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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1959, p. 2

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i it h the notation that $1,371.00 o f ities have contribdJed to the 4ifth-! pruning wouild be continued as soon to the Authority would flot be more Gincaraskci Askin g .tpprovai 0f administration çost sltouki be shown ority's Conservation and that the as possible and the plans for plant- than $500.0 and would be eligîýble- as receivable. Carried. itotal levy on Municipalities be ing 120,000 trees in the spring wereifor a grant of 50%/c of the cost. The Gar en hil arn PL j ecti Garden Hill Dam and Reservoir: $5,000.00. carr ied.i well under way. Conservation Branch would supply This project is to be known as Grants: Moved: Mr. Sylvester; 1E-xpansion of the Authority's Con-_ the recorder and make necessarC icepiniedNoa2,drft Co! theacheentoseconded: Mr. Boggýs; that fthe Sec-'ilheir position in taking the lead in surveysan l mitenc an The Ganaraska River Cnev-A ihrsConserva-onsrv- e subied d t othe nsher tary r. quest the Minister for a developing rhunting avens and pre- operational costs would be attended tl9n ~ ~ ~ ~ A Authoiityaeddoitsfirst meting grat of 50%of the cst o!Sceme(ventig the poution anIoiltingoheto bythe Wate ResourcsiBranch o th er ithedCoucil Cameetngtion Engineer, expressed apprecia- proval. Li ia adam with stoplogs, grNt f5(,o oof 2. carried. team stha ltiothenpublti cofldOtta wa under a co-opelative agree- bfer, Town l, t h ope idCayn-tion of the work done by the Auth- hoist and housing to be installed, N 2j re.stenss htth ule cudment withi the Department of Pla- Feruryl3h,199at10o'lok rty and commended the Members lanjds to be acquired for a pond and MAIaps:12Mas f heGadedHlienoymoe utooprcratontH for their itrs n fot for' recre-a(itin area and the pond bot- Dam-i- and Resrrvoir area wý,ithi plans eaizeth diictyo rainInngndDvop nt R. M. Coniserv,ýationi.IHe ithen called for to t b ceared h os ote O ý dam conistr-uction were received funds for such purposes and keep- Moved: J. Syles ter scwill pro- Memài-bers present: Elmnore Scott, nominations for Chairman, Mr. atoiywl e 1,0.0hî o n oisgve oec ebr. A ing interest when such schemes had Oa:ta hsAuhrt ilpo WV. J, Boggs, Delbert Olan, J. H.,cotan r.Bgg wr nmn-wich -vwill be $eturned )oby the Gov- an o! thge ited Counes t en treflt po fdm vide up to $500.00 for- the installing Lowery, J. L .Sylvester, M. -H. td By a\1rshoigs eo! ha -fth ndstMeA ouram fbensatete-po mofdm lof a Recording Guage at Dale, car- an h ertry. I Mvinl ister's appral was e o\ 'ii1cad ar i Duhm age to nropertv and proper super-ri. Sal, Scott was returned as Chairman. 1Miiseýsapoa a signed b- hwn lots, roadis and streams vision. Hle asked for advice' ud Alo reen: . . rox~ Spe- 1o Vice-Chairman Mr. Boggs wýas1the Secretary and f orwavaded as in- was obtained and the Authority's ance and help and felt these couldl Agreement with United Counties: -visor of Field Officers, J. W. Mur- the only one nomrinated and wssrce yieMmes odnswr nre ni.As efrthcoining f romn Conservation The meeting adjourned for lunch ra.y, Hlydraulics Engineer, Dept. of, returned to office. A. C. Morris, N7was I i ý,i. lo Lindsay gave the Auth- Authorities. and reconvened at 3 o'clock p.mi. at Planingii and Development, Dalton appointed secretary-treasuIrer. Humn- Moved: Mr. Olan; seconded Mr. ur,,Ity a mlosiac( in three c--,tionis up- StemGaea pl:M(u he County Council Chaimbers, Co- Lindsay,~ Chief Forester and J. C. Page,. Taylor and MWacdonald wereLowý,ery: that the Authority adopt on which hie had indicated aIl the ra spoke of te aneessrty Mfro bourg. 