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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 1

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oM O Nolume 22, Number E Orono, Ontario, ThursdlayApril? 2 1959 sg"e Subseription $1.50 ~Engin er Presents 25Yr. Orono Plan Secorimend -xpansion To Ecîst A wenty-five page ré port on prej 6 ô , roqt m r opsea' i ]ïiminary planning accompanieddmsra area was shown souith ofS ve 33 Cows 1I -,11maps %vas pie'setited the fifth concession easi 0f High- -. tn the Oronio Police Truistees MïonI- jway 115. T rQrn. Barn to.rr v vei by Marshall. -Maclin, OE SP E Monaglian Limited, consultinig pro- C Ù P(era , oj-n $ pac E fesj Conaiderabie opeofspace was FPour fhead 0f cattle were burned f-essuý,iona EnIu0 I eeI s fa n Milîs. shown on th iaps and hlee the to death in the fierce blaze whic1h Barker represented the fîrmn of 'Fn- brief suggesiedi that Îhese areas be1 déstroyed the S. S. Morton barn at gin1eers who discussed the plan withheda pnpceiiodrtatu-Mpe Grove, Mýoniday. Firem-en, 1-ý- the- Tustesdesirable developmnentcul be con- farmiers and near-by workmwen ruacedj The hec r uscot e 'Ijm; 1 ole d to the scene to fig hit the fast _mov-1 The firn -t nnntA ;_ -1-1 Îating 10 present andl proposed jald uses, planning staged developmnent bon eSidentia1n expansion and for MuLnicipal Serviceus (wte ja(j ,sewage). Il also dJeall with, financ- ing of Municipal services and laid o t Jarius ecommendadons %whfchl -ve f LIýshouildbe cariedouiby th Pr ,~pi cf ihez T1,n, ,POTENTI'AL, LAYOUT ing ll', whucn resuitea in $12,0W A p.eîa streel layout for' stag-1 damage. 0f a total of 33 cattie trapped in the barri when the blazci ~s k, 2 and 3 (easL of llîghway 115) br)toke out, ail but four were rýescued pas depicted on a maphin which an dwîough tefKsoth vWn indication of the imanner in vhïchiTeeIre ihefforts onte vouin- ievelopment could proceed. as iejrl in the blaze, although the heat eîîîa îu foractommotonlycas- wa%%s intense and ithere was -a con-i .d. T Is- masto serve olyeas ans stantdanger fromfalling beams.& PLANNING cial area, a future churcli, play-i The report for planning took intoigfoui)(, hospital, apartimerts, onie-ý consWderation the design-ation of family resi.dences and maisoniettes.i lend', for residential, commercial, ini- duLstrial, open space anld speciali DEVELOPMOENT AREA usevs. Thiese categories were cîearîyl)Thlc e Dvelopmentii area as outliniedý dfedin ithe b-I, by 1vthe Egnesemibodies 1 30) acres as compared to 275 acres now Teplaningii perîiod of lwenlty-Iiri the Police Village. It would takeý îix years vas divided irito re1i lots-26,2, 8 nd 29 betlween stags. Fe fist was a five year I t'le sixfli and fifth concessions and stage followed ]DY two ten year djoes advance 200 feet nor-tl of the stag-es. The stg?,,es were- developeditsi xlh1 concession. The southerri using. estîmated population figures bôtindlary runs east and west fromI forý thec particular periods. The er-lîhe soith intersection to Orono off gîzlreers pointed out that the stagin1llHighway 115 and includes lots 27, p rogramn intends thiat each succes, 2 and a portion of lot 29. The east ,sîx e stage of the plan shall be held boundary south of the fifth conces-ý a.)peni- space until such time as 75% f te gossare ofth~ . sion runs 200 feet east on lot 26 flat ou-, stage lias been developed. Th teiksero') they said, would tend to control de- The proposed boundaries were vel,-opment iin a planned and or-derly selecled by the Consulting Engin- nuianner and will prevent sporadici!eers, provide an. area suitable to en-ý development which could involveisure thiat the most desirable land, thet muniicipality in premnature ex-i1will bc available for residential, pendiCitures of public funds' commercial and industrial develop- Development, the brief poinited menit and so that cece nrtrol caný Tearl)cte(d 200 yVards Southb 0fHib-ay2 onithe Matple Grýoveý road, belonged 10 S. S. Morton andlý hlis Son, Jautk. They also operatea farm mirachiinerýyagency. Piemn slimatid ihedamage to1 TLwp. Populationn Ia ii ï nteresting to note the Iopu- Bc>ail, Tu rkeys, Chic keins from the report subrnittec, to the Orono Police Trustees on Monday is D sr y c y Fr eveniing. In the year 1851 the popu- i s Dtr %feBy F e lation totalled. 