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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1959, p. 1

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ES I9th, 1959 Subscription $1.50 On Friday evening, inter( 'rons acainl met ta discuss Case'n I arke To Draft By-Iaw 4 ta t-be -h-L I ha halh1 lODissolve ,chool Mrea .Harner, med-- eet Velkstye Hpe ownhipwas Chairmian of, 111best Iin the sUIIhLi floati'Ig neeIin. Ilought advisaIble to obtai flainO Jemetng ice7(-S ofai aChartered wascom Deegaeselected to the Annu1-alto Joan luMetigof ithe Ontarlo Liberal As- i awytsnnd fiacialhe Coreiusso~ ionin Toronta on iAprîl 3, e- isstrurneatf.r n iAL un roicfîCandiidate; GrdnTrick costs afa uildinIgaek MJil1brook; E. R. Lovekin, New- with te nfrain d~~ . whntecstie; Nirs. Alice Cleary, Port Thpupe iteo Holpe; Mrs. -Mollie Kent, Bowmian.t st, iacetebidn Cobbled4ick, vle",0rneSclypr Hp.rilbinaildngs w ihcoul mcers cdoing Vle arneSulPr oc ra ulilg,,wil oi vere Mary I additioni the Liberal candidates it was the' genieral opiniei ord, Connie in the past elections, David Fordto industry, over a teni yrrell. 2n4 land Russell C. Holuey are ex-officia pr)Iesenlt thatsarhldr ýd pr.eseit- delegates to the convention. celve a 7 an 7Ï % returi , Bill Reid, Alternates elected were: manley. El- Qi 1ToPortHope, To Open 1959 thîe nunr is expe inýcidielc( espciaýlly tfor saitt TIwo cases of tbrulsswee diatgnosectinluFeboruary admitted to Mie sanatorcium. A thirdl case wasI admitted to the sntrubuti died- shortly aiter This is the firstl death to occur fiom TB, ÏIn the health unit areaý in the past year. Duiring February, public health n'urses made 511j home visits-. mest- -o- tolunha Ibid AnnuaL- M ri eAssoci- ýt ail persans ia Liberal "We have the uitinmate w'ill affili-. ring accommodation and Association. comnfort," saidl fieldman G1 Il le avait- son of Port Perry of PE ýre from aIl\lMemotiaî Community Cen' ve and will report for 1958 at the an h» PrOceeds frg of HoIstein associatio la included four nati Prce 'horthorn The auinual sale at ponsored by tlýe Dur iv Il origir further 3-5miles oai muli-lane ng paving, schedluled in the 60 OrItario 1Uighways Depart- pragra-m, will put into oper- two înew sections of HighwNayi -froý,n Newcastle to Port H1-ope from ) 1PrescotIfwesterly to way 2. Ten miles of the exist- iighwaiy -- betwýeen Ajax an'd [72,000-, vwas tabled in the- leg- ire Mody.Ivill help ensu-re Eiigway 01 v iiibe onpee '63, s'erleasaadof theI altar:get date, Highway 115 Il-. the a -vace lnning as out- linied by the ,Department lui their engieerig bokiet Higway115 is shiown a:s a mnulti-lanie hîghway fram 4101 junction] to the juniction af Noý 35- at Enterprise. This sectioný .is proposed to be a mnulti-lane hlgh- way withiui the ettein years. Major Works 1959 Other major works posed vvîthin the Port Hope sarea incîtide thle con- struction and revîsion of several iiniterchang-es with Highway 401 and service road construction--al -part of the plan tcr develop theliighway ou the basis of controlle&t accesi- biîity. The Township Council of Clarke met on Wednesday, March llth for- a lengthy session when under dis- cussion was the Township Public School Area and aiso a discussion w.,ith the Newcastle Council aver the placing of a High School in the area. lDeputy-reeve Earle Walkey was in the chair in tne absence of the R1eeve, Jameis 'i'. Brown. Wmn. Moffat spokçe to Councýil and statedi that Counicil should issolve- thie Township &Shcý1 Aoea s it now exists and should theni re-or- ganize the area possibly inita twu areas. 