nol1dduring c d-iý;qLiaIiied af- CLe g'oes to 100-1 mnding halns veithad dcared chapter h( ading,,s e plot of a book been held 11P ta wilii a spore by the reteree put the tegims back- in business. flying over tLhe horse's hbead and Ianded some distance away, He was conscious and, Iluckily, not too badly lnjured, apart from a WhiI chir. reve ME aused r hat ýe and dress u lier [Je~s, Uy- ce had beeýn jockýeys who behiiind row bceir task of ~Then and hoist- fi rin ie fa- aar rac(e as the ,nu aity beeoxne agettes' Emnil y Davison, foolizh as she was, udoubtedîy possessed cour- age, and racing erected itsý own -memorial to her, It is becaiuse of hier action that thuee 13 foW a double rail to give a clear spce between the crowels ai-d the vaintage of our eariy order savings on daiy.told pullet chicks. Write for cata- logue anl pricelist. Thie Fî>sýiei r O char-ds, Burlingtlon, Ontario. 20OKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service that is hIdeal and inexpenjsive. We lkeep vour recordsý for' $2.00 per montli. More information write Auditax. c/o 2310 Herbert. Waterloo Ontarlo. FEMALE #IILP WANTEO CATHIOLICFmiy*eues otrs helpier. Large home cnr liocated ir, Toronto. Live in. 1Mue1t be fond( of cls*lcren, Salary $80.00 nmonthly. Write Boxý 176, t23-18th Street, New Tr~o Ont. WOMN anted for generai house- wýork, genitile home. Live ir. Muet lbe abstainer. Please state wages deslred. Mrs. Wýilliamis, 25 Pheasent L'aïne, Tor- onto 18, 1leingtoni. FOR SALE CHINCHILLAS for sale. Good Profit to reise theni. Can ne kept lu bhouse, Write Mik-e lnash, 2313 1*o"ksfield Ave.. Dowusview, Ont. fallv equipped. good gloae 850 ""000 down, stock et Invoice, at Litte Brti.M. O '0 l. Reltor. 43> Rond St. W.. Oshawa, RA.5-4. FOR SALE REGINA rincess KitigMa'cine. Verv liltte used. Mie neh.2133 Cocksfieid Ave., Downsview. ont. 1200 HANDY cgumned stocklabls some(, illstrated, pack $1.00. Sampfle 10ý. W~ls discamnt on 1,7,60 orders, Edwin jjGilduer 31177 Riverside. Eàset, Wido.Ontario. INSTRUCTION gERN NMore-'! PBookkeepiýng-. sesma. shîp S hô1rtheand.Tveriin etc. ls sos5~ Ask for free circuflar Nou,3. CaeinCorrresoondnre Courses 12941 ev Stree-t. Toronto FILMNS- developefi and 21imagnia prints 40ç ilu ailbumi. 12 mgaors60ý in album. Repiints1, ea-cbî. K(jfDACOiOR Developilm roll $I.COO ntluu4n prints). Cler prints 35, eacjî extra. Anisecoanid Elidac lrosue35 i.20 ex- posutres mounted n-lu shdes $25 coIot' prints froll] lides 35ý ac.Duplicate transparencies 5ec. PET STOCK 1 rock