6,190 people and in-__________________ crecased during ithe iie>ýt t.en years. l eledy origfeannthgcudb oet sv From 1861 to 1951fthe population Eal ensa nrig fr rr ohn ol edn osv deceasct o alo of2,5-1 ýope.totally destroyed the barns on the any of the contents or livestock or decrasedto 10w0f of Mvr. Rienstra's on the poultry. The past seven years~ has -.owpver poct shown a sig-nificant increase. sixth line of Clark~e Township just The fo owing- are recorded. north of the Village of Orcuio. The Fortunatelv no wind W\as blowing 18î 6,190 1911. 3 '375 PrOFerty has been Iknown as Brow- thus a divyingshed whiîcl is located 1861. 6,57,5 1921 . ...-3,039 1011 and is loeatedl on the top ofibetween the barn and the house 1,871 .5,728, 1931...2,9741 Erown's HIi. was flot afïfected. The house was 1881 5J6 19411 ... 2,814,1 neither threatened by the blaze, i 891 4,427 1951 ....2,594 Further to the loss of the barn 1901 3,788 ~1958 3,566 was the loss of 2,000 Turkey chicks, 1 >At the peak o)f the fire a numnber 150 pigs, the majority- being almost,1of Propane g-as tanks whistled, keep- sch~éI1Rîr nAj arkietable, 200 chiclens andl an iing back the few spectators 'h School Board ~amnount of feed. Nothing was saved e psnt Mleet Councils - ithan- The cause of the fire was flot de- On Wýednéësday evening in the' The fire was first notedI around Tnd lhe barrii was cvrd Bowmanville High...School the Dur- ;me o'clock from thie home of Mr. iyînur-c ham District Hiigh. Sehool Board Cro Tamnblyni- who immediatey1 The Orono Fire Lepartmnent ,stood miet wvitrersettii of the 8 phoned the Re instra home. At thi1b in case of a wind shift and a, mnunicipal councils whlo 'are £ormned lime the fire had plenty of headw\7ay1 thrieat to the driving shied or house1. in thie 1High SclioolAra A good representaîlon was present froma ail ýeighti miunicipalîties. Ifor the eveingi.. Mr, Alliri is chair- T w s i c o l A e Mr. Clae lunacedas hama the barn aa iis (conitents wiiici l- EM'AI 01lMe iiitiuLIiig i...çniîmee (IcLded2000 usLsIS0f mixed grain whIich was set up b-y the Board. ai atd fiepe-Mfne ahnrTe proposai tLo b-uîld three schiools- to be 25,000 was reseted ,ito the council cm Anig the cattie tïhat jji pjed ers, the schools -eiii-giii- southwxest To the Ralepayers in the fire was te hr only blj ~Tow lbrookand Clrke Twn-ýship Schlool Ai and lhIree purebred Aberdteen An- n1p r TheV ~ht 'tOrn.Board, having gýUS cows. After a discussion of the proposai penditures and rece the Board asked that each mtjnici- f'or the year 1959, w Thle f im emwticli startLed ai ap- paîity give tentative-aproyalat 1 Ïthe foîîowing for yû pr.oXîmately 2: 15 p.m., hadt been - their next reguWir meeting inýoi'der burning for over anl hour when that they' mîîy proceed with arrange Bu~dget ofT Operatinq~ spectators jeard a cow's cry Ïfrom ments to stIart the buildling prograin Estimated expenditt inside dhe butildiiing. - i Esimated Ileceipts- Alhough dcazed by 'the sudden-j loss jack Moruin said ihiat . ic barri and its contents were weil insured,i so chat hlfelt Ihis finiancial lossý R~obe. -also de-1 r ais utili 1)e Ucinpiemîeîieuaisu ii .LuUrajd juniors. stages iUthlIe Vilage,.for PeeWees -O----ofAMay tst, T undier as ef :Baseball .uea.gue! adu jyeanrs an2u May Isl- On WVednesday,, eveing ti New- Thýje age giý cail teLakeshore Mýlinor Base- -ed somewiiý bah- Assoiationi heid their annualiyear and il meelighen those presei e1ected Midgel c--ategý Mur 14-MKn]igh1l, Bowmianvillebu oenl ocry rias been left ut leave oul,t ai ae