,O1'C>NO WEEK% T[IMS THURSDAS, EBFRUARY 26th ~LOiICAL NEWS Our new Wallpaper is Uow. lu stock. lihere are many attractive and Rodai York Hotel this week. N w ate D y Ce n r EW WA LLPA E R IN 8TOC K d NewcnslenDry ueaner interesting patterns with types suitabIe for every roomi in the hous>'e. Ro ,aýienred ~isoni husban Ail lare luni'efÎeshingcolours for your Spring decorating. _Many of the o ati oe indrew, ived Sun-y1 at hiehom andowsaoile aSu- ie111K papers are waao e d oeae pastic-coated, ail rea_,sonably priC day miorning. The funieraj w\as from jSpcaêtSRgCein ed- Be sure to coeiadsethsnwpar. Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanl- 0 e l andsee hese ew ppers 1 ville on Tu'Lescia, ýFebroary 24th. 1 1Miss Melba Polly of ToronIto vis- WALLPA p REM ier V -itedl Mr and Mrs. Donald taples ( W IALLPA R laAINd famiiy, over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deani are f We have /emnants in b dMes of 4 to 16 single roIls -which we are 1notoring in thie United States. O clearing aehaf price o ess. Plan to redebrater ýeveirà r4ooms WiCM S. B. Rutherford and Mr. GQ Ev. 1M ay, Wedniesday and F!riday n these loy y papers .e, priced so low. Co)Iiis attended the funeral at Brighton of their aunt, Mrs. E. R. LH MEN'S SHOES Miss Aibrant and Miss Austin of L 83 oîe the Toronto Teachers College wereIrlu fSihalOtro ioei9fei at Enterprise Sehool during the We are clearing 21 pairs of Men's Oxfords, black and brown, in siz- past week es, 6 to 11. Itegular $7.001 SALE PRICE......... $2.95 Anenjoyable evening was held ât KirTb' School on Friday evening, February 2th when '500' was theU MEN'S INDBI? AKERsfeature of the eveninig.we; layMr.Wm. Wannan; low lady, M They'r.eiew! the 're different. White leather Windbreakers with %oprneWlon ih MF ~ ~J I K black wool-lwit slcee es, coilar aud *waistband. Sizes 38-42. Priced $1450 > ld Allib; Iow man, Mr. Ernie Bry..[j The children enjoyed such gaines f Ladies and Misses Bobby Socks. Nylo-n reini- ftas checkers, Monopoly and Snap. 0 frc- ees nd 1ol ÏMEN'S JA -ETSLunch was e.njoyed by all. f re el n toes, triplerl euffs, 'e 0 0 8/1't2 1- White Only. A terrifie value..... Pr. 39c Several stykes/in new Spring ets of ail wool- with rayon liningCEI NO OBE Colours blue bige with hroe trim, cream with black trirn, sizes 36 (Continued froin page 4) 1 to 42. Regular 7aIne $159 YOUR CRIOICE.................month perioti. This is the îargesto Utility GI sae every piece useful, large ulalvaue 11, 'lincrease in shares in the Union assort -nt to choose fL-prtm. Ash traysrel since it was formed. Total shares isyiebnbndse,-s, sr now amount to $11 e79 .73 in the bLi Sp cileatre s eek......Each 14 local Credit Union. '9 bwW pca étrtl ek....Ec 4 Str pnEvenings During the past year 28 new rnem- SFriday & Saturday bers joined the Union bringig the Monday rzxIst1ILog Oper Ail Day total to 87. Most«of the membershp Oxfq ,i scid s . Sizes to Wenedancies from the Orono area how- Islchidr browsleathe 'e e mrrembers are enrolled as far /.p1ric -er- Pair ................. $2.79 west as the Court ice area and to 1 ___________________________________________________________________________of__CastrfkelTkownwssip. _____________________________________________________ The balance sheet showed total [ Ladies Ter Cloth Aprons, assorted colors loans at the present time at $12,- er 32.93. This necessitatedi reeeiving 1 and patterns. PMc each .... .......87e aoan from the Onitartio Credit Lea- Income dJurilg Itle yer hich is PatcPtl. ecivdsolely from intretotal- 13Speclal' Handy Mandy Ppsi PtCleaners 1 c led(611.26. The meeting anoe tepy sha e te the shENeEMBLErs. Hiecîi rinmNunon-scalu iea nettles'. 4 0f th thee retrin diectrs, jJint cap4city. Well desid.Ec...$15 -sweacifl ,frod Perrin - VALeUEe tedaloig wih Avi b ~ fU Plstic ershes, iat o n eels. Sizes Guide Ne s 4 toi.Cornsint pular clear color. Pr. $1.49 Mrs.Armsrongs th yougeronesw vauurnbotte...............5 'le i adrtre e ehal BndMnitr Egis hcoae assorted was iae-p lvus rc e n....... ..79e ïiC5F.SThe Captain of thle guides an,- O Cour o Hnurha mta(4h OE0FIDYE-VENINGaS t giea theter a wost!y'cause 1 Ïe acerflsn-sorig the SAVE TIbESERVE Y1URSL meetng bse wit pryerand taps. - 13:,g lu WITH THE PL RCHLASE F EiTHER T HE O:11 rono IPeeW.ees výersus mpz% Im rà -