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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1959, p. 7

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INO ipon, Pint-Siz* Parking For Smail Cars t"J- scores is *n street. 1 ged scenarie INTI ýled litt1. ve- in line aiong - rolled by but TIME ore driver '5 nc Moking Light Of His Troubles Although a car accident in 1942 left hlm withiout legs andI a crushed spine, Buddy Ioster. of Chicago, has not let it inter- fere %vith his amibitions in life. At the tLme of the crash he had a thriving electrical sigrn busi- ness ini the city for which hme ilat big plans. Aler the acci- dent he spernt 15 years lying fliat on his stomach in hospitai. When he was diseharged laýit year Koster started to get or- signs are fauîîy or out i; orcr. Thne next day Koster drops ,ach f irrn a card pointing out the trouble and offering his services as ani electrical rleocl expert. He gets around ini a wheelchair for the various jobs. "The .way 1 looki aI il," lie sayvý- "if a guy realiy wants le do something, nothing can stop him if he sets his mind 10 it." Q.How can 1 avoid disculor- ation of apples wlxen patl11g tisen? A. Pare 'apples with ai silver knife, instead of the ordinary paring knife, ani they, wiil not become. dis;colored. ILINGS FO FRENCH PORTS F irst Clo-si froin $284 Tourist Claoîs fri $184 YOR1K 1. 20 Cobh, Uepo -26 14 - t.yr , odon(ltry -27 U.po -28 Ciherborg, Soutbomptoý R.6 Cobh, Liverpool t. 1 1 Chbo. ýgSothompio ýR 12 il--, t M~, lbury) R. 18 CIrbr, S.ohatspte &. 20. Cobh, Lierpoo R. 25 Chrboor,S hopo n.I~I. . ithf 2410 LAKESHORE ROAO EAST PORT CREDIT BOOKS! (new) 2000 tltlýr' me2< ch post- paid. Worid famous authors. Catalogue c64 pagea, 25<. Bargain BookIs, Dept. C., 7ý, rast Silver SprinK, Ml4*ke17, Wiwscnln. SOOICÇUIPINQ SERVICE jBOOKKEEPING Service. BY rmail, '%0 per' menth, records kept. W r ite.- Audtax. 2M Herbert, Waterloo, On- tarie. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR 135W 1 morted. îlooms, ;Smnail Ixed *1 id. g size GAN A NO4 , TARO. FUR FARM ANIMAL$ THE fui, tradra la waiting for top quai- it3' nu tria fur. We have nutria for , prîng dellvea-y tIsat gradpeexcellent ln Ncew 'forlý. 13ox 164, Dryden, Ont. W. J. Stewart -Ae C. Thoîpson. HELP WANTED WANTED: Twoexeprieraeed knitting miachinie fixera for 108 needie oi, coarse- ser Scotand Wifliams H Eand Hl iosiery iiachlnes. Good wages and worklng conditions. Witt pay expenses to nwove to States. Reply Ballstonf Knttlng Coi- pany, Box 30, Balistes, Spa., New York. HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPERIENCEDI) an for contractors' ais! huilders' hardware sales, al banc. fils provldcd. Excellent work1iag condi- lions. Apply i oin handwrlting ïamI. Ing previoug expeience, age, etc., to Box 179. 123-8th Street New Toronto, Oynt.