41EI-HST 'aénL~y c dt] riAnne Hirst: I am a very dc womnan of 51, who for e'ars fias been a dicontent- tow, feeling thatl, ife wass nd me. Týhen 1Imet a mrani n, age, andi it is really like m cone true. We. have eiàg each other constant- over a year, and our love ýnpatibility increase al the le neyer goes snyw,,here m.ie, snd we are so coi- just to be together th at il we ask. you answer,, why don't *Perhaps thîs good man cau Sind a part-timne joýb that wili *not overtaýx his strength. (A *taik with his physician will be *helpl.) M\jore anid more emi- *ployers nowadays are conscious *of the needs of the partialiy *disablied, and more wilUing to *try them,, out. If you decide * o marry, the sale of his hom'e *or yours wvould provîde a nest- *?eg against 'the future, *Don't be seif-conscious about *money. Let ail your frienlds *z know- you want to augment *your income. (The la-ck of *money is one of the most p)opu- *lar conversation topîeeey *where today.) ManiyCouples *are living on an ineomle they 'U would have laughed at a dec- *ade ago. They, have lowered *their, standard s. true: but they *believe in tbem-selves snd *each other and have enough i o-ve and uinderstanuding to be, *as you two are, happy in just *being togeffber. *Attack the problemr with ail *your energies, sud leave nô *flildunexplored. With courage *and your native îintelligence, *you may be amazed how soon * you both succeed. 1l hope so. It * is a shamne that two nice people- * so well suit'ed should not be * together. Good Iuck! Whateýer the weatherj in ouir perticuier locality -- yours and ine- - theýre ia no reasan ta assumne it wili be thie rf tweuty miles away. Or even le-ss, One day Partner and 1 weivt ta see Johuny, wbose f sr-m is on1y ten miles from here. It might have ben flfty. Far more snowv aud icy roads. We found Johnuy very busy -- and very glad to Sbc al-ive. Ile almiost wasn't. lt's thne same old story. lHe nDd a regsteedHolstein buldl. "NSo nec-d to be afraid of hlmn," John- ny uised to say, "he(-'ll neyer hurt anyoue. He's so quiýet I can Cleanl out, his stali andi work around him lîke he wasý an old cow." T!'len carne a day whecn it was necesssry to let th-e bull ouIt into, the barnyard. Suddleuiy. wiïthout warning, thte bull turn- ed on him. It was oniy because' Johnny was sbjft to get bebinid a huge post in the baruyard that the buill missed him oni the first lunge. Fortuniately au iron îcrowbsr was within rescli sud Johnuy usedt it to beat thie bufll over the head, sud ieni, somne- bow or other, lie ianaged tla et bac!- to the safety 0v f the- cow stable. Johrn-n is yOunlg auld Strrug sud by .good iuck was able toý deal witb the ituation. Bu, what chance wýould an older, leý1-s agile mnan have bhad under simIlar crustneFermera- have been warned time and time aga-in neyer to trust a buIll BLut in many cases the buill bas bee-n rsisedi from a cî and the fermer and bis son, or hired hoblp, think tbey k&w il the, an:imal's moodis and farcies. Tht, outcome isn't elways as fortuý- nate as it -,as in Jolhnuy's case. Johinuy, thanks be, la stil! albive -tsthe bull t1hat's dead. A',- though he wa-v:,s a registened, w-ell-bred anim-allie was Sent ta the stockyards. Weli, I viinl quite a dif- ferntloajtythan this ls week. 1 spent two days withý fr*--Iandsý- in Newmarke-t. 1I-went bY bus. It "Tas finle when I l'eft aeend in Toronto. But by the time thie buis reached Ridh- mond 'liii it wass storminig 1lue a youing blizzard. The saine-at Newmrke. Nxt moruing thereý- wI a or-otsnowdrift Cov- erîing pcoplýe's lwsand every- one1-1was ottSbovelliug a path for' the postmani. MY frieuds îused tao be farrs hu'blt ow ithey have asml store and a niceý comnp, ctfanrd (onvien.Theyv use-t ict buk! or a stonebos lu te contry 'wit 1a sall1 acreage bttnow, ý ýbeinig pat m-liddl e 1if e, hey are content with a house snd business that ,gbt.,-s ther mqmximumlY returns with a minimum of effort. That. ,s their choice. H14ere is a horse of ano tber colour. When 1 got homne Indaletter -for us Prom Dufferin eounty-Ontario's snowbelt. It told of buge drifts; of ïhovelling a path to the barni every nmorning-and then beyv- ing the path fIl ln within an hour or two; of how glsd tbey'fl be when winter is over; bow hard il wss to keep the-,hyuý wsrmi without a furnace, andi eouielujded by ssying they were cxpeeting baby chicks early in Marduci! he rougchest month of the winter in our estimation,.In' summecr -we kxow the air and sceniery is lovely in flufferini couinty aànd it is probsbly a good plaice to be lu wivnter too-on fv rms wvhere the cownersý are in the ir prime sud possibly have. every couvenience, tut we cari- not see that it is a favourable location for a couple getting oul in v7ears. We certi-nly couildn'ýt take it.1 Yiesterdsy wss quite a, hsppy occasion for us. Our chiîdren, and grandehildren had a dinnrer for us in honour of our 401h Wedding Anniversary. Just a f'amrily afair but quite a cele- bration. Forty yeat's ego wve coufld't foresee that a day wouldC corne when we would hanve the joy of celebrating our marriage wtha