChIlops Pork HFockS Eversweet Bacon sitedailindiess Swift',s Premiumrr Franks lb cf E X TRA SPE CIlà,L!lP SiftsFul CoedPon ozjar 31Ic ozjar 41 c lb 39c lb 49c lb 53e lb 31c lb P!k£g 69c ,ello pkg 43ýý'c lb 53e Swlft's Peauuealed Cottage Roils lb 53C CORNISI'S R WieFood 14arket a residenit uperator does ilot re-quire a licenice if the size does not eiýceed 6 feet by 6 feet. ~Tht nmesh of amalseins szhould zot be Iss han onie and onteqare (114> )iinch extension measure butn nlieshi size restrictions apply .to dip nets. present buildinig or the constructin )f' a niew oneý. 1ECither- projeet needis hie support of' Vhe entire conimunity. A commnittee of Arthur MLrn Ierb Dvî,Anidy -McGill anid Don stfmles wa<ýs formed to v-isit vaiotis rijnks atid butildinigs lai the area to Jid h plans used, thie means of, con-, strucýtioni, the cost and the ineas b xvichl they could be hielpful a0n mt ter. what -n'as lonie Vo the 1rink in-, 0110. Trhe meeting ajuad Il 958 Seed List LESKARO NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins and Gail, Toronto spent the w'eekend w'îth M'r. and Mrs. A. Robbins. Gail cele- brated her lOth Lithday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Low, Osýhawýa, Marg-aret Everett and Staniley Ko- cPnucksi, Toront~o wit'h Mr. and Ms E. Green and flamiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Jfack -Merc-er and sn Orono, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnes vîithI Ur. adMrs. R. SutelIiffe. MJIu-h iruprove-ment lar roa4 on tiois l thse rralpars tili p]enty debted to thieinew Ro)ados, . %C.1 Stapleton for the ablewa he directedI road ,vork during the recentba SitrE. ks Dis. Dep. Pe~o Dt:tNo8,S4ý>ter- M. Pnttý Ï,-nniI Presidýenýt of R'Iebekauh Asso)ciationî, Ona , BoSe_ C.Mati, isDp gu ct f Ileath-er eekhLd o :ý3!, Oron-o, Tuesday, when the duties w-'er-e aiy cairried out !)\ the Noble Grand(, Sister . . Nielson Droewinig a coiaparison betw,1,11een theý1,1I years 19<50 aund 1957, the Far Ec- Omtics Branci of the Ontlario Depalrt- ment oýf Agriculture lias feund ta coaI1si derable imiproveet bt as beeni macle by thle Dairy RenImpovexen fi-.the On.tario (B'rooklynj Akýsoc- iatonnetreturas in 19-50 aeae a l'oss o/12 per herd, while in 1957 ths itsnt average re(_presented a giain of $1,599,. ro ciper (,()W lu 1950 wus 8,1t;8 lbs.an3 868 ibs. in 19ý57. Pound(s of conjIcentrate fed per cOw equivaient were 2,318 in 1950 and 1,922 in 1U57. MAIn hours per cow wvere 1à0 in 1950 and 8 in 19,57. lluadred we-IgWhts of m-ilk solId pe-r $100 investaient rouse fromi 10 in 19'50 t0 .15 in 1957. The '50 average iin- ber of milkilng eows per herd was 16 and in 1957, 219. The 1950 pricýe reciv- ed per hunidreid weight na $3.Î7 anid ithe .1557 priee S4..23, Ontario(orh Association shcow%- ed ani avenag-e kss per herd of $1,16i9 la 1950 and ian avlerage gaýllin fl 15 la 19577. Podc ion er cow in, 1950 was 995poonJs îidby 19.57 had in-' creased to '8,972 pojunds. Pounds o- cnetaefed' per (j,,vequ'leu l _1.l laý,5 195 ee22 and 1516, ila '57. la 1950 thje nuibr f nan hours per~ cco"x a1546, drop:,ping to 82 by 197. Hunidreïd veigh'ts of ml sold pe- $100 :jnvOtmuent ia 1950) were 10 al.*- this rose Vo15i157 ThIere arw59liairy Herd Inipruve- nietAso ain nthe Provirnce o'f taii. Most couaities in Soutlieri 01 naio-_, aitho gliOntarin ou- ty av ~ o These assocations avrer-~ age 24 lunijber's. g- ORONO % aÂp Tli h I.HOPI Sheet Metal Work Plumnbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittings Cutting and Threading Fire Extinguishers Selkirk Chimneys Open Daily .t B-11 Paints and Varnishes 8 a.m. to 5:30 P.m. R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Ph... IIBlI ROYAL G4rom ont. B owmanville M"A. 3 -5-)5 89 TIURSDAY TO AUDAMRC Delue Clorand îneascpe plu, Com-cedy sFotr 'PardonRy BY !BLED RITE, GLatît Citrus Sale Busigwith Flavor - Tihe P'ick, of the Mexican ÇCrop M4EXICAN ORANGES fuit o' flavour 5 lb bag'49C FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT large mie, seedless 6 for 33o LEMONS juiy ad 5aùg16 size doz 390 SWEET POTATOUS" Imported 2 lb 2.9C No 0WPrepared The 1958 Seed List jpn.epared h hG Field Crcps Brancih of the Oxtariê Departmient of Agricýulture as ai gui&e to hjgýh quallity seed oats, barley, ray beans, for!age, fIax, obacco and p,:- Vtatoes, is novn' available from the Bnanch, Parlamnent. Buildlin-gs, Tpei- onto, or froni offiýces f riutua The booietconainth 'lames and f01oundtin nd erifedSaled Vo- ited. ma l"s be had ) froAofie s fAg- son t cnaisfui. details of paw varieies;nîsohaysillge aInd pitst- ando sou types, as <veil recommn- ded cor Lbrd o 98 Thres pulctossevCa) eu SPE GIAL I SOLO IMARGARINE i 2bs53 N N s N N N N N1 N N N. N N N N N N N N. N N N N 'N 'N N N N s' N N N N s N s N. S' 'N N N N N s N N N 'N N. N 'N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N. N N. N N. N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N "N 'N N N N N N S' N 'N N N S' s s s N N s s', s 'N 15 s 'N N "N i HABITANT Pea Soup for 37c