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Orono Weekly Times, 8 May 1958, p. 1

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ES Orono, Ontarjo' ,),Thur-sday, MAY 8 Subscript4on $.O ts of Streets Of' two minutes si STeams Er At the churcl h e kaiLodge Iruembers. lie Oddfelloüws to talkeI ervice. The Rev. D. R ched. lesvie thie parade' niarchied to the Orono1 e a wreath wvas ýplaced ýBro. Ed. Youanman at the Cenotaph cere- o. Gord-on WVatson lay- ii. Mr. Caios Taiublyn ast Post- followed by a ilence and "Revielle." inil Plans àLid FOr [1irby AdErterprise Rebiiidi~g Areoea Final plans wýýe elaid on Monid-ay I ýeening when s,--ale pec(-t&os1 were dlaUsý,rse(d for- the îebuilding of The pupils of Kirtby Public eihoou the nQerth section of the AgrIcu'fftural' attended tfie ?éteiiborôugh Kiwanisý jAreýna. Aithougl i it had been annouunc- Ms1,iical Festival. On Ajpril 28th Her-ý ed that wýorl< would start a week ago old Reinstra entered lu a cla-ss with it has been dëlayed until specifica-, 1 contestansr, came fQurth A&th 78,, dions and a proper plan weas draýu solo .1Il ç uer anetoery cp. 'Plise plans were prssent on M-,fon. entered in a. solo 16 and under, cameC day nit and appreve-d by the buldp first mi-thSI Mtere were 12 con4est- iag committee. Work< js iiuw x,e (j 1 ants., The followinig boys sang ln a to start this ceming week; double trio comiing fourth -with 78 luý Plas eniintorebil ~a lass of 15: ferry Tomnlinson, 1}uug- ( Plisrenai, t rbuid he orLlas Hmm n,* Wayne Miller, BiH Reid portion of thc present builng and to Heiold Rehinstra and. Wayne LowcvrY.- adld about 14 feet at the front îvi'tn a bas;em1ent under a goodly portion of On -May 2ind the sch-ool chorus came Lhe front section. This arra3ngemenat firYstwi th 8,",lana classý of IL Pill gkivampie space for dres wyg ---U - Y ~~ 1 * LOo ~~Poon9sbooth, a proerhoiinb e in e m e i re n Soa L,ù hýeatng plant and also an iloffice. _____ ________________ -~_____ eatng t te north end 11ile d-l _____ -vn cdto 0 with a fil c(apacity of .!1-ythe teanr-s remain in the ;f 8700 ver the past two ceason. app oxiatciy 410. eshore Piter mediatc Bse 1îlcoboui'g wenrt te the,"A" serni-finals ' elnnte Ie ret ecu gu'e af 1er the regular meeting 01f On1t-anio hefore bo'w-ng out to Sy- struLced by Mr. Wý. lrwi w wiIl re- in Port H-ope',s Cnadiain Legion nerunder adverse playinîg cnitos paan rebuild tIc Arena. 1, They are Bnow-manville liar- lusî',t fal. - ers, Port H1ope Ontarios and Or- -Orphans. These three have de. Basebal is being revived in~ Peter- I te carry on in a three teani borougli Irt thatcity turned douan Hi-Teens -f o gue if nucessaçr. 7Jiowever, the iniltatiflto oiteLakceshore this qu xeutveare gongto make smmer. BUi Dadmca said that fot -a c e cuntctveo gang rm penoaghi mateial m'as availaible andi D ni.I CCtfiiltuIl aY )pe cotacttotryand thrum up no sponsor bas corne foward up until uple ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i moeetisadtenx o.Ho-wever, be caid that a if.our ing for entries and drawing U11 tearn City League is being forined for Ype! (o-aptad fyn he schedule will 'be the New,ý Fed- Juior01s and Intermediates and he horsetaiLs Icre cornes ano her in- Buildinig at Bowmnanville on àMay lopecdthat Peteihorough would make d.g. 1 ep, by gosSatraymte a It is expected that Bie League wl application for entry next year. lO th îe Oreno -.ddfellow's Hall, t on the holiday mweckend. On-e bright spot appeared on anuthe iliTeens