- - 1 IIELP WANTED-FEMALI JMATURE womnan or gi'rl for generaî houstwomk iln a happy -hoine, threo school children, char kept, good sablry. ~Wrte Mm. Bornsteliý, 92 Ridelle 'Ave, Toronto 19, Ont. PART TIME I4ELP WANTED FEMALE A Canadlan 4arket- reseaakch b&ganlxa- tien reqiesfladieas part-liane-repre- sentatives ln the snaler towns and cilles mnot Toronto, amlt~on or otise large cItyl tc, donduct publie opinion peles and tlephone surveya on. raie Ilsteffing and TIV viewlig. As sie 0f te surveys arecoenducted fren yotir homne, a privale- lelephone- ta required.' WrIte to: Ellct-Iaynes Ltd., Z5 B roadv1iW Ave., Toronto, Ont. HORSES ONTIO >Belgiasa I<rse MAso. hold- ing 6th Anrnsal Draft Horse Sale, Wed. nesday, April, BIb. 1959, Lpdsay Falr. ronds, Lndsay, Ontaro. AUl horsts must be consIgned and caalagued, Coni. slgmnents close March 10. F'or entry forra write ae Wood',KR. 2, Atrora, A be s B E FOOL your M4entis, loved oniesl Malte them think yêtl are In Texas. Letter Rernai!, only 25e, (coin). J. Dunepan, Box 4273, Dallas 8, Texas. LADIES Mr the l>est in cosmetîtk, try Poggy Newton Productr.lFre cata- logue, beauty ehart. Bern'a -Novelty, P.O. Box 045 , Moftreýal. PEN Pals! 254 (coin) gets YOu 01on eu Pen Pal LIBts. State fige, Box and în- formation about yourself. "'Bob" Box 11336, San Antonio, Texas. ADU.LTS! Personal Rubber Goodmt235 assortnient for $1.10 Sinest qualitY, tested guaranteed. Malled I lalA seaed ackgeplus free Birth Cci Western DlIutniir& Boxý, 24-WF FLeina. sask. PET STOCK MYWG!ES. champion clasa lredn Stock, singles, or pairs, guaranted WrIte: Aviari as 2 Eduevvood Gardeno. Toronto. POULTRY WE have 8000 Moutt1-ope Queen Leg- horn Pullets at present 3 to 4 montha old. We also haxve Red X Sussex, Ried X Rock Susser X Ried every week of year, any age. They are &Hl vacclnated, woinned, debhcaed and cufled. Freo. delUvery wIthin !00 miles. Write or phone Tavistok ?eultry Marlcet, Phone 60, Tavlstock, Ont. PNOPtRTIES FOR SALI FOR Sale Elght room n flnished boue wth garage, Iocated at 116 ChsefedAve., Lordon, Ont. Apply Box 2, Glencoe, Ontaria. PROPIftTIES WANTEO WANTFJ>%vaste farm land alto cut over bu h lots for liubitlng. Wllllsn O'Brien, SEED FO ALE 4CLINTLAZND iegistered rîo. 1 Oats, 1st Generaion. H. H. Mcl mi. QtalttY Seeda, Dres<len, Ontailo. 'MU. b-2511. DOUGLAS 8UEDS K1XCL1JSïV E uropean and Aniericaf strang- 'AU Amerlcan" seieMtoiis fljýrvegetables, begonfas, caladl- u V.Fo a»ada's fine4ist ltng oftY br I ndîproved eedrs jrltà: fleugra Seeds, Brantford, Ont. STAMIS AND COINS BEGINNERS - try a select1on of Aprovala priced Iý to 10< eebl, mlnt Mn se.Aint U.S. atains gîven fr>,9 toe very applcant. illson Tiremere, Oriston, Saskcatchewan." FIRST DAY COVERZ CANADA, 1J.N U.S.A., First Day Covers. Write for priçce lista' or p provals. B. A. Ovenis, Cht1ppa,Oi 20 FOR~EIGN C~oinis $1.00. Gold Sover- elgix $15.00. 1958 Canadian x 21Jnctu ië Coinx Set, $3350. Scotchlî 1lghl ndç Badg *15 1 Coin Buy*ng t4st 259; Crown l34bbaes, 167 Codeeji, fowV5- view, Ont. MO DIFFERENT Free te approval apI oints. &. Mackenzie. 11575 r4li Bly., Monireal. SWINI TOP ,qxua1ty Landr asvne, 2 o months, prlced froini $2.00. Mril liowe, R. 5, Aylmer West, Ont. in P, Man5ý 111- gar- have ized .in, Town ................