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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Mar 1959, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES$ ORONO VEEKILYTIMES Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Departmoent, Ottawa Founder., R. -A. Forrester Pubtishor R. C. Forrester Education Week President, Claude Bisseli of tlie Univ-,1rity of Toronto, out- ,Unies Canada's most important product as, peo~ple, cultivate an-d intelligent men and woein.u This was brought forth in addresses nmade by the president prier to Education week, Mardi 1 to 7. Edu- catîon. hie said. will have to be taken with greater intensity and seriouisness to prepare graduates for a new age. We must be- ware of the tecfinological and scientific concomîilants of tins new age and also the need for humnanis'ts and social scientists. The Canadian Conference on Education last year pointed out tht n ore money must be spent ini education. This will arouse many a P cry for education is too often condemned as now already toa costly. Yet in comparison to other expenditures it is noted thlat education does not top the iist. In 1957 Canadians spent $1,687 millilon on defense, $1,865 million on cars, $1,322 million on to- bacco and alcohol, Education costs in the Dominion totalled $1,020 million in the sanie period. From tthese figures it is seen that ed- ucation althougih high is Dlot above that spent for, some of the îuxuries of life. The Canadiani conference also supported that rural facilities for, eduication should bc the equivalent of those in urban centres. From the following figures the delegates feit there could be a de- cided strengthening of education in rural areas. The annual turn- over of teachers in Canada was greatest in ruari are-as whiere 47~ percenit chnged each year. This compared witi 23 percent in ur- ban soo. Further the convention learned tint of those Cana- dians over 5 years old not in school 50 percent in u-han areas had more thian grade 8 education w\hile in rural areas, only 25 percent lismore thian grade 8 ed ' cat ion., This also points up the condition that much more h-as ýto be down in the lern"entary f ield of education Loeally we look with prîde on our two schools, the public and higli, However an awareness of the importance of these two instiutions is ofteiinîner estimyated. This week lias been set aside as education week to further the interest in the education f ield anid to stimulate, awar-eness of the great part tint education -i now playing in the futiure of our country1 and its people. Education 1s everyones business and needs the support of everyone. Must Support Demerit Systemn Somne members of the Ontarlo legisiature have siown a distressixig inclination to criticize the "h'arshtiess" ol the driver temritpont >sttr. Smeof 1 tenm hv leayti e xcuse frtture offenders, arguing, for example, that a person who drives- a great deal willinevitably break more traffic laws than one Who doe2 net spend raucl ime at the wheel of a vesicle. It is this sort of attitude tiat lias seriously diminished the effectiveness of ourtraffic laws in the past. Juries have been not- oriously soft towards traffic offenders in criminal cases - appar- ently thinking, 'ýFhere but for the grace of God go 1" - and even sorne magistrates have been far troni stern. They hiave only been reflecting a regrettable public altitude, a mishmash of mnisplaced pity and sloppy'ý thinkîng. FIortunately, there aae some iecent signs that the public attitude lias been stiffening as people beginti o appreciate the full menace of the dangerous driver. it is a crious thîng tint people who can be horrified by, týhe deaths of a' few dozen people in an air crash (something tint d"ces not happen at ail frequently) can callously ignolie"tie dail'y death tell on thie roads. Yet one summi-er holiday weekend will kýilI more people In Canadla, and the United States than al the islaps in ail oth er fornlis of transportation whIl in any 1verag-e Now public opinion is becoming aroused by the continued anid senseless slaughter. Il is accepting touglier traff le laws and miore stflngent application o ftlio se lawvs. The lesson taugit by a tew cýourageous legisiators In the United States llas net been mis- __ -thele_ o f 1as pni ent of speeders, for exam"ple. in the few states --where laws were passed to punisi speeders wvith iail ternis and loss of riving privîleges, there was an initial out- ucry of protest but this dfied awayaquoyastehhWyol -was reduced. Those Otatrio m1-eibef s of the legisiattore wlio think they ea eýry publie f avor by softening the punishmnent of traffic of- fenders are guilty of error lia principle and ini polities. Waee