-~j, ~0 A A A A ~fl A A A A s. A A ~fl v A A A A A A A AA i A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 'f -t SAVE 6c. YORK FANCY TO0%MAýÀTO0 JUICE SAVE gr. IGA PE ANU T BUTTER SAVE 7c AYLMER CATSUP SAVE..9c. [GA CHOICE PEAS e on learning that the little hints and occasional recipes ve pproven of sonne 4ssistanle to our readers? Thanks for yau cantinued and useful assistance. LOST IN HIS JOB After hearing an iGA commercial ipreceding a recent Jack Dennea newscast over CFRB, 1 was reminded of a Kew York news and weathor cosnmentator who aIso was emnployed in bvoadlcasting for a food chain. After menionin severailIow prices he swvitched into the weather report -d sai;d "wndrom the east at 29c an hou.-/' 2 ARE AL HOT TOtMATO Here's a 4ý atment of a vegetable thati anid appetizinp - baked devîied tomiatoes. Th, 2tbsp. shortenîngý 2 ottles35 35 5oz tÎ~29C >o,.rk Roast lb 55c SQ AVAILABLE BONELESS, OVEN READYIWITH DRESSING ....59c 1egg yolk 1 tsp. dry must),' METHOD: C. 1 of each half with a 1/ heur ini moderato 1 tbsp. vinegar grains pepper tomatces hniAl~ves, cover eut surface Iaste made, ot her ingredients. Bake F6e, 7 OH, THOSE CALORIES Have you ever offered a guest a piece of'apple pie and have her refuse with the. explanation -I can't eat it -- it contains 350 calories." Or perhaps the offender was raisin pie, with 450 calories. Those of us fortunate enough not te have a weight problem are perhaps unaware that a calorie is a measure of the heat and energy produced by foods when u£ed in the body. Work ai-id play use up the energy and cold weather inicreases the need for Iieat, but even se, in- creasing the food of high cailcries eaten each day, causes a gain hii weightl. Athcugh calorie requirements very with types of work, age, cimate and ether factors, the. general ruie of proper calaroie balance is the. key to normal wieight in, tue average persoin.. LIKE MOTHER USED TO BAKE- Fresîi-, home4bked ed sirnply can't be rnaiýtched !or ap- peaýl once 1thatove armacornes diigby. 1I think m peronilfavunfeis rih eanut butter breac. And f00, if requires onlýy basic nre ntîhat are lusually aïvailable>1 on therý kitch1en shlelf of every housewife. If thle en you're a 'read fanicier' too, hr' my recipe. 2 ussifted flour - 1/2 cupI sugaY 2 tapon a iowder 1/J taso sait 3/4 cupI peanutc butter ~27~5~ 4 up sorfnin, 1cup milk, :2 eggs Silt 1dry ingriedients together Work ln pea- nut butter and shojrteing. Sf ir ài rnilk and eggs beaiting togethier. Bake iin greased alpanin mod110erate oven (350 degýrees 1U) Makes one loaf. 1.9 IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPENg Down in a lKenitucky food store an anuiouncemnent oi a Spud- n S42cnik promotion (potato sale) brough an early mornting' group U lb reeta the parking lot and calîs from school teachers as ta when lb ice classes should be dismissed to see the racket go u1t. ~oss'- ~ \~ALverlÏook fhe off er in thfe IGA frozen S55e >< ('oodepartrmnntthseek on pink lemnon- Porter- e1ý". The kiddies wil aprcat htcool, 10 l-b 35c. S23eC OOOQ Clf~EEWEE< K 9INGERSOLL 16-ûz, jar Cheese Spreacl 5 1eg gU CHERRY HILL with sample 12.oz. cut gCheddar Chev e, 55c~ _ -Cheese Suices 29g WITH FREE CHEESE SLICER 2-lb. Loafg Kraft Velveeta $1.15D CLOVER VALLEY, Assorted Flavours S-ox. p& g.g g -~ gCream Cheese 29c Under lé", Girls: Glenda Cowvan, 108', RELAYS Newcastle, G~rs'RelyUrbn:Orono, New- ca0t , Ncwonvile. Gil'Relay, Rrl Mixed Relay, Ruýral: Sjitju Lune, Mcbeanl's. Sixth Line, Sligheost Boy under 83 - Peter West.