> .......................... LIVI95TOCK PUAL P1URPOSI SHORTHORNS HILLHEAD Fares resent offering, young cows. calvins January end Feb- ruary, helfer 4calve. Two herd sire prospects fropi 11,OObs. ofnii!k damrs. Herd on R.01P. Wr'te fer particulars, IL A. ewitt'6 ,Sons York, Ont., MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" 1.E.L. Pioneer $13.50. 10" ?McCulloelg D44 $15.50. 17" Homelite EZ $15.25. Write for detail.q oncour complete Uine of saur halù. JAYIS MAIL ORVER, BOX OURLINGTON, ONTARIO - - -NMUDICAL - «ARE you sure you doVt have sugar (sign of Diabetes)? Thousanda do ,and ýdon't kxnow It! Piay sale! Check YOur famin1i now! Simiple hoen test that 3'qu xnake yourself, detects sugar lmme-, diately, U25* cd, 6 for $LN00Postpald. Royal Compiany, Dept, C, 1051 -Mt Royal East, Montres!. GOOD RESUCYS - EVERY SUFFEft!# FROM RHStuATlc PAINS OR NWURITI5 S$IOULD TqY DIXOW$ REME()T. MLINRO'S DRUG STORE 335 EL.GIN, OTTAWA $1.25 Exprcas C.IlI.d BRONCHIIAL asthma. lronehltls, bey fever, sinus sufferers, 'why change clim-i ate for yourheltx? A new dl1ct hTi 'been worlcèd out. that gives iiliig re;lef, îuo bonr 4pivn. Send for! 30 4e your condition. Acmse fletetie-Serviceé, 4525 Sue Hll Drive, El Peso, Texas. POST'S ECZEMA SAJrVE rashes an 'wecpn." k trubes Post's Soxoma Salve Mil o iW po you Itcinsangadbrig ze eczema %vil respond rei lyto the r>talniess ç dorless ointmentregardles of how rtubborn or hopeles3 they seeni. Sont Post Freon Recelpt et pruce PRICO 0" PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES W65 M. ceair Avenus Eat IN TI4ROAT TI4INAIS PWNi TAIt UTS for the nose and throat, drop1ping of mucus dIs. charge, sensation of a lumip ln the. Ask Your Druggist DRILLING FOR 011. SIIALLOW Ointario field lnvesting part~ ners. Write P.O. Box 5, Terminal A, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIEa FOR MEN AND WOMBN FLOBIDA! la booming. Classlfled sec- tions, JIacksonville, lilanil newsýpapers, listing jobs, ail types, men and womnen, Itentals, $1.00. Lawfion Press Service Box 1401 Jacksonville 1, Florida. LEARN AUCTI ONEERING fern Sooni. Free ca talogue. ilaiscli Auctiori Ce[. lee.àso City [owau. Americg. OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND0 WOMEN: SPEEDIIAND trains for' Stencgriipheir li 10 weeka Hiiee-5tudy. ABC Systemti Feree foldex Cassan Systemaý 10 rast. bourna Crest, Toroxito. DELIVERY WO*K $150.00 MONTHL'Y income for p;art- tinie deliveries and cOIllctIis. luat lave car or llght truck. *795.00 cas required. More inconie for full lime, Reply giving narne, address and phono numiber to Box No. 178, 12ý.l8tb St.. New Toronto, Ontario, BE A HAIRDE)$ESER JOIN -CANADAeS LEADIN*Q CHOOL Great Opportunlty Learo llsrdresslng, P!tuasant dignfied professlu; goGd wvages in'housancis of sucesful Marvel Gradustes. Arnertca's Greatesi Syster» tilue;trated Oitalo3gua Froc. Write ors42,111 MARVEL NAIRDRESING SCHOOI. 350 Sloor lit W Tereto Braniches; 44 ing St.,W. Haïiibftofl 72 R1desýu Stree tOttawav; PATENTS FETHERSTONIIAUGH &C ompi pny Patent Attorneys. Establilhed 1890. 