1H10said Anttioch would rther corne b Oroi-) 0 o for eýdtucation ta bem l7inkedl with distant schools suchl ais nwiniihle Ar1ea, TeTownisip P ublic Sulhool Ae wvas oel disclussed for the major, portion of the session at wliich E. R.. Louvekin, Townishtip Solicitor-, waf3 pr-îesent to gfive legal interpretatioin. Finally a, motion was moved by Couniciflors Russell Savery and seconded by John Storte that the' necessary by11-laiws le p]epared- for dissolution of the Clarke Towniship, School Âtea and to establisli the former school sections ruo'w orlned lin the saiçl aroa as Scjh4ol Sections 1, 4, 8, 91 13, 17 and 21, The said draft bv-laws are to lie presentedl to Couneil. as soon ias 4possible. The Clerk was authorized ta pub- iish advertsements to inform rate- payers o f tlis ulôve by Council. Mr. E. Gerrv adIdressed the Coun- 1Paving will lie doue to Highway i cl in caniîection with a transfer or 7A for the seven miles fromn.Portiland to Jack Moffat. He stated J Perry ta Caesarea. that the poliCy nowýj differed with a j previousc policy whereby thre Courncil A four-mile service road linini aclvetsel stuch land fat sale and 3 Oshawa and Whiitby will lbe bulltI received tenders. The Couricil res- ýalon.gside -lghway 401, cindedkthe- motion .tor sell, thbe land& I ta Jack Moffat and that the mnattet H-ighWay 401 service road frai. lia brought bef*iee Cotinci1 for- re- Llots 3-4 ta lots 6-7, south side, Dar- j view. f lington Twp.; service road from I1 .__ ._ .+1,- gratefu t i tate Teiiige rop or 11 eu una acian ie taken of eUtOrs. adple uiepcal odIWael odt o 1 pt ie Drn afittheir time 1and tlett hetrend explaining that there was GoThe attending Coy7od1 avry oa t ot31 urnîl givr h vnig neti-gra istsacinTeatning represeutatives type, preformance tested bulîs, were Darlington Twp.; structure at Hope oicl prpae ~e-èvuai ~llX5i- ratdisaiiatinin Ontaria îfrom the counties were: Simcae, lu demnand. Top price ai $550. wýenit and Hamiltonuliue, at lots 28-29 thle Villagj mn.(Continued page Ray Matsou ai Totte-_nham and Les ta Ray Philp, Part Hope, the pur- Hairilton Twp.; interclianges atigethier as Cook af Cookstown. Victoria: Jas chalser being James Patton, Can- lots 20-21, Hamilton Twp.;a h the Secret Vv. S 1 _ ard VýOt S Se qÉ%j F E.Graham -and Sherman Moore 0 j ingtQn. Second higir, $510. wvent tao junction with Highway No. 45 at ty Deeis t l. . B a d Vo e c o l o ada#OtroCuny hr John Riekard, Newvcastle, the pur- ithe junctian with Highwýay No. 3lwer~ adden and William Stone ai Black- cisrbig!T lonSano na os2-2 alntnTp;a iueste watefqiBwmanicl eteale, at $100. also! lo5ts3-4tiiitto w.n(iwpat lot smeta Peterborough: Stewart NeIson1 jiau*ie fromth ie Pbilp herci, %with K.lIots 20-21 DarLiingtýon Twp.; road Twsi and Howard Clark. Durham. Caiafusel iUnlouville, te buy er. ýallowvance betwefen conclessions 1-2 ,,;Iprior (C1iud ae8 Cniu- npg ih)î a of N w ate Narthumberland: R ee of Clarence -Nelson, Castleton and b R.. a Wednesdlay evening thle Durbam . a majority of ilh municipalities lilla F. Moore, Cobourg. (',y j Comt Çounty District IHigh Schaal Board J the area. W ith the dcsa nWd rnc dad ae xder %G 1p7r--% siuiiug. ~mut flu heir reguIlr sessian auicniesday niighit there is now ta be edte uldn o nw Hihmaae h iceaig ubesa llen:adgonJ . .FiuaThilpsed l at, wbich meeting the Bloard apprav- lItilît tree new sebfoo-ls ta acco-ai Ilr, nd erb Kerr, Picton. l h Schod lu he Tonshi ai CarRe ligh Sehool stuidents lunt-ie Dur- 1Robert J McFarlane bath ai Na 1 ~ ~ S O IO I f h on thbe vicinity of tlic Village afilOrno amn area. One sehool is ta lie built ae.Mdc hlHri ok atea This is the second time the Board for 400 hulr d pupils lu tie west Bîock Bar-ker, Wi,ýood1brîdge.