rniay lie tie political implicationis, legislative and punitivea-tio miust be taken to make the public highways safer for travotl--iti %e are convinced tipi the great majority of vôters will agree. A Décision-Needed B IRTK Witli tlanks to Qod and greati C Lr I IE Joy, we aninounce the birti Of our - daugiter Brenda Grace Ance Van-i IN MEMORIAM der Spruit; Monday, MWardi 2nd in in1o-i'%inig memory of my deani Bowmanville dospital. fatier, William John Martyn, whoe Mr. nd Ms. VnderSrnutpssed away March 5, 1945; my! Mr.andMrs VaderSrrit.dear mother, Elizabethx Ana Cfrartyn wlio passed away Marc~h 6, 1951, ,, my dear sisten- Mary Emnily C anadas M ost Thema Curtis, wlio passed away February 20, 1953. 1 1 To youn graves 1 often wanden ImportantAnd wish tint you could speak. k ¶ But 1 stand alone lu silent2e 'Proctuet And picture you aIl àsleep. They who suffered are at rest, Wiat is tliC mist important pro- Gene te fleaven witii the blest. duct Canada dan oiff er tu a world Fondly remembered by daugliten mnoving dizzily into a new age? and sister Greta, son-in-law Orme, Presîdent Claude Bisseil of tlie Uni_ - Ha rvey and Marilyn Falls, - vensity of Poronte says tie answer CARD OF TIANKS is people, cultivated and intelligent i1 wîsî to tîank everyone à, r men and womea. He supports his cards and flowers, received duringl contention by poînting to the coun-tmy stay in liospital, and for thei try's senior civil servants, especially kîndniess siown tû me and iny f ama- those in the Departmnent of -Exter- ily. A special tlianks to Dr. MKn nal Affairs. Nothing, lie says, liaS zie and nursing staff of Bowman-ý added more to Canada's presti ge ville --Hospital than the reputation they have gain- icryEaDul. ced at home and abroadi.SncryEaDua. In3 two addresses last week, Dr.'IhvhW ~ T Bisel isusedth rleof 4h e uni-lJeho ihcsses T i iversity in incneasing production of the kind of people C anada anci tica r lînolg P r 0grani , wold need1.,(" tid the PRotary1 ChlbetIinof ttat-thlene must bel, Bomnylecongregation of a more po-sitive atitude ïowardslJaPlovaýh's witnjesses are making the select1in of unive-rsity tdnt.fýelmnr plans te attend a tine- At present, lie said, this selection is lday t-naing prograni la Newcastle, look-ed uipon, too mnucli as a scrieen it was announced recently. to reject ins1tead of as a nect te cap-I Mn. Michael Holinaty, presiding ture the wortliy. Scliolaýsiip,-s and minister of thec group,, la discussing bursaries are net a new kind of ijhs annouincement te tie congre- family allowance, hie insisted. Tlhey lgatien, pointed to tie challenge te are, instead, the metiods by whlchCiristian tiinking and Christian. the country dan most effectively1 werks ila tic rising- tide of mater-ý and most economîcally utilize itsiialism. 1 human resources.î "The object of the prograni," Mr.1 Holinaty said, "is te equip evenyone Earler the sanie day, Dr. Bissall of the preaciing fellowslip of'Je- welcemed a tiousand higlir sdlood iovah's witnesses la thc practical teaeliers te the University of Tor-luse of the Bible as a help la f erti- onte. He assureci themtant thc Un-ifyink tie spiritual morale of our iversity's great expansion proegram community." which is prepaning for an enrol- M.Hlnt adta eoa' ment of 23.000 by 1968 will net lead witnesses are enrolled la ministeri- te mechanization la education. [al training of at least five classes weckly. "Wc maintain", lie eni- "We will do evcrything in our'phaslZed, «tînt if a religion is power te ensure tint students Wlll'worth believing, it is worti putting lie citizens of n -reat community of!11tinte practice. scielars," lie said, "individuals te "For tint reason, the Watcfii lie trcatcd as individuals, te be aS- ýTowe-r Bible and Tract Society, sisted la their individual self-devel- 1 ponsors of thp, tiree-day $>eNv- opment." caste refresher program, h ve set st*ali" h onvii' "ýrg Teacien of the good Ne'ws'," lie cx- 1 tues wll b suplemOteilWe sincerely hope that tic ad- seninars and tutorials. We shallvîtned training planned for us str'eagtlien tic federal college syt there will enable- us te live dloser eyn, provide more staff and more te tie Bible and its teaciings." Tie resqidences. Thcre will stiUllie -roe rn --am is ischeduled for Mardi for' weader and tie joy o! disoy- la ieN(cseCo,,i~ e'Prt Hanll ..". 