rnarried cdaugh- ter sud ber husb-ïid andtia mer- ried son sud bis wife, plus four smrall grendsons . , , thr ee walk-. Ing and one only four montha, old. Dee had gone to a lot of trouble-there was a fice e di uer, anuiverssry cake and a bou- quet of lovely red carnations --ca-rnations like Partuer gaveý mie forty years ego. Tihe ti1 boys couldn't ctuite understand wh71aithti party wss al a1bou t but tbey were ail well sud en - joying il anyway. Eddie- is the star performer when it cornes to niischief buit he has suci a ro>guLish way with him that ev- eryone l-oves him-. Ross is run- ning a close second for gettïngs into things. Dave, of course, i quite a ,ittIeie mn-after aillie is four years aid and goes t nuarsery sciool! Jerry is the' "gocod" baby--laugbs ,ýau-d coôS at %evroue who cones erouud. It was a very cold dsy-zero around heire-but the roads were good andi the car warm 50 il didn't secm to m-ratter. We c-ë tainiy don't envy our friendsi Flrd.Some people have È- Kick In The Pants Saved King's Life Peopie have been pyigrent, since tirme immemnorial. But in th-e past some tenants wr lucy; heydidn't hiave to pay For exaniIleS t h e ancient family of de là Mare received aný estate from- the kingI on cn ditio.n that they supervised the large band of Àomnen camip fol1- lowerS Who aiways acconipan-ied the king2's retainers w7,,heiinoh coGurt travelled about the coun- tryside. Eveia stranger was the F'rench-'Ï k-night who foug!it bcsid --hi kzingI in a battie againstth Turks. The king- was unhorsed snd lay on the grouind, heolp- ýess in hi& h'eavy armiour. At that momnent, an enemyv troopeýr aimied a spear at the mnonarcli. The knight sa;wth danger. He gave the king a tre- mnendous kick fromn behind whlichl r-olled himo clear of the spear, After the battie, the king - warded the knightý withi a surn of moniey and anj estate in La, ,Yendee renit free. Once a ye, the knight used- to hord a feabst at 'whh e solemnilyý went.. through tfhe mnotions o-f kicking, to show his gratitude to the roy-al tandIord. .Actuall1'y, th-ere are stili om strange rett paid, evern in 1958. Down in Corniwall, for example, one old, womnan liveýs ln a cottage'I ini return for c1leanidg lher !and- lord's windows once a week. The agreement was fna~~ drawn up by a so-licitor near F'almouth, ~and the cl auses included one whereby the wvindoicws must b cleaned iater every south-east- erly gale becaues then the spray., comies over7 the cliff. In the same counity, a retired sailor occupies a one-roomnedi shack iu returu for a ver,, strange rent indeed. lis job 1:' to awake his landiord - who lhves across the way - by ring- inig the front door bell at five o'ciock every myorniing., No agreement was -signed foc this deai which was mnade at the village pub, in the presence of PAPER MATE ln Columbus, Ohio, Gertrude '9111 asked the Citizeni and the Dispatch te withhold listing of her i il or divorce, bec,.auseý she wsshdldtri deliver ea le-cture to a churcli group on Give a woýman an inch and she'iIl irnmediately startr- dýucing. ready corne homeQ but we have i.i-ipgh-bours who rented tLheir house furnished for four mnonth,, The-y are really stuck. whether thiey like it or not.ý And Part- ner's brother flew to England lest i Sunday for a couple of weeIks. He landed into rougbi wTeathLer too, with a mll-d ear th - quake thrown ini for good mes- sure. O)n the whole, homne seems a preýtty good place to us. What do you think? Pep up your wa,ýrdrobe mud youjr spirits withi this prettyï easy-sew style tiat bas a seb beart neck inc front, V - back Choose a drip - dry cotton thai does't need iron;.ng--enjoy tbk Priuted Pattern ail year arouuLi Printed Pattera 4730: Misse Sizes 12, 14, 16, là, 20. Size i< takes 5%à yards 35-'înh. Prlnted directions on eacl pattern part. Essier, accurate. Send FORTY CVENTS (0 (StaMPF cannot be accepted,- uu- postal note for safety) for thi patterui. Please print plainIy SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLI NUMBER. Send order t'o ANNE ADAMS"ý, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St,, Neie Tcoruto, Ont. ily just ai much a part of the tango as footwvork, j#dging by lhe wayv Abbe Lane and Paul Valentine, go at it. Thley wr rehearsinig for parts i àanew mnusical, "Ch, Capýcain". IT'S TH&~ SAME SUN-Establishing îheir own beachheadrs, Kay Kayse, left, ond Pal Johnson i'ndicate a difference of opinion wïth regard to headgeor at Cyprus Gardens. Kay, a Florida girl, prefers a sweeping somnbrero Io keep the Sun awoay. While Pot, fro.m California, wears practiccilly no bat at a;l. INGERR ~W. -z&--otir-ýe P. Cttôcke Modemrn Etiquette. by Roberta Lee Q. Wbien a g-irl i- 'witb. lere escort at a table flu a niighîtclub> and she wishes to leave to go te the powder room, what la th.X proper tbing for her to Say? A. "Will pou eycipse me"ii sufficient. Q. 1 kinowhiv s not a "must, but If a girl wilhes to give her fiance an engagement gfwa should ih be? A. Usually some piece «ý jewellery - cuff links, key> chain, tie clasp, cýigarette cas*, or liiter. Four-S eason Style PRINTED PATTERN