21, Number 6 Ororio, Ontario, Thursdlay, Marchi 20 Pare TPhe Jnrnior Choir'to-k their place -in tàhs -tcoir lot tan~d sn V ean- hesalig \vtj l l-inLa hesing- .ing of the hyna. The arnthems wr -Breathie- aoanue Breath «f God"; ,,ye gate s ifL up- your -sdeon wli~"a-i 'qncline 'Phirue Eari." ALirg- ,renting the musical potion of thec zaeeicee us the Orouo figh Sc<lool GlIes Ciubibo- i wene fseateciin 'he, Vasceps of the ehuri. Tîhis op sa;;ng tùwa spirituaLS: 'l, od 1 ane~'sd "ClimibiLx' up ithe motmtain -Chlln" cTiuy aiea. nený12dec wQan- heis"Fraise we sinlg Vo 'Ue"byl -1sri and "Lord f IT-V tncs ,Iereies sake", by Farranci. llothimirsicai groups rw ted,, by Mr. Joahn Fard. Miss Vaena Capping-,1 due vennifservice r-i Cl Vite hi. Silews Vsmiss MryFounci -r-I arpueand lead is pr-ny- Th spej(aker for hes - ilýhii mi~.also a meG 1 ta s-a cieoan Ctve pai r t inVre iVh pulpit S- r- scthb, gUt-lpe O10 tie oug hARNESS--POR-TE cnd ctW rsh p- ,~W T~ Aetng ry- prety ibsavqiet we0tingÊ% on ucW osip topIlace aet e Orona United Oýroflo ~ oF TPhe Mandh im'L>ting Of tihe W-omen's Çhurch on Fémar 220n, schen Chi niian w ne Uni-on -was held Martir nAnne PSrtegas bord Suos Un t ed C fu ch the Sundayjchool Auditoriumaon anmi AMm. IPonte «f An on, OntAi,! de ei'l-\ ateriioon. The presidaent, W5 ultO l' 4fr a 1.- -Q Cbgbtblec Mfls. Walsh, wymnenwecithe nmeeting a11111lv F). lgrnessq m o n àN. and 8901NIE EWS Y ,ngîng se -rdEastser hynis. 1Mrs ýi lIetAabsmm-f O#no. RW .-E. BKUWNIL tir~~~~vv. ~ ~ a splendid Dev-otion- Éonigo~ffieated.Thrguametn «fhsWA anne-t TheCid ehse . seutlanth scabedonannsiaoiâ ai "Thie Caininon-place aiugs wih Tehid hs -tret1gh a-hl T-d- th 5 ladies;ean LOur imeeting mwas opened cji the Jesp1s" from tCle 2&th. chater ofcress «f naivy lace over taffeta. srti pese t. It stai ed alt 12:30 it~h au Tnitv~ Faîr-y Ringý,. We tlhen went'into ou- mcw llsn 'ihpryr hite acessories and a corsage of liuoeQ-hich wa greatly enjoyed ,eRc patrols, marked attendance andi to-ak a eppd~dly~ip red Prsebuds.ilrtenntasis by all poesnt. Avt Me dcos-e Q -Vh s-Pyfu up Fairy Gol i npection was thÀi ami dt'ho. minutes were appraveil Jean lanes -aiho siý%as ilna a uieeonMrs. Druiinjond lead ths, the lprie marked. psjread. The annual reports erre al! street length dreas of pink crysta ét eaina naneSe edaps ke thei Cheryl Cooper îeceived han, Skaier'l.~pp 1h31 ithe difflrent superin. m- itlh navy accessor-ces an-d a corsage o ag f seripture ftr Lu-ke's gospel aet badige andi her 11hree Year seirVice dent~s. It -was- dlecided ta h,ý-l t heSil4- of elhite roce iiAs. verses 85-42-4e, and i iade suitaible thankeci Star. ver. Iedal Ga)ntc-st on Apnil 25t1h aM A0ting as lbest main was Mr. -Afrsd1 'coinlitsfron each verse saying qe o -r e.dif1erent -oii-.iittees wsre tpioin- Hainess.- - Çsodinpsofor tausthretaensni The Br-q nieswmretlhen divided; q -The coople will resîda i Actonlu-1 teest. She gave a amessage fror >j r juta tikres groups for ts wrk 1 ,- ouejegiaueswere appointed wVo znia. .