____om tt iras given thieir approvai for a new af Darlington Township. a second National directors: James M,\c- Al ilmemnbers af ithe Durham there iS suificieut interest: Durham ofe a sciol n lakeTo,ý-islip te i-Cagne, Allsto; Grge R. Mc- Caunty 4-H Club Leaders Associa- 4-H In Club, leader, Gien Lar- planning seoli lreTw~itel-(Coutinued page 3) ia evrtn t akfos-ls, tBa jlt-lai proposai was turned clown by LuhiBaetn RyBreta were present on Monday even- mer, Nestieton; Durham 4-H Beef Sha _________________________________________________ xbrîdge and Harold MUcCaul, Nap- ing, March 9th. at the Flying Dutch.- Club, leader, Bey Gray, . Garden pp~sb alnee. And Johni E. Powell, Brant- man Motel, Restaurant for the an- Hîilil; fHope -H Cali Club, leader, euiher tbe I e__ frd, publicity directar for the na- nuai banqu et. This banquet is pro- Roy McHlolmi, Welcome, Bey Gray, ewath fl ua h rA mlonci 5%o1n ci n u e f toniHîsenasoitinided tbraugb t-hé caurt-esy of the Garden Hill, Assistant leader; Dur- concentral Fat rqHarold MeCani was app)oinltedIExtens-ioni Branch ai the Ontarioahnbm4-H Grain Club, leader, Gerald nat- ssi ihairmanait-be divisional canimit- Department ai Agriculture. Foilow Brown, Bowmianville, Bruce Taylor, two comur à% tc for t-is year. ing,,,t-be banquet the members ad- Enniskillen, Assistant leader; Dur- ge"Si thaï, eqéld rO r C >b s tco No action was taken, aiter cou- jaurned t-o the Board Room ai thehm4-lrctrub-lader L oydcasidlerai, leah discussion, on a Northum-rr Ont-aria Department of Agriculture Kecllogg, Welcamie; Durham -H1a 200 pupII tjiýý er witb MJrs. Hrc Best- berland motion t-bat in t-be get-of- Ilu Bowmanville for thieir annualiry Caîf Club, leader, Francisa similar, Orçrnajj Culs is and Scouts, alo0ng mak0ing t-be reply. sire class 'flu judging there sbaould meeting. Jaose, Newcastle; Duriam 41--H Sbieeplfo)ýringi, wit-b their fat-bers eujoyed a vn h iandSouedeswe\7ee-olwelehbiosswn Chlbleadler, James Coomibes, Bow,- sbo e ing toget-her on Wýeçlnesday tvwhenpreented ith gitfs by Mrs. 1R. Vag-it-wa and t-Wo aniiqs or ilreeand .G aîype grclua manville; Durbam 4I-H Pot-at-o veryshai. teaninual Fat-br rand Son PBanquet gart- and Mrs. O. Fagan anbehiaîf ane, fa mîake up a vcampeltIg c , lasRepesnt-atLived iwlmed tberoup Colu, laeMlWaMbok eddi ai t-be Orou Cuis and Scot-1ws ilt-e Cul)iimat-berýs. AMrs. Faga, a al or.Teprsnt odiins al aintroduc F ed uw emeya\'rs, o Du rm 4-H Paul-y Club, _leae, t hield lui t-beSundcay Scirool Ad- 0mentionied bow ,sorry tbeywere 1or7 at leaSt- on i tlie getta ie nclue rT LGee n il.RuBrosuomnvle ii toint i -b UltedChrc. heetali lsig -b srvce a Ms.oned 1by;antexhlibit-ar. M. St-acey, rmembers oaIlt-e staff a ook4H afClb9eaeMevn Th0 l l,)liui f heUiltdelul(ý. hee ionelsig leseviesofMr. John lPowell repart-ed 49o6 Hol- fSmith, Cavangl Shoo aid ýV(w1eearound sixt-y fat-bers and sans Bîey wo \was soon ta leave t-be -e BowmalBrnvile i Scboflnd 2f:00ia.Re 1)re(sen-t Nwbo were treated t-a a t-ur- commuity. steins