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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1959, p. 5

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URGE S-$TAQE MAR (Froin page ý4ï o-f progressive development, Prelminary steps would involve surveyirV for a land use mnap, a public, service mnaV, an-d a topo- g,-aohical imap. Land use details, he ..'uigefsted, could be gathered by boy scouts, girl guides, or ther loca1 volunteers. Such a map would s-tiow present use of ail local land. HOLSTEIN REPS. (Continued from page 1) Chicago 41 Ontarïo Holsteins shown by 10 exlilbitors wvon 37 prizes. John! If. Malcolm of St. George, Ont, was thie preIxdat exlibitor. The memYbershlp of the C-anadiïan Hosteii»-Friesi.anx Association la now 13,000 with 9000 in Ontario, ýby a aualified .draftýrran, lie added.î This map would indicate wherej The town should take care to co- -grades 378; break-up of prnr inost desirable locations could be operate fully in mapping and de- of familles 109, and *rm<her zonjred for future commercial, resi- velopment probiems with neighbor- p'rebred hierds, 57; also 31 per centi dential, or industrial use. ing Hope and Hamilton townships, were complete new herds and 481 Sewer, water, and hydro linesi he advised. per cent were built from gradecs. should be traced on a second nap, j evelopmen t would require an1ý] The largest number of new Hol- he siuggested» Also noted should be nexation of adjacent land, he ex-Istein hierds were in western Onatar-1 the size anid capacity of services plained. Suchi annexations shouldliîo, 233; Eastern Ontario, 113:; East- alEady h th- 1. include enough land to balance res- Central Ontario, 129; West Central Bohtis and the third topo- i idential and indlustrial needs. He Ontarjo, 113; plus Quebec 153, and graphical map should be piepared was of fihe opinion that the town 7i elBusic NEM SPRING HATS They arrived this week. There are Plowvered Wig,,, Fancy and Milan $traws with f lower and ribbon trim. Navy Tam with hand bag ta match also ftawered bands. SPRING DRESSES We have a gqord SeXecfian cf 2-piece cotton, wvool and silks. High waist lune, Princess lines. Shirt Maker Dresses in plain a nd f lowered. They are pricedi From $9.95 to $2-1.50 WHITE COTTON BLOUSES Ail different styles, some embroidered trim. Priced from $3.25 to $6.50 CIIILDREN'S SPRING COAT SETS For girls und boys. Boys in suede, carduray, wool and Cotton. Priced $5«00 to $9M9 Girls in suede, corduroy, nylon and cordedi silk. Piiced $6.50 to $19-95.. GIRL'S and BOY'S NAVY BLAZERS White corct trim, size 2 ta ex Priced ...$3.. ...... .... Sizes 7 ta 12 years ... .. ... . .. ........ 9 BOY'S SUEDE JACKETS In brown or red, lined with good quality rayon. Priced $4.45 and $5-95 I ~ y'sWHITE SHIRTS with cuff inks and bow tic, sie2t x. Priced at................ J GIRL'S BLOUSES in nyloncj and cotton ies2t 5yas .~~~ ~~ Priced fram ... ...................$O0t$19 GIRL'S DRESSES in silk and cat- ton material, with white embroi- de-,redI nylon trim, calour pink and blue. Sizes 2 and 3 years. $3.25 GHiLDREN'S COTTON JERSEYS ý.nPlain or pten.size i to 3x Priced at ........... 85c. and 95c. Lde'Cordecl Popi CARCOATSî ctifferent styles, ne. wthgoodi qutalit y rayon, size 'i2 ta 16 $9.95 Open MAilDay W edn .e s la y Ail Day and C0B0CRADIO Great muuic and radio broad=adnLbhave lways gono to. gctioe. AMd istenen rto CBC aioEv. always expected the vC7y iuest from their publidly owned broadcastizgiystem. That is one of the reasons CBC IPacio h partcularly proud to presesn: eh. CBIC Symphony Orchsesrcvery Sunday .ve34 WC have wclcomed Som* of te. world's Most distlngd%*hed conductorz anidistricintali. Arnong them have boen 5fr Malcolmu Sarg=at 1 Wiam Prirnroue, Sir !ugene Gooms.s AlIxander Brozt, Abut Pntz Tibot Von Paul tau Mary Simnons amont od=ct. WC invite Yeu ojloin O ur &Cm.voey Sunday e.w.13 as 830 p..for te. CJ3CSymphony Orchestra Foe~ýFlMosgAe mmaq .dpw xcliniîhnMWM ron bj eCDC 14 andon CBC 'elipidê', myuq. wugj.you ubcribe to CDC 7ïYme-ath MPC i 1in IIfrOdO rY ;'Id f M Mths (1 ë w Oth I fsss) fO r $,-.0 0(yearif M $.oo). Write CBC Tinyes, Box 5o#, Teid'A' Toronto, OIWtýfoi à t I ( 'I 'I I .'QcaOfO..0ê,o.. fOccfO.O.0ê.ooo. ,eofne.n..u.qa.o f -. MftvAulec4In IIV¶gi PIrijunmnvuri i j A most enjoyable evening was hield at Kirby Sehool on Febriary 13. Five Hiindred was the feature .of the evening. The winne.rs were: Hlighi lady, Mrs. Wm. Wannian;i- low lady, Mrs. L. Lowery; high man I MIr L. Lowery; low man, Dick Ruifherford and Ross Wann.