-. . Presbyterial, that thene is always a The mu îiP-,i1 for aiý wé, ni.ae , ,,dlprayer. Games were liayed<V he etigWas4 nd the -Couint 1y Conveiitionu i ~ nuir rc olymr O cl-ossci wieh Frayer -and Tape, Wuty Annle -f"hh o" a .such as aid nylons, nmen's trouses,1 byCsVhYn Hoe cards wer-e neaci froni tho-se ha,11 ltuL S*C1w cosdlýedeotiaaiwthhpa~er- x recei.veci "G .'Well cards dandy- IaChaj ani lyeV Sund-ay afternoo- i as Wih M-meyls rernuemlurances ac hn -Plnning CoId Cord CercM¶rny t1h i - o hymL,"is+.en i and m.I<roy-amiltan ,were Mrl._ p il. W-ls1t<hua n ei-y inter-esting -Mse eeht. andi Mvrs. CharIles R. 1rust and -Lyiu 1 Ciip sh-tonInfraiv ats r ihe Local Assoito fteGr uelde e- hsbsly ~g of Toronto, aceamnpanied h-y the fo- Aca-ollEdixcationi. The mneeting ,va-s Guicles met, or- desly. ~~ifg c uqitn all h adgaf mrsbrother and wife, Mr. anci -rs- kisnuiisseci with hyman 101 allid the~ lasV wek at tÈehe qa,ýocý,sz.-A-. L. Donatld Prust of BrinLanEg lirs Pirayer- in uniisri. Ho-ey. Mrs. - oý-ih3V-ttiCtalyte _________________________________________________Ca-gmissionie-, prés-icied. At 2:30i the business -was conductezl Mys N. -Alin anud I.Is.H. -CObbl- b iese, Vi-s.flAle.-ii Sc h ol robJ ni ace l'w .dick snewekrite ast~ewme erspaut -fho-met as oponied hy al 'S ho Àr-o -. a e ýTw - o.f the Assoclation. There we-e rine si,iging bs xV4. themte sang.,- M L.s. - s ý,Djci t ga ai e ,iues f sFb Ms. A. L. Hoovy%,,ir-Ual meigaî-a Mr-s. ilooey,ICor- Pa- s To Purchase New brader jVrsurer as 1Urs. C, Týr qineci dt ards.Mr-s retiP ' 3(spo.ndýinýg Scsayrepori sni four_________________________--"____a.1ha ing TÂe o<nsi f Clarke Coun-cil 'Ihisection thaIt seVwiitidrw jrt odtor i me'h i l 'on.p c ~r-ec~rprsc akblneo of last wekanci frot thbe area shoulc hvesonim e - Lr-clîio ïiec~~ ~il~l~- 4-0 wver-e ýonifroa)tecli wi-Vha heavy schied- ser1. Tar-s fetDeuyre e asinvite-ci Vo attend'this êeenuMony11-nl issPeouai an;n(eunceci the IPr-es- nie- for- the day. Foreost o)h-l-iakynov n r-e- et e-tr Untc hueiiudI il~i eilmetig ou e bed 'Dan gram for ù,discýussion twa-s the proloded that no actionibe taken aol ddtrimil irl r Joan l n p-l2t n h n-a ofrec poo f tue. 2,Almeb (, f cn-frasect-ionýs 1, S a-n-i 9 (Por)t G-rhïrc oni S&l.'--.- -Ari 8h cel espesit DueotaUhsexnsie Antiod-h aad Locýk!ats) tawiLhdraw n cpil 1t t JctinHal,,w~ ddeittwewldhv agnaCouinci l met agin on -ed-,fio h ahpShol are.nlaTpoonto, tlhe ghcI wlL, Iî . .... le aao-aubr vpr floeib neda, ari 9th iV, o umplete their tngon thîs l moi o oly Walkey ýGO:ic Col- clertific-ates 6m. rs,____ bulsineLSs. l 1Dent su-ppcoted i iVwitihr~hs'0Oý-r KilrfcaVr Letîa,-Gv Mn.C. . oi-esPulicScholcnitmints bejing rade ,,eRe eor ie Vtibi s-reoyalgliD r inper, w p.ntA.tPtheies-t-d l -eci he mati-on defe ieci. ec iu for-, p -y-ar ing ad dicussd svtb cnuci phaes issr-s. Art Lowe and ,man Qwaan-thsmeoau- 11~ i i- . - ~ i z.__ M. Lintnwiflbe thue con-j -- -- usent nu~~~~~~~~~ en-rp,-&onaacn nnpa-uio oi~ 1sciuuricjIr nd bIems. Ilse polxtec ,i outo thre counicîil Vwere pe d na-t has-) that in 19,58 theis wouGld lue an in11- cd Vhs [l-u ged illehs- cue-as n-in nna gato-thre mark -C" exmi-feor schora ai he Ta-a p a-d thatI rouf, a- ge theur ita this mer-case would a nantVoares or-sllurch. ti-ated $11,500.