1 Lc.LpdJyeib JISUUSS District A\rea High Sehools Recently i 11,Pont Hope a question Tira'tepayers feel tint in the o! iaving that town iihigi scioçllong ,rua it mugit lie cheaper for separated froni tie Dunian] Dlst-1 tict- town te wîthdnaw the coltegiate nrict Higi Scihool Board. t foirm a separate board. Mr. Rey-1 Agitated by aews tint tiec cuaty noIlds would net con!rmi reportsý board %vns censidenîng three new int lie lad predicted a drop la ed-ý higi scliools la Durm, thc rate-uatoa grants for tic towa andl payers sfieit thiat Port Hope's share1 Hýope township if tiey sceded. l! lai tic expense of tic buildings He said lie tiought tiey -would' mugil-it be cut if tic towal dropped'remain nelatively uncianged byl eut nIo-w suci a move. He did net commentj Tic board plans and lias rec&,ived ja bout tic pessibility tint a board o!f deatieto! education appnovnlalJustm,-ent mligit charge Port l for- three niew higi sciools ia Dar- 1!ope an Hope township witi a' iingtop, lark anii at Mllbroek 1share la tic thrce ncw sciools, ev- Tiere -are lready four sciools at -i ýf they did wîthdraw.j Ewmnanville. Port Hope, Oroino and! Under United Counties cqu,,alizedý Millbnook. - lassessient systenis, Port Hope isý Pont Hope jomned thc Dunliani hable for 30.3 percent o! ail board' board several years ago lie! cre thce ýxpjenses. Hope township, wiese' tewni's nlew collelate was bttilt~, stu!dentls sire tic use o! tic higli cop itdla 1956 at a cost o!f67. sie pays 9.83 percent. 376, At tint tueif a higi sciool lie -_______________ ilng (Ised 'vas -traasferred tLo Vie! board free. Tic Pont Hope ratepayers feit ticheV l ~ beardf is tee big already. One o!f ntithe' rrere tine vitiag board miembers. agreed! l tint ýiiin thc next seven yenrs iln board would have saplit.A ans ie O S Walter Reynolds, secretary, o! Bow- m-aniville; W.ý Tramnen, and John f ïMecreary, o! Port Hope. They eut-. 4 linced cost per pupîl of secondary cd-j ucation il acdi scliool in tic c (ouatyj Milhbroek students \were niost ex.f peiisive te educate, figures siowcd. Cost tiere was $4.58.68ý per studeat> [ cempared te $422.40 la Port Hope.~ $-1-.28 lan owmn ville and l$405.3$' in Orono.O Percentage elnrollment o! Dur-lf liai stiudents shows tint Port Hope's O Ofl I iSurance can gv o 319pretemaedt oma.jf protection against loss. Check ,o ville's 50 percent, Oronco's 7.5 per-' YO' oergefr deutere 1 cent, and Millbrook's 56 percent. . ~aenetvle Port Hope now has an enirollmnent, N,F. PORTER f o! 529 and an average daily at-Ph 151 tendIance o! 477. Tic county board O P. 1256 expee(ts thecwill bc 970ustudeiits Re..122 la 1966. 0 .* The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone TU 5-5216 Port Hope, Ont. '-Buy Direct and Save Commissions"t Monuments, Gravestones, Eugraving, Goldleafing In4suralice service Sadie Hamilton Leray Hamilton -..Every elass of Insur- Iance is represented lin our office. The folio w- ing ar-e some of . the main coverages we can offer: Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabiîity, Fire, Blurqlary, 'Hospîilization, Ljvestock, BQiler,, Wind, Polio, Hall, Fidelity Bonds etc. ORONO PHONE IR16 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Lersy Ilamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER Repafrs CALL US FOR ESTIMATESI j IARRY E. LYCETT Pehone 33R12 ORONO -ONT. Orono, Ont, '.KAY LYCETT B.A. Darrister - SolîcitorI In the Offices off R. R. Waddell Q.C. o MAIN ST, ORO-N S Friday 7 poni. - 10 pm - Saturday 9 a.11. - 5 p.Im T'elephone 138 Oronot JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator SPecialize in Farm and Furnit,4re Sales conmîit nme for ternis and dates rhone 5 r 18 - Qroos TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuatoi. Conducts Auctin Sales of Ia,,Sia and ai- reasonabje rates Comm'nuica tWth hJsm afPort P#%.p Oterio, or see bis Clerk, A. IL rMorton at Orono for date. LIFE INSURAINC Pension Plans; Educationaî Poi;ie. Protection and Savings Plans for Children and Aduits; Morbgage InJ surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT Orono, Ont. - Phono 11716 Typwriters Reminigton Portables 4 MocL-ls. Free demfonstrat ion. At $1.010 down and $1 .00 a week. Up to 20%7, off on demonstrators. OSH-AWA BUSINESS MACHINES 329 Simcoe St. S. Phone RA 812111 1: ~ Evenings 597481 I l'STAFFORD BROS. IMolnuntal W.rkt IPhiono Whitby 552 3118 Dundas, St. E., Whitby FiNE QUALITY I. MARKKEKR Lot us erect a hancisome, dig- nified monument over thue rest- ing place of your Ioved Cones. I t's not expensive. And sooing I this fast tribute wil give you endiess comfort, Orouo Electric PHONE 1219 CONTItACTORS FOR FARM1 and IHOUSE WIRING Free Estimates- APPLIANCTE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs 0aIl kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such ai- Motors Water Heaters T,V, - Rodios Stoves - Irons Building A lieuse? or remodelling your presont one Contact Floyd Niclws. Photie 2191 Orono Foumdations and Septic Tanks poured. Formu avallable Phone 5 18

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