ýwill sponsor aniother« otherwise ble-ak outlook w-hen the dance. ïl'-ils wi1lbu, the H-en,2'lst ter many years of competing in Wchy eimrs who play in- tIcWestdae sincýe thecy began lad ,July 13, Lakeshjre, the Cobourg Rideau, Toronto, Senior League gencrously ag- of 1957.'Tus is quite a feat l u sl -becïn forced to drop Hrom further Leed l wk in an intcrlockinig scled- it iuciUdUs tIh e -w ý,Yeais aSdother ention due to Hie lack of interest I ic w-,ith tBe ftree Intermiediate Lake- ,jeciÀa1 danices. \ri by the playýers and executive, slore team-s. Whitby participated in lu fe fohoing is a report of the no fan support at the gate on the Lakeshore fui, several ycars be- zinancialposition and sPecial dAces- gauIs.Perc Aacklin, sponsor fore dropping oui a few yelais back ,t,,illg the last 10 meuntIs. ho club statcd he had lost upwacds1 w go Senior, f rouith fo"wýard as ofJuy1, .ratfioiaMeeting Sunmers to Vrhe boy' obtaining the ighest score ln t'he inter-county, competitian. The manner of applyingi the remainder of the Fund has as yet not been decided by the Commïittee. ~Mr. Ted Buruside, assistant Agri- oultÜre Rypr~eentative for the sum- mer months under Mr. Oliver Dal- rymple, was introduced to the mueet- ing an-.d ecalled on for a. fewv remnarkcs. fIe expressed lus' pleasure in being stationed in Durham Couty and hop- ud to beeome better acquainted as time went cf., ario Poultry Producers Associa- Und reportedi fiat lu ail likellhood gaMr.aHery ott wIl le weOuid be ln the inear fuiturc<,-a gv eycm ien irculated an-rg ailoîîyj ..A Insurance, dati luces we min-ain feckcf 1lutictheformation of Jucer whoniaitail a fOck fs (ýýneeds, ideals and or more hiens-. -A levy was b)eing Co-Operathoirs Insurai ýý cf 2 cenits per ',0 doz. case of md been forrned te o i sandi 1 cent per heu, te 'beur- the 1aince uedtu Faners c f orguatiaon andi a Prom-otion- couild afford te pay,> Man for- eggs and f owl, Hon lad satdwt uois 'been appeinted Zone Director satdwt uol i gradualdy devcloped Li hils -distriuit. e ýred 'aimost every in lie Secretary re'ported- le lad ut- 1Association and told1 ed a nietng of fhe Laud Ac- Loss rafle cf al co jtjinCuii -ewihc addeaitsu 1gb tînt aImest a] ýfy w\ifh agreements, comipensa- hyin auto înlsurance s and damage snetlmeu-ts between Dûe f0 fthis hîgh loss mers anid Hydre. iMr. Harris Q'.Ç. foun'd if csamytc atteudedi this rmeefing andi given Ilnliýlms la tIc laticij il advice. A draft cf tiese pro- M- ny cf the -conipanj d recomraendati5\wobd in theu5suntil1957 and lad -future be discussed witi Hydre. raissl intat yar L leter. was read from Oxfordd raisced its rates inty Federatien cf Agicultue fecd swnie cancei ing fou endorsement Afaresolu- eary lu 1957. Howî tetufieeFedieral Departmcnt cf ceinaes imldma-d icuture ask<ng &thflcrompue-P%àAed ithiune re on paid- f-orC,.and Bruceboisi "-,tWations beganp dors lie ncreaedi froni the pres- t'rpart OUf1957.A 140MOtifer grade andi $100.00 foru!r taien in thec fin ba, heardi from. A!j ideredi toe bepre- l -ho the hate lMm.r (-Coltiruéd en ca 1pd onan lensîve talk oini in li emarks the Assýociation, o bjectives. TIc nce Associationi fill a real Insur-, 's at a c'ost fi-ey lie said. If lad irance and Iiad LItil now if ccv- Isuranee ed (cf iow in 19I)56 the' 1957 . ........ ...... .... 0. Baitance o(-, -11 W 195 ý-------- ---- - ......