Ü00 aven that «f 1957., ___ a adil cases schools will1 recel-vs an ýe was Mviss iceaeigrant due- Va thsenceaeinD la ùrgian exths Pseentagý of tdue grants, la Vie LG wer-Mal- Or-on-o sclihoal the- increase will be tVo' - Baralaîl 51percent fr-arn 40 perenrt and tire .sdlii Auwrrzi-um b y Vi enui fheYouing l'e ple %vho took part îla ýIchir inist siuesul s;ervice. Durkham Farmn Management Met Il re.Hal On Tuesdayafeon a Firm Mn ugemient Grop eeting w.as held ïn! ce Oronc. Tow.nship Hall. George Me-! Laýughlin of' Beaverton was the gue st Abo ut 25' district farmners attendec 4nie meting wvhich wals spoFsiored! jntly b, the Duian- oaunty Farn ManIagemen(I!t 4issociation andi theIDe- pirtient Iof -AgrIcultUve. BilM Alliiri <iaired tlhe meeting and outlIined the future plans of the or- ýganization. The in4poitance of gooci Far mana~ogement and, buslgetin)g was[ (Continujed on page 5) rtal grant f -lI,6711j22, r-v1 19,58 is4es 'h is, he, c.c $18,841.85 or 52pecn. - trsfi Otirer sebools ta enjoy thVhincrea- 195, az ssci grant ar-e Vhs Lakesbore acho-al, tn"Or-il 62% $,90.021; Br-o-wn's 81% $7,4 CI2. Mar'ket Crooicsd Creeku5% $2,674.18S; Star-k- 1-30,0-00 ville 5% ~7~2 Kfiby 50%,, $1,-. estimiai 606.9Q; Lsskare 8, 1%$7,742 î7- Co- 170,000, anville 781, $:2,507.40; Onir 79%e $2,-1 At th 3U)8.08; Eut-Vsi 1e 81%$2,196 *62 an-,ci Boarc Cier-ke Uion Mi% $2,P8,3.taVie Messrs. Johni Kimbrall, Hoar'Plit d' E1iliott anciErnest \Wet>ter ajp-!tors abc pr-a-ashed council anci again pointed ian ta Out tirat maury ln scboal section uu- 'ialm bne nswere stll desinous af ,wijh- vuiug1 drawing fr-onu hs Tow,ýrsh$ip -chool A10 ar-a andI Vo le- set up as an indiviriua A&Y section, The Reeve polateci-. )ut tIrat Al final asiniroval hac n-t been TeC'ei-7ed Are-agi broni Vie Depatment of Edu=atin fareag wlich was passed sônuetimýe ega by tat a9 tire Towriship Cunacil. hta Consideraible disetss-ior, nevolvP.d a- round,-tbe Tcw Shiip oaci ,Area andi it, was voiced that the raitepayers -ai' Three Candidates Regist&r At Officiai -Nomi'nationi On ;Monday eifternoan at two 0 '- general eleoetîia fü 19-5-7 four cni _-rJack hs Offiiai Nomination for dates -wer-e la Vie a nuing ia he, Dur..- Caxdjdaesco)ntesý4inginluthre- greral ha-m GouiiVy r$ling. This l-eip election Va -be be-Iion Mýar-h 3>9lst finde oniy tiý r iires. Last year ai cIns u Dur-em GCounty Vires sain- Social Credit candidlate was te fouirtir di-teregistered and these reprer-ent contesVeruV. - .tib ~ Conset'vative, Lbr-iand CCF Tirh~ a puer~fv-osf- h pate.ca-ming eIeection has ujnofficiau.ly in-ï ~The- officiai canulicistes for- tire- CI- cresed aver t1lat(«f 1957. Lir 1957, ze-ianý.e a-ne Dr. Perey Vivian, physician, Vile-e w-aý 20,579 voters on the of- 'Fort Hope, for thre Cone 1ive fici sbt. 'Thlis year on the una,ýfficial t an an rd-aadu of (unofîîlyc , . --ga , oI Eo e s Den, H-- f a- iîot1 ier r- JW5'ti~-4 0oofor the OGF's. Inti evatens. Full Base Acr~ )r 1958 Flue Tc f tull base Vreg-aad1 ge ad uiaeus ines d Iast wek by 4ih On-! ei Tohacea Gvwes ir-c, will Seeai record li*own la 195 With an1 ituotion of rirons liban per cent «f the Voal eau lx' piantecithes ing Vo 45 per- çentý One snring kl ih s'ix acres Icf a Appllicattioniis for-f be in he haniids (.