imits 1959' Bt ýs of The Clarke prov),ed b,- the Department of rea: cation. Tentative approval lias 'stdid he granted by the 4,2arke Tow, g suded heex- Council and by the Ontario lýj 'ipts anticipated1pal Board. The contracts hiave 7ishies.to wekrëent lut and construction cari beg 'ur i nfolnatn. soon as the Township Council ýC'ots fc gq i ai approval for the issuan ~~iresi d3 ebentures. -~The Board has requested a d, ........................................................................................00900' traisunfd DMllff l' i1 timte P w 7i ceed $41.2,00.00 and is sub4ect to cer-. tnnuaî grant î0o tain reductions tb be agreed upoit sectons in iithe choice of materials. achool Thein nFlcieed for these Jwo new This special' schools by Septemnber, 1959, is ur- ýd fromi $300. to Igent. Becýause we are in ani area7i includîng severi former school sec- hle 1958 assess- lions Ihie Provinci;al Grants really - T.$.A. of $ff,.~cvrteful cost of lthe annual vy will require pyel i5½%on Ithe20ea proximiately9.deelrs i erydebenlurýe paymnenls $6375.00 Programme fo~rguagrnof0 .3175 upcalganï'7 x ..500 3500.00 eetmg a1ddis- IThiIe -e ) f ithe childrenf lid bbuild may bi-e provided for,Ihie Bord's Lokiatsand dii veyhrgin il's pwe Dt wawn l4Ui M ie UCvetf-pesdn f Ielauefr159 ru ro Dybsbi. - -- yeaî-s was presentea wmiha pen isyned ffutiure expansion.The fat, We\Vuswe vmnay'have your as' outhfiiidd by the Enit.CclCreh a lce e nd pericil sel by mentbers of ihe sites have been purchased and the - operatin and support. chi (cold beweill over rîr rdAnî ae ooay M.Fe .Lct ersne udySclmool. i ditled Plans have beeri ap- 'The Clarke T. S. A. Board, - Pesdeil-Oono aite imeetling. _- _ _ 'eere reoIndmmf TenX mengof tho e laue Il ,wiii soon be ime ,for the Vil- 0 ft ýA cierial miaps and Nhe «wIlbe held on April 28h whn il laýge o)f Orono to prepare for 'the,4 % È1ursr Stge ate--r AdSw mi inu land boti from ish"pd Wht al npss ihibaebiseason and 10 determîine om vsua e fnli hve thieir entries in in the various the v-arîous ieamcs vhich lhey willj grouud, lite deves- cas. The eague Ibis year wl enter mbinthe league Ibis year. iexiend Lo ime easl. M____________ ________à______ Childrérsf t-wràs Aid Society 0f The FrOooEtm td$5,O seag hes. The areai The f îr of Consullig Engineers1 and east onCobdik The second aýi hee casi of Centre str-eel 10Mai igIrway 11,5 and flo- i . J a~ r~. fMarshaL, Mackiin, AMonaghan ohaeoul compete 1the sulh of nd aliplast a haîf imile south 0f lihe 4, hand fro lI me . t sx hI 1 . O I e . L . U £ ~ ~ 1 , f U J . . ' e f g L i mild sggesed for the V illage of the V illge ad ong w ih M Eii Street, h r l w ul e i g o e Isl -11eý fl t he. bl of__________ Orono on Mlonday evenjing, ai four- iri lImýe north and Park sîreel. The as reomrie y Dr. Bemry of Aih~ lhe aes o den- Tpaia nuhg-deýtonFebruary 1919 when lhe resign-ect. phiase 1plan ifor bo)th supplying vwal-third phase when comipleltwouild the Oitarlio %Waterl esu cComr-. ~r i t i a tcie. of officers of lMe Cbilden's-.Aid Dr.James T. Daley, mwho is 5îi c o ani)forsewage tcollcl(-ioiiandi s.upply wler b Cýhurchi street rirth, Imisonrhis phase of swg an sbciely Of [bbc Uniled Couruecs okrm bed in this areas servedl as disposé. ïoherctin east of Mill sîreel and disposai is eslimnated to cost stage is drcl4cti ast ofpMace Twesdy evnirg, March31, superendment from 1919 unail hs In their lisIof recominendalrions and the EHillcrest Drive area alng $W6413.78. The secondphase woui it on the nast ide of 115 l rn alo oilHptntddhh r 94 hr u a olwd1 Ie Police Vliethey ireco- wih crucéon of a 250,000 gallon service the remainder of Imesul rlh to aciie opposite ýChurcb. by M1r. K,. Hodgert wvho, with the miended thalithe Village consuit eievaled waler storage. 