eSsi. !PuZ 1 iidV 'AQGSbIH.L 83WIJL A-1>IBM ONOUO ORONO/WEEKLV TrIMEs..TH-URSDAY, APRIL 2nd, -195q .. Point System In Ontario Now In Ef awarded counties reaehing 1O 2,000 and 3,000 policies infrc during 1958. In the first groupjý) ct 1Pe and Wentworth countieis ýj.p-orkhOford, alton A N ' ' - - - ceîv u Uv4,IL,.,c,, mb. on ved f the OA andcountis the sole winner I the 2,000 pl Kvc rom th 1A a d O !Y icy in force class, and SimeQe, G ey -Th politsytembeii, iiiýo;feeiýitoti inthefothcini, a nd Huron counities have achievedýî 74cz;e::aro s tenY13000 or more policies in force. Tie pmntof Tranisport."-t isfintro- Mý,idd(lesex, Waterloo and!Peter- Scud'lie told delegateS to ithe On-',boro.ugh ýouiity inisurance commit- tario Federation of AgrI-iculture's1 tees reported on their successes dur-Fa m seodinsur-an'ce Coniference, "flot Il)t- past year, anid the mneans by Fa m om to %, 'tk ,wyte iess poor which their success was achivd drvrbut to enicourage ail drivers D)elegates also heard reports on the Pr v iD ng rou (0 riv e more carefuilly." y-ear's businieseof Co-operators In- P o e 1suranice Association iný the casualty Mr. Laybouri2 addressed degt nrwifgfield, as weli as a es tfrom county federations' insur- reporIýt on the CIA 1f e nsurance The farmi home is one of -cte n ~ tmmitee ata lnchon ekiprogrami by Andrew Hebb, General danigerous aeso h hl am iii Toronto. H-e expressed the appre- age of the CIA, an-d Imorýe accidents occur !linihke ciationi of the Departmneft of Trans- KiI(iîe ihu in ail other roorns in ýpor forthe o-opratin beng chievemenit crtif cat5Fwere 'he lhme comibined A arge part o1 por fo th coopeatifl ein re _______________________these home accidents result fiýre _________________________faldI, which while flot usuaiiy fatal, Hitchhiker Las the, lait I4ERE'S 1-1W VOU IBEKÊ'eJ-F. BV DOIt4G lit, ALL. VOUR SHOPPING »AL When you buy from your hometown merchants you geft 1. HONEST VALUES r 7. FREEDOM FROM ROAD 2. AMPLE SELECTION IAAD 3INSTANT DELIVERY, e . EUIMINATION 0F COSTLY SEVC N -JSMN PARKING PROULEMS SERVIE AO ~9. AVOIDANCE OF JOSTLIt4O -4. MORE PERSONAL AND ROD whel.eyve you bave home to drive those long ndks CITYLon a shopping trip, that burily îadi- vidual wth thebig apptite gosaong" your expense. H'e represents the constant drain on your shopping dollas ini the cost of gasoline and oit, tire and car depreiation, parking fees, dented fenders and other hazacds of big-town traffic. When you add up ail ho -----------------------------------------------------------i--.. costly than buying the identical items f romr yourt local merchants. And think of the physical beating you avoid and the time you save by buying here atj home. .- Always try your local sources of supply first ... for all-arounid satisfaction that wil Iast. i - - I t -~ '5 >7 This r vlaugh f '~A v i 6 ) medical biil Mos5t of these falls are a resui.t çot JWright, ?arm Safety Specialist, On*t tario Departmnert of Agricult\xc*e.- :oro us like to admit to bing, cerless, but wýe probabiy al iapse- at on (iiic eoi a~thr it is wmuck easiertotu place those Jars onuhe scodstep, instead of cr'ig thýem .4own io the basement; w Iully intend to take themdwi next .time we're going. Unfortunate- iy, this temporary storage becomes_ a handy spot for overshoes, basket%, a handy spot for overshoes, besketaU,, the dustmnop, antd a hall a- dozeieý other things that make it hatdly worth a separaté trip to the base- ment Ail goes well until you -ae carrying that large carton down thbe stairs and suddeniy there is no staùr. but a fruit jar under you~r foot and you're on the roller coaster- Remember that falis are one u the main classes of accidents and4 cause a,. great number of brokeit bones anad medical bills. Be caret-I and don't have a fall this spring. Pasture For Swine iNewest idea in Ontaçio' pasture research is to tailon a pasture s~s fically to a kind of Iivestock. ,Take the foliowing two new .hog pastý- ures, for instance. On 8:2:1.0. pound seedling per acre of alaif a, ladino, and bromegrasat,> not only provides a high proteïii pasture, and saves on conoentraite> but is "root r-esistanit" as weii1. A,-- acre of this sod whien weli estab- lished, can carry Up to 20 growiing- hogs. One caution: hold the oat coma- panion crop seeding clown to o-ne bushel per acre and har-ves-t it eariy at the boot stage or graze ft donwith cattie. This allows the- new seeding- to thicken and bettew resist hog nooting. Try seeding rape for a temnporary-ý, pasture to be used either as an era- ergency or a fuil-season pa-stixre foDr hogs l3radc (tiordrill 4 pounds Per- acre in) solid plantings andpa- ture whien the crop is 22 inchles hg Tests hae sowntht if the ps. ure is 1cmpetey r&.d ow (lowertiiaiithe 4-eaf stge), h rape won't reoverand w'11 have to be reseeded ini July for LauJ pa- ture. B'oth of thýese h-og pst ureýs arïe recmmedcdin Regions A, Bailà 1D of Ontario. See your wlocal A.-gri- cýultiural RepresentIative for- die lat- est details on pasture rcmed aàtion]s in your region. 25 VEARS FOR DRUNK DI~ About two yea4rs ago a drunken driver- in one ussian city who i- jured two pedestnians was jailed for ~'25 yeai'5. In another city, a durnken driver whi killed a. man was sent- enoed, to death. Punishment, no matter what tihe chimne, is apt to bc sever in Rusia- Nonetheless, without going so far as Russia, if we were to aot~g~ er penalties for traffic law viilatïton we soom.would develop more rspeCt for our traffic laws and e. hgh- ways would be much safer.