-ýi uceag_e jmetjing -betweeaVh I1,andi- buyiinjg ecampa ns-pe"ressa- 1 Tillsonburg on Ttresdayq, a Sac- opei betwveetuBoiard di r-e-promise wheth-sr Vo re-ciuesproduis- pbor-e Per- ce-rutCaf base acreage. ioe Jes Gr-ay brirke tire tby- Dires- full a-creage. r-sage r- orn tabassoaeareag,-e ighits an r-vo aul alarug hs oll-o-wing l-.(s:1 en" ),Awners may bring thir-r Amn 45 per ent «- f tihe;ir totalnewhr sge. Oder fanms W'th aver ýisiumen- ut «f acreage- nigl'A 'Y If -nta-lo ni. Multiple fa-r-n 0 n5s -uns comlrpulte a 45 pe-r n-t List ýf thre a 0e1g a- al their n-an Iu tIre 'pu-ses Tickets Nowl T his F Id v se date f ive aé ~ç-itdi tii Union ar-e s-pansaring a pli ng ut -wýhiclu ths thenue w -ectow )%arcls issues la the ing federad lcto.Theri whio e-er-ensis iinvited alyfa-r-ers from the ae-i tihedcounty, is bi» 1g ed i bip I~X, ~O cc anme-ne] in duhe âtennoon.ll Snethis 1is a alii,ilý hiese cand iats ueee atenild villi eýak to, ic.o- l". \ ,: P Vivic. ( tat, a e will sommer-ne at 2:00 c I Ta~wnsirip Il-ail, Oroura. Televised I ftD Vn UBU ~ Newsweel< Thie DnamCa)uinty nidurg w-Vas Tor-vship HEl ouig'rt a hsforie on Sunday e-yen!- 0cV sL ta-I wer ato macde fri-îm ridîIngs in Que- Inla Vhe Town Df Port llopE bec iiAnd- rom i-British Cohmnbia. The COnservýative ad L$,>,j ra cr program wz c1dsigned to gNve across along itha supprerwr view o«f tile $ortlieomin,,g Donnii3o ý7 ~I~t~o. flOl4 iewd.These cand4ýdaï-es, of wi-ve DrP. Vivi'ap, M.P. mid Miu hIcomiection ItlhDurbamno, t lonythe Libet.dal sandard blx 7 , re cnd*,ts-,hoar cntet- W;I-ile in Port 1Hop-e th.ec 1 11, thie favour ot he vv-tersý, werejva urnoied t a nIme o imtervie-wed by -Mr. J. Minie; of te was,t -numhCir «fi ýCjCý included were hréeerepre- dulsr sonc ar44i4ig -,eblm the town. vwý,s as ,tthle reasons thiey holdii s'p ti he party of t'heir choice. Durham Cou cy w sen blFrom u,V Vlage Jf Orono Mr. E. of ils t ' pilai nýrï)ýàý,t Dent anldMi, . J Norton. were in- diversffied i ieresLs in L(~ erewdby Mr)MI% fe Acrw nd amIIIl ZisrMi. ?Xinln ofcameramen and aSo IIe to a ci due ta uthe slîm najrt tap-reordngsacco aniied the ina. M.P., Durham isa pvtl tiwes.The omera adSoundi bas zswitced Thom par.vty o eqipetwas seipOutside he trgh Lit its eitne îjHigh SchoFÔ1 Expenses RKisc its Lower L reniient in taihr'sal en uaisec fr-ont 20 O-3ý ages, i IVl -cped, wil-l ta it Septeiibr. Trarasportc.tion Cn.. rw briglut sp ,e propose-c o-rn $21,2-515 _____ --- - icommerrnces ---t 6~:30 On Saturcay «f lest wA.eh ticke-Vs qt t andda, 1 went on sale for hs, Oran-,o-itentd-i ng cPatered ta bý iats Basebaýil banque,-,t anci- grand Kiriby r-viraa-r-e -ue- 4 wf-i$20;fl0:0 in cash. Inied>ýate ca--haani wo respanse wa-a eevd for lai-s Pro- 'm-ais. ject and t etpr-esis- teuea-er oan huni- dre4 tLickdbs haii een sold. phere is a Tickets are availa ets bel g solc f-or titis af'la r O' h tai Tc- will ae place ont Thuirsday, Apnil Obtaint-ci at ROIph'ýs l Otir li thre-To-w.nsýiip Hall, Orono. PlnV ated -assist Orono- in pier The eniiigs' entertainment In thte leagu'e a-a.iri- as uoppsed t9a-r hpm I-Withc)ut tirs i i Qiieei'-s Psc'kt 200 t t000 andl tis ye ý00 ta] $315,000 if the ennual Jreinainieciunchra ,of 26 ri killis )mIst ýb(