'The fourth of Oronio, Park 'slreet anid Mi!! etery, Within this stageassac of his w-if e, serv-ed froinmàwîh the WVater Resources C-'omis- Phase wyould supply water 10 lthe sIreet. Phase three, Cuirch street )1n oï iandI for,-a public The Chilren's Aid Sociely ws1934 until Mlarch 19413, and upon bis sion concerning ffinaricing for the Main street north area. niorbh, sections easi )f NMili sireet whicli would b-e needed nfirsi organized by a group of inier-riM oM~ .B inea-first phase of water and sewage n TeEgnesetmtdlm oi nilm iirs ra hs or i-coplilnof stage 2.eidclznsi-oor nMac etdtePositionnand bas served the Viage. The total cost of tIs for each phas eas foiows: Minsireet north. wvas pointed Out ....Q 895, and a committewas formedince ",,,rthal tino. Mre Finnie ias nomr phase which would provide a so)mgd Phase 1 including pumnp- C's,)simaesona phased devel- ree stages fromi a cen- ýin Port Hope in 1908. iserveti as superiniendent longer framnework for complete wacter- sup- 1 ing; station)------$6309 pei basis for sewvage are as foi- Ths w omlte eeu-than any previous officer. ply and sewrage disposai amiounted Phase - ...---..--------5,06.9 ows: ~MERIA ~Tebbwocidres id Sou- I b $152,774.73. In breakîig ibis fi- Phse3 (ncudîng uic- Phase 1iNcuding sw 10 fbpm e o heCilre' Ad Wbile rnost of lthe wormlu r, gr on 0ayual os fpa- v d' tank)........1042Y age lagoangand g,~ aheiengineesgre- I cîcyi0foNorthmberlandoan Dur-I . " ig, te engneeVsof Nol huiberIc i ic and vur us ycVars vêts the actual care 0fiing iierest, rctirng tie capital anti Phase 41............ ...... 25126.87 tank, sewer..............$76,413.78 Iaddiltonal 9 acres of hami in 1915. Previous to Ibis lme,' hIlnfrom hbroken o-r lunforiun- paying op)erationis it amoulnbed -o Phase 2 ....-.............. 77,850,121 be dfiza efr a il la thougitm m,ok a donc by!ae homes, approximatciy 36 per $14,196.3 forbath s'ervices SpiéaU . $26,486.31 Phase 3....... ........ 27,972.34 area andi they tentaîiv- \voluniiteers andi if any payraent was ýent 0fflthe work ioday is of a -prev- over a 30 yýear p)eriod. . Phase 41................... 33,51.31 a setio whch ould md for- serv-ices, il vus on a Pari entative n!ature. Even wih ibis n- TiA OT ___ o thme Ibree stages of in bases. crease ini preveniative Wo1Jiç,~ cases - WATE R The total esiimatcd cost of waier kecpment and uaces Mr.J.W. Eickle mwas lIme first have risen from approximi-atély 14l0 -TeEgier ha rpseio 26,8.1incdo e watr for 26e075 ïsS1cic rsiet r.R ryr-cIldren in care ini 1943 xwhn Mr, weh1l and pump l)station jusi no1rth, of cdomesiic use ai frfepupss 1 lt\was pointýed oudinihe Engin- NOUSTRIAL ording sretary, an Mr. . G. v E.'Fni 10 vr naprxmt eNire Sirei atils casteri etrm-wib ahi hydrant installations, ecors brief ihiat il appeared ïlmai the intc ouilIma appoxi- Mn se w astersI fudil-e a . Eiy18,lireMa mMptstlieity. I) the lirsi phase waicr wouid! The ele-ated tank would bc con- Village could finance now wvork's - be u ha prx es& ci ae nocso e available 1o housce along Centre structed casi of Highway 115 in lIme frm$1-10,000.00 Io $17,5,000,00. Thtis epl oy tecitontanouac-Sltr Mrins died sudeny t, 1gone as high as 2M.streci and Main streel south of, area of Proposed future devehop- is based on 20% 10 25%,,,of thme asses- einýyc nîeIin idsdel tte Centre St. to Somnerville Drive.Tmn. seti vaiue of landt and poperty in ries andt chat coýnse->Ildge aller servirig for only a few T'he society, now; employa- seven Iiné%wouid Iben extend aiong Soma- SEWAÇE sthe illage and of course i on aip- 1acres of industrial moinths and Rev. T. D. MýcCull1ough 1 persns fil lime, in additia on 0 he erville Drive 10 lIme proposed iew T -h, firs stage of sewage collee- proval of the Onrar-io Mulnicipal bc required in addition"served from Jantiary 1916 - until- superilitendent. 1sireel north 10 Cobbleclick anid westyi n a-d dsposai commences again jBoard, ser've .trlc b plan] poU- lImaI lard shoi ~comni~urch cb 1~cahi be-ee~Rla U, jiîg1' quert lard Subscription $1.50

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