-- 177.85 -Ths shows a sulbstantilal gaio ver tic pac;t ciar. Added bth iis we have purýchasýedi50 records. Wc are mn the p)ocess cf buying a P.A. sysfem cf, o)ur own. We hav-e lad -to rent one al year and iL was d1cided te bujy one' whicI we could aiso rent eut for otherl organizationi fun(ctions. S oi-me ex- amples cf da-ces tiat we lave spcn- sored are as follejws: Sept. 7th, 1957 - Fair Dance;,Nov. 8f1, 19-5î7 Sadie Hawkins dance; Nov. -3Ot i, 157"Warm ,Up" for achool formiai and New er Dance. New Year's Eve D)ance. By thec way the .Hi-Teens are planning anoîler New Years3 dance for 19-58. An Execufive and menibers mi-eeting is ho be hold ttus Sunday Aftern-ooni eat p.m. at Jim tGamsby's bouse. Ali :hie executive are expectedi te be sure a1nd 1w there. New mlembesis are aise wanted te iïnake up a slatc of offic-ers. A number of directors vwill lbe elecfed anid a change e-f past officers will take place. Be sýure and be there. Don'h forget, anotier dance Satur-, day nitc, May 10t1 ut fIe Oddfellowý\'s Hiall. Jini Gamsby. YPU Drama Festi- The pupuls of -Enierprise also took prt in the FeIýtiv,-a. The sdhool c-hor- tis tied fm-r fo-urth with 79). BeLty Ail- Clarke Township Purchases iNew Road Gracier Thi's Week' FieCauses $25,OOO Dam- -Modayev-enling of this weekt-'iv age t Ciekn Rn oti-on to purchase a ne-w roid gradeýr at a cost of $22,S97.00. This gradir, epuipped with snow-ýplowing equip- Damage was estirnated to bc $e , ment was pr1lceci the second lowýest lu 000 o(b byHarey Booýiow2r Ithe seven tender reced3ved by CounceiL of Orchiland Fan--is, wlýere fi-re de- The motion to purchase the rder stro"yed a Section of a chiokenýi raneh waus noved and seconded bv th"eTep- Sudy at miidtýi,,gt. Brooks did not uty-re,.eeE.Wly dCunilt elaboerate on how nuh of the 1oss E. Dent. The grader is being puirchas- was covered by insuranice. I cd from the J.1. flAThms Co.LtTh,-,14 The f-ire levelled a twýo-storev lay- i-g Pens for chickens at the farm lb- caýted on No. -2 rHighw,ýay, a mile west of Bewrnmanville. The building 100 ft. b-M2 feet, was located betwecn a barn and hatdýhery ut the back part of, îl'e fa1,so-e;00 vara frolllthe dîead sang in the oblA r or 16 andihgay uràîer aia=cme 'ourh MIth 7y. 'OBrooks said tlieccuse Of lC blashJe 'S sihl uderned. Fine Chef b, Afterno~n uxi~iai oopr vfthe Bo-wmanvilic Voluntee iliBrgade Sait Sunday night tefr 118 11 ulr lI.ein coulîd have been causcd by de-feefiveý rThc regular imeeting of jihl Afer-______ noný Auixiiary of the ~ooUn!iterdi Churcli was hcid onTuesday, May IrnPQsAsn 6th in tIc Sunday School Auditorium Inskuclr Asn The presidenf, .rs. Drui-i-m-biid -wasý j in the chija.i ndi- MmCarson at ce! "Sick CrsDe The, presiâent gave a brief openilng message, -rollowed by singing tw The wor-ship service incare fi group thi-e ws tke yMrs.1 Sciaufier iWo opedt i o ia lier themie. "is I)ecip!lesiporl "TIc <MLaks cf a(3îiain " wUII -as rnost interetinJýg, as 'xse a u er rea rks1 on [lie hf c ofth late Dr. Tuck1er., -Mr. Schauffiercosd the Worshïip e-r vice ihiiyei> andi a llxunk a musical numnber. "Ivýory Palaces" rqctdby PgiOup flree , asren dcrcd bv rs Drummn-iiond, Mrs Car-i aid Mis. CobbleLick. liI inal clapIer c f th e SfLu dy book; "Thc Higi He1lur in Japan"ý was vcry ably fakeni by -MiSss lelene Waddell. Sic f old ±irst cf tIe diffi-, cuities cf Christian ffioneciing ila Jaipan, of tIe detennnation of the ,japanes.e people tte destroy Chi-st- ianify lan sIc coneludedi herle- k by telling cf the wondert'ul progress cf Chrisitiaity lu Japan today.