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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Apr 1958, p. 7

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èRoNo 'WzFà,kL; s1ME -SmalI Portion 0f Clarke Likely In Central Conservation Auth. A Ueetinig to vote on tne proposed frmatiiz'ion of a Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, in Darling- tonr Tovnship Hali, Tuesday af'ter- noonl, was aldjourned until T'uesday, Ma.y 20 at 8 p.mn. to allow represent. atives f-rom 10 municîpalities to pre- set a report to their counýcils fo>r study. This men(eting rwill also) be held in HanrnPtOn. The meeting was adjoixrned oni the, m i4of Reeve Walter Beath of East Whýthy ownslh'ip. Aid. Christine Thomas of Oshawa agreed ýwith the' motion pointing ont it would be better if the ýrepresentatives could report to their respective councils before being nrsked tô Vote. Municipalities rpresented -were: Oshawva City, Bowmnanville, Whitby, Ajax. Daýrlngiton) Township. Reach Township, Ciarke Towns.hýIp, eer i'ng Twshp Whi*t;y Tuýw-nshAj- andi Whitby Tcowýnship Eaýst. Two-hrd ofthie repj(--entatives.i t>t ot'roing May '20 meeting must pass a resolution requesting the Mîrister of Planning and Develop-ý ment Io establîsh an, autho-rity in the, watershed area f it is the desire eof the m-uniicipali.'ties tori such ean atoiy liNgs BeCiD2 Mark )s.). Less than, 4 per cent graded -y" and "extra h'eavy." It is evidient that hog producers Teo Fat1 generally are net feeding their ho ge te over-weight jùst tbo find a market for grain. Butit ie equalily evident that the hreeding stock used, or the Canad!ian liog produicers mnai keted feeding methods followed, or a co>m- 2,ý248.,00O grade Bi hogs tfrough in-- binLtion of the two, are not prodling spected packing plants in 1A67. This the type of miarket hog that bias the was .41 per cenft of the total of 5,400,-, proportion of Jean meat to fat re- ,t4[)6 hougs marketed ý12Iroug~h the.se quired to provide a large percentage Plants. of top or A grade carrcasses, aithoughi they are mrketed wvithin the rtequired1 Hac the BI hogs graded as A',, wight range. More Jean -meaty hegs, they would bave brought $5, 62)000, are required itJhe fo)od market plac-, more to the farmers wbo raised them 'es if pork productsa re te, retain Coli- A sug'ested levy for thne preosed j 1. more per hog mi goverosmer ti l athoityshows ilhat the City of 0-1-,premîums and $1L50 more per hog0 U awoud py aproimaely60 erthe average difference in price by tq, SBEGINNING NEXT MONDAY wof the cposts. h IC Peg cnt O thc osts.processors for- Gradë A over GradeB And Cootinaing For Pe PaIacce 0f 1he' eek Bwa~lWhithy tonship ani The 21,4 million hogs that sold q 7 ast \Whit y township -.-ar 10perý f1r nt wit'hin 'the authori'ty. Their total giade B! insteail of Grade A dids for several reasens-too fat, too tJWi ~ C na a' c~ rate t i~ug Sa e lv on bu iprxmae 27 pe-r nitorghorsowgcl 0n C afadahe coats.Dugoff type, faulty shouilder, loisc ~ Niety-ix ur cnt f DaI.igton f two o moe skin, or a coinh(inlatio a.n ~ e asiwni~j woîdbe Vwithlin the nuthA! ort nd Daingo wudpa p ô prximaely )0Ïpe cen of thýe coss. Ofil these reasons for tihe owe Onl y smal otionis of the rem-nainî1ng gadhouer Too Fat"Nwas b ~ O N E n unicipal ities wold ie witin th far tihe ma-jor- fault. Out of the nearl w Y ý1~Uthority. Theýy are Pickerin.-!10 per 214. million carcasses graded Bl, oe cen; Raci, pe 'ent Cink 4 er541 pur cent, or aýibout 1,21P,000 cai cent. Thuir levy would bu osdr-cse did so only because they cei ab1y amal. . .H, Loyweriy, representa- ried tee miuch fat. They were withi otive for Clarku Townishr1ip, was at ùthe the -wight limnita rlequired for grad i.. EIf u2stablished, the auhoiy ould skin, and were good enough in th ver an area of 264 square miles. l shonder, loin ani hainte haveý, grade The area would incelude the wt.ater- ,as A's, just tee mach fat-fat t1w (Ioshed.s of the Lynde Creek, Oshaa had to lie trimmed- off, vhere p(>ssib U 1) ~Creek,Bo anle Creek and other and .sedd as lard at 15 to 20 cents P uy any une of hundreds of Onie Cent Sale Itemns for the regular O treamis wTî the auth-ority. pound, instead of as bacon, haw. pric au get~uithe jus lie i for ony If resh pork at fromn 45 to 80 ceints O Boundary of thne authoiY would pound run fenthe hgetpoint ,of 'and_ 0 ýw N T 1 east of Carruthe:', Ci-eek, east te The olci argument, that marketin O N E C E N Tax;no titee ise ndar e al gaintoaî cainnto idfor atheau n jx ethe en str aeseaa ostehayV uliyfrteh eted of (la-ke townshilp, and grade 1ti11 provides a market f( ~ towslipand wvould include thse soubli- elsewhere, dees niot aspply in this cae W,ýateh lfor your One Cent Sale Bihllu the mailenms wat,,rsheds rfý Rea.ch towfl. since thlose BI hogs were wvýiCthn.c thship clos teete A. rade wýeights,. It Wo 8 ths wek-en 13thehil proportion of fat to l10 t) ~~~ f1 ~ The federal govermet asure meut that !1argel themjndI o ruentî t~ et sp a upr .e misil grade of he hogs, rather tihan wei'g1. STYRRELL'S DRUG STORwE flattoit nLedprt tofria- o h o P .. 