by Pet Dividen4 , Credits With TWICE AS MiANY Store Purchasg; UHATes Ri Each Monday, TuesdaY and Credits equal to 2c. for .very dollar spent on pur- hassin yeur lGAMarkt. SXI The Wedxesday soliedule at O.H.Sý. ýeak- took on a rather confused air last n Of week as two "Mr. Rutherfords" were ev- found in thbe school. One of course vasý our own S. B., whlle the second, -Mr. M. Ruthmerord, was a yoiang teacher ourit froin Peseronto learning new tech-. lionques in phvsîlCal educatdion finstruc- ALL FO0D PRI Iviarsinu reacher swered 'FECTlVE JANUARY 29. 30 and 31. COVER LEAF - SAVE 4 cents SOOKEYE bSqALMON HINZ - SAVE 1l cents TOMIATO KETCHU P cH Er AND SANBORN SAVE 20 cents INSTANT uCOFFEE- 2'S til es froma ,H.S. whiicl inadequate and equp- 'y plus the 1, inthe op- Edutcation, in spite of Orono Hlggh ýs f romi In order to dl for silbie of inter( 1 c'ru] onecDay, sev'e 0on tn e1 were macle. *ý_ 9~ aind 2 mutch as pos- ie vi;sitor jta tablecane gave rep-u1.r p hv-ý for its vigour. 6oz -ar ie otheri sed for the ý.Pa til Pai vis4ati311" ig rnethlods re pwpulsr d stuiden.ts chance to> JEWEL SHORTENINGsave 7c 21 .- e few entertaiahlg - - - PROZEN FOO S SEABROOK FARMS 'MIXED VEGETABLES il oz pk5 2 for 49c'- FISH CICHIPS 24 oz pkg 63c 2ïI ýt Ion Feiday eveniig, 2Oronlo Town Hall. DAIRY -FEATURE 'Watt' CI4ERRYHILL 0LD - SAVE 8 cents CH"EDAR 12 oz CHEESE \Vas dnp arents ard oain È pos- cd out that elcouraging lie dvip wedg e SOLO GOLDEýN RIP a/ U.S. No .1 ORAN GES Nol. Grade - T ett u ce NCY GRADE iada No. 1 - Rich irsts 3 Size 113 doz e~ o - o e- e o Cena Cai )Ies 3 l -ý '-<.,ý< ý 1 , < , 1 1 ý- -7 1 1 ý lor LB pkg 1 bs