shiownl by 90:2 exibitors at M.Grl rwPeiet itb itb e key-, dinnerI by t-be Cul mat-hers. Floigtb inrM ontb 5Bakand UWbite DaysDravout uirFamr tws pointedou-f-at>-batbsii p Ra Hea tale uess, ba erelu-For le lt-e gat-herg rlu fuoIl- tronbou- Otara a veae iAssociation.lHe t-heu looak charge whcb adbee pesent-ed flic-b .Uduc b liLederfyablesng-aug Th1Cuis ffelh ad d20 exhlibit-ors, as coim- a i tb leco[ ai ficers wbIicb re- Fdeation of Agricult-ure- t-o t-be ilu -e Or nten e, were5_9rs.adN. conald 109 -sulted as fIllowS: lae E.A.Summine rsIha-s been 1re- Tout-at-i -,, ,,,oc r.jý Bailey, Joea-it on a playabu Lord Badlen aeiib42iba n 5 x AuneRidlerfrd, ussl MaorPowel rlatig to tie pridai i ibtors liti197. Wa1ýterloo COnnty Presidieut- -Bey. Gray,tGad.cl edl t-o t-beFedera,ýtion Tbey o frt-ie j t-h rm ieîîfit-be at-ers wiftb 208 Ibead at itheir, Hill; Vc-rsdn- Francis Jase, Plan t-o bave it il 'il cd 0on altropby bleld lun C D(4-nald Guode, ail leaders- lu t-be lue wen he bad returid ra anad Whiite Day Nwa seuvcreary - Lloyd i Kel-eete ofi hgiNl7ilbý Cul moemet-,Robert- Jolinson, lber WarT:'li het-ene was a, fu hw n twl i rsn-dt -ehg oele Lele cet- cotladrsand Rev. 1dream oaiLLa-diBaden Poellwhib oud n Ehiitinpol*psonsE P t-er or- Daîrymi, owm; ravier Adit-o in t-be live(,stoýk judging cam- t-bt- t-be aslE. Long aud Johln .Ford, Rev. hehadlu reludLa peEhbiin N, o ro-Di riil!"Amtit-iaOn t-o t-be Ihigb con testan-.cue NMr. Long ae-etl a chairan for -be ev The eerring as coniuded itb 'u1 and Ott)fiaw"a Exhibition -RuBok, omuil eadTnatv ln er aefrt-eKmti eniug s'a filaon basebaoranllt-be me brouglit- ont 1148 Hoins b 4 'rwBomuile lve stock judgiig comipetitian t-alie speaker 1, Culi) Frasýer Wallace proposed a pay.Tepitr soe -be exiior 1ai9a57 hada. 8 h r was considable-1discsinl if feible on Fi d in, Meay t At t-e Inernaiona Sho i wuld ie ogauied i 195 aud -be aacbug RguthwiandieLeod u t-e in com In action. Malcolm MeKezie rau I CLh P Bb Luxan ?ropo'sed a toast Iotai- imwfhhspoetr the eveuing session tue ai Clarke Townlship 'and (e af Newcastle met ta- 3requested by a letter f romn ýtary of the JDurham COU- îct H-ighl School Board ire Buýiiling Commirittee re- thle two ouuicils to eindeavour ta recommeud a iool Site ceast of the Clarke u)lne. A reply was request- moved by D. Cuuningham, Newc'-astle and seconded very th"at E. VWailtey le e~~~o Charmn 0 te eet- i the joint mein:that is of the Village ai) New- id Township ai Creè in ýe as a whole, belieSïes, in, future development and needs lu said nmunicipali- the proposai of the High ard ta construet a 400 ool samnewhepre distant from eVillages ai Orono and eWch are the centres ai tions aofppunlationI, oes ry tie roquireniens af these ziunities. W hreoesug- thile 1Bard give serions don ta lue Construction ai is(hool i ecateand schaýol in O r,) ,o, thus tnucleouis forplailned oveîopmlentich within a ni periwofailtie xwill pe thsi xpnigcomminun- Lrne CoMui adjouned a' ta m-eet again 0an thewca"i reve ta deal wvih the Town- A Appropriatjin. an ditrit alo. ive plansý were also mnade junior Awa,-rd Night ta be )rou duing the vveek of or 23rd. It was suggested. treastirer attempt lta se- James Pirvis, from the le Agrîicultural Sc-11001 as for that event. features discnssedl were Oroi -a n prese tense of thi produ phîl1 "N -s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

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