1'embers of the County Wleir, Biologist Dept. of Lands and appointdAdtr.Shm o i Gre iiDmlnsaqurdb h uhrt.M aoiing fuller information on!Counlci and County Roads Col- Forests; Ian Macdonald and A. B.1 and Reservoir) the estimated total ind,,say reported 1hat sitow pre- 1ra f1walnnheGnrak ittee were present an-d discussions Scut J.rpotr.Auit: Copies o! the Auditor's re- cost being, $11,000.00 and thiat the vented outside worl< at present but , a that the rsn raGemn took place concernîng liabilities, i'e- port were itbue and diseussed., Authority's share be raised out Of servation plans: Mr. J. C. Welr had a aewsfrfo aîfcoy sponsibilities, supervision, operation Electio ofoOfticers:Mv.rCrwn Move; distibltedo! dam controis, transfer of lands Elcino fies r rwio&;Mr. Boggs: seconded; Mr. current revenue for 1959 ontesn'u alte ugstlng thlat i sgese h1nsalto of anl took the chair and on behiaîf- of Mr. 01ank. That the Aud it be accepted samie basis as Member. Munlicipal- Conservation Authorities should uise automatic recording gage. The cost (Continued on Page 3) utafter all, it'"s nice to know the family looks f"orward to your meals. And that mnodern automatic electric range! What a help itL- is! Its timers and temperature conmtr-os supervise the cookirg automatically - electrically ... keaving you with time for o'thf-er -portant family activities. And a mo ern'i automnatic electrie range keeps your ktehen cool and clean. Coioing electrically not only adds special pleasure to preparirig famil1y meals-it offers real economy as weIl. You get more out of life when you get the Most out of electricity. Isý a man, e- e I ELECTRICITY IDOES SQ MUCF.. ,CSTS SO LITTLE ----------- A ttendCurhSgr-viice On Sunday mrorning the Orono guide mnovemrent. Raners, Girl Gui des, Brownîes, The Rev. Basil Long, assisted wih Scouts and Cubs attended Divinethe service, Service as a, group at the Orbno' This comring Sfuuday afternoon United Church, An excellent turn-I the Orono Býoy Scouts wl hold a oJut was reg istered wý,hen the!paper collection withili the Village groups attended the service to com-! of Orono Pick-up of papers wil mremnoratle the birthday of Lord Ba- commence at 1.00 o'clock and scouts den Powell, the founder of Scouting are asked to meet at Tenniant's gar- and Guiding. Each group ývas head- age prior to thîs hour at the south ed by their leaders. 'of the Village. Scout Mýaster Myel McCoy of the Monies raised through this effort First Bowmanville Troop was the wîll be used to assist with the pro- guest speaker and took as his themne'rmotion and the e-quippiflg o! both the if e of the founder, Lord Baden the Cub and Scout Troops in Oronoý. Powell, which proved mnost interest-' Have paper securely bundled and îng to those attending and especi'fti- placed at the curb by noon Satur- ]y to those wvithin the scout and day An Important MesaI -To Ontario Farm Peo0le AFarm Accident. will be conducted throughout ONTARIO f rom Marcit 1, 1959 ta February 29, 1960 This survey wilI record ail farm accidents and' fires cluring the year an3d seek to determine their causes. The objective of this survey is to provide the. basis cf a Farm- Safety Prograrn designed for your benefit. The Farm Accident Survey in the Coun y-of DU RHIAM A is mder the direction of y gIcutura1 Represeýntative A. O. Dalrymple assisted by: Earl Doreli, Blaokstock - Cartwright Lawrence Stap,1es, Bethany Manvers Robert r"stron g, Ida- Cavan Nrs. Alfre .Aluin, Bowmar1yjlJe - Darlinýton Cla ence Allin, Newcastle - Clarke Edwin Wilson, Garden- Hill - Hope Bruce Taylor, Enniskillen - Couinty Chairm an An accident reporter Vili collect details f ail accidents for each communîtylin your County/The success of a il farm safety priograi- will depend on the full co-opera- tion and assistatice 'f ail Ont io farm people in this survey. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGuRnICULTUREt Dr. C. OD. Grahami Hon. W. A. Goodfellow Deputy M inîster Minister

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