1 8 efl etir f sales fo)r t'ne de Haviland that ovur 70 per cent of tihe liog îbkhoiAe rcraft Conmpany ofCanadLa madeg -S aada ln 19M7 were witi Sthe proai. 1the wiit jrange of g zide A (140 t pl. b.d fcmlly nidiçgI i t e Iocoin up N e needed titra ôdermn ...S othaeborol gfoa ar1 Wan 1 make somie spe-cial mi-ajor Pur- chýase? Need monley for taýxe-or b meeta fdmiy cergecyPersonal !bans 10 hlelp C, cpet eel ut suICl)itIuaions are bcling jrWde byh the chartered banks every day. no 'r lt asking a favour Mien youi visit .,l i bank t o arr;ange a pc~nal loan. The hianager wcomo;es opportunUtes 10 Malte Sans, repayabileout of earnings in cnein ntlnns And aI a charte-red an, eu- analay couint 0on privacy and cutosconsid!er- tion, whether you are arranging a bani or using oth er viluable services thie bank provides. ent , sunmer Laccesptanice lIn 4he face of as1 strong competition from beef and t'ne poultryý producta. BI An-offiial o\ cNa.mara Con- assrrion Com-pany Lîmited, Menay1 so aniiounicedl the coinpany lias been giv- iir, en three eontracts totalling $3410,000 er by the- federa g-overnmený-t for dreldg- ýr i]g l harbors i Oshawa, Whitbyan on Port Hlope. b y3 hn Cu"M Ide'ty ut- Quality Phtone,13, hat ~"' or . 11Sec Need For Stricter ýEmioQrcement 0f Iiog By-Law The Or'ono Police Trustees have had brouglit to their attention that a numn- ocer are not keeping their. dogs tiedj 1up as is s'tated in the duog hy-aw which is ini force in the Village. Thia siiackening of controlling dogs by the owners can only mean that a, more strict enfontcement of the by-law 'wil! corne into effect and dogs will have to bce picked rip. =1 PHONE ORONO 14(W0 MRS. S. B. RUTTHERFORJI aoperatvei 7I Orwfo Servi.. Dear Friends, Members anti Cwstomers: Now that we are settled ini our new Mill and warehouse, office and store, we invite You unie anad ail to drop in and see us at auy time w hether yen want te buly Or simply inspect 01àr new buildings. and stOck. We wotldd like to acquaint you wth thse many services and, geods we are hatndlînig. In the first place cornes our Grinding, Mixing aud Rollng our customers' grains. We can give you real fine service on' these at a miunimnum price. For instance we grinti and mix a ton of yosnr grain for only $3.00. Another service trhat we are very proud of is our delivery service, we are as close to you as your telephoine. Phone your or<lere. W-e acecept collect calle for orders. We have Western Whole Grains, Wheat, Oas, Bariey, aise Oat Chop, Barley Chop, aud ïfred Chops. 24 andi 32% Dairy anhd Beef Concentrates, Hog Concentrates andi Poultry Concentirates te msix with your own grain. in balanced feeds we have for hogs: P'igstarter Kruins, Pig.. starter MasIs and Pigstarter Pellets, Hog Grower and Hog Fînisher.. For Chickens. Chick Starter Kriims, GrOwniash andl Gtow Pellets, Lay ,Mash and Lay Pellets, Poultry~ Stimulator Krurns, Poultry Booster Pellets and Poultry Worsusg Pellets. For Cattle: Dry and Fitting Ration, snd 16% I)airy Ration,, Linseed Oilcake and Beetpulp. Besides our Col-op line of feeds we also carry a coniplete huàe Of Pllrilas Feeda. Quinte and Ce-o p Cattle amd Pig Minerais, Co-op M1ilk RZeplacer, Salt - Wý,hite, and Cobalt, in blocks an100 lbs. 1Josanl for dairy farina sanita-tion. Fertilizer. A cmplet1e liti of Ste1c Fenicing", Barhed W'ire, WovNe Wr Fne.Cjee Fne.Iog FuIoce, S'teel Powsaand A comnplutu- linerof Grass Seee, îax" and No. 1Fac Tijnothy, Ranlger, Grilmm and Veral Aalfa, Engl'sh nnd Ontarlo Doube Cu.Re sCiov rad or o c-n (Co.op SpeuciaI lixture (1/2 AI- falfa, 2 oRud C*oie and130% ii ',th ). e iea , ts his yuar for Dkl Sued Cerni. Fod heIer ro ies ar:153 cil. foot Chuat Type ll4 i e Food b~ Pulr Dinkin g Fountains land Fees El"trie Fnusaild Fencer Batteries, Stbl roma and Sho0ves, Meure and Barn Forks,, llog Watur BolsCatfie Bowls, Hog TroughsIliq1kg Feeris, Eluctrîc Light Butlbs, Huat Bulbs, Gahanized Pails and Dairy Pails, Mil'k Filter Discs, MutorOilîs, Nailla, Co'-op Baier and1 Binder Twines. Durham Farniera' Co-ep is the, farmers' owa butinesa.W. enake oinly quality feetids and i>lvite your patronage. T.wors veity arUWy, THE ý.eARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY

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