- TIc busines portion of fthe meet- ing followcd. The minutes cfi the lasf meetin1g were readi and appov d n tlIc taueMrs. -Armsýtrenig, g-ave a ver-y complete finariial f.eport, RIl e as taken sîowinig ine-, teen ladies pwrsenit and fifty-ftur The- Supply Scetary was given per- ~uisson tepurchais;e $erqet atcete collnplite cSuppty ~ae Thc pesidý-i ent remîded tIc ladies oif the baie for Overseas relief te, bc paicked oni May 13t1. A.il paricels muay be, -l eft i lVe Sun-day Schooi room. i/,. theOxnuFish and Hunit Clu1b. uJ 0ar1rngton Passes Mlotiou l lO block N&W iigil Scïi byý Pefe Loucks, The fatal word whl-ici No. 5895, tIe Oiono ili Sclool squad[ron, RGAC,j has;u been stîugginig to avoîd since Spe erwas- spoken last Thurs- diay igîfi, uwlen Fit-Lt. TIlggart al.- nounced tînt Cadet traning was te lie discntjnued. Thecrmajor difficuitly wu-hich iead Ëto M I mbs ufiinws a persistanit laik of inistructoi7s4 1k iinanyin-;istancesi- structors couid net lie cbtuined for: a grader and thus li. the f-aturèe will p. cra'te twO gaesfor- the mitn ance of roadi aSo) for Inew co- struction. Also present ut thbe nme-etinýg 1Monday nIiglit wele tosal ee gations from llformner SciroolSetin No. 1 and No. 9, Both asked Coun-cil Jwhat' action thcyý were, takinîg in-,the' pu~blie adhool question. IRe("ee Bri- for wîthdrai a w being pr-eiaredi but asyu; ws otcornpleted. The question ar-ose whether Sc"hooi Section No. 1 would have the neces- sary four square -miles of area prop- vidiiug certain properties- who wish t join -wltl Newt-ogville, are allowed teý join in the Ncewtoaville School Sc tion.» The Clerk wats instructed to lin- vestigate what actual area oudb left foýr a section a' Poid-Grýan1bv Thle meeting reces,,ez a-id w-ýill be ceontinucd this coming MndyeveuI- ing in the Township Hall, Orono.-, Bride RIOnsured At sub ees the ser înstructors finutid-,~~*"-'- tîn tlcrs began to inter? ere with Miss Darlene Danks -whose mr This uncer tainty eaused. a g-raduai rîage te Mr. Gerald Raqiney was sol,- decýrease lu enthu liaam sinice cadets eniied last Saturday aftermoon- 'a neyer knew wlcn they w'vould have a S.Ade' ntdCucOiw lecurean-i alon rage ram 9nghas been feted ut several pre-nuIpt al plani could neýt le set up. A squadron sowr- cani not be ic u on such an inde inite arrangement just as a feam couldi nof be coached unider simlar conditions. -Mrs. Ronald Osborne, wasr bostess at a mse-lnos hower heldi ut her WIhen parades uwere changed te ev- home lun Courfice., Miss Shirley An-ti enings- to better actcot-iilodate iListruc- was co-hostess. Tic guests were feU- tors tlere was a 4rastic decrease lu 'bow enipîcyces of the bride-to-be in attendance. BuIs service un.succeîssf'ui the engineering departrmerit cf Geal- in bringinigeut miore cadets. Only 8 cmal Motors. cadets out cf '25 ýwcre oni parade laýt Thursday and twou instr-uctors wlho.çe A misellaneous siower mas heMý sujcsare set dlowni as cômpuilsory at lie home o-f t-le future bride'% bytIe Air Force were absent. These att ýr.Mre r(kSE n«cess'ary s-ubjects ceuld net possibly j aun ,. wt, irs.Waolte Blfew, casfE lave been cuovered in tie littie timie îostess. Lefit fils %year. FinAI ,arrang-emients fer- discontitniu-ý ingti sua uoibveinet -yet lieniThe girls cf ticenigineering de- co-mp-leted. If is inet kniownwlether if arninî,General 1{Mtors, beildi will lie dis'banded or ýwietler if eau supiper party at tfIc Souti Endi rl l)e registered( as tempoý-arily inactive and pr-esentedi the rlde-e ect wth an -untiltic nw