600 Unversity Ave., Troronto Patenits au countrfeMs PERSOt<AL ~bookc free te bible raadctes. Address: Box 149, Dorchester, Ontario. DETAILS FREEI For bard to locale produscts and l1<4Ms, or Mnfoues bend Naine and Address te: Location Service 8ureau, Boxr 37-3 AInionqd, Wls- consin, U.S.A. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUS BOX 31, GALT 0ON?. FILMS deve1opeà and 6mna Dfalftp 40$ In lbm.12 magna prInts 50<l" albumi. Reprints S50, ach,. KOPkIOLO2R Developne S 100 (nç M puints>,.10 Iprinta 35e ph xtà Ansco adil1achro mmeÏ5 om e' . posures moueç ln sldea #121. 010 PrInts froanesli 3e 4etoh. 01Dpicat4 transparencie 25 op-chs, WMMM' PR0IW~TîW~ ftI~AL~ Prosquil# Point - Nw-sum.ýner hù or year round-all city eonviime-o o ofl heated, fireplace - 21,00ô ternis -for Inspeo Bi cntct. Y., Little Lake Resort ~- BetweexiCobouirg and Trenton - -Conc4rete buildings - dance floor, canteen, d2iiiM, clesix sa114 beach, living quartera., Alway bo'*te4 for season.. Parkçin, -lrees and tables. Exclusive. For particulars and term>a, J. F. Dey - Real Estate T 'renton EX, 2-4261, VACATION ESSOTS ARE vexa hgfoa uetrstu place to spend a wneriln ? Ougs Canadian guests returilye2r e fter Yer. Corrifortablea apartinents, ccenWlete it- chens, ln a reat desert setIng. wt beautiful vlcw of théeniovntfiins. Clos* te aIl facllti#, il miles beloew Palanà Springs. W4itefor our rensanable rates. White Cîi>imxnys'Apte.. Box 651. Paie Deseit, çalifornla. SOUTI4ERN RESORT FORT-Lauderdale, Florida, rnear ocean, Moderni roeins, aparth)ents. Send for brohur. Wn(13at ,binor,835 Terra- WtTER £ESORTS LEARN TO SKI at LMEROST LODGE. wlith JQSL NIJTER, C.S.L. Tive 10N t, Tows. Fouir D<ownhillirit Wle practice slçpe Limberlost featui'es all-inclusive Agio- rlcan Plan rate, averaging *10.00 per dÈay. No tf ees or other eztras. Cent-r plate si rental and repaIr s!ervie. Three houirs Troin Toronto. Five Day LernTe Slii 'Wceks $42.50 hlondayv to Friday AIl Witer LIMBERLOST LODGE 80À 1i54 Lrimberlost P.O.,, Iunltiv-ile, f1sea Ontario Phone, fHuntsvîlll 5M2iEt. 6e. WAI4TED WANTED IN NEW CONDITION- LHWC. 1½ 2te 212 ~oil bath 9g- s engine, Johnsonï % vrasher xnitbr, Wsconzslu 3 herse.eangine with recinctiion gear, Would trade one bag poncicete iniixeY for hall bag ise, Enos. S. Mertin, . t-Il g. Walensteln, Ont. moy l ffv amnu loiekaChe i8 eten atose.4 twIazy kidie cton WewMkdneygyet out ci order, eeez3isa&A l1waste2 remain in the ss. 'l1e backahe, dis-~ tuld ret or thattired-out an hesy.. hadefeling ,n4y ooonfiollbw.That'a th. time ta take Dodd'aKiGdnty Pilla. DeMd',a 4multe theeUdne3 t tenormal acGon. lien oti ess tee.tter-ï;Ieep btter-von better. 4Gel Dodd'e Kidne Pilit .nese ISSUE 9 - If N N s:' N roi Stype al h- to the c tnuit- pets. leh one can ts car," sayr- Sthe defini- ake in any- reported-. ree-" small ýy roll out questlin. iealt wit-h Ëige - xme i n, meais rmake N N N N N N N N N N N N IN. N N N N. N 4' N 4: 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N1 N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * N., N * N s. N N N N N 1; N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N ýý- 7

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