- Hlighest Girl, under 8 - Chyreil Coa- Highest Boy under 10 - Bob Best, Or- iligheust Girl, under 101 - Susn Gil- bart, Orono1. Highest Boy under 12 - Wayne Foster, 1LgetGîirl, under 12- Vicki Chard, Higiest Boy, under 14 - John Glennley Hiest GirlJ, under 14- Mary Reid, cowanvile- Highjest Boy under 17- Verne Rowe, Newcastle. Highest Girl, under 17- Mar, ry T F~e -, Orono. HigestScbolRural -Starkvýille. HIigIest Schiovl, Urban- Orono Gnen Soft Bail, Urban - Orono. Gaise Soft Balil, Rural - Starkville. Orm. Pte Wues 1QN Tkriller To C4urg The Orono Pte Wees were edged by one run on Monday evening at the Ork- ono Park by the entry from Clobourg Training Sehool. Tihe contest eÎlded 6-5' for Cobourg. The gamne ent the f ull sninn in;gs with it being an interest- ing feature and also well played Lyy the Young boys. Charles Reid started for Orono and; pitehed four full innings and did a reail jo~b, it being only bis second ganie on the mound. Ralph Kennedy replaced Chnlie for the remnainder of the gamne. Orono went out i front in the f irst Nhen Buzzy Mercer scored, howeverý in the third the gaime,~becaime tied and Co,bourg went out i front in the fourt'h witfive ruins whien the victors began tbit the offerin;gs of C. Reid. Charles thien scored for Orono ln the sixth with a home run whiefh was supplernented by Ralph Kennedy. Buýzzy Mercer and j - W1iac both sc-ored in the sev- enth to bring 01rono's total of' five, one short of tieing the gamie.' In the lasà three iningiils thie Orono- boys left the tieing and wining ruins on thec bases-. Bcth tleams \were throwing the bail îwell, and the gamYe was elcotse Wayne Miller caght a i e (,fly bal ji iý' thefekiand rantYeo behind the plate s impovingwith every ae (Coppu~dfromn page 1) vey Btirley, etni.e Under 12, Girls: Vicki Chiard, New- icastle: LyndaTýyrrel, Orono; Nancy Under 14 Boys: Rfieky Pearce 4'(i". Newcastle: Johin Glenney, Lolkhiart's; Wayne Kennedy, Orono. Under- 14, Girls: Mary Reid, 4'l",l Cowanvile; Linda Hatherly, Në%wtoni- jville; Neddy Wiznuik, Starkville. j Undýer- 17 Boys: Verne Rowe, 4'9", Necsl;Gerald Veleke, Newtonville Ruisseli Rogýerson, Orono. j vdr17,.Grl: 1\n iller, 3S8", Mchan'; Mrilyn !Mitchell, Neasl j Margery Tyrreil, Orono). SOFT-BALL THIROW Under 10, Boy S: Gordon Alin 11'6", Newcastle; Bert Reid, Cowanvile; Bob) BestO'oo Nancy Gaines, Newcastle. UIndfer 12., Boys: Charles Reid,196 96'4",.Anioc; Cristina aatese Sifth Line; Sharon Tmln Antiocli. 1388!' 0Orono; John HUllS, Clarke Un- U nder 14, Girls: Anne Danchiuk, 135'2-, Sixthi Line; Lind(a Westheuiser, Starkville; Mary Reid, Cowanville. Under 17, Boys: Mtirray Martbi, 238', Necsl;Laurie Thiompsoni, Leskard; Soid a;id Serviced by McLaughîlin Coal & Supplies [imilci 110 King St., W., Oshawa Phone RA. 3-3481 Local Representative: BILL IRIN. Phone Orono i161 g THUR.F1ý . -ST. f G AII.7echnicolor Show fl With Bob Hope, Anita U Ekberg and Fernandel U g É T SHA IN% [ Wifi -eff Chandier g and C Ilîeen Millefl MON. - uES. - WD. o All-Tech>niceor 5hw Adlit Entertainment g With Jt.me Allysonl 0 and Rossano Brazz.i "rammy aid the a adLeslie MieIsen YES,s4r. hee's meîod of take ay ffOrî I a l. Youm juýý't relax in comift anld let yo)ur Gar WNood hetaming unit dIoIlhe job) for 'you. Fe aigsof 1!p,)to 40% h1a ve been reporied ai d Gar Wýood ownlers eve1rywhlere are unani- mou-,ii thir praise for ilhe 1as14theconvenience, Ilhe klmkoodher, ee haigof thlese miodeyn, eficient uiits. Comnpletel aitomiatic hemo stat contul iensures a hiealthiy; eveni heaËregardless of chan". in the w ather. Designedj for clean, silevmt o era.. tion, the IGcrWood line in ludes ail-f irei4 Tempered-Air -'and- Boiter-Birner tinits: Manuactured by Engineerig ndt ies Co, LmedIToronito. FAMOUS FOR OIL Ec0p.OM-Y