s-coolis ,built wien anelecricfloor pefisier. cre i olstdusandstf _wouýld makle possible a 100%/ schcol A present:tfon wvas made on 1?hurs- organization. dayv afternoon when- Miss Danksne Botli Dr. Taggart and Mr. Watt --x- ceived a step-tnble fromi berlwok pressed them regret fiat thie cadet. crs lu tice enginieeringo departmieut cf work w-sat an end, but they cnijGnealMotors alndi frenïii eneg- men-ded ieIc boylty cf tiose boys wiebers ini Nassa-u street sic receiveda cont-inued te supp ort t'ile sqadonhotmuuese hostess chair. ill ael ss flc OCf I ( fe very end.j :i la us onyveairj . ' Darlinghua Tcwvnsip Council ill_________________________________ cai lu .A that ea.net approve nf any debenture issueý ratio C.I.A. lad -lfor a ncvv ligin Scheo ne i r -o maise l- re.jFrdyevenia inlaîles, cicolAudi- se Huds n--M rris n itpuai rpart etf 1956.- teriurn cf tie Oreno United Churcl nt mpLepuscf nithe Durhnim isLotric vl0rrï,sL les lad nett d wo eue-ad puys xverc enrei lu IgI Scî,,ooL Board, h wvas sta-tied lu ai________________ d po onh eS sneam Ooon~ssd at hsur egular mentI- ITcmrig - o a ma i tIen imade twNo 'cmpt ie. Icevm4wa te anu î metngluHaptnSandr-a e - lest Biecausd CI.ý l Aa rm etvlof fIe Presbytery l he ien 0ncHMtiýl o .~rroOooadJmsEwr u-Areceptlion wns lield aht Ic - eanly Lh ladpsu-YugPoe Hssfrheevenin1g Iunpsnheun-Licî directed île Min inowsslmnzdo atr fthe ibride. 'TO reeietcb- soma drs ne n ocal arrangmns i -r-ceriiatr ude e îî i ayatioon a r a I oemotîer wore -a cotillion blue Pa- (,ver chooler oaîdcstrs-gdyuprotes- cfitIcbide's parenits.tafawtlacin cesrs fierwhenchie vied tc stge ettigs. ti Üeectinof a n"c1 h rie shIdaan& fMn clsgac in araios hwe ~ ~ [o rasscm eltc Youg Payop u onhe Bnw ia for C.IA. Tnn anvle nrtyUiedCuria I ii aea n uecaleaho n rs ~lMor:o f rn nd-!ro' mteasisting, niu ingu el saa In teUited lu rcid gie 0popultin âciy and-d theLbrici-greeni l 5c~e son Of iMrAjA-e oicinen wýi-th rnlatciin-g copraie fig- wr nee n1e ols.TcBw îpîaî> ot.aid Mis. JcWuioOon. cMOî.es au! a corsae cf p» e f;injorýce erai llaad Two Sons' wýxil,e roun il xxsuld nt ppo tc ai IswAectd iin n a -lydby Ltrîl opl eifo lu tic)Osiw grou)tp presentedi "Speak- . 1 rsn rpsI i mto is .A îmod top tululufaeand sNew oYk s i I m g f P wr .71irwas secunded by Counciloýler,. y i Gien lu marriage by hue f athertîav llngtIcbride -close a lligit L lu i orngfuPmtuee" ITî-uland passai unaulrneius1,ý.' is uiew eawat-eglgowAIl d-s it aydutrca c .ý i.A, r 1 OtU itins heok1 hep icucurs lu tIc; andj z1 it naîbnacosniesaa c o rsage e'A mn e!et9-5I7.dfr Ctcaduic u1rsert and presentcid the views cf an i L aî nd sotecanici a buoqueî rnecantos nty Federations Dara (45iaî ihplay unua eir village on hepropeseli site.The of puk rosus ana carnations. O.F.A.shires,ýcje ,eo;ýto -,witncss, iistic oad 'asvteid Vu huildth fe TIcbie si aid M ssLois Taylor1 i.an' i.ildsn wl i O.P.. ares Abou 1ixty wre-pieset tedee -CM.adIs iusn llhv Gecaîlom-te two plays. 1h was exp-eced fiat i hVVscooin lu Orone 10but ias met iiL.Baerecousin cf tIhebideworecu)!e. moepunys uould bave been cunteredi p0 Je , Newattle reidients a pink organsa an'd carnied a white Guests were prestentTronTm oint publicity hewever only taoentlced n tI 1oi id tca.a pinlc rose nosegay. Baeno, Obawia, Ajax mand1 on page 2) peihion. -1 zwms-Gnazecuu, ~z.Charles Huthoni, Orono, actedbrde- l'a many Awards At Kiwaînis Musical Festival, also for3,

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