-an tied, f Lunch was enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs Wm- Grady' and fam- f ily vlsited on Sunday with Mr. ando Mvrs. Bruice Goode and family in f Markham. o Mr. James. Gamsby aitended the0 Sportsmanis Shiow in Toronto for fji he first three days of this week 0 where hie represented Orono With.f he LODA display.O The Orono rink elosed down on vVednesday of this week. Ail pro- .;rams at the rink will cease. It is however possible that Saturdaiy af- ernoon skating \vîll be scheduled l his Saturday on the provisal thatU adequate i ce is present. Watch the bulletin board in front of the û Township Hall for such an an- nouncement Mr. Ken Nixon received word the forepart of this week that hisf father had passed away in Fergus. Mr, H. M. Mercer, Orono ydr ChairmLan, attended thLe annual f neeting of the Oi-tario Hydro Ass- ciation this Week.o Chinchillas i T'o Englcind Mrîj. PRoss Stoniehouse, III Had-4 lintonAve,,Toronto 12, Ontarlo, -ioed reeerof chinchillas, av .ed by r frornMalton via T.C.A. f o New Yv ork on March lth,'then11 lyB...C laetoLndn-Eg ~os ill bree-the geof Dr. A"D. E "0oss 'o (fate fS In oss o guracng fameat tinhiasun- maed crefrm of r. os , 35 fi wer ie se from o.Ston. hoiade and ianhinchiluas, (15 ome of them wîll be auctioned off n London by live stock auctioneer f Harry Hodgson on March 14th.* Mr Stonehouse, who will attend this , O.U.,l-.n c I, acu 141e bIe 11UC4t 1 niew înterest in Europe in chinchil- la breeding. H1e said the litle an- mals whose fur makes the most valuahie coats in thé world, are now imported even behind the Iron Cur- tain. Last year there was mo-re than $1,000,000 worth of chincilla fur, s91d in New, York. Mr. Stonehouse will fly back to Canada at the end of March, -to *open up hisnwl acquired 55 acre ~ranch for the. breeding of chin- chillas near Uxbridge. Mr. Stonehouse is the son-in-law of the, late Mrs, Fred Truil. Rev. Basil Long SIJÏNDAY, MARCI4 22nd ' .ýkard KLrby - - Ilia.m. -2 p.m. - - 3:00 P.iML SUNDAY SCHOOL. 10 a.m.............. Or'ono 2 p.m.... ý......... irby~ 2 . . .. .... ek -, AD NOVlELTIES Our assortm-ent is now comr- L ~ plete. The early shopper h-as a wonderful range to choose from. Speia Mes'Stre hy Ho.se 100 p.,. Nylon, assorted corfits sizes 10 to 13- Pair priced ....... 57c. Men's Work Socks, 100 p.c. Nylon, grey with, white heel and toe. Pair for ............ Boy's and Girl's Fiction Books, a wýide variety of popular tities to choose from. Each.....69c. Bobby Socks with triple roll cuff, sofft white cottoii nylon reinforced, sizes8S2 to 101/2. Red Star Value. Priced per pair ................ .39c. Slips, Ladies' Rayon Haif Slips, Elastic w\ýaist band, lace trimi on skirt hemy white and colors, sizes mnedium and large. Each for .............. 98c. Outstairig Value! Satin bound Rayon and Nylon Blankets, popular big si,ýeé 72 in. b-y 84 n as.sor- ted colors. Eachel for ............... ....$S4.95 Coat's and CaksSedCoSenMercerized Cotton, 100 yar bals, assoreted collors. Regular bal 39(e. Cleaing price o0nlyý ............. 29C. Ouýtsý-,t a nd(ing Val!-ue! jmb0Witn -orNote"Pads Kidfiih SteCdman Red Star- Va-lue....23c. Feather, Becd]iPillows, size 17"x25î", soft ,eoi-fort- able and restfulf. Lach- ................ $1.19 OPEN FRTDAY EVENTNGS' SAVE TIME SERVE YOURUSELF OROMO 5c~ TO $1.00 STORE t n.a.0.Q.4> oe.0000.o.eOe ,>eofoeo.0.aofo.f.0004.OC )~t ORONO TINSKOP ALL KINDS 0F SHEIET METAL AND Plumbing Supplies BRAN DRAM -HE NDERSO.N PAINTS FOR ALI PtJRPOSES OPEN DAII-Y 8:00 a.m. to 5.30 p.M R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Oronio, Ont.. - ~ -. 79c. 2 2 fi 2 2 ~ .2 h r. .2 i J i I N. 's. k N. N. A1 N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. -s N. N. N. N. N. N. N. s, CLOSED WED. P.M. Openri ri. to 9 pm. i i g i 2 I i 2: LE~ I 2 g I 2 I -o-.

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